Okay, now we're full. The turkey was much larger than needed, but great for leftovers. Even the little boys ate pie...chocolate was a hit. They weren't too sure about orange salad yet, maybe next year. Tre was very excited to get here and find there was a "real turkey" in the oven. He didn't think he'd ever seen that before. He and Tru were impressed with the sight of the whole turkey and watching the carving process. We missed having Kelli's family here with us, but I don't think it will work to ship them leftovers. Sorry guys, we'll make it up to you at Christmas!! Now it's time to decorate for Christmas!!! Megan will be commuting from here this week while Greg stays here so we get some more quality time with them---yay!!!
Thought for the day
It's challenging to stay focused this time of year. I really enjoy all the holiday festivities, but I need to make a very deliberate effort to keep on a spiritual even keel to avoid the after-Christmas crash. What are your strategies for holiday mental and spiritual health?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Weekend Plans
Hi there...just checking in. Jon worked at the farm till 10:30 tonight so he got home the same time Greg and Megan got here from Des Moines. She has to drive back to work in the morning and then come back and Tabbi and crew will be over on Sunday for Thanksgiving. So tomorrow I probably won't be posting because I'll be cooking and getting ready. I may even put Greg to work. What are your weekend plans?
Thought for the day
Why am I not sleeping yet?
Thought for the day
Why am I not sleeping yet?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope you all had a very nice day...ours was a little different than usual. We slept late and had breakfast then Jon went to grind dyes while I baked buns for Sunday and brownies for tonight. We were at my mom's from about 4 to 7 then back home. Tomorrow Jon will work at the farm and I will be back on the job. We talked to all the kids today and everyone sounds like they had a nice time.
Thought for the day
Today I am really thankful for God's faithfulness to my family. Even when there uncertainties and questions He stands true and faithful to each one of us. His love does not waver or change; He does not have 'bad days"; we do not "tick Him off"; He is full of light and love; He sings over us; He will never leave us or forsake us. In the midst of being thankful for Jon, children, grandchildren, home, health, work, provision, and so many other blessings, it's so good to know that with the passing of time He remains true and faithful to me AND TO YOU!!!
Thought for the day
Today I am really thankful for God's faithfulness to my family. Even when there uncertainties and questions He stands true and faithful to each one of us. His love does not waver or change; He does not have 'bad days"; we do not "tick Him off"; He is full of light and love; He sings over us; He will never leave us or forsake us. In the midst of being thankful for Jon, children, grandchildren, home, health, work, provision, and so many other blessings, it's so good to know that with the passing of time He remains true and faithful to me AND TO YOU!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Getting Ready?
Are you getting ready for Thanksgiving? I went to the grocery store tonight and I think I have everything, but we aren't having our official Thanksgiving till Sunday. Tomorrow we will go to my mom's mid-afternoon to see the LeMars clan and whoever is able to come of the local crew for a little while. I will bake buns and brownies tomorrow and leave the heavy duty preparations for Saturday. Jon has a project for tomorrow morning while I'm baking. I go back to work on Friday while he works at the farm. What are your plans for the weekend?
Thought for the day
Let's not forget to give real thanks...REAL THANKS!! It's easy to get caught up in the preparations and fun...that's great...enjoy. But take enough time to genuinely thank Jesus for all the blessings in your life, and trust me they are many. If you're not reading this till next week DO IT NOW!!!
Thought for the day
Let's not forget to give real thanks...REAL THANKS!! It's easy to get caught up in the preparations and fun...that's great...enjoy. But take enough time to genuinely thank Jesus for all the blessings in your life, and trust me they are many. If you're not reading this till next week DO IT NOW!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Megan's Here!
It's Megan's turn for a little spoiling. She came here last night after work and is coming again tonight after work. She leaves by 6:00 in the morning to get back to work again, but I get a little time to feed and spoil her...tonight we're having roast with potatoes, onions, and carrots in the crock pot. It's hopefully a little better than a frozen whatever.
Things are getting a little more normal paced at work just in time for a holiday followed by month end...then I'll be behind again for a little while. That's okay, it happens every month. I am looking forward to having Thursday off even though we won't "have Thanksgiving" till Sunday. I do work Friday unlike some lucky people I know!!
