Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Lord, I need a fresh start, a new year...I'm ready.
May Your Spirit blow a fresh wind through my soul and
clear out all that is old, stale, and reeking of the world.
The course of my reading on this last day of 2014
is about how Hezekiah began reforms in Judah
that led to a great revival.
It just so happens that they began the process on
the first day of the new year.
Me too.
How do You want me to start?

My child, we will begin where Hezekiah began---cleansing the Temple of all the defiled things that have collected there.  Over time your mind and heart absorb the influences of the world.  Bring your heart to Me just as it is and let My Spirit and My word cleanse away all that is false in your perceptions, attitudes, and opinions.  I will purify your eyes to see what I see and to hear as I hear.  Every thought needs to come before Me and be tested before you accept it as truth.  The thoughts that cannot stand the testing of My word must be rejected as false.

A will and heart cleansed by My blood and submitted to My Spirit is a treasure we will rejoice in together just as Judah celebrated the restoration of worship in the Temple.  Living in that joy, we will tear down the pagan shrines and sacred pillars that used to dominate the landscape of your daily life.  Time will become servant of the Most High instead of remaining the tyrant of your day.  You will draw your value from Me and never from the fickle dictates of people's expectations.  Your heart will rejoice to give mercy instead of finding ways to render judgment.  You will set aside noise and distraction in favor of quiet and restoration.  You will achieve wholeness by sowing to the Spirit rather than resorting to the methods of the world and the flesh, falling prey to their false ideals.

All this and more is waiting for us to share.  My lovingkindness and compassion are new every morning, and I rejoice to begin a new day, each day, with you.

2 Chronicles 29-31; 2 Corinthians 10:5; James 2:13; Isaiah 30:15;
Galatians 6:8; Romans 8:11-12; Lamentations 3:22-23

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


There is a pattern in the reigns of Judah's kings
beginning with Solomon and continuing
through nearly every king that followed.
Solomon fell away from worshiping You,
the one true God,
and erected pagan shrines throughout the land
where people offered sacrifices to and worshiped false gods.
Even many kings who were commended for following
You with a whole heart allowed these
shrines to remain in the land.
They were a snare to the entire nation,
leading them away from God.
What is it, Lord, in my life that is a pagan shrine?
What is it that I allow to exist in my heart and life
that pulls me away from You even when
I believe that I am giving You my whole heart?

You have seen the crux of the issue that eventually led Judah into captivity.  Even though a king was devoted to Me, he would fail to purge the land completely because the idols had become so much a part of the daily life of the nation that he would not recognize the danger they presented.  The people came to the Temple, offered their regular sacrifices, and celebrated the festivals in all sincerity.  They would worship Me, follow My laws, and fulfill their duties with devotion, but near to their homes were the comforts and convenience of the familiar shrines.

The pagan gods were easy to get along with.  They didn't demand holiness or strike any fear in their hearts because they were gods of their own invention.  They pandered to the appetites and desires of the people, justifying and excusing their selfishness, their pride, and the darkness in their hearts they were unwilling to part with.  The people could satisfy God's expectations at the Temple and then conveniently pursue their own lusts, calling it a religion, and feeling like they were covering all the bases.

My people today are much the same.  They come to Me with their religious lives full of church, Bible study, praise music, small groups, service projects, and mission trips; these are well and good.  However, it is the other hours of the day that show where their hearts lie.  The snares of this life are not the ones that Judah face, but the result is the same.  It is the familiar day-to-day indulgences that present the greatest danger.  My people spend their time and money entertaining themselves rather than caring for others.  Their lives are filled with movies, television, social media, noise, books, media, politics, sports, hobbies, fitness, finance, business, home, and every other distraction the world has to offer.  They know more about pop culture than they know about My word.  They know status updates, but forget to pray.  They can recount the record of their favorite team, but fail to learn of the One who created them and longs to be known by them.  Their lives revolve around having bigger and better, calling it stewardship, but they know little of sacrifice and service.  They thank Me for the blessings they hold securely in their hands, but blame the poor for their plight.  They believe that they are fully devoted, but are blind to the things that are hindering and blocking the flow of My life through theirs.

These are not sinful things in themselves, but when you allow something to control your attention, your time, and your perspective it has become a false god, and you have erected a pagan shrine.  The shrine is a very comfortable place to hang out and gives a sense of connection to the world around you.  That is part of its danger; it tethers you to the world and has the power to pull your heart from full devotion to Me without you realizing it.  

