Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Paul said in Philippians that he had learned
to be content in any circumstances.
We all seek many different things,
believing that they will bring us contentment.
What does it mean to learn to be content?

Most of the people you meet every day run to and fro, endlessly seeking contentment from their achievements, attainments, and possessions.  They believe that doing better, being successful, and having more will fill the void they feel.  They turn careers, homes, health, and even relationships into idols by drawing their satisfaction and self-worth from them.  Sadly, when a dream is fully realized, they find that the void remains.

My people can fall into the same trap.  They can idolize the same things that the unsaved do and add to those by worshiping a religious system with their own spiritual maturity at the forefront.

This was never My design.  I offer you something better as My child.  You are My very own, and it is My plan that you learn contentment.  That may not sound like the plan you would choose.  It would be much simpler if your circumstances fell into place according to your preferences and prayers, and you would, therefore, be content.  I have chosen, instead, that you learn because that is a process that requires your attention, your time, and your will to choose My ways.  You will need to humble yourself under My instruction and sovereignty in order to progress in the class of contentment.

We start with your circumstances.  They may be favorable or not.  They may seem to be the result of My grace, your bad decisions, someone else's sin, or even Satan's plot against you.  It matters not.  If you are My child no circumstance can touch you that I have not in some way allowed, so the place to start is to accept it from My hand.  Next, you must understand that the circumstances you find yourself in are something completely separate from your ability to find contentment.

Paul also said, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."  He had learned that his satisfaction was anchored in Me.  Because I am rock-solid and unchangeable, the shifting of your circumstances does not have to dictate your ability to be content.  What greater "all things' could you hope to accomplish than to be content in any circumstance?  That is a prize worth striving for.

As you walk closely with Me, trust Me with the details of your life.  You will find your heart is satisfied in ways neither the world nor Christian activity can match.  You will develop repose deep within where I dwell that no changing circumstance can stir for very long.

You will learn that when your appetites scream for more, and when your needs exceed the supply, you can enter into the fellowship of My suffering and find satisfaction in Me.  On the other hand, when your path is full of delight and there is abundance at every turn, you can humbly lay it all at My feet and find your chief joy and contentment in knowing Me.

All this and more awaits, if you will come and learn from Me.  Are you tired of trying to fill your own void?  "Come to Me, all who are weary an heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  for My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

Philippians 3-4; Matthew 11:28-30

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