Sunday, July 18, 2010

Watching "Independence Day"

Yes, I'm watching "Independence Day" again. I can't help it, some movies just have to be watched when they are on. Can you really afford to miss the inspirational speech by the president before the fighters all take off?

Poor Jon has been in the basement for about 7 hours breaking up cement in our bathroom floor so the plumber can lay new pipe hopefully tomorrow. He's just now at 9:00 located a jackhammer, so hopefully the rest will go faster. It will be nice to have my kitchen plumbing back! Just sorry it has taken so much hard work for Jon.

There was a little improvement in an update on Marcus Upton today...the pressure had dropped a little. I hope that's good news. We'll keep praying for a full recovery. Just feel so bad for them all. We really do need each other, don't we???

Thought for the day

Today, I'm really glad that I'm the wife and not the husband!

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