Hi there!!! I drove to Des Moines tonight to pick up Greg. Megan was able to get away from work to come eat supper with us, then I brought Greg back home with me. He's going to Kelli and Jon's with us this weekend, so I know a couple of little girls who will be glad to see their Uncle Greg. We will miss having Megan along, but will take lots of pictures.
I probably won't be posting till maybe Tuesday again, so all of you stay safe, stay well, and we love you all!!! Don't forget to change your clocks Saturday night!!
Thought for the day
Sorry, but it's 11:30 and we have a long drive tomorrow night so I better go to bed....
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Perfect Walk
I worked a little late today then stopped at the store. So it was a little after 6:00 when I went out for a walk. What a PERFECT time for a walk. The air was crisp and just a little cool...perfect for a sweatshirt. The sidewalks had many places covered deep in leaves. Got to hear the crunching leaves under foot, dogs barking, and some unusual sounds for a Wednesday night. It was the first post season game for Harlan here tonight so I could hear the sound of the band warming up, and the activity at the football field. Walked back up College Blvd which is probably my favorite street in town and is a feast for the eyes with plenty of trees still full of gold and red leaves even with sidewalks covered in them as well. Perfect sounds, perfect air, perfect sights, it even smelled good. I'm really glad I got to go...with the time change next week and longer days at work I probably won't get another chance like that this fall. It was a treat all the way around.
Never miss an opportunity to partake of that kind of beauty and pleasure...then store it up and don't let yourself forget it on those "other kinds" of days.
Thought for the day
God gives us so many great gifts even as we just listen, see, smell, and feel the everyday marvels of His creation. DON'T MISS His grace...He won't force you to notice, but the privilege and opportunity surround us at almost every turn. TAKE THE MOMENT to notice Him, worship Him, thank Him. Seriously it takes ONE MOMENT---DON'T MISS IT!!!!
Never miss an opportunity to partake of that kind of beauty and pleasure...then store it up and don't let yourself forget it on those "other kinds" of days.
Thought for the day
God gives us so many great gifts even as we just listen, see, smell, and feel the everyday marvels of His creation. DON'T MISS His grace...He won't force you to notice, but the privilege and opportunity surround us at almost every turn. TAKE THE MOMENT to notice Him, worship Him, thank Him. Seriously it takes ONE MOMENT---DON'T MISS IT!!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Staying Focused
Hi there! Seems like I'm not getting things done this week or something. Weird. Didn't even remember to check in here last night. Oh well, I ramble too much anyway :)
Hope you're all having a good week. Pray for Kelli...her cold (?) is getting worse and she plans to go to dr tomorrow. Megan is working a lot this week and is still trying to get the weekend off to go with us to see Kelli's. Jon is working evenings but fortunately has been getting home in pretty good time. We're getting plenty of corn in this week so the days are very busy.
We're looking forward to going to Kelli and Jon's for the weekend. I keep collecting stuff that I need to take with...hopefully it all fits!! Maybe I'll have to ride on top of the van! BRRRR! We plan to run over to Tabbi's Friday night to see the boys in their Halloween costumes and the girls will show us theirs Saturday. Next week I should have some pix to share---yay!!!!
Thought for the day
In busy days like these it can be hard to stay focused and remember how to keep renewing our minds in the truth. When we are rushed and pressed it is more crucial than ever that we think correctly. If we don't, we fall prey to the world and to the enemy.
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." Philippians 4:4, 6-8
Hope you're all having a good week. Pray for Kelli...her cold (?) is getting worse and she plans to go to dr tomorrow. Megan is working a lot this week and is still trying to get the weekend off to go with us to see Kelli's. Jon is working evenings but fortunately has been getting home in pretty good time. We're getting plenty of corn in this week so the days are very busy.
We're looking forward to going to Kelli and Jon's for the weekend. I keep collecting stuff that I need to take with...hopefully it all fits!! Maybe I'll have to ride on top of the van! BRRRR! We plan to run over to Tabbi's Friday night to see the boys in their Halloween costumes and the girls will show us theirs Saturday. Next week I should have some pix to share---yay!!!!
Thought for the day
In busy days like these it can be hard to stay focused and remember how to keep renewing our minds in the truth. When we are rushed and pressed it is more crucial than ever that we think correctly. If we don't, we fall prey to the world and to the enemy.
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." Philippians 4:4, 6-8
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Birthday and Puppies
Today was Jon's birthday...I think he had a good day. Tabbi and the boys came over for church and stayed till around 3:00. Kelli and Megan called to wish him happy birthday and I know he talked to Bria and Emmy, too. The boys drew him lots of pictures and he got some very fun cards. How do you celebrate a birthday in a way that lets that person know how much you appreciate him. Probably not with a cake with screwed up frosting....sorry, Jon. All cake aside, happy birthday, Jon!!!
It's been crazy windy here today---really crazy. Some more good news...Trever and Tabbi's dog Sadie had her first litter of pups today (or during the night)...nine healthy yellow labs. They will keep one, the only female. That's right, 8 males, 1 female...pretty unusual. Congratulations, Sadie!! Sounds like she's a really good mom. Pups will be ready for Christmas...anybody want a puppy? What a great gift for a child or grandchild!!!!!
Thought for the day
We need to be very careful to choose what we think. There is a lot of panic and fear out there, and we have to understand that we in a war...not against other people, other politics, Wall Street, or enemies we can see. Satan is warring against our peace. We have a God that is bigger than any government, any economy, and any enemy. He has His own reasons for what He does, but He NEVER forgets His own child. Get to know Him and how much He loves you. Trust Him with all that you can't sort through, and when the enemy attacks your peace do not argue or reason...tell the one terrorizing you that your life belongs to Jesus and he should take it up with HIM. Let others stand with you...this is not meant to be a solo battle. Always renew your mind in the truth and learn what He is teaching you.
It's been crazy windy here today---really crazy. Some more good news...Trever and Tabbi's dog Sadie had her first litter of pups today (or during the night)...nine healthy yellow labs. They will keep one, the only female. That's right, 8 males, 1 female...pretty unusual. Congratulations, Sadie!! Sounds like she's a really good mom. Pups will be ready for Christmas...anybody want a puppy? What a great gift for a child or grandchild!!!!!