Thought for the day
We really have SO MUCH to be thankful for it's really hard to put it together in our heads just how blessed we are---especially compared to other parts of the world and culture. And on top of that we have Jesus (in any part of the world and culture), but we have such an abundance of freedom and resources. How can we share with the neighbor, the poor, the orphan, the widow, the immigrant (legal or otherwise), the lonely, the sick, the rejected, then the world some part of what we are blessed with? It seems staggering to even consider in big terms, but can we each find one way to share some part of what we have?
Things are getting a little more normal paced at work just in time for a holiday followed by month end...then I'll be behind again for a little while. That's okay, it happens every month. I am looking forward to having Thursday off even though we won't "have Thanksgiving" till Sunday. I do work Friday unlike some lucky people I know!!
Thought for the day
We really have SO MUCH to be thankful for it's really hard to put it together in our heads just how blessed we are---especially compared to other parts of the world and culture. And on top of that we have Jesus (in any part of the world and culture), but we have such an abundance of freedom and resources. How can we share with the neighbor, the poor, the orphan, the widow, the immigrant (legal or otherwise), the lonely, the sick, the rejected, then the world some part of what we are blessed with? It seems staggering to even consider in big terms, but can we each find one way to share some part of what we have?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
It's Emmy's Birthday!!!

I borrowed a couple of pictures from Kelli's blog to celebrate Emmy's 5th birthday. This is her very special Sponge Bob pineapple house birthday cake. Her mom is far more creative than I was...candy decorations and "Happy ___th Birthday _____" on top. Good job, Kelli. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EMMY!!!!
Yesterday I caught up on most of the things I wanted to do then our good friends from Walnut came up and we went out for Mexican for supper with beetlebomb afterwards. It was really fun. Today after church we made a quick run to the mall for a couple of errands and a little more Christmas shopping.
Thought for the day
The Bible itself is always our best source for instruction and inspiration. Other resources may be helpful...very helpful, and there are many I would recommend...but we always need to come back to God's Word and let Him feed us fresh manna for today's strength and supply.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Just Do It!
I got up at 6:30 this morning, but I'm having a hard time actually getting started on a long list of things I need to do. I did start laundry, next is to go get a lot of groceries...that's what's slowing me down...I don't really want to go then unload them in the snow, oh well. I need to do some cleaning and probably bake cookies sometime this weekend. I did do some Christmas shopping last night online, but I don't think I'll be able to do all of it that way. I'm seriously going to get motivated now and start working!!
Thought for the day
Just do it!! If I wait for inspiration to do the things I need to do they will never be done. While I'm a huge believer in carving out some time that's just mine, some days I just need to give myself a good kick in the pants and get moving. That's today.
"And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap it we do not grow weary." Galatians 6:9
Thought for the day
Just do it!! If I wait for inspiration to do the things I need to do they will never be done. While I'm a huge believer in carving out some time that's just mine, some days I just need to give myself a good kick in the pants and get moving. That's today.
"And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap it we do not grow weary." Galatians 6:9
Thursday, November 20, 2008
No News Can Be Good News
Another ordinary day today, and tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! What are your plans for the weekend? Sunday is Emmy's 5th birthday, and we'll be calling her and celebrating from here. Glad we got to see her early November and celebrate then. No big news I guess...all of you have a great Friday and weekend to follow!!
Thought for the day
Talked to my sister tonight and she asked if there was any news in my family. I said no....and we agreed that no news can be a very good thing. Even though there are things we are waiting on and impatient for, we are healthy, working, happy and that is all good even when it's not news!! Have a great (even if uneventful) day!!
Thought for the day
Talked to my sister tonight and she asked if there was any news in my family. I said no....and we agreed that no news can be a very good thing. Even though there are things we are waiting on and impatient for, we are healthy, working, happy and that is all good even when it's not news!! Have a great (even if uneventful) day!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Renewing the Mind
Jon actually didn't have to work after work today. He took his bike to the shop in Avoca for some work and I went to pick him up. Laundry, supper, all the usual stuff. We got full of corn today at work so things will slow down a little for a while. Sounds good to me...my hands hurt.
