I'm enjoying seeing the pictures from my mom that Kelli is scanning. We looked through a lot of them here that weekend, and I was really intrigued by the pictures that my dad took while stationed in France during WWII. It was pretty amazing to realize that he was THERE and took the pictures himself...made the Eiffel Tower look much more impressive...even in black and white.
Thought for the day
"Temptation often comes upon a man with its strongest power when he is nearest to God...If a man has much of the Spirit of God, he will have great conflicts with the tempter. God permits temptation because it does for us what the storms do for the oaks--it roots us; and what the fire does for the paintings on the porcelain--it makes them permanent...You never know that you have a grip on Christ, or that He has a grip on you, as well as when the devil is using all his force to attract you from Him; then you feel the pull of Christ's right hand." From Streams in the Desert...April 12.
We all had a good time - thanks again!
You are welcome...THANK YOU!!
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