This is GREAT...America's Got Talent is BACK! Can you tell I'm excited? It's a real bright spot in the summer TV scene. It has about everything you can imagine...singing, magic, dancing, ventriloquist, yo-yos, tumbling, eating glass (??? seriously), putting hooks into the nose and out the mouth (no kidding). The hokey guy that used to be a chicken catcher who comes on and sings all the way from the tips of his toes and makes you about cry. It's just a lot more interesting that that Idol offense!!
We're gearing up for a houseful of kids and grandkids this weekend...YAY!!!! The plan at this time is that we'll all go to the fireworks together. I don't remember that last time even the girls, Jon, and I went together. It will be SO FUN. Then there will probably be some swimming pool time on Sunday at least for the kids. We both have Friday off so that will give me a chance to finish what I need to do.
Thought for the day
Okay, I'm finally on facebook. Several friends have warned me that it's very addictive. That's just what I need...another thing to eat up my time and attention. My plan is to keep it light and constructive. If I can't do that, I may have to put the brakes on the whole thing. We'll see! I don't know about you, but I have to be careful about what I let get a hold on me. It's far too easy to let my days be eaten up by things that are fairly meaningless. Be on your guard. "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." Proverbs 4:23
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I hope you have a great week ahead and stay safe!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The End Does Come
Wow...I guess even the famous die. Whether by a long road of suffering or in a sudden, unexpected way, death does come calling on EVERYONE. It is sobering no matter what your opinion of Farrah or Michael. We would all do well to look at the management of our own lives and realize that we will each be responsible for the life we've been given. There will be a time when we go from this realm into eternity. Let's concentrate on the things that will be important then! Thankfully, they are precious the Lord with all our heart, soul, and strength and love one another. Remember what's important!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Legos, Really?
Thought for the day
There's nothing like Midwest! We're always thankful when the storm has passed and all is well, but it always make me realize how great God's power is when a weather system comes through and there is nothing anyone can do to change it. We can be grateful that his love and power are on our side!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Back From Kansas City
We had a great weekend in Kansas City! We found our hotel first and had a really great clerk there who told us what to see and how to get there. We went about 5 miles south to a plaza area. It was raining lightly so we got out to take some pictures of a fountain then headed back to the van. We worked our way back north toward out hotel and stopped at Union Station. What a beautiful building and fountain outside! We went to the traveling Narnia exhibit that was showing there which was really cool...lots of props and costumes used in the movies, falling "snow" as you enter through the wardrobe door, models of a castle, a waterfall of ice, very cool stuff. We went through the skywalk over to Crown Center (Hallmark headquarters) with a ton of specialty shops and restaurants. There was an exhibit called "The Art of Brick" where an artist had done sculptures and pictures built entirely of Legos...really unbelievable! We went to a BBQ place for supper and dessert. On Sunday we went to the ball game and watched the St. Louis Cardinals beat Kansas City Royals 12 to 5. It was oppressively hot, but we were blessed by sitting in the shade starting about game time. Then the drive home. I haven't downloaded from the cameras yet, so I should have pictures to share later in the week.
Thanks again, kids, for the great gift!!
And, by the way, Tre's wrist is feeling well again...YAY!!
Thought for the day
It's getting late, but hopefully I'll have something later in the week! Remember when you were SO TIRED of winter and couldn't wait for it to warm up? Well, hope you're loving it!
Thanks again, kids, for the great gift!!
And, by the way, Tre's wrist is feeling well again...YAY!!
Thought for the day
It's getting late, but hopefully I'll have something later in the week! Remember when you were SO TIRED of winter and couldn't wait for it to warm up? Well, hope you're loving it!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Sorry for the wrong info...Tre's wrist is still quite sore. Please pray for him to heal quickly!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Even though we already had a birthday party, today Tre turns 7!! WOW!! These pictures are from Tuesday night's party. Tre was pretty excited to put on his new camouflage outfit and these animals came in a set from Bass Pro Shop...Tre's favorite store! I've NEVER seen a 7 year old boy excited about clothes for a birthday gift, but he had asked for them and was glad to get them!
Today was a memorable birthday for him since he ended up at the ER. He had jumped off of a swing, and his arm hurt, and he wouldn't use it. Xrays checked out okay after all, and he was feeling much better by afternoon. Nobody wants a cast for their birthday!!
More good news...Greg had an EMG test today and the nerve is still improving!! The doctor did not expect to see that progress, but it has definitely improved. It could take another year or more for it to heal completely, and he mustn't be aggravating it, but they expect it to continue to heal!!! YAY!!! He will never take the use of an arm for granted again!! I don't think any of us will after watching what he's gone through.
