My sewing machine is done...good news for Tabbi!! I'll try to make some progress this week. I even stocked up on needles, machine needles, straight pins, and a new magnetic pin holder!! I guess you could say I'm on pins and needles today!! Bad...I know.
I worked a little late printing statements, but there will be no sewing tonight because CHUCK is on...then 24. It's sad that I've turned into a TV junkie, but it seems to be the case on Monday night at least. As for my laptop we'll find out tomorrow if we have a bad router, or an issue with HMU and our ip address. Either way it should be working soon.
I go to the city on Thursday and Jon is going with. He will be taking off Friday after that, all the next week, and at least Monday of the following week in order to use up some vacation time he had saved back in case he had to go move Greg. Speaking of Greg---SNOW. I haven't talked to him yet to hear how much, but an awful lot for that part of the country.
Thought for the day
I was reading in Ezekiel this morning...chapter 22...a long listing of Israel's accumulated sins then verse 30..."I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one."
ONE person to build up the wall and stand in the gap for that long list of much difference can we make? The wall would seem to me to be the horizontal issues which we would like to resolve...never quite a completed...there is still a gap, a place where that one can stand before God in prayer, intercession, pleading His mercy, confessing the sins of the people that God may have mercy. Ultimately, of course, that ONE person was Jesus, but is there not a lesson for us? Can we work on the horizontal as far as we are able and stand in the gap that remains seeking His face for our family, church, neighborhood, nation, and world? Just what is the power that He would work through us?