We're looking forward to having our Christmas this Saturday with our kids!! Kelli's and Megan's will arrive later on Friday and we'll party all day on Saturday...YAY!!!!!! First, though, we have to get Tru feeling better...poor little guy...it's his turn to have pneumonia! Get well fast, buddy!!! We're praying all of you travel safe and are well for the weekend!
Thought for the day
I love this verse from The Message.
Matthew 7:24 "These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on." It's easy to start taking familiar passages for granted and to feel like you already know what it says and you've "got it". But when I read it worded from a different perspective it always takes on new life. This reminds me not to take the words of Christ lightly just because they're familiar. Every word He says is a word I need in my life. If I let it pass by me I lose the opportunity to let God do His work in my life. I need to pay more attention and be alert and aware of what God may be saying to me when I read His word!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas, everyone!! This has been a memorable Christmas...blizzard, cancelled plans, Jon working. It's been just Logan and me hanging out yesterday and today...the same tomorrow and Sunday, no doubt. The snow and wind have been unbelievable with more coming tonight and tomorrow. Holthe's and Melby's all stayed home...smart choice. Culver's are in Winfield until they pick the best time to go back to West Des Moines. So all of us are safe and warm except for poor Jon working all the time. He said they probably have more people out of power tonight than they had last night. What a helpless feeling. Please pray for the safety of all the people who are working to keep us safe, warm, and dug out again!!!! Here are a few pix from my day.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Plan B
Now we're thinking that we may wait till New Year's weekend to have our Christmas if that works for everyone. At least that's plan B. But there are other options...
Jon and Kelli and the girls won't be making the trip this weekend. I'm not sure Megan and Greg will even be able to get here.
Jon and Kelli and the girls won't be making the trip this weekend. I'm not sure Megan and Greg will even be able to get here.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Pray for the Week Ahead!
Today we were home all day...well, I was. Jon went over to the shop for the afternoon. He's still working on trying to put in a remote start on the Suzuki. He has a ton of hours in it...so wishes he had hired it done. I cleaned, baked, and listened to lots of great music. It's getting close. I'm done shopping but still have some wrapping to do.
Mom had a stomach virus and ended up in the hospital for dehydration. She was MUCH better after a 24 hour stay and is home again doing okay.
The weather looks dicey for the week ahead. Pray for clear roads and weather!!! Pray, too, that Emmy gets much better and no one else gets sick!! My stomach is off tonight...don't need that!!
Mom had a stomach virus and ended up in the hospital for dehydration. She was MUCH better after a 24 hour stay and is home again doing okay.
The weather looks dicey for the week ahead. Pray for clear roads and weather!!! Pray, too, that Emmy gets much better and no one else gets sick!! My stomach is off tonight...don't need that!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
More Ills
Today was a blur. We said goodbye to Daryl this morning and both went to work. At 10:30 my mom called me and wanted to know where I was. She had called my sister's house 2 hours earlier wanting to go the the ER. They were both sick with the same stomach virus and told her to call me. She got in confused and thought THEY were going to call me, so she'd been waiting for me to show up for 2 hours...not a happy camper. She was mostly just dehydrated, and her blood pressure was high. They admitted here at least overnight to get her fluids up and her blood pressure down. In the meantime, I went and got all her meds refilled. After work I went to see her then went to her house to clean floors and gather sheets and towels for the laundry. I'm tired. We'll see if they really let her go home...I don't think she's really going to be ready to be on her own.
Emmy is not handling her steroid so well...cutting it back to half to see if that goes better. Pray that she (and the rest of the family) are well enough to enjoy Christmas. Jon's one med was doubled yesterday to hopefully give him more relief in his arm so he can sleep better and have less pain overall.
Thought for the day
We are shot. Going to bed!
Emmy is not handling her steroid so well...cutting it back to half to see if that goes better. Pray that she (and the rest of the family) are well enough to enjoy Christmas. Jon's one med was doubled yesterday to hopefully give him more relief in his arm so he can sleep better and have less pain overall.
Thought for the day
We are shot. Going to bed!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Surprise Visit
Surprise! We got a phone call tonight from a friend who was coming into town and needed to crash here. Daryl was in the area for a family thing so we get a chance to visit! My shopping is all done, and now I'm waiting for things to arrive so I can finish wrapping. I still need to use up a vacation day, but I haven't figured out how to fit that in yet. It's still a little crazy at work...not so much for me but others are still under some pressure which means it's harder for me to be gone. I still have things to do before next weekend, but it will work out fine.
Keep praying for Emmy...poor little thing has asthma and pneumonia. Lots of rest and meds for the next while. We will need to take it pretty easy with her when they're here and help her mend. At least Kelli understands all of this better than her mother did! She knows just how it feels.
Thought for the day
Any new plan for keeping Christ in Christmas? We'll be doing our birthday cake for Jesus again. I'm always open to suggestions!
Keep praying for Emmy...poor little thing has asthma and pneumonia. Lots of rest and meds for the next while. We will need to take it pretty easy with her when they're here and help her mend. At least Kelli understands all of this better than her mother did! She knows just how it feels.
Thought for the day
Any new plan for keeping Christ in Christmas? We'll be doing our birthday cake for Jesus again. I'm always open to suggestions!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
It's been a busy weekend. On Saturday Tabbi and the boys were here for a few hours. After they went home I did some wrapping. This morning we went to church and since then I've been baking buns and peanut blossoms. Actually, the "buns" are still just dough in the bowl, but it's time to make them into buns and bake!
I hope you have had a great weekend! I got to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" last night while wrapping...YAY!!! Well, time to get back to work!
Thought for the day
By the way, God does still give gifts of healing, word of knowledge, tongues, and prophecy no matter what a preacher says from the pulpit! He still speaks and works through people filled with His Holy Spirit. Read your Bible and believe what it says instead of listening to any person that tries to construe it into something it's not!!!
I hope you have had a great weekend! I got to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" last night while wrapping...YAY!!! Well, time to get back to work!
Thought for the day
By the way, God does still give gifts of healing, word of knowledge, tongues, and prophecy no matter what a preacher says from the pulpit! He still speaks and works through people filled with His Holy Spirit. Read your Bible and believe what it says instead of listening to any person that tries to construe it into something it's not!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Reading Plan
Today I finally got caught up at work. Harvest is winding down, and the stress level is going down. I really enjoyed a snow day home yesterday. I did laundry, cleaned, and made M&M pretzels. I'm getting closer to having my shopping done. My plan is to completely finish shopping this weekend either online or in the city. I probably have some more cards to finish, and I haven't started wrapping. But I promise to have everything ready by the big day!!!
I'm thinking about my plan for devotions for the coming year. What I've been doing the last two years is I divided the Bible into 5 sections: Old Testament history, Poetry, Prophets, Gospels and Acts, and Epistles and Revelation. I started the sections at the same time reading 2 chapters at a time in Old Testament history, 1 in Poetry, 1 in Prophets, and 1 in either Gospels and Acts or Epistles and Revelation. I didn't get to every section each time I read. If you read this amount every day you can finish in one year with time to spare for missing weekends and other days. I took me 2 years to get through. I have lots of plans for getting through in a year, but this was less pressing (obviously). When you finish any section you just start it over. What I like is you get passages from different sections instead of feeling like you're in the Old Testament forever. I would alternate Gospels and Epistles...Matthew, then Romans, then Mark, then 1 Corinthians, etc. I do that because it can be long to read all four Gospels back to back. You do finish the sections at different times, but they are pretty close. I'm still not sure whether I'll stay with this plan for the coming year or not, but I'm always open to suggestions!!!
Thought for the day
The Bible is worth investing time in...not just because it's good material. It actually is a gateway to God's heart. The goal is not to master the book but to know and fellowship with the Creator.
I'm thinking about my plan for devotions for the coming year. What I've been doing the last two years is I divided the Bible into 5 sections: Old Testament history, Poetry, Prophets, Gospels and Acts, and Epistles and Revelation. I started the sections at the same time reading 2 chapters at a time in Old Testament history, 1 in Poetry, 1 in Prophets, and 1 in either Gospels and Acts or Epistles and Revelation. I didn't get to every section each time I read. If you read this amount every day you can finish in one year with time to spare for missing weekends and other days. I took me 2 years to get through. I have lots of plans for getting through in a year, but this was less pressing (obviously). When you finish any section you just start it over. What I like is you get passages from different sections instead of feeling like you're in the Old Testament forever. I would alternate Gospels and Epistles...Matthew, then Romans, then Mark, then 1 Corinthians, etc. I do that because it can be long to read all four Gospels back to back. You do finish the sections at different times, but they are pretty close. I'm still not sure whether I'll stay with this plan for the coming year or not, but I'm always open to suggestions!!!
Thought for the day
The Bible is worth investing time in...not just because it's good material. It actually is a gateway to God's heart. The goal is not to master the book but to know and fellowship with the Creator.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Catching Up
I'm catching up a little...I put up my tree and decorations on Saturday and wrote some cards on Sunday. I may be cutting back on the number of cards this year, we'll see. I've done some more online shopping and it's starting to look more manageable.
We got snow dumped here today...probably 6 plus inches already with the more intense blizzard conditions still coming overnight and tomorrow morning. It's definitely a winter wonderland out there!! Tonight around midnight we're supposed to get the 30-40 mile and hour winds that may bring trouble. Jon's on call, so pray for his safety! All the schools in a huge area are called off and LOTS of other places closed and stuff cancelled.
Thought for the day
Snow day tomorrow...thanks, God!!
We got snow dumped here today...probably 6 plus inches already with the more intense blizzard conditions still coming overnight and tomorrow morning. It's definitely a winter wonderland out there!! Tonight around midnight we're supposed to get the 30-40 mile and hour winds that may bring trouble. Jon's on call, so pray for his safety! All the schools in a huge area are called off and LOTS of other places closed and stuff cancelled.