Thought for the day
God is working. God is still answering prayers. Even when you see no progress; even when nothing seems to change; God is working in more ways and places than we would dare to hope...if we ask. His timetable is often different from mine, and His outcomes aren't always my first choice, but let's never fail to ask for the miracle or the thing dearest to our hearts. Let's never be guilty of "having not because we ask not". ALWAYS ASK. KEEP ASKING. TRUST HIM!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TABBI!!! And Tre, too! These are pictures from our "combination" birthday party tonight for Tabbi, 30, and Tre. We love you!! Tre picked Burger King for supper and we had birthday cake afterwards. Tre was excited to get gifts from Bass Pro Shop...more about that on HIS birthday! Anyway, a great time was had by all...thanks for coming!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Birthday Week
My day started with a phone call from my office giving me a heads up that the grain inspector was there. Fortunately, it went fact I had a perfect inspection. That's the kind I like!!! We met with good friends tonight to plan for starting up a Bible study again in the fall. We're really looking forward to it...there may be another couple joining us that we have only barely met. I hope that works out for them.
Tomorrow is a VERY special day...Tabbi turns 30!! I can't be this old?!! The plan right now is that they will be coming over to go to supper and celebrate her and Tre's birthday. His will be on Thursday, and he will be seven! I apparently can't find a recent pic of Tabbi and Tre together...I need to fix that!
Thought for the day
I always look forward to family birthday celebrations. It's always special to celebrate the person and another year in the life. It changes some with time, though. With the kids you celebrate that they are a year older, stronger, bigger, more mature. Then there is a span of time when the person having the birthday isn't so sure another year older is a good thing...I'm here to tell you it's all good!! Later in life you begin to feel really grateful that you had another year and for the health and strength you have. People you grew up with start having heart attacks, cancer, even some deaths, and you realize that you really do have so much to be thankful for and each year becomes a badge of honor and something to rejoice! Hang in gets better!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Out With the Old
Tabbi and I had our garage sale yesterday. We couldn't have done it without Jon's help with setup and tear down and, of course, the all-important breakfast run. Tre started his sales career by selling bottles of water. At the beginning of the week he thought they should sell for $100,000.00 each. When push came to shove he settled for $20.00 apiece. He was willing to haggle and negotiate and they sold for between 25 cents and $1.00 each. He was a little disappointed by that, but was pretty happy when he had over $10.00 at the end of the day. We still have a lot of little boy clothes and a lot of my kitchen extras, so we may try again and hopefully we'll have some of Jon's and Trever's stuff to sell, too.
After putting it all away around 4:00 the boys got their motorcycle rides, Tabbi got groceries, and the boys fell asleep with both of their heads in my lap watching Rescue Heroes. I was SO tired and am still fighting that today. Jon's been away all afternoon and an attempt at a nap was mostly unsuccessful, but I did a lot of laundry and some cleaning. I switched purses which is always a lift for me. I'm sure I need to start some supper...could use a little inspiration.
Today our new interim pastor Roger Manning preached for the first time. He seems to have a really good heart and we're excited to have him and his wife Jodie. This week we'll be planning what we want to do in Kansas City next weekend. We're excited to be going. THANKS AGAIN to all our kids--perfect idea!!
Thought for the day
It's very therapeutic to sort out the old stuff. It helps me think about what I need, what's important, what I want to spend my time on. This time it has made me want to spend my time well. I can't say I really did that today, but I did have some quiet time and that was okay. I hope to do well, but I think I may need a more concrete plan...specifics that help steer me the right direction. I think I need to give that more thought. All of you have a great week!
After putting it all away around 4:00 the boys got their motorcycle rides, Tabbi got groceries, and the boys fell asleep with both of their heads in my lap watching Rescue Heroes. I was SO tired and am still fighting that today. Jon's been away all afternoon and an attempt at a nap was mostly unsuccessful, but I did a lot of laundry and some cleaning. I switched purses which is always a lift for me. I'm sure I need to start some supper...could use a little inspiration.
Today our new interim pastor Roger Manning preached for the first time. He seems to have a really good heart and we're excited to have him and his wife Jodie. This week we'll be planning what we want to do in Kansas City next weekend. We're excited to be going. THANKS AGAIN to all our kids--perfect idea!!
Thought for the day
It's very therapeutic to sort out the old stuff. It helps me think about what I need, what's important, what I want to spend my time on. This time it has made me want to spend my time well. I can't say I really did that today, but I did have some quiet time and that was okay. I hope to do well, but I think I may need a more concrete plan...specifics that help steer me the right direction. I think I need to give that more thought. All of you have a great week!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Maybe Tomorrow
It's just been a weird day for some reason. Got to meet Tabbi for lunch, which was fun, but the rest of the day seemed strange or something. My back has been acting up lately, and work just seemed stressful today. We had an "early shopper" come by and take some of the stuff we were putting on the garage sale...YAY!! Then we had an unexpected visitor. Jon is still really tired from working Monday bed soon, I hope.
