Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

I really needed this long Labor Day weekend. Not going back to work today was perfect. Friday was the 39th anniversary of our first date so we went to Casa de Oro for supper then to see a movie..."District 9"...the worst movie we've paid to see in a long time! But the company was great!! Saturday we had breakfast at Hy-Vee, and Jon worked on dies for a while then spent the rest of the day working on GPS cables. I was catching up on some random things...Quicken, dusting fans, sorting out some clothes, cleaning our grill, doing more setup on my phone. Tabbi and the boys came late morning and were here till 3 or 4:00. Sunday after church Jon worked on GPS while I did laundry, cleaned all floors (better than I had in a while), dusted, sorted, put away stuff. We met Connie, Larry, Mom, and Shawn's family at Pizza Ranch for dinner and spent an hour at Mom's after. Later in the day I went to a friend's house to pray for her neck and had a nice visit. Today I got to sleep in till about 7;30, then we went to breakfast. So far I've cleaned the fridge and put away laundry. I'll probably spend a lot of time today proofreading. We may clean vehicles later or do something when Jon's done downstairs. I hope all of you had a good weekend, too...any highlights you want to share?

We are getting increasing numbers of monarchs in the tress behind our house. They are migrating south for the winter and we should be seeing them for another week or two. I love it!!

Thought for the day

If we are Spirit-filled Christians what, exactly, is our role? Granted, there are as many roles as there are people, but in a general sense what part do we play? I'm hearing a lot of neediness and statements about "what I need". And that is valid...we do have a need to be taught, encouraged, and developed. But shouldn't we be the ones who also have something to offer? The normal Spirit-filled Christian life should be one that is broken, humble, serving, and allowing Christ's strength and power to be made real in the place where we are. How about church? Should we go to church primarily for what we receive from it or what we can bring to it? I fully agree and understand that we need to be taught and trained...but by whom and to what end? So we can gather together and impress each other or so that we can serve and endure as lights in the world? We need both the input and the outflow, but we must be sure that our source is the Lord Himself and not just a culture or atmosphere that gives us a sense of spiritual belonging. In the end that culture may only serve to build itself up rather than reach out in love to a lost world that we encounter every day.

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