Thought for the day
Snow day tomorrow...thanks, God!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Falling Behind
It's been a busy week with a busy weekend ahead. I've been working some longer hours getting out statements and catching up on corn records. The late harvest has really put me back in getting ready for Christmas. I went to my ladies' group Wednesday night. Last night we went to Tre's and Tru's school Christmas program...an eventful one...more details later. Tonight we went to a retirement party for one of Jon's coworkers. Tomorrow I go to Tre's basketball game, and tomorrow night we go to my Christmas party. Sometime I have to get my tree up and the rest of my decorations. I need to work on cards and letters, too. Plus, I have shopping to finish...eek!! How are all of you doing?
I'm determined to be more "aware" of Christ this Christmas, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed that I'm already behind. I need a great strategy! Any suggestions? I'm also thinking I need to get up earlier in the morning...I'm losing ground on my quiet time with getting everything else done. It would help if I could go to bed earlier, but that would require eating supper earlier which would mean I need to get off work sooner, and so it goes. I feel a little out of control...I sure hope God is in control! I guess that's my thought for the day!
I'm determined to be more "aware" of Christ this Christmas, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed that I'm already behind. I need a great strategy! Any suggestions? I'm also thinking I need to get up earlier in the morning...I'm losing ground on my quiet time with getting everything else done. It would help if I could go to bed earlier, but that would require eating supper earlier which would mean I need to get off work sooner, and so it goes. I feel a little out of control...I sure hope God is in control! I guess that's my thought for the day!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Whew!! Okay the high-stress meal of the year is over! Cooking a big heal and having it all come together for a group of people has never been my strong suit, so it's a little stressful for me, but it was worth it! It was great to have everybody together. Very glad Kelli, Jon, and the girls were able to change plans and come after all!! The kids had a great time both with cousins and aunts and uncles! I hope all of you had a great holiday and are ready to gear up for Christmas!
Thought for the day
The holiday rush is here again...decorations, letters, cards, shopping, wrapping, baking...What is that you do purposefully through this season that helps you focus and not lose the wonder of Christ coming as a baby? It helps me to have some short alone time...maybe with music, maybe not...maybe candles, maybe not...just a chance to be still and remember why I do what I do for Christmas, not just scramble to get it all done. What is it that helps you???
Thought for the day
The holiday rush is here again...decorations, letters, cards, shopping, wrapping, baking...What is that you do purposefully through this season that helps you focus and not lose the wonder of Christ coming as a baby? It helps me to have some short alone time...maybe with music, maybe not...maybe candles, maybe not...just a chance to be still and remember why I do what I do for Christmas, not just scramble to get it all done. What is it that helps you???
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Baking and Memories
Hi, everybody!! It's the weekend before Thanksgiving, so today we went and got groceries for our turkey dinner which will be next Saturday. After that I baked some cinnamon rolls and buns...actually I should say I'm still baking. The cinnamon rolls are in the oven now and the buns will go in after that in shifts. The tough part is they will go in the freezer till Saturday...bummer. We may be able to snitch a few out first. It's been a good weekend. Yesterday I went to watch Tre's basketball game while Jon was helping on the farm. Today after going to church I got caught up around the house while punching bread dough. I'm working with the girls to figure out Christmas gifts and holiday plans...I LOVE this time of year!!!
Thought for the day
I was thinking about Philippians 3..."forgetting what lies behind, and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Forgetting what lies behind can be easier said than done. We are human beings, and we have memories. When we have a pattern in our life of repeated failure, broken relationships, or refection it is impossible to actually forget. When we are faced with similar circumstances now it's easy to fall into the thought process that the pattern will repeat itself. To set those memories aside we have to make a deliberate choice to see what God's truth is. He declares to be new creatures with a new life hidden in Him. Our old life was crucified with Him, buried, and we were raised to a new life in Him. He is the truest thing about us, and our identity finds its reality in His life. Hang onto the good memories. Learn from the not so good. But understand that who you really are is wrapped up in the mystery of Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Thought for the day
I was thinking about Philippians 3..."forgetting what lies behind, and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Forgetting what lies behind can be easier said than done. We are human beings, and we have memories. When we have a pattern in our life of repeated failure, broken relationships, or refection it is impossible to actually forget. When we are faced with similar circumstances now it's easy to fall into the thought process that the pattern will repeat itself. To set those memories aside we have to make a deliberate choice to see what God's truth is. He declares to be new creatures with a new life hidden in Him. Our old life was crucified with Him, buried, and we were raised to a new life in Him. He is the truest thing about us, and our identity finds its reality in His life. Hang onto the good memories. Learn from the not so good. But understand that who you really are is wrapped up in the mystery of Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
It's Done!!!
It's finally done!! You can go to www.blurb.com to see a preview of my book! Click on bookstore and search for Fringes of His Ways. Hope you like it...I'm tired and going to bed!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Review Copy!
WOOHOO!!! My review copy of my book came yesterday! I've made some changes, still considering another change before I upload again and order my books. I'm really happy with the way it looks. I hope it will be meaningful to more people than just me. Thanks to all my girls--all of you found changes for me to make that really improved the book. Thank you, Jon, for putting up with me while I take the time to get it done and for letting me spend the money :).
Yesterday I spent the morning cleaning up and waiting for the FedEx truck. Tabbi and the boys came around noon and we were able to take the boys out for combine and semi rides which they loved. They stayed overnight and went to church with us this morning before going home again. I spent all of the afternoon proofreading, editing, and doing laundry. Jon was cleared to drive truck again, so he's glad to be able to help with harvest. Now he will be busy with trying to keep up his therapy while being able to work more. I'm tired. It's been a good weekend!!
Yesterday I spent the morning cleaning up and waiting for the FedEx truck. Tabbi and the boys came around noon and we were able to take the boys out for combine and semi rides which they loved. They stayed overnight and went to church with us this morning before going home again. I spent all of the afternoon proofreading, editing, and doing laundry. Jon was cleared to drive truck again, so he's glad to be able to help with harvest. Now he will be busy with trying to keep up his therapy while being able to work more. I'm tired. It's been a good weekend!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Romans 12:2
Jon's supposed to do another four weeks of physical therapy, but he got a good report from his doctor. He goes back there in four weeks, also. He did have to cut back a little bit on the intensity of his routine, but had some other restrictions lifted. The cutting back helped decrease the swelling. Today he didn't have to go to work and went to help on the farm instead. That made him feel MUCH better!!
Last night we got to visit with our friends who are visiting from New Jersey. Tom and Joanne are doing great and headed back home today. It was so good to see them again!!
Thought for the day
This was the verse on my flip calendar yesterday
"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is." Romans 12:2 (NLT)
I love that version of this verse. "let God transform you into a new person by changing the WAY YOU THINK." We get focused on changing our behaviors and don't understand why we keep hitting a wall. It's our thinking that we have to let God change. We are to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. That means that must take our thoughts and examine them before God to see if they line up with His word...the Truth. If not, it's the thought that must change...we must let God have His way, and when we surrender to His will we will find that it is good , pleasing, and perfect. But we won't arrive at that end until we let Him have His way in our thoughts. It's all about surrender...again!!
Last night we got to visit with our friends who are visiting from New Jersey. Tom and Joanne are doing great and headed back home today. It was so good to see them again!!
Thought for the day
This was the verse on my flip calendar yesterday
"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is." Romans 12:2 (NLT)
I love that version of this verse. "let God transform you into a new person by changing the WAY YOU THINK." We get focused on changing our behaviors and don't understand why we keep hitting a wall. It's our thinking that we have to let God change. We are to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. That means that must take our thoughts and examine them before God to see if they line up with His word...the Truth. If not, it's the thought that must change...we must let God have His way, and when we surrender to His will we will find that it is good , pleasing, and perfect. But we won't arrive at that end until we let Him have His way in our thoughts. It's all about surrender...again!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Jon is still doing physical therapy, but still has too much swelling in his hand and wrist. We're praying that it will go down so that he can make more progress. He's working very hard on his exercises and stretches. We're looking forward to the weekend...Megan and Greg are coming Friday till Sunday morning. On Saturday we'll all go watch Tre's basketball game, but we don't have any other specific plans. Megan's been working hard on proofreading my book draft, and I'm ready to make some corrections then put in my order...I'm so excited!!
Thought for the day
The more I get to know different people, the more I realize we all endure something. Some people have a health issue; some people have a failed relationship of one kind or another; some people live with misunderstanding and disappointment. The common thread seems to be that when the individual puts his or her struggle into God's hands, he or she grows and comes to know God in new ways. That is a choice we actually have to make...will we grow bitter, or will we grow in humility and tenderness? God becomes even more precious when we let Him fill the void that is left by our losses. Let's choose wisely!
Thought for the day
The more I get to know different people, the more I realize we all endure something. Some people have a health issue; some people have a failed relationship of one kind or another; some people live with misunderstanding and disappointment. The common thread seems to be that when the individual puts his or her struggle into God's hands, he or she grows and comes to know God in new ways. That is a choice we actually have to make...will we grow bitter, or will we grow in humility and tenderness? God becomes even more precious when we let Him fill the void that is left by our losses. Let's choose wisely!
Friday, October 30, 2009
It's been a busy week. Jon started physical therapy and is spending about 3 hours a day on doing his water therapy and exercises. He's very diligent! There is still a lot of swelling in his hand which we hope to see improve soon. Wednesday night I went to my ladies' group. Last night we were invited out for supper to a really great new restaurant...Tony's BBQ Bistro in Walnut. The food was REALLY good, and the spinach artichoke dip appetizer was the best I've ever tried. It's a small place with very personal service. Tonight we went to a casual get together for Jon's work that was very nice, too!