Thought for the day
It is a constant effort, no I should say it requires diligent attention on our part to keep our minds renewed in the truth. Satan has the most subtle ways of creeping into our thoughts and accusing or discouraging us. It feels like our own thoughts, and even some of it can be true, but he will take what is true and lead us to draw a conclusion that is false. One of the ways we can test our thoughts is to see if they square with Scripture and with God's redeeming heart. Yes, we may be able to find Scripture to back up any line of thought, but does the thought also line up with God's heart and purpose in redeeming any part of our lives? Does the line of thought lead us up and out to hope or down into desperation? He purposes to set right and redeem everything we put into His hand. We need to help each other (thanks, Jon) hear and remember the truth, and we need to ask each other for help when we feel the subtle pull of the downward spiral.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2
Thought for the day
It is a constant effort, no I should say it requires diligent attention on our part to keep our minds renewed in the truth. Satan has the most subtle ways of creeping into our thoughts and accusing or discouraging us. It feels like our own thoughts, and even some of it can be true, but he will take what is true and lead us to draw a conclusion that is false. One of the ways we can test our thoughts is to see if they square with Scripture and with God's redeeming heart. Yes, we may be able to find Scripture to back up any line of thought, but does the thought also line up with God's heart and purpose in redeeming any part of our lives? Does the line of thought lead us up and out to hope or down into desperation? He purposes to set right and redeem everything we put into His hand. We need to help each other (thanks, Jon) hear and remember the truth, and we need to ask each other for help when we feel the subtle pull of the downward spiral.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer
Jon came home with a really bad headache tonight...gave him all the TLC I could and now he's lying down in the dark quiet spare room (hope he doesn't end up in Narnia!). Hopefully, he will feel like new when he wakes up...whether tonight or tomorrow morning.
Did a little reading tonight again in E.M. Bounds on prayer. It is so simple and so powerful. God has designed prayer so that we can ask for specific things, both spiritual and material, and receive the specific thing that we have asked. He does not adhere to the teaching we hear so much that prayer is for our benefit and changes us and is an exercise in something for our own development. We are to ask specifically and receive specifically. Both very encouraging and convicting as I wonder how much of my prayer is faith-filled and effective and how much is merely form and habit and without expecting God to answer. Great reading...I recommend it.
Thought for the day
Ephesians chapter 6 says much about prayer. Paul calls us to intensity, watchfulness, standing firm, perseverance, praying again and again, then praying more. Is that the way you and I seek God for what we need? Do we get hold of Him and refuse to let go or give up, or do we say the dutiful, obligatory words without really expecting to see what we are asking for? Lord, teach us to pray.
Did a little reading tonight again in E.M. Bounds on prayer. It is so simple and so powerful. God has designed prayer so that we can ask for specific things, both spiritual and material, and receive the specific thing that we have asked. He does not adhere to the teaching we hear so much that prayer is for our benefit and changes us and is an exercise in something for our own development. We are to ask specifically and receive specifically. Both very encouraging and convicting as I wonder how much of my prayer is faith-filled and effective and how much is merely form and habit and without expecting God to answer. Great reading...I recommend it.
Thought for the day
Ephesians chapter 6 says much about prayer. Paul calls us to intensity, watchfulness, standing firm, perseverance, praying again and again, then praying more. Is that the way you and I seek God for what we need? Do we get hold of Him and refuse to let go or give up, or do we say the dutiful, obligatory words without really expecting to see what we are asking for? Lord, teach us to pray.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Guarding the Mind
Yesterday we went to church. Late in the morning Tabbi and the boys came over for a while...she got groceries while the boys played here. I think everyone had a good time, I know we did. My mom called a little later and needed some help, so we both went over there. I stayed with her for an hour or so while Jon came back home to finish mowing leaves. The evening was quiet, which was perfect.
Today we were back at work. Jon is still grinding dyes right now after getting a late start at it tonight. I'm trying to get some odds and ends done around here and even did a little reading. Not feeling very productive, I guess. I'm think I'm going to have to start being more selective about what I watch on TV. Many of the shows we've come to like are "cop" shows, mostly because we like the investigative ins and outs...NCIS, the CSI's, Criminal Minds, Cold Case, Without a Trace, Numbers... Some of that is fine, but too much can be too much. In the process of "crime solving" too many times they show the crime over and over, and the people do such horrible things to each other. Sometimes even the news is tough to listen to. I may need to pick and choose more. They used to run "Everybody Loves Raymond" over the supper hour every weeknight...I think I miss that daily dose of laughter.
