Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Busy Week

It's been a busy week. On Thursday last week we went to Jon's doctor and he got the splint off. He got a short cast that stops below the elbow which is more comfortable, but he's still not sleeping well. On Friday we went to Grand Forks. We went to Emmy's soccer games...it's true...she tackles the kids on the other team...IT'S HYSTERICAL!! Sunday we went to a pumpkin patch and had a great time. I have video of the sack race...anticipation...

Thought for the day

I'm reading, or rather, using a book titled "Oxygen Deep Breathing for the Soul". The title makes me think of Emmy ("I took a deep breath"). It's pretty cool. You supposed to do only one chapter per week focusing on the selected passage of Scripture and then doing some exercises with each one to help you hear from God and apply what you've read. Amazingly (not), the first week's passage went right along with the things that God has been showing me lately about relationships. He sure does have a way of making Himself heard if we care to listen!


Kelli said...

are you posting that lovely video?!?!? I think I am scared!

Luann said...

as soon as I get to it...smile!!!