It's been a busy week. Jon started physical therapy and is spending about 3 hours a day on doing his water therapy and exercises. He's very diligent! There is still a lot of swelling in his hand which we hope to see improve soon. Wednesday night I went to my ladies' group. Last night we were invited out for supper to a really great new restaurant...Tony's BBQ Bistro in Walnut. The food was REALLY good, and the spinach artichoke dip appetizer was the best I've ever tried. It's a small place with very personal service. Tonight we went to a casual get together for Jon's work that was very nice, too!
Tomorrow we go to Tre's first basketball game, and it will be great fun. We have plans for Sunday afternoon and evening, too...we're invited to Greg and Megan's for a visit. Jon will be busy just fitting in his therapy!
Thought for the day
I was comparing some scriptures the other day and was looking at the verse 1 Peter 2:11. In the NASB it reads "...abstain from fleshly lusts, which wage war against the soul." Now "fleshly lusts" makes me think of the bad know, the kinds of sins that you think you'd never commit. But now read it in The Message..."Don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul." Ouch! That hits a lot closer to home! That is addressing my attitude, my pride (again), my thought life, my patience, my...myself! So every unkind thought, word, or action is an indulgence of my ego and costs the welfare of my soul in every instance. Okay, then I remember Romans 13:14 "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts." There it is again...lusts of the flesh. Though The Message takes that verse a different direction, I should think that we can make the connection that we should not make any provision for our egos. For one thing, that seems to point to being very aware of our motives...why do we do or say what we do or say? Do we try to be noticed or take an upper hand? Do we pick our associations or activities based on the opinions of others? Do we live our lives to make an impression on someone else? All these things would be making provision for our egos. Instead, "put on" the Lord Jesus Christ...become the servant of all, prefer others over ourselves, and show mercy as we've been shown mercy. All these heart changes begin with a decision...a definite line in the sand...but are also moment by moment surrenders of the will and will require a lifestyle of dependence on the Holy Spirit. Isn't that what Jesus has had in mind all along...a lifestyle of dependence on Him? He loves us enough to make real life impossible without Him.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Yesterday was Harvestfest in Harlan. Tabbi and the boys were over for a while for costume contest, games, free hot dogs, and trick or treating uptown. It was colder than we thought and finally started raining so we left before the parade...I'm not even sure whether they had the parade as it kep raining. We went to see "Where the Wild Things Are" last night...didn't like it much. Certainly not for young kids. Don't think we'll be buying that one, but the good news is "Ice Age 3" comes out on DVD this THAT'S fun! Firiday night we went to the Step Up To Life banquet in Omaha with Poggensee's and Dallas, meeting Jim Greve there. Lois had to work and Kathy had a migraine :( Very nice evening. Tonight we may be going to a concert at Hansen Bros Coffee.
Thought for the day
Everything I read is pointing me to humility and loving and serving others unreservedly. I was reading 1 Peter chapter 2...lay it all aside...that being offenses, sins, misjudgments, bad choices, stupidity, malice, deceit, envy, slander, hypocrisy...mine and everyone else's. Exteding grace. Having tasted His love, "now drink deep". Don't indulge my ego at the expense of my soul. (The Message) That really gets my atttention. In the NASB it reads "abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul." That makes me think of more obvious outward sins, but "don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul" puts things in a different light. Now (again) we're talking about my ego, my pride, and my attitude. We are to honor all, love the brotherhood, and submit. All of this helps to contribute to the joy of obedience and fellowship and dependence on Jesus.
Thought for the day
Everything I read is pointing me to humility and loving and serving others unreservedly. I was reading 1 Peter chapter 2...lay it all aside...that being offenses, sins, misjudgments, bad choices, stupidity, malice, deceit, envy, slander, hypocrisy...mine and everyone else's. Exteding grace. Having tasted His love, "now drink deep". Don't indulge my ego at the expense of my soul. (The Message) That really gets my atttention. In the NASB it reads "abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul." That makes me think of more obvious outward sins, but "don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul" puts things in a different light. Now (again) we're talking about my ego, my pride, and my attitude. We are to honor all, love the brotherhood, and submit. All of this helps to contribute to the joy of obedience and fellowship and dependence on Jesus.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Finally a day of sunshine!! It's quite windy, but I did get the windows cleaned today. They were really dirty, and I feel much better to have them done. Now I'm waiting for the screens to dry so I can put them back in...then I'm done! Jon seems to feel better today...he went out to the farm for a while and that was a good change of scenery for him. I'm finally feeling a little bit caught up, but still somewhat congested and having a scratchy throat. I still need to get the the store, too. Then it will be back to another work week. That shouldn't sound so sad, but somehow it does. I hope your week will be a good one!!
Thought for the day
I think I need a nap...
Thought for the day
I think I need a nap...
Friday, October 16, 2009

More pictures from the weekend...can you tell we had a good time? Jon's kind of uncomfortable and miserable tonight. An added bonus, our furnace isn't working. Hopefully someone can come fix it tomorrow. We'll have boys for a while tomorrow...probably bundled under blankets watching cartoons till the furnace gets fixed. Hope you all have a great (and warm) weekend!