Thought for the day
How much are we influenced by the random, haphazard, "innocent" things that cross our paths and enter our minds? How do we set up a guard over our hearts and minds without becoming paranoid, flaky, superstitious, unable to function in a world that bombards us with constant media of one form or another? Yes, I can turn off the TV...and that would be a good start. But there are deliberate choices to make. "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, ...right, ...pure, ...lovely, ...of good repute, ...excellence, ...praise." Philippians 4:8 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14
Today we were back at work. Jon is still grinding dyes right now after getting a late start at it tonight. I'm trying to get some odds and ends done around here and even did a little reading. Not feeling very productive, I guess. I'm think I'm going to have to start being more selective about what I watch on TV. Many of the shows we've come to like are "cop" shows, mostly because we like the investigative ins and outs...NCIS, the CSI's, Criminal Minds, Cold Case, Without a Trace, Numbers... Some of that is fine, but too much can be too much. In the process of "crime solving" too many times they show the crime over and over, and the people do such horrible things to each other. Sometimes even the news is tough to listen to. I may need to pick and choose more. They used to run "Everybody Loves Raymond" over the supper hour every weeknight...I think I miss that daily dose of laughter.
Thought for the day
How much are we influenced by the random, haphazard, "innocent" things that cross our paths and enter our minds? How do we set up a guard over our hearts and minds without becoming paranoid, flaky, superstitious, unable to function in a world that bombards us with constant media of one form or another? Yes, I can turn off the TV...and that would be a good start. But there are deliberate choices to make. "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, ...right, ...pure, ...lovely, ...of good repute, ...excellence, ...praise." Philippians 4:8 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Recovery Time
Jon started his day going out to Brad's to grind dyes and such thinking he would also be helping with harvest till late. Instead, he was able to come home around 3:30. We went out for an early supper, stopped by to check on my mom, and now he's asleep in his chair. It finally hit him when we were at supper, and I thought I would have to carry him out to the van. He is tired. Logan is curled up on the floor next to his chair looking like she's the one who put in almost a week of 16 hour days.
Tomorrow he should be able to relax most of the day so he's ready to start again on Monday. What are all of you doing this weekend? I hope you are able to reflect, worship, and be thankful even though Thanksgiving is a ways away yet.
Thought for the day
How are you doing with the approaching holidays? I'm excited that we will all be able to be together for a little while, but I can't get into the preparations too much yet. I have done only a VERY little bit of shopping and we'll be keeping it pretty simple this year. Like we keep trying to remember...it's not our birthdays, it's Jesus's birthday and He doesn't need too much that we can buy in a store.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 He will walk us through this hectic time and keep our focus clear as we acknowlege and trust Him in every way.
Tomorrow he should be able to relax most of the day so he's ready to start again on Monday. What are all of you doing this weekend? I hope you are able to reflect, worship, and be thankful even though Thanksgiving is a ways away yet.
Thought for the day
How are you doing with the approaching holidays? I'm excited that we will all be able to be together for a little while, but I can't get into the preparations too much yet. I have done only a VERY little bit of shopping and we'll be keeping it pretty simple this year. Like we keep trying to remember...it's not our birthdays, it's Jesus's birthday and He doesn't need too much that we can buy in a store.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 He will walk us through this hectic time and keep our focus clear as we acknowlege and trust Him in every way.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Heee's Baaaaack!!
Jon is over at the office signing out. He stopped here long enough to drop off his bags, coats, and boots. I'm really glad he's back. And I've already started on the pile of laundry. I'm sure that tomorrow will be mostly laundry, and he will probably need to catch up on some work out at Brad's...I'm not sure. No big plans for the weekend...we'll see what comes together. How about you...do you have plans?
Thought for the day
It's good to keep the ones you love close. Jesus agrees..."I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you." The verse on my flip calendar at work today was Isaiah 30:15, a favorite of mine, "For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, 'In repentance and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength.'" This is so good for me to remember when I am restless, fretful, or trying to find a way to work things out in my own strength. Some versions use the phrase "returning to Him" instead of "repentance." That holds true with repentance meaning a change of direction. I need to turn from my unrest and my fretful efforts to Him and rest there.