Tomorrow we go to Tre's first basketball game, and it will be great fun. We have plans for Sunday afternoon and evening, too...we're invited to Greg and Megan's for a visit. Jon will be busy just fitting in his therapy!
Thought for the day
I was comparing some scriptures the other day and was looking at the verse 1 Peter 2:11. In the NASB it reads "...abstain from fleshly lusts, which wage war against the soul." Now "fleshly lusts" makes me think of the bad stuff...you know, the kinds of sins that you think you'd never commit. But now read it in The Message..."Don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul." Ouch! That hits a lot closer to home! That is addressing my attitude, my pride (again), my thought life, my patience, my...myself! So every unkind thought, word, or action is an indulgence of my ego and costs the welfare of my soul in every instance. Okay, then I remember Romans 13:14 "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts." There it is again...lusts of the flesh. Though The Message takes that verse a different direction, I should think that we can make the connection that we should not make any provision for our egos. For one thing, that seems to point to being very aware of our motives...why do we do or say what we do or say? Do we try to be noticed or take an upper hand? Do we pick our associations or activities based on the opinions of others? Do we live our lives to make an impression on someone else? All these things would be making provision for our egos. Instead, "put on" the Lord Jesus Christ...become the servant of all, prefer others over ourselves, and show mercy as we've been shown mercy. All these heart changes begin with a decision...a definite line in the sand...but are also moment by moment surrenders of the will and will require a lifestyle of dependence on the Holy Spirit. Isn't that what Jesus has had in mind all along...a lifestyle of dependence on Him? He loves us enough to make real life impossible without Him.
Tomorrow we go to Tre's first basketball game, and it will be great fun. We have plans for Sunday afternoon and evening, too...we're invited to Greg and Megan's for a visit. Jon will be busy just fitting in his therapy!
Thought for the day
I was comparing some scriptures the other day and was looking at the verse 1 Peter 2:11. In the NASB it reads "...abstain from fleshly lusts, which wage war against the soul." Now "fleshly lusts" makes me think of the bad stuff...you know, the kinds of sins that you think you'd never commit. But now read it in The Message..."Don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul." Ouch! That hits a lot closer to home! That is addressing my attitude, my pride (again), my thought life, my patience, my...myself! So every unkind thought, word, or action is an indulgence of my ego and costs the welfare of my soul in every instance. Okay, then I remember Romans 13:14 "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts." There it is again...lusts of the flesh. Though The Message takes that verse a different direction, I should think that we can make the connection that we should not make any provision for our egos. For one thing, that seems to point to being very aware of our motives...why do we do or say what we do or say? Do we try to be noticed or take an upper hand? Do we pick our associations or activities based on the opinions of others? Do we live our lives to make an impression on someone else? All these things would be making provision for our egos. Instead, "put on" the Lord Jesus Christ...become the servant of all, prefer others over ourselves, and show mercy as we've been shown mercy. All these heart changes begin with a decision...a definite line in the sand...but are also moment by moment surrenders of the will and will require a lifestyle of dependence on the Holy Spirit. Isn't that what Jesus has had in mind all along...a lifestyle of dependence on Him? He loves us enough to make real life impossible without Him.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Yesterday was Harvestfest in Harlan. Tabbi and the boys were over for a while for costume contest, games, free hot dogs, and trick or treating uptown. It was colder than we thought and finally started raining so we left before the parade...I'm not even sure whether they had the parade as it kep raining. We went to see "Where the Wild Things Are" last night...didn't like it much. Certainly not for young kids. Don't think we'll be buying that one, but the good news is "Ice Age 3" comes out on DVD this week...now THAT'S fun! Firiday night we went to the Step Up To Life banquet in Omaha with Poggensee's and Dallas, meeting Jim Greve there. Lois had to work and Kathy had a migraine :( Very nice evening. Tonight we may be going to a concert at Hansen Bros Coffee.
Thought for the day
Everything I read is pointing me to humility and loving and serving others unreservedly. I was reading 1 Peter chapter 2...lay it all aside...that being offenses, sins, misjudgments, bad choices, stupidity, malice, deceit, envy, slander, hypocrisy...mine and everyone else's. Exteding grace. Having tasted His love, "now drink deep". Don't indulge my ego at the expense of my soul. (The Message) That really gets my atttention. In the NASB it reads "abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul." That makes me think of more obvious outward sins, but "don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul" puts things in a different light. Now (again) we're talking about my ego, my pride, and my attitude. We are to honor all, love the brotherhood, and submit. All of this helps to contribute to the joy of obedience and fellowship and dependence on Jesus.
Thought for the day
Everything I read is pointing me to humility and loving and serving others unreservedly. I was reading 1 Peter chapter 2...lay it all aside...that being offenses, sins, misjudgments, bad choices, stupidity, malice, deceit, envy, slander, hypocrisy...mine and everyone else's. Exteding grace. Having tasted His love, "now drink deep". Don't indulge my ego at the expense of my soul. (The Message) That really gets my atttention. In the NASB it reads "abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul." That makes me think of more obvious outward sins, but "don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul" puts things in a different light. Now (again) we're talking about my ego, my pride, and my attitude. We are to honor all, love the brotherhood, and submit. All of this helps to contribute to the joy of obedience and fellowship and dependence on Jesus.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Finally a day of sunshine!! It's quite windy, but I did get the windows cleaned today. They were really dirty, and I feel much better to have them done. Now I'm waiting for the screens to dry so I can put them back in...then I'm done! Jon seems to feel better today...he went out to the farm for a while and that was a good change of scenery for him. I'm finally feeling a little bit caught up, but still somewhat congested and having a scratchy throat. I still need to get the the store, too. Then it will be back to another work week. That shouldn't sound so sad, but somehow it does. I hope your week will be a good one!!
Thought for the day
I think I need a nap...
Thought for the day
I think I need a nap...
Friday, October 16, 2009

More pictures from the weekend...can you tell we had a good time? Jon's kind of uncomfortable and miserable tonight. An added bonus, our furnace isn't working. Hopefully someone can come fix it tomorrow. We'll have boys for a while tomorrow...probably bundled under blankets watching cartoons till the furnace gets fixed. Hope you all have a great (and warm) weekend!
Thought for the day
I've had a sense that God is up to something, and it's true. There's been a shift in my heart, and He's doing something new. It shouldn't be new...humility should have been playing a greater part for years now, but the truth is, it's been lacking. I've been full of my own brand of pride, and He's broken it...I hope completely. This is one of those things I want to stay broken. I'll let the repairman stay busy with the furnace...leave the "me" broken, please.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Here it is...you've all been waiting...THE SACK RACE!!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Busy Week
It's been a busy week. On Thursday last week we went to Jon's doctor and he got the splint off. He got a short cast that stops below the elbow which is more comfortable, but he's still not sleeping well. On Friday we went to Grand Forks. We went to Emmy's soccer games...it's true...she tackles the kids on the other team...IT'S HYSTERICAL!! Sunday we went to a pumpkin patch and had a great time. I have video of the sack race...anticipation...
Thought for the day
I'm reading, or rather, using a book titled "Oxygen Deep Breathing for the Soul". The title makes me think of Emmy ("I took a deep breath"). It's pretty cool. You supposed to do only one chapter per week focusing on the selected passage of Scripture and then doing some exercises with each one to help you hear from God and apply what you've read. Amazingly (not), the first week's passage went right along with the things that God has been showing me lately about relationships. He sure does have a way of making Himself heard if we care to listen!
Thought for the day
I'm reading, or rather, using a book titled "Oxygen Deep Breathing for the Soul". The title makes me think of Emmy ("I took a deep breath"). It's pretty cool. You supposed to do only one chapter per week focusing on the selected passage of Scripture and then doing some exercises with each one to help you hear from God and apply what you've read. Amazingly (not), the first week's passage went right along with the things that God has been showing me lately about relationships. He sure does have a way of making Himself heard if we care to listen!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
No Passing Zone
We had a busy weekend...at least the last half. Friday night we stayed home and were just glad to be inside. It was cold, rainy, windy, and homecoming...eewww. We slept late on Saturday, went to breakfast, then took off after lunch to drive a couple of hours to a wedding. Congrats to Matt and Katie!!! Today we went to church, then Greg, Megan, Tabbi, and boys all arrived and we took my mom with to lunch. Had a surprise visit this afternoon from Dawn and Ashley (all grown up and here by herself!). Jon and I went for a short walk after everyone left, and now I have to decide what to do about supper. Jon did pretty well riding in the car and I think next weekend will go fine if we plan on several stops to stretch and rearrange. Looking ahead now to that trip...YAY!!!
Thought for the day
God is continuing to work me over and show me the same things again and again to help me let go of areas of self and pride that would hinder His work in and through me. I'm trying to just let Him work and make no excuses or justification for my sin. I want to call it a different word, but the truth is that it's sin. To know the right thing and not do it is sin. He didn't ask if I felt like it, wanted to, or was so inclined...He just said to do it. I don't get a "pass" based on my temperament, age, hormone levels, state of physical health, history, genetics, circumstance, or the amount of sleep I get. It's time to put up or shut up. That doesn't mean I'm on my own...the Creator of heaven and earth is standing by to do through me what "I" am unable to do. BUT I must relinquish my right to say no and let Him do it. How about you?
Thought for the day
God is continuing to work me over and show me the same things again and again to help me let go of areas of self and pride that would hinder His work in and through me. I'm trying to just let Him work and make no excuses or justification for my sin. I want to call it a different word, but the truth is that it's sin. To know the right thing and not do it is sin. He didn't ask if I felt like it, wanted to, or was so inclined...He just said to do it. I don't get a "pass" based on my temperament, age, hormone levels, state of physical health, history, genetics, circumstance, or the amount of sleep I get. It's time to put up or shut up. That doesn't mean I'm on my own...the Creator of heaven and earth is standing by to do through me what "I" am unable to do. BUT I must relinquish my right to say no and let Him do it. How about you?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Answers to Prayer
We got some very good news today...Jon does not have a rotator cuff tear!! We're very thankful that he won't be going through that kind of repair. We made a couple of other stops and had lunch at Applebee's before we came home. BYW, Applebee's oriental chicken salad is a huge winner!! I went back to work for about 3 hours this afternoon...ready to print statements in the morning.