Thought for the day
We need to be very careful to choose what we think. There is a lot of panic and fear out there, and we have to understand that we in a war...not against other people, other politics, Wall Street, or enemies we can see. Satan is warring against our peace. We have a God that is bigger than any government, any economy, and any enemy. He has His own reasons for what He does, but He NEVER forgets His own child. Get to know Him and how much He loves you. Trust Him with all that you can't sort through, and when the enemy attacks your peace do not argue or reason...tell the one terrorizing you that your life belongs to Jesus and he should take it up with HIM. Let others stand with you...this is not meant to be a solo battle. Always renew your mind in the truth and learn what He is teaching you.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Time for a Birthday
Had the day home today and baked cookies and Jon's birthday cake (for tomorrow). He was working most of the day and then we went to Club 191 for supper. Good food. Messed up the frosting on the cake ---put in too much sugar. It doesn't taste bad, but a little granular. OOPS!!! Tabbi's are coming over tomorrow...I hope they'll like the cake okay...someone has to help us eat it. Nothing like 2 little boys on a sugar high...
I'm so thankful for Jon's birthday. He's the one who's supposed to get the presents, but truth is he is the one who is a gift to me and to the rest of our family. He always gives and puts others first. He keeps his head on straight and his priorities in line and he loves us all very much. So on Jon's birthday tomorrow thank You, God, for the great gift of Jon in our lives.
Thought for the day
Sometimes we forget how precious the people close to us really are and how much of a gift they are. I hope God always helps me remember how much I need these gifts in my life no matter how it sometimes looks and feels. I never intend to let my selfishness or pride get in the way of appreciating others...and I regret the times it happens. Lord, keep showing me how to live in a way that puts others first in every way.
I'm so thankful for Jon's birthday. He's the one who's supposed to get the presents, but truth is he is the one who is a gift to me and to the rest of our family. He always gives and puts others first. He keeps his head on straight and his priorities in line and he loves us all very much. So on Jon's birthday tomorrow thank You, God, for the great gift of Jon in our lives.
Thought for the day
Sometimes we forget how precious the people close to us really are and how much of a gift they are. I hope God always helps me remember how much I need these gifts in my life no matter how it sometimes looks and feels. I never intend to let my selfishness or pride get in the way of appreciating others...and I regret the times it happens. Lord, keep showing me how to live in a way that puts others first in every way.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Clearance Sales and Balance
The weekend comes again...every week!!! How amazing is that? We had a little sunshine late today...a welcome relief after rain and clouds all week. Went to Pamida after work...all clearance items 50% off!! I've been eyeing toasters for a year and they had one at original price of $49.99...with a clearance price of $44.99. That means $22.50, right? Nooooo...we get to the check out counter with a couple of other items and she rings us up at $24.04. We told her it should be more. She said no I rang it up at $34.99 and took 50% off. We told her to look at the tag again because it said $44.99 and she looked and said "we are not arguing about this..it's too hard to change it now!!!" Thanks, Dee!!!! That's one cheap toaster, and it has a tiny oven area, too.
Then we come home and had leftovers for supper---YEAH!!!! Tomorrow I need to bake a birthday cake and we're low on cookies. Tabbi's will be over some time on Sunday for Jon's birthday, and I'm sure that two little boys won't understand a birthday without birthday cake!! At least that's my excuse to bake. And I need to clean, too. Megan works tomorrow and gets Greg on Sunday. Jon and Kelli have his parents there this weekend so everyone is busy and blessed!!
Thought for the day
Sometimes it's hard for me to balance busy and not busy. How about you? When I'm busy I think what I'd like to be doing if I wasn't busy. When I'm not busy I can have a really good day or spiral downward feeling lonely or useless. It's definitely true for me that I need times of both being busy and having down time. I many times have no control over whether I am busy or not, but I need to really learn that whichever I am at the time is God's choice for me and exactly what I need right then. I need to then relax and ENJOY what He has given. Let's thank Him and praise Him either way and take that day, or even those years, of our lives and LIVE THEM to the fullest?
Then we come home and had leftovers for supper---YEAH!!!! Tomorrow I need to bake a birthday cake and we're low on cookies. Tabbi's will be over some time on Sunday for Jon's birthday, and I'm sure that two little boys won't understand a birthday without birthday cake!! At least that's my excuse to bake. And I need to clean, too. Megan works tomorrow and gets Greg on Sunday. Jon and Kelli have his parents there this weekend so everyone is busy and blessed!!
Thought for the day
Sometimes it's hard for me to balance busy and not busy. How about you? When I'm busy I think what I'd like to be doing if I wasn't busy. When I'm not busy I can have a really good day or spiral downward feeling lonely or useless. It's definitely true for me that I need times of both being busy and having down time. I many times have no control over whether I am busy or not, but I need to really learn that whichever I am at the time is God's choice for me and exactly what I need right then. I need to then relax and ENJOY what He has given. Let's thank Him and praise Him either way and take that day, or even those years, of our lives and LIVE THEM to the fullest?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
We had no real rain today and even just a little sunshine. Jon was home before 6:00, so we had supper early and just doing chores around home tonight. I was a big girl today and got my flu shot--no crying or screaming. How about you? Do you have your shot yet? Don't forget!!!
I feel like going to bed...didn't sleep well last night...but now ER is coming on. I know, tv junkie...
It looks like it's going to work to go see Kelli's family in a week and a half. We'll take Greg and Megan with us...looking forward to it very much!!! Emmy's planning a combination birthday party for her and Jon and a halloween party. Always something exciting!!
Thought for the day
I really am tired, and I don't think I can put a cohesive thought together. But I'm okay with needing to not do this right now. God's okay with it. I hope you're all okay with it, too. If something comes to me yet I'll get back on and add it!!
I feel like going to bed...didn't sleep well last night...but now ER is coming on. I know, tv junkie...
It looks like it's going to work to go see Kelli's family in a week and a half. We'll take Greg and Megan with us...looking forward to it very much!!! Emmy's planning a combination birthday party for her and Jon and a halloween party. Always something exciting!!
Thought for the day
I really am tired, and I don't think I can put a cohesive thought together. But I'm okay with needing to not do this right now. God's okay with it. I hope you're all okay with it, too. If something comes to me yet I'll get back on and add it!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Okay, after Jon's and my perfect texting exchange today I came home from work and put in the movie "'Burbs". Jon probably won't get home till after it's over, but I'm just watching it and laughing out loud.
"It came with the frame"
"This is Walter. NOoOoO!!!"
"I love this street."
"I have your dog."
"Bummer. Rain delay."
"Art, your wife's home and your house is on fire." "My wife's home?!?!"
"About a nine on the tension scale, Rube."
"My brother, the doctor."
"No, no you can't leave now it's the best part...I called the pizza dude!!"