Let me search your heart and I will show you the things that ensnare you and hold you captive.  You will need to be ready to hear the truth and make whatever changes I show you.  Be assured that what I have for you is infinitely better than the comfort of your pagan shrine.  Your heart will be filled and satisfied by My very life, and you will find your most common days filled with purpose, prayer, and power as you live as My representative in your world.  That outflow may be quiet and peaceful or full of signs and wonders; let Me direct each day as I see fit.  Bring your heart to Me day by day, moment by moment to let Me clear away the debris and distractions so your focus remains on Me.  As the pagan shrines fall, the glory of My Temple will shine and go forth in healing and love for all.

Isaiah 58; Revelation 3:17; Isaiah 61:1-4; Isaiah 66:2; Psalm 139:23-24; Colossians 3:1-4;
Psalm 145:17-19

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Fall and spring house-cleanings are regular events I grew up with.  The drapes come down and are washed or run through the dryer; the windows are taken apart and cleaned; ceiling fans (all of them this time) are dusted and shined; beds are completely stripped down and deep cleaned; furniture that can't be moved is climbed over and under to vacuum around.  It's general chaos that finally results in almost everything back in its place and a comforting sense of accomplishment.

Every once in a while there is a special project that gradually presents itself.  I had one this year.  I had a surface that has been my nemesis for some time.  I had tried every cleaning product and strategy in my arsenal to overcome it, but it had become clear to me that it was just worn out and would need to be replaced.  Still, every day I had to deal with it, and, while trying to be patient, I couldn't wait for the replacement day to come!  Then I stumbled upon something I had not tried before, and, since it was to be replaced anyway, I knew I had nothing to lose.

So I set to work, one little piece at a time.  I could hardly believe what I was seeing!  It was hard work, but there was progress!  I stayed at it over and over, and the surface kept improving.  While there was indeed some wear and tear, the biggest problem was actually a fine layer of grime.  I couldn't decide if I was more elated or embarrassed!  I still don't know how an area with that much traffic and getting cleaned up all the time could accumulate immovable grime!

And then, it hit me.  My heart is just like that.  It's been made new by Christ, and the Holy Spirit lives there.  Yet sin can find a way to put a film over my heart that I don't even see.  The heart gets worn down by the constant assault of the world and by the tiniest little harmless sins that I may allow.  I keep on loving God; I continue to read the Word; I keep doing my best to live righteously and confess my sins.  It seems to me that everything is going just fine, and I'm pretty sure that the things that are wrong are just the effect of living in a fallen world; it will all be set right when all is made new, right?

Christ has called me to something better.  I can choose to live in such a vital union with Him that He can press His values into my heart and life.  He will usually do this by His Word, so I need to read it with a quiet, tender, listening heart.  When He reveals sin, I must call it sin as well, and forsake it.  Excusing it is never an option.  Little compromises, personality weaknesses, and harmless vices all create wear patterns in my life, and the grime settles and deepens into my heart.  It becomes so much a part of me that I don't see it at all.

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is not deceived.  He will be faithful to point out sin in my life and bring me under conviction.  I hope to be just as faithful in repenting and forsaking the sin He reveals.  It may require some sacrifice or pain, but in His kindness and patience He will see me through.  It can be embarrassing to admit my sin, but it is so much more elating to give glory to His mercy and forgiveness.  When I begin to truly see what He has done in dying for me and offering forgiveness, the joy can't be matched!  He will create us together to be His bride, perfect, without spot or wrinkle, sanctified, cleansed by the washing of the water with the Word.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Paul said in Philippians that he had learned
to be content in any circumstances.
We all seek many different things,
believing that they will bring us contentment.
What does it mean to learn to be content?

Most of the people you meet every day run to and fro, endlessly seeking contentment from their achievements, attainments, and possessions.  They believe that doing better, being successful, and having more will fill the void they feel.  They turn careers, homes, health, and even relationships into idols by drawing their satisfaction and self-worth from them.  Sadly, when a dream is fully realized, they find that the void remains.

My people can fall into the same trap.  They can idolize the same things that the unsaved do and add to those by worshiping a religious system with their own spiritual maturity at the forefront.

This was never My design.  I offer you something better as My child.  You are My very own, and it is My plan that you learn contentment.  That may not sound like the plan you would choose.  It would be much simpler if your circumstances fell into place according to your preferences and prayers, and you would, therefore, be content.  I have chosen, instead, that you learn because that is a process that requires your attention, your time, and your will to choose My ways.  You will need to humble yourself under My instruction and sovereignty in order to progress in the class of contentment.