Thought for the day
Continuing from yesterday...God is really pulling my chain. He's showing me the nastiness that still exists in me. I believe He's answering a prayer that I've been praying. It was from a devotional book by A.W. Tozer, and the prayer is that He would "make known and take from my heart every kind and form and degree of pride, whether it be from evil spirits or my own corrupt nature and that He would awaken...humility..." The new realization of a person's own pride in some area is quite painful and certainly humbling. Not fun... God, have Your way and do Your work. Don't waste this...accomplish all that You want to do. On the bright side, He's answering this prayer as well as the one that Jon's rotator cuff isn't torn...THANK YOU!!!
Thought for the day
Continuing from yesterday...God is really pulling my chain. He's showing me the nastiness that still exists in me. I believe He's answering a prayer that I've been praying. It was from a devotional book by A.W. Tozer, and the prayer is that He would "make known and take from my heart every kind and form and degree of pride, whether it be from evil spirits or my own corrupt nature and that He would awaken...humility..." The new realization of a person's own pride in some area is quite painful and certainly humbling. Not fun... God, have Your way and do Your work. Don't waste this...accomplish all that You want to do. On the bright side, He's answering this prayer as well as the one that Jon's rotator cuff isn't torn...THANK YOU!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
All I Need in Him
How is your week going? Jon is doing much better...much less pain. It's just still tough for him to find a way to get comfortable for the whole night. He gets more sleep than he used to, but wakes up to rearrange and start over every couple of hours. Tomorrow he sees the orthopedic doctor again to check on his progress.
Thought for the day
I am amazed how quickly I am overcome when I depend on my own strength. It doesn't matter whether it's a temptation, a trial, or unfair treatment...I want what I want, and I want it now! It's hard for me to stop, but stopping is exactly what I need to do. I need to stop and remember that God has provided me with a "way out". He has provided what I need in that moment...His presence, His power, His protection, His covering, His substance, His perspective, His measure of my worth. Those will bring me to the TRUTH...He loves me, values me, and will walk me through as I find my needs met in Him instead of anything or anyone else.
Thought for the day
I am amazed how quickly I am overcome when I depend on my own strength. It doesn't matter whether it's a temptation, a trial, or unfair treatment...I want what I want, and I want it now! It's hard for me to stop, but stopping is exactly what I need to do. I need to stop and remember that God has provided me with a "way out". He has provided what I need in that moment...His presence, His power, His protection, His covering, His substance, His perspective, His measure of my worth. Those will bring me to the TRUTH...He loves me, values me, and will walk me through as I find my needs met in Him instead of anything or anyone else.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Melt Our Hearts, Lord
It's Saturday!! Last night we kept Tre and Tru overnight so Tabbi could work today. Trever is a little better but a long way from "well" yet. He's had a really tough virus! Jon's pain level is down, and he's been able to cut down on his pain medication...good news! He still didn't sleep well last night...hoping he'll have a better night tonight. My friend that had a double lung transplant is doing SO well. She'll be leaving the hospital Monday or Tuesday, but will need to keep living in the area for I think 3 months to be monitored by her doctors. It is such a privilege to see God answer prayer! I'm really enjoying my "Wednesday night girls" group. I will be learning so much from these ladies about gratitude, contentment, and grace. Their lives testify to God's mercy and power and grace in very extreme circumstances...they are a blessing!
Thought for the day
He who is forgiven much, loves much. I am seeing first hand how those whose lives have been ravaged by sin, hopelessness, mistreatment, and difficult circumstances are lifted by the grace of God into a level of peace, contentment, and gratitude that shames the rest of us. We "in the church" are SO comfortable and spoiled that we quibble, pout, and argue over nothing. We whine and complain about the slightest challenge or inconvenience and expect God to answer when we snap our fingers. What happened to waking up in the morning thanking God that He has seen fit to love us and send His Son to die for our sins? When was the last time that that truth alone brought us joy? Then, in addition, He has given us so many blessings. Have we thanked Him lately...this week...today? I'm not pointing a finger at others without pointing it at myself. Let us allow God to melt our hearts again with the wonder of His love and grace.
Thought for the day
He who is forgiven much, loves much. I am seeing first hand how those whose lives have been ravaged by sin, hopelessness, mistreatment, and difficult circumstances are lifted by the grace of God into a level of peace, contentment, and gratitude that shames the rest of us. We "in the church" are SO comfortable and spoiled that we quibble, pout, and argue over nothing. We whine and complain about the slightest challenge or inconvenience and expect God to answer when we snap our fingers. What happened to waking up in the morning thanking God that He has seen fit to love us and send His Son to die for our sins? When was the last time that that truth alone brought us joy? Then, in addition, He has given us so many blessings. Have we thanked Him lately...this week...today? I'm not pointing a finger at others without pointing it at myself. Let us allow God to melt our hearts again with the wonder of His love and grace.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
This week is going differently than we planned. We were going to leave on Friday for Grand Forks, but Jon took a detour to the ER in the afternoon. He fell climbing into the bucket on the truck and hit the ground about 14 feet later. Now, a few days later, we know that he has several breaks in the right wrist and arm, a fractured right scapula, a cut above his right eye, and a very sensitive spot in his rib cage. The doctor will decide next week whether he needs an MRI to check for a rotor cuff tear. It's hard to see him hurting and not be able to do anything to relieve his pain. We appreciate all your prayers and good wishes...keep praying.
Thought for the day
God is good...it's almost impossible that the doctor could have set so many fractures in the hand and wrist without surgery. We're so grateful for that!
Thought for the day
God is good...it's almost impossible that the doctor could have set so many fractures in the hand and wrist without surgery. We're so grateful for that!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Anguish by David Wilkerson
Okay, people, maybe nobody's out there, but I like to do this anyway. I saw a very convicting piece on facebook today.
This is by David Wilkerson and is VERY powerful. It really did convict me and I'm going to keep going back to it for a while. But I must be honest and say that I'm writing this WHILE I'm watching TV...finals for America's Got Talent, what can I say.
This is by David Wilkerson and is VERY powerful. It really did convict me and I'm going to keep going back to it for a while. But I must be honest and say that I'm writing this WHILE I'm watching TV...finals for America's Got Talent, what can I say.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
I really needed this long Labor Day weekend. Not going back to work today was perfect. Friday was the 39th anniversary of our first date so we went to Casa de Oro for supper then to see a movie..."District 9"...the worst movie we've paid to see in a long time! But the company was great!! Saturday we had breakfast at Hy-Vee, and Jon worked on dies for a while then spent the rest of the day working on GPS cables. I was catching up on some random things...Quicken, dusting fans, sorting out some clothes, cleaning our grill, doing more setup on my phone. Tabbi and the boys came late morning and were here till 3 or 4:00. Sunday after church Jon worked on GPS while I did laundry, cleaned all floors (better than I had in a while), dusted, sorted, put away stuff. We met Connie, Larry, Mom, and Shawn's family at Pizza Ranch for dinner and spent an hour at Mom's after. Later in the day I went to a friend's house to pray for her neck and had a nice visit. Today I got to sleep in till about 7;30, then we went to breakfast. So far I've cleaned the fridge and put away laundry. I'll probably spend a lot of time today proofreading. We may clean vehicles later or do something when Jon's done downstairs. I hope all of you had a good weekend, too...any highlights you want to share?
We are getting increasing numbers of monarchs in the tress behind our house. They are migrating south for the winter and we should be seeing them for another week or two. I love it!!
Thought for the day
If we are Spirit-filled Christians what, exactly, is our role? Granted, there are as many roles as there are people, but in a general sense what part do we play? I'm hearing a lot of neediness and statements about "what I need". And that is valid...we do have a need to be taught, encouraged, and developed. But shouldn't we be the ones who also have something to offer? The normal Spirit-filled Christian life should be one that is broken, humble, serving, and allowing Christ's strength and power to be made real in the place where we are. How about church? Should we go to church primarily for what we receive from it or what we can bring to it? I fully agree and understand that we need to be taught and trained...but by whom and to what end? So we can gather together and impress each other or so that we can serve and endure as lights in the world? We need both the input and the outflow, but we must be sure that our source is the Lord Himself and not just a culture or atmosphere that gives us a sense of spiritual belonging. In the end that culture may only serve to build itself up rather than reach out in love to a lost world that we encounter every day.
We are getting increasing numbers of monarchs in the tress behind our house. They are migrating south for the winter and we should be seeing them for another week or two. I love it!!
Thought for the day
If we are Spirit-filled Christians what, exactly, is our role? Granted, there are as many roles as there are people, but in a general sense what part do we play? I'm hearing a lot of neediness and statements about "what I need". And that is valid...we do have a need to be taught, encouraged, and developed. But shouldn't we be the ones who also have something to offer? The normal Spirit-filled Christian life should be one that is broken, humble, serving, and allowing Christ's strength and power to be made real in the place where we are. How about church? Should we go to church primarily for what we receive from it or what we can bring to it? I fully agree and understand that we need to be taught and trained...but by whom and to what end? So we can gather together and impress each other or so that we can serve and endure as lights in the world? We need both the input and the outflow, but we must be sure that our source is the Lord Himself and not just a culture or atmosphere that gives us a sense of spiritual belonging. In the end that culture may only serve to build itself up rather than reach out in love to a lost world that we encounter every day.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
LG enV Touch
Hi there!! I got my new enV Touch yesterday...I really like it! It has a huge screen both inside and out and lots of settings to experiment with. Now I have to get some ringtones. A hint for those of you with enVs...if you have lots of pix on your phone that you don't want to lose buy an SDmicro card to put in that slot on your enV and you can move your pictures on to it. They can be moved to a computer via a card reader (I believe). Also, when you get another phone you can just plug the card into your new phone and voila...you still have your pix! It was great. Another plus with Verizon...if you sign up to manage your account online (just means you can access...you don't have to pay that way) you can get "backup assistant" for free. Every day they update your entire contact list and when you get the new phone you call them and they walk you through the download and, presto, all your contacts!!