"You cut your hair. I like it."
"Do I look like an idiot Mr. Petersen? Do you take me for an imbecile?"
"Nobody knocks off and old man in my neighborhood and gets away with it."
"Ricky, get this lamo outta your yard!"
"The kid next door's a meatball."
"I was 18 months in the bush, and I could snap your neck in a beartbeat."
"There's these people, and they're in my parents house and they're eating all their food."
"That Ricky sure knows how to throw a party."
"And that poor old man claims he has a ransom note that says you kidnapped his dog."
"Can you blame them? They live next to people who break into their house and burn it down while they're gone for the day!"
"I've been blown up. Take me to the hospital."
"We've got the pizza dude coming."
"Citizen's arrest!! Citizen's arrest!!"
"I want you to keep an eye on the neighborhood for me."
Jon made it home in time to see the house blow up...even he laughed after a miserable day in the rain and mud. If you need a good laugh you've gotta watch "'Burbs".
Thought for the day
I don't know...sometimes you just need to find a way to laugh....no matter what else is going on...gotta find a way to laugh. Sometimes that means finding something really lame and silly, doesn't matter, as long as you can laugh. It's really a life skill that you have to learn if it doesn't come naturally. You have to be able to not take yourself too seriously and FIND A WAY TO LAUGH.
"It came with the frame"
"This is Walter. NOoOoO!!!"
"I love this street."
"I have your dog."
"Bummer. Rain delay."
"Art, your wife's home and your house is on fire." "My wife's home?!?!"
"About a nine on the tension scale, Rube."
"My brother, the doctor."
"No, no you can't leave now it's the best part...I called the pizza dude!!"
"You cut your hair. I like it."
"Do I look like an idiot Mr. Petersen? Do you take me for an imbecile?"
"Nobody knocks off and old man in my neighborhood and gets away with it."
"Ricky, get this lamo outta your yard!"
"The kid next door's a meatball."
"I was 18 months in the bush, and I could snap your neck in a beartbeat."
"There's these people, and they're in my parents house and they're eating all their food."
"That Ricky sure knows how to throw a party."
"And that poor old man claims he has a ransom note that says you kidnapped his dog."
"Can you blame them? They live next to people who break into their house and burn it down while they're gone for the day!"
"I've been blown up. Take me to the hospital."
"We've got the pizza dude coming."
"Citizen's arrest!! Citizen's arrest!!"
"I want you to keep an eye on the neighborhood for me."
Jon made it home in time to see the house blow up...even he laughed after a miserable day in the rain and mud. If you need a good laugh you've gotta watch "'Burbs".
Thought for the day
I don't know...sometimes you just need to find a way to laugh....no matter what else is going on...gotta find a way to laugh. Sometimes that means finding something really lame and silly, doesn't matter, as long as you can laugh. It's really a life skill that you have to learn if it doesn't come naturally. You have to be able to not take yourself too seriously and FIND A WAY TO LAUGH.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
20th Century Perks
I'm working so hard tonight...doing laundry. Oh wait, I guess it just involves pushing some buttons now that I no longer have to carry the water and scrub the clothes on that board by hand. Yep, I'm washing clothes while sitting in the living room on my, oh never mind that. I may have to pull myself away to manage some drying issues...I may actually have to hang up some clothes. Tough night. I guess I'll get through it.
I think real often about how glad I am to be born in this country in the last half of the 20th century...running water, electricity, paper products, toilet paper...great stuff. Adding cell phones and digital cameras makes it a great time to be alive.
Thought for the day
It's okay to appreciate the luxuries we enjoy, but when we realize that these things have only been around a few years and only for a small part of the world population, we begin to see what is essential and Who really matters. It's the basics of life---food, shelter, clothing---that are essential and not in the forms that we usually enjoy. And it is the eternal God that holds the foundations of the world and our lives in His hands. It is He Whom we must trust to keep the course and balance of our lives. We are here for a while then somewhere else for eternity...let's not forget the part of that equation that is most important.
I think real often about how glad I am to be born in this country in the last half of the 20th century...running water, electricity, paper products, toilet paper...great stuff. Adding cell phones and digital cameras makes it a great time to be alive.
Thought for the day
It's okay to appreciate the luxuries we enjoy, but when we realize that these things have only been around a few years and only for a small part of the world population, we begin to see what is essential and Who really matters. It's the basics of life---food, shelter, clothing---that are essential and not in the forms that we usually enjoy. And it is the eternal God that holds the foundations of the world and our lives in His hands. It is He Whom we must trust to keep the course and balance of our lives. We are here for a while then somewhere else for eternity...let's not forget the part of that equation that is most important.
Monday, October 20, 2008
It's Monday Again
This may take me a little while since I'm watching "Chuck" at the same time. That's okay...I'm a girl...I can multitask, I think. I went in to work about 10:30 this morning after an all night sinus headache. So I've stayed on drugs all day today...that's right D-R-U-G-S. We'll see what kind of google ads I get now!! :) :) Hopefully tonight will be better. I need to track down a flu shot, too. Hy-Vee gives them at the pharmacy here, but only at certain times so I have to get informed. Hope all of you are getting your flu shots...it's a crazy world out there.
Time out...Jon's on his way home, have to get supper. Okay he's eating. Jon's birthday present arrived today---now we have to learn to run a new camera. Yippee!! This time he got one I can drop from 6.5' Smart man.
Thought for the day
Not bad for a Monday...maybe because I slept in and went to work late. I should try that every Monday??!! It would be quite a luxury to be able to just put off everything for 2 hours when we want. We have to face the music and dive in and do the thing before us. He is always with us to live through us, to provide all we need for all that we face, to offer Himself to us and to those around us. He never lets us face the day alone, and He is never surprised by what comes our way. We need to trust Him more and to receive all things as from His hand. That is the only way we can give thanks in everything...is to know that everything that touches us has come through His hand of love.
Time out...Jon's on his way home, have to get supper. Okay he's eating. Jon's birthday present arrived today---now we have to learn to run a new camera. Yippee!! This time he got one I can drop from 6.5' Smart man.
