Hi, everybody, did you miss me? I just haven't been able to get to this much this week so now I hope I can get going again. These pictures are a sampling of our time together at Christmas. Tre, Bria, and Emmy are sitting on Jon's lap while he reads the Christmas story from Luke 2. The next picture is the four kids sitting at the counter eating probably spaghetti, cottage cheese, applesauce, macaroni and cheese, or some combination thereof. The picture of Kelli, Tabbi, and Megan was taken while we were watching "White Christmas" and they were singing "Sisters", a family classic at our house. Whenever I really wanted to get on their nerves I could start singing "Sisters" and they would all moan and yell, "Mom!!" It was probably more my singing than the song!! The movie remains the all around favorite for Christmastime.
Thought for the day
So what are your plans for the new year? I won't call them resolutions, but what would you like to do or change? I would like to get my book finished and printed. I'd like to walk more faithfully, hopefully because I'm not having as much pain in my joints and feet. I'd like to practice my faith in new ways...I don't even know just what I mean by that, but I'd like to know that God is doing something new and that I'm cooperating with Him. As always, I want to learn to pray more faithfully and more simply.
oops...made a mistake and some of my words got left off...Looks like your Christmas was a frenzy, just like ours. What fun! I will be sharing my goals for 2009 in the next couple days. Happy New Year!
Hey - check out all those cute people! Could you email me some pictures from Christmas?
Goals? Use our Wii Fit at least 3 times a week!
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