It really poured rain here last night and was blowing hard. When we got home Jon had to go out on call. He was home for about 3 hours during the night then back out by 7:00 this morning. He called about 8:30 and still had a lot of work to do. By morning it had turned to snow, but is really letting up now.
My aunt passed away on Friday so we will be going to visitation tonight and funeral tomorrow. My cousins in Texas are driving up today and will have a little time to stretch at our house later this afternoon. Hopefully, Jon will be back to see everyone.
Thought for the day
Birthdays and funerals...beginning and end...start to finish...happy and sad... They are parts and pieces of life when we celebrate each other, and though it may seem a trivial thing sometimes to attend or observe, we really do need to celebrate one another and appreciate each other. Whether we can be there in person on a specific date isn't so much the point as appreciating each other all the time and being thankful for the people in our lives. And don't just "be thankful" in a general sense. Let people know, specifically, that you appreciate who they are and what they do. We can all use some encouragement, but start by giving it and expressing it to someone else...many someone elses.
Sorry we missed the party.... can't wait to see you guys this weekend!!.
Tab.... you look really cute and so tan!
wow - kelli you just made my day!!!! it's ok you didn't come (sniff sniff). we'll see you soon!
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