Thought for the day
Not bad for a Monday...maybe because I slept in and went to work late. I should try that every Monday??!! It would be quite a luxury to be able to just put off everything for 2 hours when we want. We have to face the music and dive in and do the thing before us. He is always with us to live through us, to provide all we need for all that we face, to offer Himself to us and to those around us. He never lets us face the day alone, and He is never surprised by what comes our way. We need to trust Him more and to receive all things as from His hand. That is the only way we can give thanks in everything...is to know that everything that touches us has come through His hand of love.
birthday presents,
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Call to Prayer
It was a beautiful day today, but just as I was finishing up some computer work so I could take a walk I was hit with a nasty sinus headache and had to take some drugs and try to sleep it away. It worked a little bit, but it keeps coming back so I didn't get a lot more done. I did do some laundry, but didn't accomplish much more. I did get some work done on a computer project so that was good. Jon was able to work on GPS, mow the yard, and give Logan a badly needed bath which I greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jon!!!!
I really enjoy these nice days even when I spend them inside---it's just very pretty out there. There is supposed to be more rain in a couple of days which will slow down harvest again, so we'll see what happens.
Thought for the day
I have been encouraged these last couple of days reading some past records of what God has told me. I am convinced again, as evey other time, that my purpose is to pray. I'm also reading "The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer" off and on, and it is such a great encouragement to pray and never give up praying. He says over and over that God has set it up that we are to pray...pray about everything, and He intends that we receive what we pray for. So simple...yet so incredible. It is, of course, based on a relationship with Him where He is Lord and we are seeking Him first. When our heart is truly His we can begin to have confidence that He is directing and purifying our prayers. The fact that we come to Him in prayer to start with means we are acting in His will, for it is His will that we pray. Please be encouraged to bring EVERYTHING that touches your life and heart to Him in prayer, no matter how big or how small. Pray over and over and trust that He sees all and has your best in mind as He answers.
I really enjoy these nice days even when I spend them inside---it's just very pretty out there. There is supposed to be more rain in a couple of days which will slow down harvest again, so we'll see what happens.
Thought for the day
I have been encouraged these last couple of days reading some past records of what God has told me. I am convinced again, as evey other time, that my purpose is to pray. I'm also reading "The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer" off and on, and it is such a great encouragement to pray and never give up praying. He says over and over that God has set it up that we are to pray...pray about everything, and He intends that we receive what we pray for. So simple...yet so incredible. It is, of course, based on a relationship with Him where He is Lord and we are seeking Him first. When our heart is truly His we can begin to have confidence that He is directing and purifying our prayers. The fact that we come to Him in prayer to start with means we are acting in His will, for it is His will that we pray. Please be encouraged to bring EVERYTHING that touches your life and heart to Him in prayer, no matter how big or how small. Pray over and over and trust that He sees all and has your best in mind as He answers.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
October Saturday
The oatmeal fudge bars are pretty good, even if I do say so myself. But Jon does agree. It was a beautiful day...Jon was working part of the day, but it was still too muddy to combine, so he came home to work on GPS. Leftover ribs for supper. I got to talk to all the girls today...Kelli's doing a little better...keep praying!! Greg and Megan are enjoying being together again...hopefully their separations are done. He is staying in Winfield this week to take care of some things and see his family doc for some different input and hopefully a referral to a doc in Iowa City.
Thought for the day
It was good today to have some quiet time at home. A chance to pray, refocus, listen, be still, get a sense of balance in the middle of so much stuff in the world. Thank You, God, for being so faithful to hold me still and remind me that You are eternal and in control no matter how it may seem.
"I will say to the Lord, 'My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!' For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper, and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark...You will not be afraid...a thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not approach you...For you have made the Lord, my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place. No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent...Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name. He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him, and honor him,. With long life I will satisfy him, and let him behold My salvation."
Thought for the day
It was good today to have some quiet time at home. A chance to pray, refocus, listen, be still, get a sense of balance in the middle of so much stuff in the world. Thank You, God, for being so faithful to hold me still and remind me that You are eternal and in control no matter how it may seem.
"I will say to the Lord, 'My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!' For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper, and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark...You will not be afraid...a thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not approach you...For you have made the Lord, my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place. No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent...Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name. He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him, and honor him,. With long life I will satisfy him, and let him behold My salvation."
Friday, October 17, 2008
Keep Praying
I think we have a pretty quiet weekend ahead. We went out to eat at Victoria Station tonight and came back home so Jon could do some GPS work. I'm planning on spending a little time on the treadmill when I'm done here. Tomorrow by afternoon he'll probably be helping with combining again. All week I've been wanting to bake...with some input from Jon I've settled on baking oatmeal fudge bars tomorrow. I don't think I even remember the last time I made those. Baking is one of the things I miss about everyone leaving home and me working full time. I can still do it, but it's pretty risky when there aren't others around to help eat it. I'll have to figure out a sharing plan.
I love fall, but these last few damp days have been more challenging. It makes my joints hurt more, so I'm looking forward to some sunny days again. The weekend is supposed to be better---don't mean to complain, but I won't mind feeling it less in my joints.
Kelli is really sick with respiratory crud--pray for her please. Keep praying for Greg and Megan's house to sell, too, please. They are spending the weekend in Winfield, so I'm sure they'll be well fed and cared for. I would like to work on a computer project this weekend, too...we'll see if that happens.
Thought for the day
I'm always surprised how little it takes to distract me from prayer. I've believed for a long time now that if God has a "calling" for me, it is prayer. I believe He calls me to prayer for my own blessing as well as for intercession. There are so many needs to pray for, yet I'm constantly pulled from that quiet focus into the busy and transitory things of the day. Still my truest longing is for that fellowship and sense of destiny that are a part of real prayer. I'll have to keep trusting Him to bring me into the fullness of all that He has put in my heart because He's the one who has to do it. Like every other part of our walk it is His work, not mine.
I love fall, but these last few damp days have been more challenging. It makes my joints hurt more, so I'm looking forward to some sunny days again. The weekend is supposed to be better---don't mean to complain, but I won't mind feeling it less in my joints.
Kelli is really sick with respiratory crud--pray for her please. Keep praying for Greg and Megan's house to sell, too, please. They are spending the weekend in Winfield, so I'm sure they'll be well fed and cared for. I would like to work on a computer project this weekend, too...we'll see if that happens.
Thought for the day
I'm always surprised how little it takes to distract me from prayer. I've believed for a long time now that if God has a "calling" for me, it is prayer. I believe He calls me to prayer for my own blessing as well as for intercession. There are so many needs to pray for, yet I'm constantly pulled from that quiet focus into the busy and transitory things of the day. Still my truest longing is for that fellowship and sense of destiny that are a part of real prayer. I'll have to keep trusting Him to bring me into the fullness of all that He has put in my heart because He's the one who has to do it. Like every other part of our walk it is His work, not mine.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Vacation Book
Kelli made a book of pictures from our vacation in the Black Hills this summer. She found a site online where she designs her own book by picking a layout for each page and uploading the text and pictures the way she wants. You can then pick a cover and they print the book the way you ordered it....very cool. She did a great job of putting together the whole trip into an album. I took the book to work today and even among a group of men it was a big hit. They were properly impressed. It really is a wonderful keepsake....THANKS, KELLI!!!