Thought for the day
I've had a sense that God is up to something, and it's true. There's been a shift in my heart, and He's doing something new. It shouldn't be new...humility should have been playing a greater part for years now, but the truth is, it's been lacking. I've been full of my own brand of pride, and He's broken it...I hope completely. This is one of those things I want to stay broken. I'll let the repairman stay busy with the furnace...leave the "me" broken, please.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Here it've all been waiting...THE SACK RACE!!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Busy Week
It's been a busy week. On Thursday last week we went to Jon's doctor and he got the splint off. He got a short cast that stops below the elbow which is more comfortable, but he's still not sleeping well. On Friday we went to Grand Forks. We went to Emmy's soccer's true...she tackles the kids on the other team...IT'S HYSTERICAL!! Sunday we went to a pumpkin patch and had a great time. I have video of the sack race...anticipation...
Thought for the day
I'm reading, or rather, using a book titled "Oxygen Deep Breathing for the Soul". The title makes me think of Emmy ("I took a deep breath"). It's pretty cool. You supposed to do only one chapter per week focusing on the selected passage of Scripture and then doing some exercises with each one to help you hear from God and apply what you've read. Amazingly (not), the first week's passage went right along with the things that God has been showing me lately about relationships. He sure does have a way of making Himself heard if we care to listen!
Thought for the day
I'm reading, or rather, using a book titled "Oxygen Deep Breathing for the Soul". The title makes me think of Emmy ("I took a deep breath"). It's pretty cool. You supposed to do only one chapter per week focusing on the selected passage of Scripture and then doing some exercises with each one to help you hear from God and apply what you've read. Amazingly (not), the first week's passage went right along with the things that God has been showing me lately about relationships. He sure does have a way of making Himself heard if we care to listen!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
No Passing Zone
We had a busy least the last half. Friday night we stayed home and were just glad to be inside. It was cold, rainy, windy, and homecoming...eewww. We slept late on Saturday, went to breakfast, then took off after lunch to drive a couple of hours to a wedding. Congrats to Matt and Katie!!! Today we went to church, then Greg, Megan, Tabbi, and boys all arrived and we took my mom with to lunch. Had a surprise visit this afternoon from Dawn and Ashley (all grown up and here by herself!). Jon and I went for a short walk after everyone left, and now I have to decide what to do about supper. Jon did pretty well riding in the car and I think next weekend will go fine if we plan on several stops to stretch and rearrange. Looking ahead now to that trip...YAY!!!
Thought for the day
God is continuing to work me over and show me the same things again and again to help me let go of areas of self and pride that would hinder His work in and through me. I'm trying to just let Him work and make no excuses or justification for my sin. I want to call it a different word, but the truth is that it's sin. To know the right thing and not do it is sin. He didn't ask if I felt like it, wanted to, or was so inclined...He just said to do it. I don't get a "pass" based on my temperament, age, hormone levels, state of physical health, history, genetics, circumstance, or the amount of sleep I get. It's time to put up or shut up. That doesn't mean I'm on my own...the Creator of heaven and earth is standing by to do through me what "I" am unable to do. BUT I must relinquish my right to say no and let Him do it. How about you?
Thought for the day
God is continuing to work me over and show me the same things again and again to help me let go of areas of self and pride that would hinder His work in and through me. I'm trying to just let Him work and make no excuses or justification for my sin. I want to call it a different word, but the truth is that it's sin. To know the right thing and not do it is sin. He didn't ask if I felt like it, wanted to, or was so inclined...He just said to do it. I don't get a "pass" based on my temperament, age, hormone levels, state of physical health, history, genetics, circumstance, or the amount of sleep I get. It's time to put up or shut up. That doesn't mean I'm on my own...the Creator of heaven and earth is standing by to do through me what "I" am unable to do. BUT I must relinquish my right to say no and let Him do it. How about you?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Answers to Prayer
We got some very good news today...Jon does not have a rotator cuff tear!! We're very thankful that he won't be going through that kind of repair. We made a couple of other stops and had lunch at Applebee's before we came home. BYW, Applebee's oriental chicken salad is a huge winner!! I went back to work for about 3 hours this afternoon...ready to print statements in the morning.
Thought for the day
Continuing from yesterday...God is really pulling my chain. He's showing me the nastiness that still exists in me. I believe He's answering a prayer that I've been praying. It was from a devotional book by A.W. Tozer, and the prayer is that He would "make known and take from my heart every kind and form and degree of pride, whether it be from evil spirits or my own corrupt nature and that He would awaken...humility..." The new realization of a person's own pride in some area is quite painful and certainly humbling. Not fun... God, have Your way and do Your work. Don't waste this...accomplish all that You want to do. On the bright side, He's answering this prayer as well as the one that Jon's rotator cuff isn't torn...THANK YOU!!!
Thought for the day
Continuing from yesterday...God is really pulling my chain. He's showing me the nastiness that still exists in me. I believe He's answering a prayer that I've been praying. It was from a devotional book by A.W. Tozer, and the prayer is that He would "make known and take from my heart every kind and form and degree of pride, whether it be from evil spirits or my own corrupt nature and that He would awaken...humility..." The new realization of a person's own pride in some area is quite painful and certainly humbling. Not fun... God, have Your way and do Your work. Don't waste this...accomplish all that You want to do. On the bright side, He's answering this prayer as well as the one that Jon's rotator cuff isn't torn...THANK YOU!!!
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