Wednesday, April 22, 2015


There's a song by Keith Staten titled "Such Joy", and there's a line in the song that goes like this:  "There's a joy no bounds can hold when the Spirit blows a fresh wind through my soul."  I love that.
Lord, blow a fresh wind through my soul.  
Open the windows, all the entry points to my soul:
the senses--the sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch, and the thoughts.
Lord, open and clear them by Your Spirit of all the debris.
Clear the dust of compromise, the secret corners that are dark,
the webs of self-interest and self-obsession,
the entanglements that steal my time,
the stale air of my own perspective.
I give Your Spirit free reign over mine, today, right now.
It is a choice I must make every moment.

My Spirit answers like a rushing wind, unleashing prayer with power according to My will.  Pray.  Love.  Pray.  Each moment that you choose My Spirit's rule over yours will have the potential to change you and the world around you.  Pray My word over this world and be a participant in My sovereign kingdom.  Today, right now, moment by moment.

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