Thought for the day
I think I need to go to bed...maybe tomorrow will be more normal? Or something? I'm glad that God knows what He's doing when I don't know what I'm doing!!
Thought for the day
I think I need to go to bed...maybe tomorrow will be more normal? Or something? I'm glad that God knows what He's doing when I don't know what I'm doing!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Hey, guys, what's new? Jon went out on call last night from about 5:30 till after 8:00. Then he was called out again about 1:30 in the morning and had to work till 11:00 even though Monday is his "day off". He worked at Brad's in the afternoon and went to bed before 8:00...I would think so!! Me, I'm just doing nothing (at least in comparison to Jon). Tabbi and I have a pile of stuff to put on the garage sale Saturday...I hope we know what we're doing!!
Thought for the day
Life brings change...some of it we like, some of it we don't. One thing for sure changes will come. I have to remind myself sometimes that the changes that surprise me never surprise God. He is always and forever going ahead of us, preparing our way. I am grateful to know that He has everything in His hand and nothing catches Him off guard.
Thought for the day
Life brings change...some of it we like, some of it we don't. One thing for sure changes will come. I have to remind myself sometimes that the changes that surprise me never surprise God. He is always and forever going ahead of us, preparing our way. I am grateful to know that He has everything in His hand and nothing catches Him off guard.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Sorting Through the Stuff
Jon spent the day working at Brad's so I thought I would have time to read, write, and get some stuff ready for garage sale. But it took almost all day to get the garage sale stuff sorted through. I have some pieces that you could call "vintage" (or old, if you like). Tabbi will bring lots of boy clothes and the like...more updates as I have them! FYI the garage sale will be next Saturday, June 13...don't miss it!! Unless, of course, you live 500 miles away...then you are excused :)
Thought for the day
It's good to sometimes "sort through" our stuff...not just our house stuff, but our inside stuff. Take a fresh look at our attitude, our free time, our recreation, the way we relate to others, our habits, our indulgences, our ability to forgive and love others. Maybe it's time to let the word of God and the Holy Spirit clean house and and sort out the stuff we don't need anymore. Take the will be worth it.
Thought for the day
It's good to sometimes "sort through" our stuff...not just our house stuff, but our inside stuff. Take a fresh look at our attitude, our free time, our recreation, the way we relate to others, our habits, our indulgences, our ability to forgive and love others. Maybe it's time to let the word of God and the Holy Spirit clean house and and sort out the stuff we don't need anymore. Take the will be worth it.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Fast Week

Aren't these just the cutest kids? These are some more pix from Memorial Day weekend...enjoy!
How did it get to be Thursday already??!! I met with a friend last night who had asked me to team with her having a women's small group at the trailer court in town on Wednesday nights. Last night we just met together...hopefully start next week. I hope we can be a help and light there. I need to finish some laundry stuff and hope to get some things ready for the garage sale Tabbi and I are planning for June 13. Hopefully this will work out...finding more stuff...I mean sell. I hope you're all having a great week.
Thought for the day
Just an update...our prayer group on Sunday morning is going well. Numbers vary a little, but that isn't the part we're concerned about. I'm really pleased to find that as the week progresses and we don't know what direction to take the next week, I'll pray about it as I think of it, and then it comes...a plan that feels like more than just a good idea. And so far we sense His leading. You always say it's count on it being there when you'll need it...but SO cool when it happens! Thank You, Lord. Lead on in all the areas of our lives!
Monday, June 1, 2009
It's June!!
Hey, it's June already!! Summer, a couple of birthdays in our family, lots of sun, fun stuff. Jon had the day off and worked a project till he realized he didn't have all the right parts, so that will be finished another day. I hope you all have great summers planned...we have a couple of fun things ahead...YAY!!...and bike rides and target shooting in between. How about you?
Thought for the day
We look forward to this time every year...warmth, sun, and fun. At the same time we need to keep focus and stay with the good habits we have started and take opportunities to start some more good habits. It's a good time to get more exercise, less TV, maybe read more, whatever is a treat to you and fit these things into your new schedule. With all these possibilities don't lose sight of the MAIN THING. One of our favorite quotes from Ron Dotzler is "the MAIN THING is to keep the MAIN THING the MAIN THING!! Of course the MAIN THING is Jesus, for Himself! Keep your perspective!!
Thought for the day
We look forward to this time every year...warmth, sun, and fun. At the same time we need to keep focus and stay with the good habits we have started and take opportunities to start some more good habits. It's a good time to get more exercise, less TV, maybe read more, whatever is a treat to you and fit these things into your new schedule. With all these possibilities don't lose sight of the MAIN THING. One of our favorite quotes from Ron Dotzler is "the MAIN THING is to keep the MAIN THING the MAIN THING!! Of course the MAIN THING is Jesus, for Himself! Keep your perspective!!
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