Sunday, June 23, 2013


I've been struggling, Lord, to live as You would live.
I have been unable to get a grip on the reality of Your life in me
as my righteousness.
I've been living at the mercy of my feelings, and they can be relentless.
I know better in my head, but still wait for revelation from You
as to the reality of my life in the here and now.

You, My child, have been confused and that has led you to walk in ways that were never meant for you.  I established a covenant with Israel of old that promised them blessings abundant, primarily the blessing that I would be their God.  The condition of receiving these blessings was their obedience.  They were to listen to My voice and obey My commands.  Their faithfulness guaranteed that My blessing would follow, for, of course, I would be faithful to keep My part of the covenant.  They failed.  Miserably.  And every person ever born will also fail to hear My voice and give Me obedience.  Mankind is a fallen race and can never relate to Me in the way I created them to.  Yet that is still My heart's intimate relationship and communion with them.  Sin made that impossible.

Therefore, I sent My Son to die for all your sins and pay the penalty, clearing the way for a new covenant.  As a born again child of Mine you are a participant and beneficiary of that covenant.  It is My covenant not only with all believers, but with you personally.  Look at My word in Deuteronomy.
  "Therefore, you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him." 
 Compare that to Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
 "I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people."  "And I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances."
Do you see the difference?  In the old covenant man was to keep My commandments and thereby walk with Me and fear Me.  In the new covenant I, Myself, move into man writing My ways on a new heart and thereby causing him to obey.  The old way hinges on man's effort and ability to work up enough motivation and discipline to obey Me.  The new way rests on My Spirit giving man a new heart that longs to please Me and love Me and providing My very own power to follow through into obedience.

You, however, must choose which way you will live.  If you try hard enough I can guarantee that you will fail.  Every time.  If you relinquish your own efforts, knowing that they are futile, and choose instead to place all your faith in My promise to work all things I desire in you, I can guarantee a life lived, really lived, in the Spirit.  It will be a life of peace, victory over sin, comfort in all circumstances, wholeness, and holiness.  You will live the life you have dreamed of, humbly dependent and laying down your life in order to know Me.  And it will be effortless and full of joy...both yours and Mine.

This is the crowning jewel of My redemption, the mystery hidden from all the ages of time.  Not just that sins are forgiven and heaven awaits, but that I would live in you and through you even in this life and show Myself to the world as you live in it.  I wait for you.  Trust Me.

Deuteronomy 8:6; Jeremiah 31:33; Ezekiel 36:27