Sorry, don't know why my Far Side doesn't come up every day...frustrating!!
Thought for the day
Wow, I don't think I have a "thought". I hope God still loves me even if I'm not feeling too "deep" or thoughtful. I mean, I'm just enjoying my evening, doing laundry, made a good supper, watching Jon sleep in his chair, playing on my computer, changing some decorations for fall, called Greg and Megan to wish them a happy 4th anniversary, just hanging out. What do you think, does He still love me? Hey, maybe I do have a pretty good thought after all.
Sorry, don't know why my Far Side doesn't come up every day...frustrating!!
Thought for the day
Wow, I don't think I have a "thought". I hope God still loves me even if I'm not feeling too "deep" or thoughtful. I mean, I'm just enjoying my evening, doing laundry, made a good supper, watching Jon sleep in his chair, playing on my computer, changing some decorations for fall, called Greg and Megan to wish them a happy 4th anniversary, just hanging out. What do you think, does He still love me? Hey, maybe I do have a pretty good thought after all.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Talented Kids
I have such talented grandchildren!!! Just today I've seen outdoor pictures taken by 4 year old Emmy and 6 year old Tre sang me 2 songs on the phone---all in 1 day!! Bria, age 8, has an incredible capacity to learn and retain information. At age 3 she could tell you all about a huge range of dinosaurs including names I couldn't pronounce. Tru, age 4, rides his bike like a pro. And each one individually has the capacity to just melt Jon's and my hearts. I can't help but brag, so since you logged on by choice I won't even apologize.
I hope you are all blessed with people you love....make sure you hug them tight.
Thought for the day
It's amazing to me that God delights in us JUST AS MUCH as I delight in my husband, kids, and grandkids. It's easier to think of His love as lofty, holy, more "above". It is those things, but He also DELIGHTS in us...that sounds much warmer, more personal, and just more enjoyable to me. Kelli, I bet even He laughs when the milk comes out the nose!! :)
I hope you are all blessed with people you love....make sure you hug them tight.
Thought for the day
It's amazing to me that God delights in us JUST AS MUCH as I delight in my husband, kids, and grandkids. It's easier to think of His love as lofty, holy, more "above". It is those things, but He also DELIGHTS in us...that sounds much warmer, more personal, and just more enjoyable to me. Kelli, I bet even He laughs when the milk comes out the nose!! :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Value of Life
It rained lightly almost all day. I love the sound of rain, but the down side today was no thunder or lightning. Our whole family likes thunderstorms...probably because we've never had a really bad experience with it. I'm okay with that...no bad experiences and we still enjoy the storms. I always feel sorry for people that get really afraid of the weather...my only concern is if we've got kids on the road.
Tomorrow on the Today Show a 7th generation Wallenda (the Flying Wallendas) is walking 235' on a tightrope then riding a bike back across it for a world record---I can't remember how high, I'm thinking over 200'??? Why??? I don't think I'll ever understand that kind of thing...29 years old, married, 3 kids and they'll all be there watching. Oh, did I mention NO NET???? That's right, no net. I don't get it. I know it takes all kinds, but really? I think we can all get along just fine without this "contribution". Well, I hope he lives through it. Me...I'm just tickled that I had a clear mammogram...don't need to walk a tightrope, thanks anyway.
Tabbi, I tried Far Side again...we'll see if it changes!!
Thought for the day
How valuable is life to you? I'm sure most of you would be on the side of pro-life, but I'm wondering about the value of a daily life lived with a sense of purpose, destiny, hope, and respect...both for ourselves and for others. How do we help a checkout clerk at the store feel that what she or he is doing is important and appreciated? Or how about the attendant at the gas station? I'm not just talking about positive reinforcement, but helping someone see themselves the way God sees them. Living in that way really means walking with God in a way that brings us into the light and lets His light reveal to us what He sees in others. It requires a sacrifice of assumptions, biases, judgments, patience, preconceived notions, and self-righteous smugness. Do you, do I, value life enough to take a second look?
Tomorrow on the Today Show a 7th generation Wallenda (the Flying Wallendas) is walking 235' on a tightrope then riding a bike back across it for a world record---I can't remember how high, I'm thinking over 200'??? Why??? I don't think I'll ever understand that kind of thing...29 years old, married, 3 kids and they'll all be there watching. Oh, did I mention NO NET???? That's right, no net. I don't get it. I know it takes all kinds, but really? I think we can all get along just fine without this "contribution". Well, I hope he lives through it. Me...I'm just tickled that I had a clear mammogram...don't need to walk a tightrope, thanks anyway.
Tabbi, I tried Far Side again...we'll see if it changes!!
Thought for the day
How valuable is life to you? I'm sure most of you would be on the side of pro-life, but I'm wondering about the value of a daily life lived with a sense of purpose, destiny, hope, and respect...both for ourselves and for others. How do we help a checkout clerk at the store feel that what she or he is doing is important and appreciated? Or how about the attendant at the gas station? I'm not just talking about positive reinforcement, but helping someone see themselves the way God sees them. Living in that way really means walking with God in a way that brings us into the light and lets His light reveal to us what He sees in others. It requires a sacrifice of assumptions, biases, judgments, patience, preconceived notions, and self-righteous smugness. Do you, do I, value life enough to take a second look?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Hooray for Leftovers
There is something really great to coming home after a Monday back at work, finding out Jon is home for the evening (which almost never happens this time of year), and having leftovers I just have to heat up for supper. There was just enough leftover roast and Hy-Vee chicken in the fridge to make supper work with a couple of easy sides. Somehow, it's still almost 8:00 before I get all done cleaning it up, but it was very enjoyable. Got to watch "Chuck"...just a really fun show.
Thought for the day
Leftovers are great in the fridge, but they are useless in our heart. God gives us a great lesson in manna. The Israelites were supposed to gather the manna every morning, but for one day only. It is the same in our life with God. We can't come to Him and receive a store that will last us for a month, a week, or a couple of days. Ideally we are receiving from Him moment by moment, but there is an obvious pattern given of coming to Him daily for what we need. We need to understand that while His supply for us is inexhaustable, it is given fresh from His hand not stored up from last month's weekend retreat. We gain much from special times of dedication, attention, and focus but they cannot sustain us day to day...and we lose much by expecting that result. What God wants most is relationship, and He has designed us with the need for fresh "manna" daily or moment by moment as needed. It amazes me how I can be coasting along thinking everything is fine when I realize how long it's been since I came to Him and received fresh from His heart.