Thought for the day
It's good to keep the ones you love close. Jesus agrees..."I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you." The verse on my flip calendar at work today was Isaiah 30:15, a favorite of mine, "For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, 'In repentance and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength.'" This is so good for me to remember when I am restless, fretful, or trying to find a way to work things out in my own strength. Some versions use the phrase "returning to Him" instead of "repentance." That holds true with repentance meaning a change of direction. I need to turn from my unrest and my fretful efforts to Him and rest there.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Favorite Pet
It's Thursday night and I just talked to Jon. Tomorrow they move from north of Rapid City, SD to south central SD for a few days...probably at least through the weekend, but he never knows for sure. It also depends on when they run out of clean (or rewearable, ewww) clothes. He sounds like he's holding up well...the mud is a real pain, but he's not working in bitter cold so that's good.
Kelli and I were talking about dogs tonight...makes me ask...who was your favorite pet of all time and why? Let's hear all about it. I must say that while Logan is an ideal dog for us at this point in time, my favorite pet was Nicki, a little black mutt with a great big heart. She was our first dog after we got married, and we got her while I was pregnant with Kelli. I think the bond you form with a pet at that point in life is stronger than the kind you form with a pet after you have children...it's like it is your child. After you have children the pet is more just a pet. That's good too, but not the same. I had a collie mix growing up that was my best friend...followed me everywhere, walked me to the bus when it was icy...great dog...but it was the family dog, Nicki seemed more like mine. So what's your pet story?
Thought for the day
We all need to be loved, and we all need someone or something to love. A pet fills a gap in many lives especially at different stages. For kids the pet can be a best friend; for a young couple or empty nesters the pet is almost like a child; for a daycare provider the pet can be a great relief valve. God gives us a great gift in animals...not that a pet is for everyone, but they can be a great example of unconditional acceptance (you know, when they're not chewing the furniture, making a mess, jumping, licking, or shedding all over). SO, WHO NEEDS A PUPPY FOR CHRISTMAS???
Kelli and I were talking about dogs tonight...makes me ask...who was your favorite pet of all time and why? Let's hear all about it. I must say that while Logan is an ideal dog for us at this point in time, my favorite pet was Nicki, a little black mutt with a great big heart. She was our first dog after we got married, and we got her while I was pregnant with Kelli. I think the bond you form with a pet at that point in life is stronger than the kind you form with a pet after you have children...it's like it is your child. After you have children the pet is more just a pet. That's good too, but not the same. I had a collie mix growing up that was my best friend...followed me everywhere, walked me to the bus when it was icy...great dog...but it was the family dog, Nicki seemed more like mine. So what's your pet story?
Thought for the day
We all need to be loved, and we all need someone or something to love. A pet fills a gap in many lives especially at different stages. For kids the pet can be a best friend; for a young couple or empty nesters the pet is almost like a child; for a daycare provider the pet can be a great relief valve. God gives us a great gift in animals...not that a pet is for everyone, but they can be a great example of unconditional acceptance (you know, when they're not chewing the furniture, making a mess, jumping, licking, or shedding all over). SO, WHO NEEDS A PUPPY FOR CHRISTMAS???
Kathy's Humann Touch
If you are a mom (and I know who you are) go to the link called Kathy's Humann Touch and read the post titled "To the Invisible Ones God Loves to See". It's a piece I have read before, but is worth reading again. You moms give so much and are so important....just go read it.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Psalm 119:165
Hi again!! Here I am watching some TV, washing dishes (via dishwasher) and in still finishing up some laundry. I baked some bars tonight to help with a funeral lunch at church tomorrow. Now I just have to remember to take them over there in the morning...that's the harder part. I hope you all had a good day.
I got a couple of pix on my phone today from Tabbi of a couple of the new puppies with their eyes open---beautiful puppies. I will share pix when I get some on my computer. Don't forget to share the opportunity for someone to get a new Christmas puppy!!
Thought for the day
A verse I read the other day..."Those who love Thy law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble." Psalm 119:165
I'm fading fast so I'm going to bed. You'll have to get your own inspiration from the verse :)
See ya!! Sleep well!!
I got a couple of pix on my phone today from Tabbi of a couple of the new puppies with their eyes open---beautiful puppies. I will share pix when I get some on my computer. Don't forget to share the opportunity for someone to get a new Christmas puppy!!
