Sunday, May 19, 2013

I'm Back!

It's been a long time since I published a post, and I think the time has come for me to pick this back up.  I hope that these posts will be helpful and encourage you to seek the Lord more fully, and I hope that your input here will help me as well. 

We, all of us who love the Lord, are family.  We share His life, His Spirit, and His heart for the world around us.  I tend to forget sometimes that we are supposed to depend on and help each other, and I go day to day making it on my own.  Isolation is one of Satan's more effective weapons.  It's my hope that we can come together here in this small way and support and help each other as we live the lives He has called us to.

Check in from time to time and share encouragement, insight, and hopefully some laughter, too.  Here's wishing you a great start to a great week!  Many blessings!


Nancy S said...

I appreciate your posts - at least the few that I have read over time. You are an encouragment to me; I identify with so much of what you share! Thanks!

Luann said...

Thanks, Nancy! It sounds like you have been having an amazing trip...glad you were able to get away! Thanks for checking in here once in a while and safe travels!