Thought for the day
Leftovers are great in the fridge, but they are useless in our heart. God gives us a great lesson in manna. The Israelites were supposed to gather the manna every morning, but for one day only. It is the same in our life with God. We can't come to Him and receive a store that will last us for a month, a week, or a couple of days. Ideally we are receiving from Him moment by moment, but there is an obvious pattern given of coming to Him daily for what we need. We need to understand that while His supply for us is inexhaustable, it is given fresh from His hand not stored up from last month's weekend retreat. We gain much from special times of dedication, attention, and focus but they cannot sustain us day to day...and we lose much by expecting that result. What God wants most is relationship, and He has designed us with the need for fresh "manna" daily or moment by moment as needed. It amazes me how I can be coasting along thinking everything is fine when I realize how long it's been since I came to Him and received fresh from His heart.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Blank Park Zoo

Today Tabbi, Tre, Tru, and I went to Des Moines. We met Megan briefly at Target then all went to IHOP for lunch. Megan had to go to work at David's Bridal at noon, and the rest of us went to Blank Park Zoo. All of you reading this are probably familiar with Henry Doorly Zoo, but this one is much smaller. It fit our day well, though. It wasn't crowded, and the boys were needing to run off some energy. They liked what they saw, but were always anxious to move on the the next thing. They actually spent more time at the couple of playground areas than anything else. It was hard to get them to hold still for any pictures, but I did get a few before dropping my camera. I think you all know how hard it is to buy gifts for Jon, and it's his birthday later this month. I'm so excited that now I know what he needs--a new camera!!! Of course, he will have to do all the research and pick it out, but at least the original idea was mine for a change!!!
Bria, there were no camel rides today...those ended on Labor Day so we didn't get to do that. The boys still had plenty of energy so we went to a McDonald's with play area to burn off the rest of it for a while. It was a much quieter ride home than it was this morning. Hope you all have a great rest of the weekend!!!
Thought for the day
There's nothing like a zoo to remind you how varied and amazing God's creation is. Why not just one kind of big cat, or one kind of primate, or one kind of dog, or bird, or fish, or just about anything. I think He just enjoys all of it. Then you look at people....really you would think that beings with 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose, 1 mouth, a trunk, and hair (at some point in life) all in the same general arrangement would be similar, but NO.......Billions of people living at one time and no 2 the same...multiplied by all people of all time...that's variety. Maybe He just enjoys all of us.
Blank Park Zoo,
Friday, October 10, 2008
Choosing What We Think
It's Friday!!! It's hectic at work, but the day goes fast. Jon just got home a little before 9:00 and is eating supper. I had some time to do some of my chores, but I didn't seem to get that much done.
Tomorrow I need to go to Des Moines to take some stuff to Megan so Tabbi and the boys are going to go with me. After meeting up with Megan she will have to go to work at noon, and the rest of us will head to Blank Park Zoo for the afternoon. I've been there once before with Kelli's family...Megan went with us that time. That day Bria got to ride on a camel with her mom. Do you remember, Bria?
I didn't even go for a walk tonight with a zoo trip tomorrow...my foot and knees will catch up then. Hope to have some pix to post. Thought I had a picture of Bria on a camel, but I can't locate it on my computer. If I do I'll post it to share...What are you all doing to enjoy these great days of fall while they last.
Thought for the day
Choosing what we think is a CRUCIAL part of living life as the people we are meant to be. 2 Corinthians 10 says that our warfare is on a spiritual level, not on a human reasoning level. It refers to the weapons arrayed against us as speculations and lofty things, not flesh and blood, not people we may disagree with. More often the weapon pointed our way is far more subtle...the impatience with the neighbor who has different signs in their yard, the irritation with people who "can't drive" or "don't get it" or "are too slow", an attitude of fear, pride, or rebellion in the smallest detail. This is why verse 5 instructs us to take "every thought captive to the obedience of Christ". It takes just a moment to let the thought register and recognize whether it is obedience to Christ or not. It is a process and it takes time to develop this response, but it's probably easier than we think. We need to see this, not as an effort or legal duty, but as an outflow of His own heart---He knows what obedience is, therefore we can know.
Tomorrow I need to go to Des Moines to take some stuff to Megan so Tabbi and the boys are going to go with me. After meeting up with Megan she will have to go to work at noon, and the rest of us will head to Blank Park Zoo for the afternoon. I've been there once before with Kelli's family...Megan went with us that time. That day Bria got to ride on a camel with her mom. Do you remember, Bria?
I didn't even go for a walk tonight with a zoo trip tomorrow...my foot and knees will catch up then. Hope to have some pix to post. Thought I had a picture of Bria on a camel, but I can't locate it on my computer. If I do I'll post it to share...What are you all doing to enjoy these great days of fall while they last.
Thought for the day
Choosing what we think is a CRUCIAL part of living life as the people we are meant to be. 2 Corinthians 10 says that our warfare is on a spiritual level, not on a human reasoning level. It refers to the weapons arrayed against us as speculations and lofty things, not flesh and blood, not people we may disagree with. More often the weapon pointed our way is far more subtle...the impatience with the neighbor who has different signs in their yard, the irritation with people who "can't drive" or "don't get it" or "are too slow", an attitude of fear, pride, or rebellion in the smallest detail. This is why verse 5 instructs us to take "every thought captive to the obedience of Christ". It takes just a moment to let the thought register and recognize whether it is obedience to Christ or not. It is a process and it takes time to develop this response, but it's probably easier than we think. We need to see this, not as an effort or legal duty, but as an outflow of His own heart---He knows what obedience is, therefore we can know.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Too Late and Too Tired
Busy day at work and praise team practice tonight...Jon not home till 8:30 for supper. The day was fine, but a little too long and I'm a little too tired. We're trying to make some plans for the weekend and start planning a weekend to go see Jon, Kelli, Bria, and Emmy. Have something in mind...now to get it cleared with others and see if it will work. Forgive me for a short post, but I'm about ready to crash.
Thought for the day
Go to bed!!!
Thought for the day
Go to bed!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Getting Better
Thankfully, Jon is much better. Thanks to all of you who prayed for him. He did stay home today...still pretty wiped out, but he was able to be up and around and eat and drink, so he will go back to work tomorrow if he continues to feel good.