Thought for the day
A verse I read the other day..."Those who love Thy law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble." Psalm 119:165
I'm fading fast so I'm going to bed. You'll have to get your own inspiration from the verse :)
See ya!! Sleep well!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A Trip to the City
I went to Omaha today with Tabbi and the boys to go to their dentist appointments, run errands, lunch, Target, a doctor appointment, and pharmacy...whew!!! Everything took a little longer than expected and it was about 6:30 when I got back to town. Another safe trip...thank You, Jesus!!
Jon called earlier and was driving along seeing mule deer, sheep, and more deer in groups of fifties and hundreds. Progress is really slow but more help arrived today which will speed things up a lot, at least I hope so!!
Thought for the day
It is good to get out of my usual surroundings and see something different for a day. It amazes me when I even just go to the city and see so many different people. I saw a woman pull into a handicapped parking place and get out of her car. She looked older than me, and when her passenger got out of the car I saw why she had a handicapped permit. I assume it was her daughter...a grown woman who was obviously very handicapped. I always see at least one someone that helps me remember how blessed I am. I was sitting in the van trying to keep 2 little impatient boys occupied while their very capable mom was in the store and was "coming right back". What a blessing to just be healthy and able to navigate, to have children who grew into adults, and have healthy, energetic, normal grandchildren. Thank You again, Jesus!!!
Jon called earlier and was driving along seeing mule deer, sheep, and more deer in groups of fifties and hundreds. Progress is really slow but more help arrived today which will speed things up a lot, at least I hope so!!
Thought for the day
It is good to get out of my usual surroundings and see something different for a day. It amazes me when I even just go to the city and see so many different people. I saw a woman pull into a handicapped parking place and get out of her car. She looked older than me, and when her passenger got out of the car I saw why she had a handicapped permit. I assume it was her daughter...a grown woman who was obviously very handicapped. I always see at least one someone that helps me remember how blessed I am. I was sitting in the van trying to keep 2 little impatient boys occupied while their very capable mom was in the store and was "coming right back". What a blessing to just be healthy and able to navigate, to have children who grew into adults, and have healthy, energetic, normal grandchildren. Thank You again, Jesus!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Staying at Peace
Jon called a couple of times today...spent all day working on just 1/4 mile of line. It will be slow process. I worked a little late tonight, but I actually got caught up...a few loose ends that can still be done, but the daily work is caught up. Always a relief. :)
We're getting rain tonight and it may be freezing later...hopefully not for long. I don't mind snow so much, but I really don't like ice unless I get to stay in the house till it melts. That doesn't usually happen.
I need to find a good project to work on this week...I love some down time, but too much time alone sometimes doesn't sit well with my mental health. Yes, I can get crazier...who knew?
Thought for the day
It is not always the big things in life that get under our skin and steal our peace. Sometimes it's the daily struggle, the ordinary irritation, even concern for someone else's well-being. It can be so subtle...just hanging around under the surface and then rearing its ugly head when all is quiet. Sounds like me some days. Lord, I need Your peace...again.
Child, let Me repeat to your heart: Rejoice in Me always; again I will say, rejoice! Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let Me know your requests. And My peace, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Me. Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. Let your heart be at rest; I will take care of all of your burdens.
We're getting rain tonight and it may be freezing later...hopefully not for long. I don't mind snow so much, but I really don't like ice unless I get to stay in the house till it melts. That doesn't usually happen.
I need to find a good project to work on this week...I love some down time, but too much time alone sometimes doesn't sit well with my mental health. Yes, I can get crazier...who knew?
Thought for the day
It is not always the big things in life that get under our skin and steal our peace. Sometimes it's the daily struggle, the ordinary irritation, even concern for someone else's well-being. It can be so subtle...just hanging around under the surface and then rearing its ugly head when all is quiet. Sounds like me some days. Lord, I need Your peace...again.
Child, let Me repeat to your heart: Rejoice in Me always; again I will say, rejoice! Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let Me know your requests. And My peace, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Me. Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. Let your heart be at rest; I will take care of all of your burdens.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Jon Heads Out

Here are some pix from last weekend...the boys ready to trick or treat as Thing 1 and Thing 2, some shots from Emmy's early 5th birthday party, and a picture of her with Uncle Greg. Great fun!!!!