Thought for the day
"...it is impossible for God to lie, we may have strong encouragement, we who have fled for refuge in laying hold of the hope set before us. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil." I like words like strong encouragement...refuge...hope...anchor...sure...steadfast. We have lots to hang on to! Be encouraged!!!
Thought for the day
"...it is impossible for God to lie, we may have strong encouragement, we who have fled for refuge in laying hold of the hope set before us. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil." I like words like strong encouragement...refuge...hope...anchor...sure...steadfast. We have lots to hang on to! Be encouraged!!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Apparently I'm getting spoiled this week! Today we traded off the pickup for a 1999 Suzuki Grand Vitara in dark green...low miles and very cute! Also, it won't leak in the rain and it's much easier to see out of! There's even talk about a remote starter in the future! Tomorrow I go to the dentist, and I see Sandy on Thursday for a touch up. Then sometime this week my new phone will come, too. I'm not quite sure what to do with all of this...a little overwhelming. Thanks, Jon!
Thought for the day
It never ends...we will be human for as long as we live. No matter how well we know the Lord we will always be able to sin. All it takes is to lose connection little by little, day by day. Distraction...not evil...just distraction comes in and before I know I'm coasting along in my own strength and doing fine for just a while then I start downhill...frustration and discouragement turn into anger, resentment, depression, even a little rage mixed in. And still I don't know what's wrong...it takes me a while in the hole before I realize that I've slipped away and it can feel like a LONG way back. In reality...a little time, a little focus, a little input from a good book or the Good Book and I begin to see what has happened. When I'm ready to relinquish He's right there...He always was.
Thought for the day
It never ends...we will be human for as long as we live. No matter how well we know the Lord we will always be able to sin. All it takes is to lose connection little by little, day by day. Distraction...not evil...just distraction comes in and before I know I'm coasting along in my own strength and doing fine for just a while then I start downhill...frustration and discouragement turn into anger, resentment, depression, even a little rage mixed in. And still I don't know what's wrong...it takes me a while in the hole before I realize that I've slipped away and it can feel like a LONG way back. In reality...a little time, a little focus, a little input from a good book or the Good Book and I begin to see what has happened. When I'm ready to relinquish He's right there...He always was.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Happy Birthday, Dad
It was a nice weekend! Tre and Tru stayed overnight at our house Friday night and were here until we took them back to Logan about 3:00 Saturday afternoon. They were coughing and sniffling, so we needed to keep a little quiet. We spent the rest of Saturday in the city. We looked at SUVs, went to Ruby Tuesday for supper, then looked at phones at the Verizon store. I'm due for an upgrade, and I'm going to get an LG enV Touch.
Today we went to church then spent the rest of the day on a variety of things. I did laundry and a lot of editing changes on my book. I even cooked real food for supper which I don't usually do on Sunday night. I still need to run the vacuum (at least). It's beautifully cool with a great sky today. I love it!
Today is my dad's birthday. He would have been 89...and, yes, I still miss him. I'm sure glad he's having a great time and I'll see him again!! Thank You, Jesus!!!
Today we went to church then spent the rest of the day on a variety of things. I did laundry and a lot of editing changes on my book. I even cooked real food for supper which I don't usually do on Sunday night. I still need to run the vacuum (at least). It's beautifully cool with a great sky today. I love it!
Today is my dad's birthday. He would have been 89...and, yes, I still miss him. I'm sure glad he's having a great time and I'll see him again!! Thank You, Jesus!!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
School Days
Tonight we're watching more "America's Got Talent". I know...addicted, it's true. It's just too much fun! We got to talk to Bria and Emmy tonight...they are SO PUMPED about starting school tomorrow. It's really fun to hear them go on and on! Tre and Tru started last week and are doing great! Tru is really tired at night...early bedtime! Jon went out on call for a short time tonight and is ready to be done now. I'm done, too...acid reflux kept me up last night so I'm hoping for better things tonight.
Thought for the day
Really tough day today...not on the outside, just on the inside. I don't know why, really, but not a good time. I don't think I would be very good at facing real adversity. I'm glad to know that God is there to sustain me to meet every thing that comes my way...because I know that I don't have that kind of strength inside me. I get a reminder like this every once in a while...it's never pleasant, but it keeps me humble and depending on Him.
Thought for the day
Really tough day today...not on the outside, just on the inside. I don't know why, really, but not a good time. I don't think I would be very good at facing real adversity. I'm glad to know that God is there to sustain me to meet every thing that comes my way...because I know that I don't have that kind of strength inside me. I get a reminder like this every once in a while...it's never pleasant, but it keeps me humble and depending on Him.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Medieval Helpdesk
You might like this for future reference...in case we need to actually use books again
may try that again to see if I can post directly---nope can't figure that out! Apparently I need the helpdesk to do it!
may try that again to see if I can post directly---nope can't figure that out! Apparently I need the helpdesk to do it!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Even thinking about change can be a scary thing. You think you're all ready...MORE than ready...then you feel your knees knock when you start to take steps. Some things just change all on their own...your kids grow up, you get older (and better!), seasons pass, life cycles. It's the changes that you choose to make that can be more overwhelming...where to live, where to work, where to worship, whether to remodel, when to start a family, dog or no dog, cut and/or color, this car or that, regular or decaf...okay, some may not qualify as overwhelming, but some do! I can tell you that you can trust God to open and close doors and work all things for good, but I may not believe it so easily when it's me. That's another reason why we need each other...to help us walk through all of the above. I've been using more than my share of that kind of support lately, so thanks to you all! I'll try to manage at least the regular or decaf myself!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Century Farm
Today was a complete change of pace. I went to the Iowa State Fair with my sister, and we were presented with the recognition of Mom's farm becoming a century farm. We didn't do much else while we were there, but it was a nice day with my sister. The traffic was crazy, but at least it wasn't too hot!
Tonight I baked cookies...Tre and Tru cleaned me out yesterday! That's a good thing!
Thought for the day
I'm tired. Weird how doing something different makes you so tired even if it's not really "more tiring" to do. Seems like I've been up for days!! Gotta go clean up cookies!
Tonight I baked cookies...Tre and Tru cleaned me out yesterday! That's a good thing!
Thought for the day
I'm tired. Weird how doing something different makes you so tired even if it's not really "more tiring" to do. Seems like I've been up for days!! Gotta go clean up cookies!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Is a Change Coming?
It's been kind of a fun, lazy Saturday. This morning was rainy and dark with just a little thunder--YAY!!! I did get some laundry, errands, and cleaning done, but I also went to the library (we still have one...I almost forgot!) and got a new wallet. If you know me, and you do, you know that was a high spot of the day!!! I did a little writing, a little reading, but no 'rithmetic! Jon was working most of the day one place or the other then back again. Hopefully, no more today!! The plan for the rest of the evening is some supper and TV (maybe squeeze in a little more reading, too). Hope you all have a great weekend!!
I'm feeling like a change may be in order...waiting for God to show the way and the time (and the destination would be helpful, too :) ). I don't want to get ahead of Him or miss what He has! Pray for me!!!
I'm feeling like a change may be in order...waiting for God to show the way and the time (and the destination would be helpful, too :) ). I don't want to get ahead of Him or miss what He has! Pray for me!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Many Little Pieces
A quiet evening home...chicken and veggies on the grill...TV (surprise!)...paying bills...putting away laundry...sympathy cards... It's weird when you think about all the different little pieces of life that make up a day in our lives. This list didn't include the working, picking up prescriptions, talking to all of my daughters, one son in law, and one grandson. I gave a hug to a friend at the post office this morning, prayed, read, did sudoku puzzles, connected with a few people on facebook, by texting, and now on a blog. If you add them all up an ordinary day includes a lot of different layers. I (we) need to see the eternal value of operating by the Spirit of God in all these layers. I don't think that means being "out there somewhere" but rather staying in a vital relationship moment by moment with Christ that keeps us in an attitude of servanthood, humility, and dependence. I (we) don't need to "try" to do things in a "spiritual way", I (we) just live dependent on Christ and trust that He is being Himself through me (us). I'm not claiming that I live up to that, but when I list all the things in my day (or yours) they take on greater dimension and I see more possibilities and the slow unfolding of a tapestry that is being designed by God with or without my (or your) understanding. Again each of us is back to trusting that He is up to something and fulfilling His purposes in our lives.
I guess that's my thought for the day!
I guess that's my thought for the day!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Blankets in August!

We had a great time in Grand Forks! As you can see there was fishing, tye-dye projects, chilling out, even some shopping! Kelli had made new blankets for Tre, Tru, and Jon for their respective birthdays. They were beautiful and have already had lots of use. We went shopping for school supplies on Monday. It was great fun...I love school supplies. We really do appreciate all of Jon and Kelli's hospitality. Thanks Bria and Emmy for sharing your rooms and beds, too!! THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Packing, packing, packing. It's time to head north tomorrow after we get off work. Megan and Greg will already be here, and we'll go get all the Melby's and drive to Kelli's. Quality family time...HOORAY!!!
Thought for the day
I haven't picked out my next book yet, but I think it will have to wait till after the weekend now. No reading time the next few days!! Can't focus on any other "thought" so this will have to do!!
