I borrowed a couple of pictures from Kelli's blog to celebrate Emmy's 5th birthday. This is her very special Sponge Bob pineapple house birthday cake. Her mom is far more creative than I was...candy decorations and "Happy ___th Birthday _____" on top. Good job, Kelli. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EMMY!!!!
Yesterday I caught up on most of the things I wanted to do then our good friends from Walnut came up and we went out for Mexican for supper with beetlebomb afterwards. It was really fun. Today after church we made a quick run to the mall for a couple of errands and a little more Christmas shopping.
Thought for the day
The Bible itself is always our best source for instruction and inspiration. Other resources may be helpful...very helpful, and there are many I would recommend...but we always need to come back to God's Word and let Him feed us fresh manna for today's strength and supply.
Sounds like a good way to spend the day. and Thanks on the cake comments - it was fun to make!
Hapy birthday to sweet cute little Emmy! What a creative mama!
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