Harvest officially started at work today. Many farmers have been combining beans, but we don't handle beans. Our first new corn started arriving today so now things really change for me. The weather continues to be beautiful, but I'm finding I don't have enough time to get out there for walks or just get the things done I need to do before it gets cold. Never quite enough time....
Tried a new recipe for supper tonight "Bruschetta Chicken Bake" from kraftfoods.com I liked it, but I don't think it was a hit for Jon. Oh oh...there are leftovers for tomorrow night...sorry...
I'm too cheap to not finish it :)
Thought for the day
I thought today would be particularly irritating, but I tried to stay focused on what God has for me in the midst of all that and, while nothing changed in the circumstances, I was far less annoyed than I expected. If you understood the struggle I've had you would know that had to be a "God thing". So tonight I'm just grateful that He proved Himself true in my circumstance. That's the God that I can count on. That's the God I need...every day.
Harvest officially started at work today. Many farmers have been combining beans, but we don't handle beans. Our first new corn started arriving today so now things really change for me. The weather continues to be beautiful, but I'm finding I don't have enough time to get out there for walks or just get the things done I need to do before it gets cold. Never quite enough time....
Tried a new recipe for supper tonight "Bruschetta Chicken Bake" from kraftfoods.com I liked it, but I don't think it was a hit for Jon. Oh oh...there are leftovers for tomorrow night...sorry...
I'm too cheap to not finish it :)
Thought for the day
I thought today would be particularly irritating, but I tried to stay focused on what God has for me in the midst of all that and, while nothing changed in the circumstances, I was far less annoyed than I expected. If you understood the struggle I've had you would know that had to be a "God thing". So tonight I'm just grateful that He proved Himself true in my circumstance. That's the God that I can count on. That's the God I need...every day.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Flu--Yuck
Well, apparently the flu is going around!! Jon, Trever, and Tre were all sick today. I thought Tabbi and Tru and I should go out to celebrate their 8th anniversary, but she thought she needed to take care of her family...imagine that. Jon has slept most of the day, so I'm praying he will be "all better" by morning.
Cooler here today and we had some rain in the area last night, but there was sunshine by late afternoon. I hope you all had a good day today celebrating your very special unique self made by and for God...let's all do it again tomorrow!! That's right, He enjoys us EVERY day.
Thought for the day
Let's all remember to pray for each other. There are always needs, and we need to understand what others are facing. Let's lift up each other and pray for the needs we see in their lives as well as for our own needs. God hears; He sees our heart; He moves in answer to our prayer.
Cooler here today and we had some rain in the area last night, but there was sunshine by late afternoon. I hope you all had a good day today celebrating your very special unique self made by and for God...let's all do it again tomorrow!! That's right, He enjoys us EVERY day.
Thought for the day
Let's all remember to pray for each other. There are always needs, and we need to understand what others are facing. Let's lift up each other and pray for the needs we see in their lives as well as for our own needs. God hears; He sees our heart; He moves in answer to our prayer.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Is God a Liar?
Is it just me, or do any of you ever not like yourself? There is sometimes no word for it other than self-loathing. That may sound extreme, but sometimes we are that hard on ourselves. And why? Because we aren't perfect in form or face? Because we are too _________ (fill in the blank)? Because we are too tired or busy to accomplish everything? Because our attitude is (still) less than perfect?
I believe that we as women are especially prone to this tendency, and we come to accept it as a normal realistic view of ourselves. I am beginning to think that there is more to it. First, we must see in us what God sees. I believe that women hold the potential to be an incredible force for God's blessing in the world. He's given us hearts full of compassion, the ability to see under the surface to the heart of a person, a great gift of faith and prayer, and, as we all know, the ability to multi-task. Next, we must realize the extreme pressure put on us in this culture to be young, thin, beautiful, successful, strong, and in perfect health. Anything less is seen as almost a failure of character. I believe that Satan uses these pressures which feel so normal to us to paralyze us on a daily basis. We get up and get ready in the morning and all it takes is one missed detail of the family schedule or something less than perfect in the mirror or the fit of our clothes and Satan whispers in our ear, "You failed again" or "You look like crap" and we're done for the day. We lose all our ability to see past the accusation, and we become the center of our own focus for the rest of the day. We no longer see the people around us; we no longer pray with power; instead of reaching out to others, we are self-conscious; instead of rejoicing in God's love for us, we condemn ourselves with our own thoughts.
It really is a self-indulgent sin that lets us focus on just ourselves and calls God a liar. He loves us, and if we disagree with Him we are calling Him a liar. I think that's something none of us want to do. It's a hard mindset to repent from because it feels so natural---but it is a sin, we NEED to repent .
Thought for the day
If you belong to Christ celebrate and rejoice in who you are---He does!!!
Jeremiah 31:3; Zephaniah 3:17
I believe that we as women are especially prone to this tendency, and we come to accept it as a normal realistic view of ourselves. I am beginning to think that there is more to it. First, we must see in us what God sees. I believe that women hold the potential to be an incredible force for God's blessing in the world. He's given us hearts full of compassion, the ability to see under the surface to the heart of a person, a great gift of faith and prayer, and, as we all know, the ability to multi-task. Next, we must realize the extreme pressure put on us in this culture to be young, thin, beautiful, successful, strong, and in perfect health. Anything less is seen as almost a failure of character. I believe that Satan uses these pressures which feel so normal to us to paralyze us on a daily basis. We get up and get ready in the morning and all it takes is one missed detail of the family schedule or something less than perfect in the mirror or the fit of our clothes and Satan whispers in our ear, "You failed again" or "You look like crap" and we're done for the day. We lose all our ability to see past the accusation, and we become the center of our own focus for the rest of the day. We no longer see the people around us; we no longer pray with power; instead of reaching out to others, we are self-conscious; instead of rejoicing in God's love for us, we condemn ourselves with our own thoughts.
It really is a self-indulgent sin that lets us focus on just ourselves and calls God a liar. He loves us, and if we disagree with Him we are calling Him a liar. I think that's something none of us want to do. It's a hard mindset to repent from because it feels so natural---but it is a sin, we NEED to repent .
Thought for the day
If you belong to Christ celebrate and rejoice in who you are---He does!!!
Jeremiah 31:3; Zephaniah 3:17
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Jon was called out again last night from 10:00 till about 12:45 a.m. We went to church; Megan left around 8:30; Tabbi and boys came before noon till about 5:00. The boys spent most of the time outside riding their bikes as you can see. Talked to Kelli and both Bria and Emmy earlier. About 5:30 Jon got called out again, soo.....we'll see what the rest of the evening brings. What beautiful weather we've had this whole week. There's supposed to be rain coming this week, but that's okay, too.
