Wednesday, September 30, 2009

All I Need in Him

How is your week going? Jon is doing much better...much less pain. It's just still tough for him to find a way to get comfortable for the whole night. He gets more sleep than he used to, but wakes up to rearrange and start over every couple of hours. Tomorrow he sees the orthopedic doctor again to check on his progress.

Thought for the day

I am amazed how quickly I am overcome when I depend on my own strength. It doesn't matter whether it's a temptation, a trial, or unfair treatment...I want what I want, and I want it now! It's hard for me to stop, but stopping is exactly what I need to do. I need to stop and remember that God has provided me with a "way out". He has provided what I need in that moment...His presence, His power, His protection, His covering, His substance, His perspective, His measure of my worth. Those will bring me to the TRUTH...He loves me, values me, and will walk me through as I find my needs met in Him instead of anything or anyone else.


Kelli said...

Good thought for the day and good luck tomorrow! Let me know how it goes!

Luann said...

Thanks, already know the rest...