The interview focused on the failure of the church to share the good news of grace in favor of setting standards of behavior modification which results in legalism and desperation. I must heartily agree.
No matter how convinced I am about the truth of God's grace filling all things and being sufficient to meet and redeem every sin and evil, I can so easily find myself thinking in terms of my own works and performance. Am I the only one? Having an intimate relationship with Christ is not achieved by more Bible reading, more prayer, or more church attendance and service. We think that God will be more pleased with us if we work harder, improve our character, give more of our time, clean up all our personal habits, become kind, patient, and just like Jesus. But all we succeed in doing is living by our own strength, which only lasts about 27 1/2 minutes on a good day.
When will we be completely convinced that what matters isn't what we do for God, but what He's already done for us? He has accomplished all and offers it to us freely by His grace. He gives His very own Spirit to move right in and take over, and if we would follow His voice all of God's will would be fulfilled in our lives. It's His work in us, and we can do nothing of value that contributes to the outcome.
The best we can do is to stop trying and fall into His arms of grace which never fail. Let's admit our weakness, our failings, our sin, and our inability to be faithful and come humbly to His grace which will provide all for us. Blessings and grace to you all!