We start with your circumstances.  They may be favorable or not.  They may seem to be the result of My grace, your bad decisions, someone else's sin, or even Satan's plot against you.  It matters not.  If you are My child no circumstance can touch you that I have not in some way allowed, so the place to start is to accept it from My hand.  Next, you must understand that the circumstances you find yourself in are something completely separate from your ability to find contentment.

Paul also said, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."  He had learned that his satisfaction was anchored in Me.  Because I am rock-solid and unchangeable, the shifting of your circumstances does not have to dictate your ability to be content.  What greater "all things' could you hope to accomplish than to be content in any circumstance?  That is a prize worth striving for.

As you walk closely with Me, trust Me with the details of your life.  You will find your heart is satisfied in ways neither the world nor Christian activity can match.  You will develop repose deep within where I dwell that no changing circumstance can stir for very long.

You will learn that when your appetites scream for more, and when your needs exceed the supply, you can enter into the fellowship of My suffering and find satisfaction in Me.  On the other hand, when your path is full of delight and there is abundance at every turn, you can humbly lay it all at My feet and find your chief joy and contentment in knowing Me.

All this and more awaits, if you will come and learn from Me.  Are you tired of trying to fill your own void?  "Come to Me, all who are weary an heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  for My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

Philippians 3-4; Matthew 11:28-30

Saturday, October 18, 2014


I love trees.  I love the infinite variety.  I love how God made different kinds for different purposes.  Some grow fruit; others yield syrup; many provide material for homes and shelter of all kinds, and others, are perfect for treehouses and tire swings.  Some are best in the fall for their rich colors and crunchy leaves, while others are full of beautiful blossoms in the spring.  All give their own kind of shade, protection, and habitat for a host of God's creatures.  Some are so delicate they weep over the ground they cover, while others are massive, towering strong and proud, commanding the awe and wonder of all.

I love that most of them go through seasons, and some stay the same year round.  I love how they grow according to their particular environments.  They lean according to the prevailing winds; they tip away from a neighboring tree to make room for their own growth; they seek the sun; they put down roots as deep as they need for adequate water and strength.  Trees are sensitive to the gentle stirrings of a slight breeze and yet withstand tremendous strain when assaulted by fierce storms.

When a tree is harvested to fulfill a new purpose, the cross-section reveals many things about its life.  The rings tell its age.  If the tree has been injured, a mark is left behind which is grown around and later can add to the beauty of the wood.  A healthy tree can withstand these injuries and grow strong, but a diseased tree may weaken and rot over time.  The weakness may not be evident until the force of a mighty storm comes which breaks it at its vulnerable spot.  It is when the tree comes down, whether by harvest or storm, that the truth of its life, health, and strength is known.

We are like them is so many ways.  We are each uniquely created for a particular purpose.  Even in a group called together to a common purpose, we are each different as to how we approach that purpose.  Some of our lives yield very tangible results that can be measured, weighed, stored, hammered, nailed, and put to good use.  Some of our lives offer a refuge, a safe place, a compassionate ear, and a shelter to the smallest and weakest of God's people, weeping and rejoicing with others.  Some of us are best when providing that treehouse or tire swing.

Most of us go through seasons.  We have times of new growth in a new truth or service.  We move through periods of maturing and come to a point of seeing results.  Often we have down times of rest and recuperation before the cycle starts again.  There are some who are steady and green and full their entire lives.  They provide wonderful protection from the howling winds that would overtake the souls of those they stand watch over.

We each come through life with a different set of circumstances which have molded the direction of our growth.  Prevailing winds may have bent one's soul a certain direction while another grew in an environment that forced it to reach tall and straight to find the sun.  Each of us has experienced hurt, injury, and pain of one kind or another.  If we allow bitterness and don't let God keep our hearts open to His love, the result will be rot and decay that leaves us vulnerable when the storms come.  He provides Himself as our refuge and healer to restore all that would try to break us.  Our responses to the winds that blow through our times are all affected by our differing purposes and history.  God makes it that way for a reason.  He uses all of us in individual ways to meet individual needs in individual lives.