Thought for the day
I haven't picked out my next book yet, but I think it will have to wait till after the weekend now. No reading time the next few days!! Can't focus on any other "thought" so this will have to do!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Some Inspiration
I'm starting preps for the weekend...making lists, more lists, and a pile or two. We're excited to go!! America's Got Talent is on again tonight...YAY!!! It even got nice enough outside to go for a short walk tonight. I'm needing some inspiration...some good reading will probably do. It must be time to dig through the bookshelves and see what's there! What inspires you?
Thought for the day
It's always good to stoke the fire...to stir up a greater desire for the Lord. I get to a point where I know it's time for some time...I just need to settle in and focus and listen. He always wants to say something to me and to you.
Thought for the day
It's always good to stoke the fire...to stir up a greater desire for the Lord. I get to a point where I know it's time for some time...I just need to settle in and focus and listen. He always wants to say something to me and to you.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Gary Smalley
Okay back at work again...the circle of life. Lunch out with Jon because he isn't working on Mondays...leftovers for supper...a wedding shower in the evening with (of course) more food. Tomorrow is my day to take my mom out for lunch...ARRGGHHH! I can be pretty good most of the time, but eating out blows everything, and I can't turn down a meal out! My back hasn't been feeling so great and losing some weight would be a really good move to give some relief or to be better prepared for any kind of treatment. Need to get my act together. HELP ME if you can!
Thought for the day
We saw part of a video at Sunday school yesterday on which Gary Smalley was talking about the way to pray persistently in the face of ongoing challenge. He was facing temptation and having inappropriate fantasies about another woman. He knew in his head that he wanted Christ to be his real source and fulfillment, but he was "feeling" like he wanted something else. So he would pray every day "God, I want You. I want You to be my life, my source, my satisfaction. I "feel" differently, but I choose You." He never approached the woman, but the feelings persisted. Do you know how long he had to pray that way before there came some relief and change in his feelings? TWO YEARS. I think that is an awesome testimony of what it means to persevere in prayer and stand on the truth. Good stuff!
Thought for the day
We saw part of a video at Sunday school yesterday on which Gary Smalley was talking about the way to pray persistently in the face of ongoing challenge. He was facing temptation and having inappropriate fantasies about another woman. He knew in his head that he wanted Christ to be his real source and fulfillment, but he was "feeling" like he wanted something else. So he would pray every day "God, I want You. I want You to be my life, my source, my satisfaction. I "feel" differently, but I choose You." He never approached the woman, but the feelings persisted. Do you know how long he had to pray that way before there came some relief and change in his feelings? TWO YEARS. I think that is an awesome testimony of what it means to persevere in prayer and stand on the truth. Good stuff!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Louis Giglio
It's back to hot outside...not horrible, but not like yesterday. We went to church this morning and had friends here for lunch and part of the afternoon. We watched one of the Louis Giglio DVDs that we have with them and watched another after they went home. They are really excellent and we are quite willing to share if any of you want to see them!
Here's wishing you all a safe and excellent week...LOOKING FORWARD to heading north next Friday! Look out Holthe's...we're coming!
Thought for the day
One of the messages we heard today was about when life hurts. It's very powerful and makes the point that when suffering enters our life we are given a megaphone and what is inside us comes out amplified whether we want it to or not. If we've built our life on the goal of our own happiness what will come out is despair, but if we've set God's greatness and glory as our highest priority what will come out is a testimony to God's goodness in the midst of the suffering. Suffering of some kind will come, so be prepared ahead of time and set your heart on Him so that when the megaphone lands in front of you, you give Him glory.
Here's wishing you all a safe and excellent week...LOOKING FORWARD to heading north next Friday! Look out Holthe's...we're coming!
Thought for the day
One of the messages we heard today was about when life hurts. It's very powerful and makes the point that when suffering enters our life we are given a megaphone and what is inside us comes out amplified whether we want it to or not. If we've built our life on the goal of our own happiness what will come out is despair, but if we've set God's greatness and glory as our highest priority what will come out is a testimony to God's goodness in the midst of the suffering. Suffering of some kind will come, so be prepared ahead of time and set your heart on Him so that when the megaphone lands in front of you, you give Him glory.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
August 1
It's a beautiful day. August 1 in Iowa would normally be pretty unbearable, but today is sunny, breezy, big puffy clouds, and 70 degrees! Who knew summer could be so nice? We went to breakfast this morning, and Jon's been working on jobs that have stacked up for other people all day. I took Logan for a walk, caught up on bookwork, got groceries, made BLT's and corn on the cob for lunch, and am almost done cleaning house. I even squeezed in a short nap...perfect!
Pet peeve of the day...people with more money than we'll ever see in our lives who ask us to hold a $30.00 check till later, after Jon already wrote a $30.00 check for the supplies to do the work he's doing for them at no charge!! Crazy people!
Thought for the day
Bearing with one another...some days harder than it sounds. Can I at least pick the people I have to "bear with"? Okay, just venting!
Pet peeve of the day...people with more money than we'll ever see in our lives who ask us to hold a $30.00 check till later, after Jon already wrote a $30.00 check for the supplies to do the work he's doing for them at no charge!! Crazy people!
Thought for the day
Bearing with one another...some days harder than it sounds. Can I at least pick the people I have to "bear with"? Okay, just venting!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Keeping Balance
Another day...more laundry...pay bills...a walk outside...roast in the crock pot...it's been a pretty good one. I hope yours went well. We got out missionary packet today...the information about the missionary we're supporting through Gospel For Asia...Borsing. Very humbling stuff when you see how someone else is willing to live and sacrifice to share the love of Christ. How little we see and understand! I hope we are equal to the task of supporting and praying for this man and his family.
Thought for the day
I stole a little more sleep this morning and skipped my morning reading time. I thought I was doing better, but I still almost dozed off at work. I just can't get caught up...HAVE to do better! Maybe God could just squeeze a couple of more hours into my day while I'm sleeping and not tell me so that I spend that time sleeping instead of "getting more done". We need to take better care of ourselves in the process of doing all that is put in our hands to do. Eating better, sleeping more, getting some kind of exercise when possible...I know how hard it is to fit it all in, but we need to take the small steps we can and let God fill in the gaps.
Thought for the day
I stole a little more sleep this morning and skipped my morning reading time. I thought I was doing better, but I still almost dozed off at work. I just can't get caught up...HAVE to do better! Maybe God could just squeeze a couple of more hours into my day while I'm sleeping and not tell me so that I spend that time sleeping instead of "getting more done". We need to take better care of ourselves in the process of doing all that is put in our hands to do. Eating better, sleeping more, getting some kind of exercise when possible...I know how hard it is to fit it all in, but we need to take the small steps we can and let God fill in the gaps.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Reason to Pray
We went to the zoo today with Tabbi, Tre, and Tru. Even though they went on the carousel and we all went on the train, it felt like a lot of walking and I was ready to drive back. We did see a couple of areas that we don't remember ever seeing before, so that was fun. It's back to work tomorrow and on Friday, then the weekend...this was a great break in the week.
Please be praying for Kelli. She's been having the worst asthma attack I think she' ever had this last five days or so. She did avoid a stay in the hospital, but is taking lots of meds and had to cancel daycare for the week. Rest, slow deep breaths, rest, fluids, rest, quiet, rest, rest, rest...pray, pray, pray!
Thought for the day
Psalm 4:3, 5, 7-8: "But know that the Lord has set apart the godly man for Himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the Lord. Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than when their grain and new wine abound. In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for Thou alone, O Lord, dost make me to dwell in safety."
Please be praying for Kelli. She's been having the worst asthma attack I think she' ever had this last five days or so. She did avoid a stay in the hospital, but is taking lots of meds and had to cancel daycare for the week. Rest, slow deep breaths, rest, fluids, rest, quiet, rest, rest, rest...pray, pray, pray!
Thought for the day
Psalm 4:3, 5, 7-8: "But know that the Lord has set apart the godly man for Himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the Lord. Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than when their grain and new wine abound. In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for Thou alone, O Lord, dost make me to dwell in safety."
Monday, July 27, 2009
New Faces, Old Faces
We had new faces and old faces at the Wiuff family reunion on Sunday. There were the two new babies that you see in the pictures and Rebekka's fiance Jordan (getting married on Saturday!). The numbers of first cousins was down this year...eight, I think plus Alan and Shawn's family. Only Bob and Daylene and their kids (minus Tabitha) were there from the Norgaard clan. Dean, Arleatta, and their kids, Beth Ann, all of Connie's family, Paul and Joanne with Michele's family, Randy and Joan with Bill, Debbie, and Jon and I with Tabbi and boys. Mom, Bud, and Betty represented the brothers and sisters. So we did have 4 generations well represented which is pretty cool. It was a beautiful day and nice to be outside as well as inside. There was playing on the playground, shooting hoops, scooter riding, and some baseball practice.
Thought for the day
We are blessed with a family and a heritage that we can embrace and appreciate. God has been faithful, but we must carry on. We must always remember that righteousness is not genetic. We must always be faithful to teach and train the next generation and lead them to salvation. There are no automatic passes just because it's "in the family".
Friday, July 24, 2009
Garage Sale, Chapter 2
Well, tomorrow is Garage Sale, Chapter 2. We have some new things, old things, even borrowed things, perhaps a new thing! But, no, it's not a wedding...just a garage sale. I'd tell you to come check it out, but the only people who will read this live out of town! Jon is out on call tonight and doesn't know when he'll be getting back. On Sunday we will be going to the Wiuff family reunion in Irwin...great fun stuff!!!
Thought for the day
It's still there...26,500 children every day...today, tomorrow, and the day after that. I'm not trying to be a downer, but it's just a reality that I hopefully will never forget. It just helps me keep my life in perspective. Father, meet needs through us where possible...supernaturally where not possible. Help us to see with Your eyes.
