Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I'm Baaack!!!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Welcome to the Clan, Annie
Thought for the day
I'm just feeling very blessed. We had such a great time with our family all here yesterday. My mom even joined us for a few hours. The grandkids were so excited to see each other...they hadn't been together since August...that they really had fun. Of course they were a little impatient to open presents after eating, but when they had to wait a little longer they ran off happily playing and laughing. They are such a fun age and it even seems magical to watch it all with them. We have to stay like children and keep that wonder, innocence, and joy in the midst of waiting, expecting, delays, enjoying the moment for what it is, and playing and laughing together. I'm at a loss for how to put into words just what I'm feeling, but I know I don't want to lose it, so I hope this becomes clearer in the coming days.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Special Time
Thought for the day
Went to church this morning to see the Christmas program. It was very well done and we were glad it included a chance for the congregation to sing carols as part of the program. There are few things more Christmas-y than a stage full of children singing and saying their parts. They did a great job, and it stirs up all kinds of memories of my girls in their programs. I'm glad they were in all those programs and have those memories, too.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas Question
Thought for the day
It's not so much a "thought" but a question. What is your most favorite little piece of Christmas? Whether an ornament, some decoration, a tradition, a song, a food, a memory, a piece of the Christmas story... I'm going to have to think about my answer to this, too. Think it over and post your "favorite".
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thundersleet and Thank You
Thought for the day
It's so important to be thankful for specific things and to specifically THANK GOD for them. Don't just "be thankful"...tell Him thank You!! We can coast along taking so many things for granted...things we actually do appreciate...but do we say thank you to the One responsible? Imagine for a few minutes what your life would be like without these blessings...safe travel, good health, warm homes, any and all good relationships, jobs to go to, parents, childen, grandchildren...on and on. We think these things are our right, but there are people everywhere around us who don't have some of these blessings...they are a privelege, not a right. SAY THANK YOU!!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Busy Time
Thought for the day
I'm tired and need to go to bed. I've been getting up a little earlier which has really improved the quality of my day, but I've got to balance by starting to go to bed earlier, too!! So off I go..sleep well!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Perfect Snow
It was one of those perfect snows. It fell all day, heavier at times, lighter at others. The wind was blowing some, but still it fell mostly in an even layer about 3 inches deep. It was done by dark, but then the Christmas lights were on shining on and through the fresh layer of white. I know Jon gets tired of moving snow, and I'm no help to him. But I can't imagine living somewhere where you never see this...it is beautiful. The best part is it was COLD so there's no ice underneath. I hear the snowblower running, and I know it's cold outside, but thanks, Jon, for taking care of it so I can just enjoy it!! I came home from work to an empty house for a couple of hours, put on some music, lit a candle and just enjoyed the pretty scene through my windows from my warm house. Thanks, God, for that too!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
We got some really good news today...Greg's dr appt included a repeat of a test that measures the nerve response in each arm on the specific injured nerve. The last time he had some reading in the left arm and zero in the right. Today they were both equal showing a little delay. He still has pain and more kinds of healing to do, but this was incredibly good news surprising even the doctor. He was released to go back to work and his company wants him to return next week!! That means he'll be staying in NC for now, but is all very good news for them in the big picture. Thank You, Jesus, for answering prayer
Thought for the day
God is faithful. God is faithful. God is faithful. Sometimes we have to wait, and wait, and wait, but He is faithful, He is faithful, He is faithful. Keep praying, keep praying, keep praying...no matter whether you are seeing any progress or not. And did I mention that He is faithful?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Loving and Serving
Thought for the day
There is no substitute for finding ways to serve and support one another when it comes to relationships. Love is a choice and is demonstrated, not by words, but by actions. We tend to see only whether we are being loved and served rather than to find more ways to do the loving and serving. It isn't possible to love in this way in our own strength, but only by first receiving what God offers to us. The world cannot understand or love in this way...not possible. But we who are His can live a life of love as we receive what we need from Him instead of expecting it from others.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Some Pre-Christmas PIctures
Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas Program

Kelli shared this picture on her blog today, too. I think it is everyone's favorite of my parents. Bria was 2 days old and we took my parents to see them the day they came home. He was beginning to forget more and repeat himself alot, but as you can see, he could laugh really well. Some Alzheimer's patients become harsh and mean; we were blessed that he didn't do that. He had some difficult times if he had to go to the hospital and would get afraid, but in his usual environment he enjoyed joking around almost as long as he could communicate. We had a special treat tonight...we got to go to Tre's first school program Christmas concert. It was very nice and he did a great job. We got to see him afterwards for a little while and we walked out to the parking lot together. It was getting icy underfoot, and if you know me well you know I don't do well walking on ice. I had hold of both boys' hands and soon Tre said something about holding his hand and I answered, "I'm holding your hand". We repeated the conversation then he finally said, "No, you're hurting my hand." Poor little guy...I didn't realize I was squeezing his hand to hold me up!!
