Sunday, November 29, 2009


Whew!! Okay the high-stress meal of the year is over! Cooking a big heal and having it all come together for a group of people has never been my strong suit, so it's a little stressful for me, but it was worth it! It was great to have everybody together. Very glad Kelli, Jon, and the girls were able to change plans and come after all!! The kids had a great time both with cousins and aunts and uncles! I hope all of you had a great holiday and are ready to gear up for Christmas!

Thought for the day

The holiday rush is here again...decorations, letters, cards, shopping, wrapping, baking...What is that you do purposefully through this season that helps you focus and not lose the wonder of Christ coming as a baby? It helps me to have some short alone time...maybe with music, maybe not...maybe candles, maybe not...just a chance to be still and remember why I do what I do for Christmas, not just scramble to get it all done. What is it that helps you???


Kelli said...

Thanks for letting us crash Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything - it was a great weekend! tm