Wow, my "baby" is turning 27 today!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MEGAN!! We're going to see her tonight and take her out for supper...not sure where yet...her choice. A couple of particular memories from 27 year ago...
We had spent the last 2 weekends in a row staying at my sister's in town because of bad weather. We were living about 12 miles outside of town and didn't want to risk getting stuck. We were headed out for the 3rd weekend when we were pretty sure I'd be going to the hospital instead, so we dropped off Kelli and Tabbi at my parents and went to town. It was snowing AGAIN. Megan was born at 2:41 a.m. and I remember around 3:something holding her all wrapped up, looking out the window and seeing the fresh white snow falling and no activity anywhere. It was a really peaceful feeling. The drive home was anything but peaceful...4 wheel drive over bad roads and almost in the ditch at the end of our driveway. She was definitely "worth it". :)
Anyway, we all love you, Megan, and are so very thankful for you and Greg and excited to get you both settled in closer to home!!!
What great pics and special memories...my daughter is 27 too! Yours looks so much like you in the first pic...so pretty! Happy birthday mom!
Thanks, Kathy!!
Happy Birthday Meg!
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