I'm sure you've all heard about the heavy snow and high winds out in the Black Hills area, well Jon got the call last night that he would be leaving today to go out there to help restore power. He spent all evening packing up lots of clothes and boots here and getting paper work done and the trucks ready to go over at work. One of the newer guys at work, Grant, will be going, too. Grant will take one of the big trucks and Jon will drive a pickup. They met this morning at the shop at 5:00 and left town around 6:30. Because the big truck was pulling a trailer they thought it would be better to take I80 to I29, but the on ramp was blocked by semis full of windmill parts so they had to turn around and drive through the Loess Hills anyway. When I talked to him a little after 9:00 they were just north of Sioux City. It will be a long drive since the big truck has a top speed of only around 65 mph which will feel really slow because a 75 mph limit is SD means you can drive 80 with no problem. It will be a long day for him with lots of long days ahead. They will be working from the REC at Newell, SD and fortunately probably in a plains area rather than the more mountainous Black Hills. Please pray for them both when you think of it. At least the temps will be comfortable---30's and 40's. Anyway, we appreciate your prayers for health and safety as they drive and work. He will probably bring home some impressive pictures that I can share later.
Thought for the day
We are very blessed when things like electricity and water are working, and it would be good to stop and thank God for these blessings even though they are "material and temporal". I know none of us want to be without them. Pray for those who are waiting for these services to return, too.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Psalm 37
Hooray for the weekend!!! I hope you all have good plans...Jon is on call, so we don't have any plans made. Jon may or may not be in the field later tomorrow depending on whether it dries enough. We got our first taste of winter today. It snowed most of the day and was windy and blustery. There was very little on the ground when it was over, but some areas, especially bushes, were beautiful....just a nice layer of sparkling white frosting. I'm not sure what I'm doing tomorrow...I need to get some groceries, check on my mom, and there's always the never-ending cleaning. Plus I have a Blurb project to keep working on.
Thought for the day
This is one of my favorite passages....
"Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him and He will do it. And He will bring fourth your righteousness as the light, and your judgment as the noonday. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him;...do not fret, it leads only to evildoing....those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land....The steps of a man are established by the Lord; and He delights in his way. When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; becasue the Lord is the One who holds his hand. I have been young, and now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, or his descendants begging bread. All day long he is gracious and lends; and his descendants are a blessing."
That is Psalm 37...parts of it.
I think sometimes we think that we can't bring our mess to God because we see it as our own fault. And that may be true. You know what? You can bring it to God anyway. There is no criteria or standard we must meet before we can bring our mess or problems to Him. He knows already and still stands ready to support, hear, forgive, and deliver. To commit our way to Him is to put our case entirely into His hands...with all our mistakes and misjudgments out in the open...and let Him come into it, take our hands, and walk through it with us. I'm counting on His word being true, how about you?
Thought for the day
This is one of my favorite passages....
"Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him and He will do it. And He will bring fourth your righteousness as the light, and your judgment as the noonday. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him;...do not fret, it leads only to evildoing....those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land....The steps of a man are established by the Lord; and He delights in his way. When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; becasue the Lord is the One who holds his hand. I have been young, and now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, or his descendants begging bread. All day long he is gracious and lends; and his descendants are a blessing."
That is Psalm 37...parts of it.
I think sometimes we think that we can't bring our mess to God because we see it as our own fault. And that may be true. You know what? You can bring it to God anyway. There is no criteria or standard we must meet before we can bring our mess or problems to Him. He knows already and still stands ready to support, hear, forgive, and deliver. To commit our way to Him is to put our case entirely into His hands...with all our mistakes and misjudgments out in the open...and let Him come into it, take our hands, and walk through it with us. I'm counting on His word being true, how about you?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Routine or Change?

I feel like I'm returning to a little more "normal" pace after being gone. I don't think I'm a creature of habit until I do something just a little bit different (like being gone for 3 days), then I realize how much I'm used to my routine. When I returned to work there was 3 days backlog (even though I was only gone one). Plus there was the end of the month, statements, and a pile of loads of corn both in and out (each of in and out has its own set of documentations). So today was spent writing numbers--writing, not entering by computer, much of it on triple thick settlement sheets. All that to say that my hand is a little sore tonight--keyboarding on my laptop right now is much easier. I got caught up on corn today, and hope to get about half done with posting tomorrow. I know none of this makes sense to anyone else...thanks for humoring me by letting me talk about it anyway!!
I believe there are still puppies available for Christmas...don't forget to keep your eyes and ears open for anyone who may be interested. Nothing better than a puppy for Christmas!!!
