Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oskar Henry Culver

HE'S HERE!!!! His name is Oskar Henry Culver, or Oz. His parents are Greg and Megan Culver, and he was born on Saturday October 23, 2010 at 6:48 p.m. He was 7 lbs 10 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. He has lots of dark hair, beautiful skin, and, so far, dark blue eyes. We've all been excitedly waiting his arrival. It was time and, apparently, he thought so, too. His timing was perfect. Jon, Kelli, and the girls were here from Thursday till Sunday morning. Jon and Kelli went to eastern Iowa overnight and had supper with Greg and Megan on Friday evening. Oskar must have heard aunt Kelli saying they had to leave Sunday morning and he made sure to arrive in time to see them all. They, along with Tabbi and her boys were all at the hospital just before he arrived. Jon and I and Alex and Corriene were there all afternoon waiting patiently...sort of. Within a couple of hours of entering the world he had met all his grandparents, two aunts, and four cousins! Very cool, indeed!!!! They went home from the hospital on Monday, and Greg is home from work this week. Next week I will go and help her since Greg will be going back to work.
Jon is off work this week and next so he's catching up around here...getting our new computer running the way we want, grinding dies, odds and ends, but NO CRADLE WORK since it is complete and occupied by a sweet little man.
We're just so glad Oskar and Megan are healthy and well. God has been so gracious...again...

Thought for the day

Guess what I started reading again today..."The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" Can't help it, it's a wonderful book. On fb today one of my friends had a quote by Hannah Whitall Smith..."It is of vital importance for us to understand that the Bible is a statement, not of theories, but of actual facts. Things are not true because they are in the Bible, but they are in the Bible only because they are true." One of my favorites!


Kelli said...

the boy has good timing!

Luann said...

yes he does!!!