We many times never see the true beauty of a life until it is over, and even then we don't see it fully.  We will see some lives that were touched, the stability and strength of a family and home, the love that was faithfully shown in difficult circumstances, or the benefits provided by generosity to others.  But later the time will come when all things are revealed and the Lord places His value on our lives.  We may see an injury that the Lord healed and touched to become something beautiful and useful.  We will see how the things we thought were weaknesses were really the instruments God used to make Himself known to others who were struggling.  Our hurts became the pathway of blessing and strength in maybe just one life which was watching from a distance.

We will not know these things fully now, but we can live with hearts full of hope.  We will trust that He has planted us right where He wants us, and that He is forming us to be exactly the kind of person He desires for the purpose that only He may see.  Let us live in joy and peace, accepting and loving each other for the beauty He has created in us.  We are the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I pray, Father, that all I do and say would
glorify You.
Set a guard, Lord, over my heart and mind and mouth
in order to establish Your kingdom rule in every exchange,
both incoming and outgoing.
Make me sensitive to what offends Your Spirit
and avoid it at all cost.
Help me to see the boundaries You have set for me
to guard against defilement of Your dwelling place
in me and in Your church as a whole.
You have set me apart; You have set Your people apart,
not to be unapproachable or withdrawn from the world,
but to offer a fragrance and light and hope in the darkest of places.
Help me fill my part in Your purpose.

There is a power, My child, in each one that belongs to Me.  That power is not a ramped up version of your best intents and abilities.  That power is a person, the Holy Spirit, who has taken up residence in you.  He is Me.  He is not some nice influence or better part of your personality.  He is not the sum of the strengths you may try to rally while you resist the pull of temptations that have mastered you in the past.  He is Me.

You intend for Me to have rule over your life; you want Me to do My will.  But you find yourself caught up in things that should have no place in your life and leave you feeling like you have wasted time and energy on what is worthless.  This is the sad state of many of My people living in defeat and not understanding how they got there.

I live in you.  I LIVE in you.  I live IN you.  I live in YOU.  Let My truth sink deep into your heart.  You will live in defeat until you understand that your life ended at the cross, was buried, and is raised to a new life, My life in you.  I am a part of every breath you take and every moment you live.  Live out from My life in THIS moment.  Do it again in THIS moment.  Allow into your heart and mind and life only what I bring you in THIS moment.  Give the world its walking papers.  It has no place in you.  When you take in the good things that I have for you, you will have no appetite for the refuse the world offers.  Focus on the intake and what you are feeding on.  The outflow will reflect and be in character with what you have taken in.  When you feed on Me and My goodness, love will flow out and express itself according to the opportunity I place before you.  Again you will depend on Me in THIS moment to show My love, make a choice, offer a cup of cold water, be broken bread or poured out wine to someone else.  I do not separate you from the world; I transform the world where you are standing into My kingdom in THIS moment.  Do not look for the over-arching purpose and plan for your life.  Live by Me in THIS moment.  ALWAYS.

Romans 7:14-25; Romans 8:1-17; Galatians 5:16-25; 1 John 2:15-17;
2 Corinthians 2:14-16; Colossians 3:16-17; Colossians 4:5-6; Hebrews 13:20-21

Monday, July 28, 2014

Never Give Up!

Time goes by.  That prayer burden that you had for a particular person remains, but the passage of time without change has you wondering if you should let it go or keep praying.  There are many reasons why we pray for another person...maybe he or she has a health concern, a financial crisis, or a relational challenge.  Sometimes it's hard to know what God's will is in the situation which makes it harder to know if you are praying in the right way.  Hang in there...keep asking God to lead you and He will show you how to pray as you go.

There is a notable exception in this uncertainty.  When God puts it on your heart to pray for someone's salvation you know for certain that you are praying in His will.  He wishes no one to perish and died for the worst of sinners.  No matter how much time goes by and how little progress you can see, you know that God's heart has not changed.  Even if you have prayed for this person for years without result and time seems to be running out, don't ever give up.  We have no idea what God may still do or how He may reach through to touch that person's heart even as life comes to a close.

The fulfillment of God's plan is never our responsibility, but participating with Him as He works through the prayers of His people is our highest privilege.  He intends great things and has partnered with His people's prayers to reach the world.  Don't miss out; don't ever give up; keep on praying for His redemption to be made real in someone's life.  Let the life of the Great Intercessor abide in and pray through you for the one or several in your life, and never, ever give up!