Thought for the day
How about the rest of you? Do you prefer routine or changing things up? I think I like change but probably only if I can choose the changes. Go to see the kids and grandkids...let's go!!! Spend time with a friend I haven't seen in a while...you bet!!! But changing my comfort level, reaching out to someone not so "respected", giving more of my time, getting older, having more aches and pains, undergoing any kind of pain, loss, or hardship...not so much. That's why it's so important to train ourselves in living a life of thanksgiving and trust. It doesn't come naturally...it is something we need to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. And we have the whole of God's power, presence, and help on our side...launch into it and step out of the boat and BE THANKFUL for whatever crosses your mind.
I believe there are still puppies available for Christmas...don't forget to keep your eyes and ears open for anyone who may be interested. Nothing better than a puppy for Christmas!!!
Thought for the day
How about the rest of you? Do you prefer routine or changing things up? I think I like change but probably only if I can choose the changes. Go to see the kids and grandkids...let's go!!! Spend time with a friend I haven't seen in a while...you bet!!! But changing my comfort level, reaching out to someone not so "respected", giving more of my time, getting older, having more aches and pains, undergoing any kind of pain, loss, or hardship...not so much. That's why it's so important to train ourselves in living a life of thanksgiving and trust. It doesn't come naturally...it is something we need to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. And we have the whole of God's power, presence, and help on our side...launch into it and step out of the boat and BE THANKFUL for whatever crosses your mind.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
It's Over--Yay!!!
Well, another election almost over...it's about time. Perhaps now we can get back to the business of praying for our leaders (no matter who they are!!) and actually believing that God is in control and has His hand in the affairs of this world. It seems that many Christians have forgotten that and have been living on nothing but fear these last weeks, and I don't think that is what God would have us do. It's been very hard to watch and that has been more discouraging to me than the campaigns themselves. I'm glad it's over.
Thought for the day
Let's trust our Lord for ALL the things that weigh on our hearts. Even where we see things differently, let's trust that God is sorting it all out. He has His way and His time and His plan for the ages. He also has His way, His time, and His plan for each of our lives right down to the very smallest detail.
Thought for the day
Let's trust our Lord for ALL the things that weigh on our hearts. Even where we see things differently, let's trust that God is sorting it all out. He has His way and His time and His plan for the ages. He also has His way, His time, and His plan for each of our lives right down to the very smallest detail.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Home Again
We are home again. Thank You, Jesus, again for another safe trip. The girls missed seeing their Aunt Megan but did enjoy hanging out with Uncle Greg. I think everyone had a good time...I know Jon and I did. We didn't do a lot...a little running around...even playing outside. It was only about 10 degrees cooler there than here so a beautiful weekend. I hope to have some pictures to share later in the week. I don't think I'll get to that tonight.
Thanks, Jon and Kelli, for a great weekend. Thanks, Bria and Emmy, for all the fun and hugs. We love you all!!
Thought for the day
It was a beautiful fall day for a long drive and a great time to appreciate God's creation. But I must admit I was distracted. I did take some time to read and reread some sections of one of my favorite books "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life". It is a really corny title, I know, but it is one of the most helpful books I know for keeping focused on trusting Christ with everything...our past, our present, our future, our mistakes, our failures, our acheivements, our successes, our homes, our jobs, our finances, our health, our families, our communities, our churches, our whole world. Trust and surrender...surrender and trust. Part of trust is to really BELIEVE that intends to bless us and help us and see us through what we are facing...and HE WILL. Anyway, READ THE BOOK!!!
Thanks, Jon and Kelli, for a great weekend. Thanks, Bria and Emmy, for all the fun and hugs. We love you all!!
Thought for the day
It was a beautiful fall day for a long drive and a great time to appreciate God's creation. But I must admit I was distracted. I did take some time to read and reread some sections of one of my favorite books "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life". It is a really corny title, I know, but it is one of the most helpful books I know for keeping focused on trusting Christ with everything...our past, our present, our future, our mistakes, our failures, our acheivements, our successes, our homes, our jobs, our finances, our health, our families, our communities, our churches, our whole world. Trust and surrender...surrender and trust. Part of trust is to really BELIEVE that intends to bless us and help us and see us through what we are facing...and HE WILL. Anyway, READ THE BOOK!!!
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