Thursday, November 5, 2009


Jon is still doing physical therapy, but still has too much swelling in his hand and wrist. We're praying that it will go down so that he can make more progress. He's working very hard on his exercises and stretches. We're looking forward to the weekend...Megan and Greg are coming Friday till Sunday morning. On Saturday we'll all go watch Tre's basketball game, but we don't have any other specific plans. Megan's been working hard on proofreading my book draft, and I'm ready to make some corrections then put in my order...I'm so excited!!

Thought for the day

The more I get to know different people, the more I realize we all endure something. Some people have a health issue; some people have a failed relationship of one kind or another; some people live with misunderstanding and disappointment. The common thread seems to be that when the individual puts his or her struggle into God's hands, he or she grows and comes to know God in new ways. That is a choice we actually have to make...will we grow bitter, or will we grow in humility and tenderness? God becomes even more precious when we let Him fill the void that is left by our losses. Let's choose wisely!


Kelli said...

i'm working on your book too... slowly but surely! :)
Have fun this weekend... wish we could come to the game too!

Anonymous said...

Tre had such a great practice last night - he is very excited for his game (and excited that Greg and Megan can come this weekend!)
Good words today, mom - thanks

Luann said...

Thanks, Kelli, for taking the time! We wish you could come, too.
Tabbi, I'm glad Tre feels like he's learning the ropes...can't wait to watch!