Saturday, June 19, 2010


Happy Father's Day tomorrow to all you dads out there...especially my husband and Jon, Trever, and Greg (in process). It's a good day to appreciate all that you do and are!

It's been a week of sadness and helplessness as we watch friends suffer and are too far away to really be there for them. We hope to go soon, but our presence certainly can never put anything right. We pray, we cry, we hurt, but we cannot fix. Lord, hold them very close.

Sadness makes me stupid. I begin to forget who God is and how much He loves us. I fail to perceive the blessings and beauty around me. I stop praying well. I can't seem to comprehend what I read. So if all I can do is put my head down and cry, then let me cry in Your arms and raise me up again to see Your face.

1 comment:

~jessica said...

Beautifully worded, Luann. Thank you.