Thought for the day
We have a way of hanging on to whatever is closest when we feel we may fall...even if it's a 6 year old. That's another good reason to make sure that the one we are staying closest to is God in the ordinary, routine days of our lives so that when there is an occasion when we may get tripped up and we reach out, it's Him we are hanging on to. The world offers many substitutes, even good things, that we can use for support and a helping hand, but even if we take advantage of some of these things we must keep them in perspective and remember that every issue or challenge is ultimately a spiritual matter at some level and our truest help and answer is Christ.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas Decorating
Thought for the day
It definitely does feel more like Christmas now that the decorating is done. Now to think about cards, wrapping, and so on. After finishing the decorating I realized that tomorrow it will be 4 years since my dad went home for good. Because of Alzheimer's we lost him gradually and in so many ways it really was only his body that was left by December 8, but it was a relief to see him go and know that he would be whole again, more whole than he had ever been. I knew that he would be laughing again and that someday we would laugh together again. Love you, Dad!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Home Again, Home Again
Thought for the day
The speaker today on the richest man talked about a gentleman he came to know and how loved he was because of how he treated people. Even though he worked at a job most of us would not want to do, he treated the people he met there with such grace and sincere appreciation that the ripple affect of his life has reached across continents. What a legacy to leave...it gives us much to consider in this season of hurry and stress...to decide to be happy ourselves and give that away to the most random people that cross our paths is to live as we are called to live. During an interview with today's speaker this humble man quoted Francis of Assisi "Preach the Gospel at all times, and, if necessary, use words."
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Conviction or Condemnation?
Thought for the day
I'm really slow with getting started on Christmas decorations...makes me feel a little overwhemed to think about trying to get that done with the schedule out ahead. So I'll do what I can without feeling guilty. Amazing what sort of little things can stir up feelings of guilt. We insist that our relationship to God is based on faith, but the smallest things cause us to feel guilty. That is not legitimate guilt...it is a false accusation from the enemy. I've been taught that the way to tell the difference between false guilt from the enemy and true conviction from God is that accusation from the enemy leads us down into hopelessness, despair, and condemnation while conviction from God trying to make a true change in our lives leads us upward into hope, and answers, peace, and a way out in Him. Scripture supports that comparison and I 've found that test to be very helpful. More than that, there is a sense of rightness, peace, and cleansing about the voice of God when He makes a point about something that He wants to change. Also, let Him make the issues and don't go on a "witch hunt" in your own heart. He will do the work He needs to do...you can trust Him.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thought for the day
Are you done Christmas shopping? Not me. I don't have a lot left, but some. I always feel a little disappointed in the gifts I give. Once in a while I feel like I get just the right thing, but even then I wish I could give more...not necessarily in quantity, but certainly quality...I want to give those I love the blessings that really make a difference--health, time, safety, provision, purpose, fulfillment, love, the things that really matter. Of course I can't buy them any of these things. What I can do is pray all of these things for them, and I do. I hope they know that when they open their "gift" there is so much more that I want and pray for them. What a blessing to know that God answers prayers and wants to bless us.