Monday, June 23, 2014


Thank You, Father, for Your teaching
by Your Holy Spirit!
There is nothing so powerful and liberating
as truth jumping out to meet me
when I read Your word or pray.
You continue to teach me about tabernacle
and temple in many ways and layers,
and I love it!

The truths concerning My dwelling place are powerful and full of many elements.  My original tabernacle was a temporary, portable shelter in which My presence was seen in the forms of cloud and fire.  There I met with Moses face to face and showed him what I wanted for Israel.  As the pillar of cloud/fire lifted, Israel took down the tabernacle and followed until I came to rest.  Then the tabernacle was set up and Israel camped until I moved them forward again.  Following Me was a day by day reality for them.  They had no idea whether I would keep them in one place for a day or for a year.  Their eyes had to remain fixed on My presence for direction.

Years after settling in Canaan, Israel was ruled by David, a man after My own heart.  He wanted to build Me a temple, but it was My will that his son Solomon fulfill that duty instead.  David made preparations.  Again My dwelling place was built from the very finest materials I had created.  It was glorious, extravagant, filled with gold and splendor---a wonder that honored the Creator of all things.  There was still that special place where My presence rested, and Israel knew that I dwelt among them.

After many kings lived and died and Israel had forsaken Me over and over again, the time came when her enemies overpowered her and My temple was ransacked and eventually in ruins.  Following years in captivity I put it in the hearts of faithful men to return to the land and rebuild the temple and the wall around Jerusalem.  They were heartbroken to see the disrepair and condition of My dwelling, but they were determined to make things better.  A season of reconstruction began under My direction.  For a time men became distracted and began building their own homes and neglected My temple.  In a very similar way today, My people are caught up in the ways of the world.  They try to do the right things but so often with the wrong motivation.  They are trying to care for My temple, their bodies, but are motivated by appearance and approval rather than by honor for Me and My dwelling place.  Others believe they are working to further My kingdom when they are often advancing their own organization, ministry, or influence.  Success on those terms only glorifies man and his own righteousness instead of becoming broken bread and poured out wine that meet the needs of a world starving for Me.

When Israel returned to the job I had given them, they found that I cared for and blessed them in the process.  I was pleased with their work and effort.  I protected them from their enemies and provided all their needs.  I encouraged them in the day to day labor of reconstruction.  Honoring Me is an active living undertaking.  It is not merely a matter of completed perfection; I am honored not only when everything is in its ordered place.  It begins in the heart, and every step taken, every word spoken, every thought and intent worthy of My name honors Me.  I see and know the hearts and motives of My people and honor those who honor Me.

When the temple was completed the people celebrated a dedication to Me.  To the human eye the new temple did not compare with the glory of the first and some were disappointed.  People never see things the way I do.  My people had again welcomed My presence and My Spirit among them and I was lifted and exalted in their eyes.  The new covenant that I share with you now is even better.  My Spirit is abiding in your midst, and I fill My dwelling with My glory, Christ in you, the hope of glory.  Set your heart on Me and do not be grieved or discouraged, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Ezra 1:1-6; Ezra 3:7-13; Haggai 1-2; Colossians 1:27; Colossians 3:1-4; Nehemiah 8:10

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Lord, I'm trying to put it all together.
I'm reading about Your tabernacle and offerings
and all the details and rules that You set for Israel in 
implementing Your worship.
Holiness matters to You.
That much is clear.
Everything that surrounds You should
be reverenced with a holy awe.
Today, in the new covenant that You have established,
You have set aside many rules and restrictions.
You have declared all foods clean,
all people as objects of Your love,
the observance of days as a matter of individual
faith and conscience.
Yet You have been clear that our bodies are
Your temple and we are not our own,
having been bought with the price of Your blood.
All that we do and say is to be for Your glory,
and Your Spirit should be listened to and obeyed.
What does this look like for me?
How much order and discipline is healthy yet
still allows the Holy Spirit free sway?

My child, you are hearing My voice and seeking to obey.  I have indeed set forth a new covenant that is better than the old, yet there is much to be learned from the old as long as you do not get stuck there.  As you read My instructions to Israel through Moses, understand My character.  The tabernacle was built with only the finest materials and the most skilled work because it was for Me, just as you are created for Me.  I have created you with great care to be a specific vessel for My life.

Israel was given many rules and restrictions in order to teach them the difference between what was ordinary and what was holy.  They had no other way of seeing that I was the one true God and I deserved their worship and faithfulness.  They had come from a land of many gods which were easily tossed about to please their own desires.  As you become more and more aware of My holiness and My right to your life, the other lesser gods that would clamor for your attention fall away and are exposed for the frauds that they are.  My Holy Spirit lives in you and convinces you what is true and what is false, and His instruction is far more valuable than a list of rules to follow.

