Here are some pix from last weekend...the boys ready to trick or treat as Thing 1 and Thing 2, some shots from Emmy's early 5th birthday party, and a picture of her with Uncle Greg. Great fun!!!!
I'm sure you've all heard about the heavy snow and high winds out in the Black Hills area, well Jon got the call last night that he would be leaving today to go out there to help restore power. He spent all evening packing up lots of clothes and boots here and getting paper work done and the trucks ready to go over at work. One of the newer guys at work, Grant, will be going, too. Grant will take one of the big trucks and Jon will drive a pickup. They met this morning at the shop at 5:00 and left town around 6:30. Because the big truck was pulling a trailer they thought it would be better to take I80 to I29, but the on ramp was blocked by semis full of windmill parts so they had to turn around and drive through the Loess Hills anyway. When I talked to him a little after 9:00 they were just north of Sioux City. It will be a long drive since the big truck has a top speed of only around 65 mph which will feel really slow because a 75 mph limit is SD means you can drive 80 with no problem. It will be a long day for him with lots of long days ahead. They will be working from the REC at Newell, SD and fortunately probably in a plains area rather than the more mountainous Black Hills. Please pray for them both when you think of it. At least the temps will be comfortable---30's and 40's. Anyway, we appreciate your prayers for health and safety as they drive and work. He will probably bring home some impressive pictures that I can share later.
Thought for the day
We are very blessed when things like electricity and water are working, and it would be good to stop and thank God for these blessings even though they are "material and temporal". I know none of us want to be without them. Pray for those who are waiting for these services to return, too.
Wow...any idea how long he will be gone? I will be praying for him and everyone else working up there...I will be in Omaha tomorrow...my neck is really bad again. I vacummed on thursday and I think I upset the apple cart...I feel like Im back to square one...not sure if it was the housework, the tension of a really bad week, or the fact that I had two grandchildren here from Friday night til this morning...maybe a little of everything! Maybe we could do Mexican this week???? Larry leaves town on Tues and wont be home til Fri afternoon..
Oh! Really loved your pictures...the one of you and your little grand daughter is awesome!
Hi Kathy!! Sorry you are feeling bad again...you did have a very full cart this last week but you can't pay for it like this when it happens. Don't know how long for Jon...they never know when they leave how long it will be. He packed for a little over a week. Let me know how you are getting along...I'm sure we could squeeze in Mexican sometime!!
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