Thought for the day
It's still there...26,500 children every day...today, tomorrow, and the day after that. I'm not trying to be a downer, but it's just a reality that I hopefully will never forget. It just helps me keep my life in perspective. Father, meet needs through us where possible...supernaturally where not possible. Help us to see with Your eyes.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Cemetery
I love that "America's Got Talent" is on 2 nights in a row every week...fun way to start the week! It was not too busy at work today, and I got caught up on some extras. I'm making it my goal this week to get to bed a little earlier...which means I have to have supper ready earlier...which changes the way I cook because the grill takes longer than the stove. As a result, the chicken tonight was dried out...rats...But the veggies were good...YAY!!
Two more work days to go then it's garage sale Saturday followed by Wiuff reunion Sunday!! It should be fun...need more sleep!
Thought for the day
I've been kicking around the way we go about living the life...trying to have a good attitude, trying to resist temptation...how we walk out the reality of being a "new creation". It's tough to get my mind around it in some ways...Why doesn't the TRUTH of who I am come out naturally in the rough and tumble of the day and when the challenge comes? This is the picture I have...There is a cemetery full of old dead bones, and just further down the road is the LIFE that is mine in Him. At any given moment I must live that moment by choosing to stop and go into the cemetery and mess up those bones and try to dress them up, turn them over, rearrange them...or I can go on past the cemetery and continue down the road to the LIFE that is mine. In my mind the cemetery is like trying to live from the flesh...from my own strength. Living in Christ is walking on down the road to the LIFE. But the cemetery is always there...I will always have to see it, walk by it, choose not to try to find life among the dead bones. I'm not sure I can put this in words well, so let me know if this is making sense and what you think!
Two more work days to go then it's garage sale Saturday followed by Wiuff reunion Sunday!! It should be fun...need more sleep!
Thought for the day
I've been kicking around the way we go about living the life...trying to have a good attitude, trying to resist temptation...how we walk out the reality of being a "new creation". It's tough to get my mind around it in some ways...Why doesn't the TRUTH of who I am come out naturally in the rough and tumble of the day and when the challenge comes? This is the picture I have...There is a cemetery full of old dead bones, and just further down the road is the LIFE that is mine in Him. At any given moment I must live that moment by choosing to stop and go into the cemetery and mess up those bones and try to dress them up, turn them over, rearrange them...or I can go on past the cemetery and continue down the road to the LIFE that is mine. In my mind the cemetery is like trying to live from the flesh...from my own strength. Living in Christ is walking on down the road to the LIFE. But the cemetery is always there...I will always have to see it, walk by it, choose not to try to find life among the dead bones. I'm not sure I can put this in words well, so let me know if this is making sense and what you think!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Problem solved! During just a routine visit to the grocery store I found both a new sudoku book and a new crossword book. Too bad that all the world's problems can't be solved that easily, but I will delight in the ones that can! So now I have books to share during our ride to Grand Forks in a couple of weeks.
We missed "America's Got Talent" last week, so we're getting caught up tonight. It's hard to imagine that you can have such bad and such good stuff on the same stage. The old man Elvis act was really horrible!!!!!!!!
FYI-----another stellar garage sale at my house this Saturday!! Be there or be square!
Thought for the day
If laughter is good for the soul, then "America's Got Talent" can heal anything! And I really like the emcee Nick Cannon...hysterical! I don't really know why this would be a "thought" but I do agree that laughter is REALLY GOOD FOR YOU!!! SO JUST DO IT!!!!
We missed "America's Got Talent" last week, so we're getting caught up tonight. It's hard to imagine that you can have such bad and such good stuff on the same stage. The old man Elvis act was really horrible!!!!!!!!
FYI-----another stellar garage sale at my house this Saturday!! Be there or be square!
Thought for the day
If laughter is good for the soul, then "America's Got Talent" can heal anything! And I really like the emcee Nick Cannon...hysterical! I don't really know why this would be a "thought" but I do agree that laughter is REALLY GOOD FOR YOU!!! SO JUST DO IT!!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Problems, Problems
It was a Monday!! I had a terrible time just staying awake at work this morning. The afternoon was better, but I think that about 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep would be awesome. If only I could do that without something hurting and waking me up over and over. This steady rain tonight makes me think sleep would be a good thing! Oh well, tomorrow is another day. I hope you all had a good start to the week.
I have another more pressing issue. In my desk at work I keep a crossword puzzle book and a sudoku book for break time. I have reached the "hard" section in the sudoku book which means I'm all done. I finished my crossword puzzle book today. So now I either have to get new puzzle books right away or find a book to take with me to read. Problems, problems. I guess I'll get it resolved somehow... :) Amazing what can qualify as a problem in our safe little worlds!
Thought for the day
I'm still wrestling with the fact that over 26,500 children dying every day. When I'm tempted to complain or feel sorry for myself that little fact comes to the forefront of my thoughts, and that's a very good thing. I'm thankful, Lord, that You have let me learn these things and that You don't let me forget them. I need that perspective on a daily basis. And yet we can have joy and enjoy the blessings You have given...even more so when we realize we aren't "entitled" to them.
I have another more pressing issue. In my desk at work I keep a crossword puzzle book and a sudoku book for break time. I have reached the "hard" section in the sudoku book which means I'm all done. I finished my crossword puzzle book today. So now I either have to get new puzzle books right away or find a book to take with me to read. Problems, problems. I guess I'll get it resolved somehow... :) Amazing what can qualify as a problem in our safe little worlds!
Thought for the day
I'm still wrestling with the fact that over 26,500 children dying every day. When I'm tempted to complain or feel sorry for myself that little fact comes to the forefront of my thoughts, and that's a very good thing. I'm thankful, Lord, that You have let me learn these things and that You don't let me forget them. I need that perspective on a daily basis. And yet we can have joy and enjoy the blessings You have given...even more so when we realize we aren't "entitled" to them.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Gospel For Asia
It's Saturday and we have several things going on. Jon spent the morning working at the parsonage at a work day. This afternoon he's been painting more on the house. I helped at a shower from 11-2 at the church, and we both will go back between 5 and 7 for a birthday party. Jon is also on call, but so far has not been called out. It's a beautiful day again...sunny, breezy, low humidity, and cool...we were only about 50 this morning again...I love it!!
After reading "The Hole in Our Gospel" we have decided to work through Gospel For Asia. We'll support a missionary and sign up to be part of the prayer team. There may be other involvements later, but this is what we know now. I'm excited to be a part of something "bigger" and look forward to keeping up with what's going on and how to pray!
Thought for the day
It doesn't cost anything to be a part of the Gospel For Asia prayer team...and nothing will be accomplished without prayer!!
After reading "The Hole in Our Gospel" we have decided to work through Gospel For Asia. We'll support a missionary and sign up to be part of the prayer team. There may be other involvements later, but this is what we know now. I'm excited to be a part of something "bigger" and look forward to keeping up with what's going on and how to pray!
Thought for the day
It doesn't cost anything to be a part of the Gospel For Asia prayer team...and nothing will be accomplished without prayer!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
It was a wonderful day off! Last night we went to the tractor pull with Trever, Tabbi, Tre, and Tru. Because it was a late night, the boys slept here and I took the day off. They got to sleep in a little while and then I took them to kid care. Saw Tabbi then went to the city for a little shopping. It was raining on the was there and while I was at Target, but by the time I got home in the afternoon it was GORGEOUS...sunny, breezy, low humidity, and 74 degrees. I went for a long walk. Jon was able to stay home when he got off work and mowed. I baked cookies, grilled chicken for supper with corn on the cob (compliments of Trever and Tabbi)!
I must have been REALLY ready for a day off...it was AWESOME!!
Thought for the day
We're doing some more research including asking a couple of organizations some specific questions by email. The book I've finished has cemented a determination on our part to be involved in some kind of international outreach. BUT I maintain that no matter how great the need around the world, we MUST find a way to make a difference where we are. I think it's sometimes easier to write a check to send around the world than it is to reach out to someone who lives where you do and can find you when they want to. However true that may be, it is IMPERATIVE that we help where we live somehow. The Gospel has always traveled best in the shoes of a neighbor...when someone that lives where we live and faces what we face shares Christ and demonstrates the reality of His love to us, we have a sense that God actually "gets" us and loves us.
I must have been REALLY ready for a day off...it was AWESOME!!
Thought for the day
We're doing some more research including asking a couple of organizations some specific questions by email. The book I've finished has cemented a determination on our part to be involved in some kind of international outreach. BUT I maintain that no matter how great the need around the world, we MUST find a way to make a difference where we are. I think it's sometimes easier to write a check to send around the world than it is to reach out to someone who lives where you do and can find you when they want to. However true that may be, it is IMPERATIVE that we help where we live somehow. The Gospel has always traveled best in the shoes of a neighbor...when someone that lives where we live and faces what we face shares Christ and demonstrates the reality of His love to us, we have a sense that God actually "gets" us and loves us.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Feeling Better
Another great "America's Got Talent" was on tonight! There was a 9 year old boy that could play a guitar like a pro and a group of postal workers that could really sing! Of course there were the crazies...don't these people have a friend or family member who loves them enough to shake them silly and stop them from getting on stage? I mean seriously,......scary stuff! Oh well, that's why we like it...a little of everything!
I'm almost done with the book "The Hole in our Gospel". It is seriously challenging. It, along with the book "Revolution in World Missions", have really brought the world and our responsibility in it into sharper focus for me. They definitely make "America's Got Talent" seem less than the most important thing in the present realm! Now...what to do....
Thought for the day
Thanks for praying for me. My back was still bad through the night and this morning, but by late morning the Tylenol had kicked in and I haven't needed any since. I'll take my usual dose at bedtime, but I've been much more comfortable today. Thanks!!!