I hope all of you have had a great weekend with a great week ahead. Me, I'm going to try to remember to not work from my own strength but to rest in Christ and let Him do what He wants when He wants to do it.
Thought for the day
I hope that the life and love of Christ Himself will be seen through me and that I will know His fellowship also in the "sufferings". Whatever I see in my life as "suffering" (which is generally something pretty lame), let me realize that as a point of fellowship with Him in the sufferings He endured.
Friday, October 3, 2008
My Favorite Job
This is Jon's call week...he takes every 5th week from Friday 7:30 a.m. till the following Friday at 7:30 a.m. This morning he went in an hour early, and he's still working now at 7:30 heading to the 3rd call since just before 4:00 this afternoon. The weather has been perfect all day...there is sometimes no rhyme or reason to having lots of calls. Eventually he'll get to eat supper and hopefully sleep...he should be tired. Megan is working tonight and will come here either after work or in the morning until Sunday morning. Tabbi and clan will probably be here sometime this weekend, too. Lots of ins and outs...I'll just be here...feeding, hugging, washing clothes, letting Logan in and out...church on Sunday. I like being here taking care of them...it's always been my best job, and I'm glad to still get to do a little of it when I can. It's like being "retired" and still getting to go to work when and if you want to. I'm sure this is the only job I've ever had that I will always want to do. Thanks, everybody, for keeping me semi-employed!!
Time for feedback!! What was your favorite job?
Thought for the day
Father, forgive me for complaining about my job, forgetting my true purpose to know You in the midst of every circumstance. Help me to see my work the way You do.
My child, I am with you every moment of every day even in the midst of the most unlikely surroundings. I have blessed you with the opportunity to do what you love...love, be with, care for, support your family in every way you can. Some of that provision comes through your work, but more than that, walking through some of those frustrations can help you to know Me in new ways and on a deeper level than you have before now. I am the highest goal of your heart. Some days you wonder if that's really true, but I am the keeper of your heart. Even on a day when you question your own heart I am holding you true by the power of My blood and my life.
You are in the place where I can give you what you want most...knowing Me more. The side benefit is that you REALLY appreciate the parts of your life that are more enjoyable to you. Go ahead, enjoy what you love, then let Me fill even the other parts with Myself and bring you closer to Me. I am making you into all that I created you for, and in the outflow others will be blessed as well.
Time for feedback!! What was your favorite job?
Thought for the day
Father, forgive me for complaining about my job, forgetting my true purpose to know You in the midst of every circumstance. Help me to see my work the way You do.
My child, I am with you every moment of every day even in the midst of the most unlikely surroundings. I have blessed you with the opportunity to do what you love...love, be with, care for, support your family in every way you can. Some of that provision comes through your work, but more than that, walking through some of those frustrations can help you to know Me in new ways and on a deeper level than you have before now. I am the highest goal of your heart. Some days you wonder if that's really true, but I am the keeper of your heart. Even on a day when you question your own heart I am holding you true by the power of My blood and my life.
You are in the place where I can give you what you want most...knowing Me more. The side benefit is that you REALLY appreciate the parts of your life that are more enjoyable to you. Go ahead, enjoy what you love, then let Me fill even the other parts with Myself and bring you closer to Me. I am making you into all that I created you for, and in the outflow others will be blessed as well.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Do You Know a Drummer?
I hope all of you had a good day...mine was busy with work, then a walk, cooking supper, baking banana bread (YUM!), then went to praise team practice. Do you know a Christian who can play drums? The great drummer we've had the last few years is moving away, and we really need a good drummer. If you know someone like that please let me know!!! I like going to practice even if I'm not singing on Sunday...I don't get to listen to much music during the week and I like getting some good music running in my head part way through the week. It's good for my heart.
Thought for the day
We are so fortunate to live in a country where we can have a free election every 4 years with the potential of changing direction and changing people in power all without a shot being fired. We have open forums and debates and the freedom to speak our mind and disagree--what a huge blessing. Many, many people gave their lives and made sacrifices to insure these rights for us, so let's honor their sacrifice by making sure we take advantage of our privelege to vote.
Thought for the day
We are so fortunate to live in a country where we can have a free election every 4 years with the potential of changing direction and changing people in power all without a shot being fired. We have open forums and debates and the freedom to speak our mind and disagree--what a huge blessing. Many, many people gave their lives and made sacrifices to insure these rights for us, so let's honor their sacrifice by making sure we take advantage of our privelege to vote.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
America's Got Talent, but apparently America's Got Poor Taste. Who is really going to listen to opera for one and a half hours? In Vegas? He's obviously talented, but really? Eli Mattson or Nuttin' But Stringz would have been a hugely better choice. That's disappointing. I hope someone picks up those two acts and really takes them somewhere great.
And the Cubs lost.
And the Cubs lost.
Purse Freak

Wow, the Cubs and America's Got Talent on the same night!! Go Cubs!! Jon will soon be home for supper, and I may have to take a break from this, but for now....It's the first of the month again at work and that means time to print and send statements...about a 2 day process, then a couple of more days at least to get caught back up with regular work. This next month will be the craziest of the year for me at work with corn harvest, but if I'm going to be at work I'd rather be busy than not. At home I'm just fine with free time!!!
Okay, if you're my daughter you already know this. I'm a certifiable purse freak. I don't spend much on a purse, but getting a new purse is one of my surest picker-uppers. This is my latest addition. It was $10.00 off to start with making it the perfect price to give me free shipping on something I was ordering anyway, so it ended up being a very practical choice and I LIKE IT!!
Thought for the day
Sleep was a good thing, and I hope that all of you get the rest you need tonight. My most trusted pastor, Doc, has said that sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is get 10 hours of sleep. I'm pretty sure that my back would get sore and force me out of bed before 10 hours were over, but I get it. Putting the emphasis of our life on the side of knowing, loving, and serving Christ does not make us less human. We are never meant to ignore the physical needs of our body... nourishment, sleep, exercise, or caring for a particular health need. Neither should we let these things dominate our time or attention. It can be a delicate balance that could paralyze us, but we must rest in knowing that He remembers our frame, He knows that we are dust. He knows we need to meet these needs and can help us do it in a balanced, healthful, Christ-honoring way without extremes, addictions, or deprivations. It is an individual picture that He will help us each create as we put it in His hands.
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