Even so, the vessel and container of My Holy Spirit is to be holy, surrendered, and submitted to My will.  As you read of the tabernacle you find that I am a God of order, beauty, and quality.  My tabernacle of your body should be cared for in a way that honors its inhabitant, Me.  Order and discipline are not outside My will, but must be dictated by My Spirit and not by the trends, wisdom, or motivation of the world.

See yourself as I see you and you will be amazed at what I have created.  You are unique, loved, valued, and full of purpose.  You were lost in sin and death, but I have redeemed you from all of your past, present, and even future sin and circumstances.  Now everything that touches you has passed through My hand, and My intentions are always for your good.  Submit to discipline and correction that comes from Me, but shun the voice of the world and enemy which would condemn you and bring you into slavery.  Trust the voice of My Spirit and walk this path of life and freedom with Me.  Let Me be the joy of your heart and your greatest desire, and I will be faithful to lead you into life more abundant than you can dream.

Hebrews 8-9; Psalm 139; John 16:8; 1 John 2:27; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20;
Colossians 2:16-23; Colossians 3:1-4; Galatians 6:1, 13, 16; Ephesians 3:20-21

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Life Changes

I hardly know where to start in explaining the changes in our lives since December, 2013.  First of all, we both retired from our jobs.  I was done on December 7, and Jon was done on December 25.  Prior to leaving, Jon took a fall at work and was in the process of seeing doctors to check out his left shoulder.  In February he was finally able to see a specialist who diagnosed a rotator cuff tear after having an MRI.

On February 27 our youngest daughter Megan and her husband Greg had twins!  Beautiful and perfect.  The little girl is named Arya and the little boy is Damian.  I went to stay with them and help out as they already had a 3 1/2 year old boy named Oskar.  I stayed at their house each week from Sunday afternoon till Friday night or Saturday for 6 weeks with one notable exception.

On April 3 (babies now 5 weeks old) Jon had surgery in Dakota Dunes, SD and I was home with him for about 4 days then took him with me to the kids to help them for one more week.  After that we came home so he could start a regular physical therapy schedule.

Things didn't go that well.  He had lots of pain and swelling.  The swelling was in his arms and both feet and legs.  We finally made some progress getting the swelling down and thought we were on the right track.  He started having pain in the right calf that worsened over about 3-4 days and then his breathing seemed more labored.  I took him the the ER on April 29 and he had clots in his right leg and both lungs, a pulmonary embolism.  Within about 48 hours his blood thickness reached therapeutic levels and they were keeping him in the hospital till he could gain more strength.

On the morning of May 7 he had another pulmonary embolism...more clots in right leg and right lung.  He was life-flighted to Methodist hospital in Omaha.  They put a screen in the vena cava to protect his lungs from more clots from below.  They also found there were clots in his left arm.  They administered a TPA treatment by IV that is a super clot-buster.  By morning he was breathing much easier.  He was dismissed from there on May 11.

Since that time we have been focusing on physical therapy and getting him stronger.  We are so grateful that he's alive!  We were so blessed by so many people who came to visit, sent cards, called, texted, and PRAYED!  It's definitely given me a new perspective on life and the value of community.  Our children were such a help and blessing to us as they drove many miles to be with us and help us.  They checked on us often when they couldn't be here, and we always knew that they were there for us.

There are no words to thank everyone who reached out and those who are continuing to pray for Jon's health.  The doctors could find no reason at all for him to have formed clots the second time when he was at therapeutic level.  He will probably be on blood thinners the rest of his life which is no problem at all, but we will have to be diligent to be aware of both bleeding and clotting potentials and symptoms.

I've learned much.  I feel like I should have learned more.  I know I need a Savior.  I know that my Savior is with me always, every moment.  I know that I love my husband.  I know that we need community.  I know that life is fragile and anything can happen.  I know He holds us in His hand.  And I know that's enough.

Friday, June 6, 2014

How They've Grown!!!