I'm almost done with the book "The Hole in our Gospel". It is seriously challenging. It, along with the book "Revolution in World Missions", have really brought the world and our responsibility in it into sharper focus for me. They definitely make "America's Got Talent" seem less than the most important thing in the present realm! Now...what to do....
Thought for the day
Thanks for praying for me. My back was still bad through the night and this morning, but by late morning the Tylenol had kicked in and I haven't needed any since. I'll take my usual dose at bedtime, but I've been much more comfortable today. Thanks!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Book Update
Well, it was back to work today!! How did that go for you today? Work was fine, but I'm taking regular doses of Tylenol today without noticeable relief. It still scares me when my back acts up, so I'm trying to take it as careful as I can. Some time this week I need to make a run to the city and get some stuff, but I'm not sure yet when I'll do that. I need to do some baking later in the week, too. Jon's been working hard all weekend scraping, priming, and painting the house. I've been no help whatsoever...I hate that I can't keep up.
I promised you some updates from my book reading, so here goes. The book, again, is "The Hole in Our Gospel" by Richard Stearns. This book will definitely get your attention and make you realize how self-centered and unaware the church is as a whole and at least I am personally. Did you know that 40% of the world population lives (?) on less than $2.00 a day? In this day of access to so many resources there is no excuse for us not helping them. We're presently trying to do a little research on a couple of groups to decide how we want to be involved.
Thought for the day
This is a quote by Bob Pierce "Don't fail to do something just because you can't do everything." That encourages me in the face of statistics on poverty that are overwhelming. God only asks us to do what He places in front of us with what He's given us.
I promised you some updates from my book reading, so here goes. The book, again, is "The Hole in Our Gospel" by Richard Stearns. This book will definitely get your attention and make you realize how self-centered and unaware the church is as a whole and at least I am personally. Did you know that 40% of the world population lives (?) on less than $2.00 a day? In this day of access to so many resources there is no excuse for us not helping them. We're presently trying to do a little research on a couple of groups to decide how we want to be involved.
Thought for the day
This is a quote by Bob Pierce "Don't fail to do something just because you can't do everything." That encourages me in the face of statistics on poverty that are overwhelming. God only asks us to do what He places in front of us with what He's given us.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Pictures From the 4th

Thanks, Lord, for Jon, all these, and many others who are precious to me. You've been so good!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Great 4th
We had a really great weekend with all the kids. Jon, Kelli, and girls came late Friday night then headed to Logan in the morning. We met them and Tabbi's family and Jon's family in Logan for the 4th of July parade. Megan and Greg were at our house when we got back. Tabbi, the boys, then Trever came later in the afternoon and we grilled supper. Kelli's family was here in time for all of us to go to the fireworks together. Almost everyone stayed overnight, and on Sunday Greg made us a great pork roast on the grill. Later the girls and I took all the kids swimming. They had a great time. That's the first time I've done any swimming in years and it felt great. Greg and Megan went home in the afternoon, Tabbi and boys later, and Kelli's family left this morning. We played the new Monopoly card game...very fun...you need to try it! I hope all of you had a fun weekend and I wish you a great week ahead!
Thought for the day
Today I started a book called "The Hole in the Gospel" by Richard Stearns the president of World Vision. It's about the failure of our faith to be the hands and feet of Christ in our world. I'm under conviction just reading the title. I'm very sure that we, the church, have failed to care for the poor and effectively bring much change to our society in the present. I'll keep you up on what I'm getting from the book, or better yet, read it with me!
Thought for the day
Today I started a book called "The Hole in the Gospel" by Richard Stearns the president of World Vision. It's about the failure of our faith to be the hands and feet of Christ in our world. I'm under conviction just reading the title. I'm very sure that we, the church, have failed to care for the poor and effectively bring much change to our society in the present. I'll keep you up on what I'm getting from the book, or better yet, read it with me!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
America's Got Talent Again!
This is GREAT...America's Got Talent is BACK! Can you tell I'm excited? It's a real bright spot in the summer TV scene. It has about everything you can imagine...singing, magic, dancing, ventriloquist, yo-yos, tumbling, eating glass (??? seriously), putting hooks into the nose and out the mouth (no kidding). The hokey guy that used to be a chicken catcher who comes on and sings all the way from the tips of his toes and makes you about cry. It's just a lot more interesting that that Idol show...no offense!!
We're gearing up for a houseful of kids and grandkids this weekend...YAY!!!! The plan at this time is that we'll all go to the fireworks together. I don't remember that last time even the girls, Jon, and I went together. It will be SO FUN. Then there will probably be some swimming pool time on Sunday at least for the kids. We both have Friday off so that will give me a chance to finish what I need to do.
Thought for the day
Okay, I'm finally on facebook. Several friends have warned me that it's very addictive. That's just what I need...another thing to eat up my time and attention. My plan is to keep it light and constructive. If I can't do that, I may have to put the brakes on the whole thing. We'll see! I don't know about you, but I have to be careful about what I let get a hold on me. It's far too easy to let my days be eaten up by things that are fairly meaningless. Be on your guard. "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." Proverbs 4:23
We're gearing up for a houseful of kids and grandkids this weekend...YAY!!!! The plan at this time is that we'll all go to the fireworks together. I don't remember that last time even the girls, Jon, and I went together. It will be SO FUN. Then there will probably be some swimming pool time on Sunday at least for the kids. We both have Friday off so that will give me a chance to finish what I need to do.
Thought for the day
Okay, I'm finally on facebook. Several friends have warned me that it's very addictive. That's just what I need...another thing to eat up my time and attention. My plan is to keep it light and constructive. If I can't do that, I may have to put the brakes on the whole thing. We'll see! I don't know about you, but I have to be careful about what I let get a hold on me. It's far too easy to let my days be eaten up by things that are fairly meaningless. Be on your guard. "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." Proverbs 4:23
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I hope you have a great week ahead and stay safe!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The End Does Come
Wow...I guess even the famous die. Whether by a long road of suffering or in a sudden, unexpected way, death does come calling on EVERYONE. It is sobering no matter what your opinion of Farrah or Michael. We would all do well to look at the management of our own lives and realize that we will each be responsible for the life we've been given. There will be a time when we go from this realm into eternity. Let's concentrate on the things that will be important then! Thankfully, they are precious few...love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and strength and love one another. Remember what's important!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Legos, Really?
Thought for the day
There's nothing like Midwest weather...wow! We're always thankful when the storm has passed and all is well, but it always make me realize how great God's power is when a weather system comes through and there is nothing anyone can do to change it. We can be grateful that his love and power are on our side!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Back From Kansas City
We had a great weekend in Kansas City! We found our hotel first and had a really great clerk there who told us what to see and how to get there. We went about 5 miles south to a plaza area. It was raining lightly so we got out to take some pictures of a fountain then headed back to the van. We worked our way back north toward out hotel and stopped at Union Station. What a beautiful building and fountain outside! We went to the traveling Narnia exhibit that was showing there which was really cool...lots of props and costumes used in the movies, falling "snow" as you enter through the wardrobe door, models of a castle, a waterfall of ice, very cool stuff. We went through the skywalk over to Crown Center (Hallmark headquarters) with a ton of specialty shops and restaurants. There was an exhibit called "The Art of Brick" where an artist had done sculptures and pictures built entirely of Legos...really unbelievable! We went to a BBQ place for supper and dessert. On Sunday we went to the ball game and watched the St. Louis Cardinals beat Kansas City Royals 12 to 5. It was oppressively hot, but we were blessed by sitting in the shade starting about game time. Then the drive home. I haven't downloaded from the cameras yet, so I should have pictures to share later in the week.
Thanks again, kids, for the great gift!!
And, by the way, Tre's wrist is feeling well again...YAY!!
Thought for the day
It's getting late, but hopefully I'll have something later in the week! Remember when you were SO TIRED of winter and couldn't wait for it to warm up? Well, hope you're loving it!
Thanks again, kids, for the great gift!!
And, by the way, Tre's wrist is feeling well again...YAY!!
Thought for the day
It's getting late, but hopefully I'll have something later in the week! Remember when you were SO TIRED of winter and couldn't wait for it to warm up? Well, hope you're loving it!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Sorry for the wrong info...Tre's wrist is still quite sore. Please pray for him to heal quickly!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Even though we already had a birthday party, today Tre turns 7!! WOW!! These pictures are from Tuesday night's party. Tre was pretty excited to put on his new camouflage outfit and these animals came in a set from Bass Pro Shop...Tre's favorite store! I've NEVER seen a 7 year old boy excited about clothes for a birthday gift, but he had asked for them and was glad to get them!
Today was a memorable birthday for him since he ended up at the ER. He had jumped off of a swing, and his arm hurt, and he wouldn't use it. Xrays checked out okay after all, and he was feeling much better by afternoon. Nobody wants a cast for their birthday!!
More good news...Greg had an EMG test today and the nerve is still improving!! The doctor did not expect to see that progress, but it has definitely improved. It could take another year or more for it to heal completely, and he mustn't be aggravating it, but they expect it to continue to heal!!! YAY!!! He will never take the use of an arm for granted again!! I don't think any of us will after watching what he's gone through.
Thought for the day
God is working. God is still answering prayers. Even when you see no progress; even when nothing seems to change; God is working in more ways and places than we would dare to hope...if we ask. His timetable is often different from mine, and His outcomes aren't always my first choice, but let's never fail to ask for the miracle or the thing dearest to our hearts. Let's never be guilty of "having not because we ask not". ALWAYS ASK. KEEP ASKING. TRUST HIM!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TABBI!!! And Tre, too! These are pictures from our "combination" birthday party tonight for Tabbi, 30, and Tre. We love you!! Tre picked Burger King for supper and we had birthday cake afterwards. Tre was excited to get gifts from Bass Pro Shop...more about that on HIS birthday! Anyway, a great time was had by all...thanks for coming!
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