Oskar with Arya and Damian in the hospital

Damian and Arya at 13 weeks old

Look how these little ones have grown and changed!!  They are actually looking more alike now than they have since they were born.  Happy and healthy and growing like crazy!  We've been so blessed to share in their lives!  Oskar is growing in some important ways being a big boy and a great big brother.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Thank You, thank You, thank You!
You are amazing, Lord!
You have provided all I need, created everything that is,
and promised to meet every need.
I thank You with all my heart.
You've been faithful along every path,
and I trust You for all that lies ahead.
You have called me to prayer,
and it is prayer that fills the need of my heart to minister.
Thank You for making me who You intended me to be.

You are indeed becoming, always becoming, more and more the woman I created you to be.  I love you and rejoice to see your heart thrill in My will for you.  You are not like any other, and I need you to fill your place.  Arise to your secret place with Me.  I pray always before My Father and place within your heart the needs that I want you to pray for.  We will pray together to see people redeemed, healed, and restored.

Never wonder if your time in prayer is well spent; it is never without fruit whether you directly see results or not.  Answers to prayer are My responsibility.  You can be assured that I am pleased with your offering and will perfect the prayer and answer in My way and time.  You can rejoice because you are in fellowship with Me and I keep you in perfect peace.

Be alert to the people and situations before you.  None of them are insignificant, and I am the one who has made you aware of them so you can pray.  If you need to continue in prayer I will continue to bring it to your attention.  Trust that the everyday life before you is the one of My choosing and design for you.  You are the watchman to see, to bring before Me, and to hear My heart in the parameters of your life.

This work will be done quietly, but faithfully, and we will abide together in it.  You will dwell in the land and cultivate a heart of gratitude, faithfulness, and joy as you see some of the results of your prayer.  Other fruit will be borne later, some much later, but I will be faithful and do all things well.  Let your heart settle in peace, firmly rooted in My love, overflowing with gratitude, and full of rejoicing.  Arise to your secret place with Me.

Psalm 25:14; Isaiah 45:3; Matthew 6:6; Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25;
Romans 8:26-27; Isaiah 26:3-4; Philippians 3:3-16; Psalm 37:3-7; Colossians 3:1-4;
Colossians 3:15-17; Philippians 4:4-7

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Thanksgiving for 2014

I normally follow a pattern of reading my Bible that divides it into 5 sections: history, poetry, prophecy, NT history, and epistles.  If I'm trying to get through it in a year that means reading 2 chapters of history, one of poetry, one of prophecy, and one of either NT history or epistles five days a week for 50 weeks.  That's the rough idea, though some sections are finished a little early and I may have to read a little extra of another.
For 2014 I've felt led to pick a theme instead, thanksgiving.  I've used a Bible search site to track down verses that have the words thank, thanks, thanksgiving, thankfully, grateful, gratefully, gratitude (did I miss any?) in various translations that I like to use.  Now I'm working my way through them in Biblical order, and I'm really liking the system.  I read the context, usually the full chapter, that contains the verse from my list so what God speaks to my heart isn't always directly about the chosen theme.  I like that it isn't confining in that way.

I suspect that I will finish the theme before the year end and move to another...but I'm not sure.  I plan on doing some outside reading along the same lines, also.

If any of you care to join me or have any questions, please let me know!  I can email you my list of references or whatever you need.

I've seen others picking a word or theme for the year, as well.  How about you?  It's not too late to start!  What will you choose?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

All Caught Up

I just added the page Devotions 71-80.  This brings my devotions all posted up to the present time.  From now on a new devotion will be here as a blog post and added to subsequent pages of devotions as well.  It feels good to be caught up.  It feels like I'm able now to communicate in real time.  Thanks for looking at these...I hope God speaks to your heart through them.  Be seeing you here!

Friday, January 10, 2014

I'm On a Roll

I've been busy, busy, busy today.  Completed another full page of devotions...Devotions 61-70.

I also made these delicious looking buns...and they taste just as wonderful as they look  :)

It's my mom's recipe for yellow buns.  They can be made like dinner rolls or sandwich style like these.

I hope you will read the devotionals, but again, don't neglect to read the scriptures after each one so that God Himself can speak to you! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Another Devotional Page

Are you ready for more devotionals?  There is a new page ready...Devotions 51-60.  Make sure you read the verses so God can speak directly to you!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

More Pages

I've added two more devotional pages...Devotions 41-50 and Devotions 51-52.  These 52 devotionals are the content of my book "Fringes of His Ways".  There is a link to my book available from Blurb off to the right hand side of my blog.  I hope you find these helpful and that they speak to your heart.  I would love to hear from you if God speaks to you here.  Many blessings!