The classic movie is a Christmas favorite, and after this Christmas I have an idea how George Bailey must have felt. I received four wonderful photo books from the kids and a grandma sweatshirt that make me feel like my life has counted by contributing to some pretty awesome people...namely the best husband, three beautiful daughters, three great sons-in-law, and five amazing grandkids. What could possibly be better than to be a part of their lives? I have been truly blessed.
Now it's back to the daily grind, which is fine. We will have more family time this next weekend over New Years...looking forward to it!!
Thought for the day
"The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation." Psalm 33:11 NASB "Watch this: God's eye is on those who respect Him, the ones who are looking for His love." Psalm 33:18 The Message
God has plans for me and for my family, and those plans stand from generation to generation. I'm counting on it. And in the meantime I want to walk with Him, honor and respect Him, and look everywhere for evidences of His love. His eye is on me, and the plans and counsel of His heart stand forever. I plan to focus on the people God has already put in my life, do my best there and watch Him keep His word.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Doors and Window
More done...wrapping is done (except for one I can't finish), made caramel corn and cheese ball tonight. Tomorrow Kelli will be on the road, and I'll make oyster cracker snack tomorrow night. I need to go get more groceries tomorrow, too. I work on Thursday, but have Friday off. That is the day I'll make soup, salad, birthday cake, and maybe rice pudding so I have it ready ahead of time.
We're looking at some weather moving through on Thursday, so hopefully will be done by Friday when more people will be on the road.
Good news at the house today...we got three doors and the big window in the entryway. It looks so nice. We can begin to see what the end will look like even though we have a LONG way to go!
Thought for the day
"What are you waiting for? Return to your God! Commit yourself in love, in justice! Wait for your God, and don't give up on Him--ever!" Hosea 12:6 The Message
...ever...ever...ever...ever...not just till it seems too long...ever...ever...ever...not just till you can't stand to wait any longer...ever...ever...ever
We're looking at some weather moving through on Thursday, so hopefully will be done by Friday when more people will be on the road.
Good news at the house today...we got three doors and the big window in the entryway. It looks so nice. We can begin to see what the end will look like even though we have a LONG way to go!
Thought for the day
"What are you waiting for? Return to your God! Commit yourself in love, in justice! Wait for your God, and don't give up on Him--ever!" Hosea 12:6 The Message
...ever...ever...ever...ever...not just till it seems too long...ever...ever...ever...not just till you can't stand to wait any longer...ever...ever...ever
Sunday, December 19, 2010
More Getting Ready
After going out for supper on Friday night, I did a lot of work getting ready for Christmas this weekend. Besides the usual laundry and cleaning, I baked cinnamon rolls, dinner buns, made chocolate bark, wrapped more gifts, got a ton of groceries, went to church, went to a visitation, went to 2 basketball games, and supper at Village Inn. Now we're just sitting around...perhaps comatose (while doing more laundry).
Plans are coming together for the weekend...Kelli and girls coming on Wednesday, Jon getting in on Friday. Saturday Culver's and Melby's will come for the whole day. Culver's staying till sometime Sunday. Holthe's going to another Christmas on Sunday then returning before going east for a few days. I'm excited to have everyone together...always the best part.
I hope your Christmas will be as wonderful...and I hope that you find some perfect moments to turn your heart to Christ and worship Him.
Plans are coming together for the weekend...Kelli and girls coming on Wednesday, Jon getting in on Friday. Saturday Culver's and Melby's will come for the whole day. Culver's staying till sometime Sunday. Holthe's going to another Christmas on Sunday then returning before going east for a few days. I'm excited to have everyone together...always the best part.
I hope your Christmas will be as wonderful...and I hope that you find some perfect moments to turn your heart to Christ and worship Him.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Okay, I'm here again. This weekend was supposed to be really busy. We were going to go to Tre's basketball game on Saturday morning and to my work Christmas party that evening. We were also planning to drive to Muscatine on Sunday. With only two weeks till Christmas I REALLY had a lot to get done. A blizzard all day Saturday and high winds through the night till Sunday morning cancelled all those plans, so I put up the tree, wrote and addressed the Christmas letters, made pretzels, made peanut blossoms, and put up a few other decorations. I went to see my mom for a short visit today, but that was my only venture outside except for breakfast on Saturday morning before the snow started. So I've been able to listen to some Christmas music, watch "It's a Wonderful Life", and generally get ready. Not so many decorations this year since I'm not sure whether construction will begin to invade before the day comes.
Bruce got almost all the shingles on Friday before the storm and wrapped all the north side with was a very good thing. All our doors are in the garage now and I got to peak at them today...can't wait to see it all come together!
Still praying for the sale of Jon and Kelli's house and the purchase of a new one. We know that God has the best plan, but He also tells us to ask, so ASK WE DO!!!! Emmy had a rough couple of weeks at school, but is thankfully doing much better. We keep praying for her, as well. Megan had a bout of infection, but is doing well now, too.
So many things going many things to pray for...Thank You, Jesus, that You hold all things in Your hand. We trust You.
Bruce got almost all the shingles on Friday before the storm and wrapped all the north side with was a very good thing. All our doors are in the garage now and I got to peak at them today...can't wait to see it all come together!
Still praying for the sale of Jon and Kelli's house and the purchase of a new one. We know that God has the best plan, but He also tells us to ask, so ASK WE DO!!!! Emmy had a rough couple of weeks at school, but is thankfully doing much better. We keep praying for her, as well. Megan had a bout of infection, but is doing well now, too.
So many things going many things to pray for...Thank You, Jesus, that You hold all things in Your hand. We trust You.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Cutest Grandkids
I have the cutest grandkids!!! No arguments allowed!!! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving...all the kids were here for supper Thursday night and we had a great time. The Holthe's, Culver's and Tre and Tru stayed overnight. Holthe's and Culver's left on Friday morning, and the boys stayed till Tabbi got back from black Friday shopping. Construction was resumed on Friday on our entryway. They've worked all day today (Saturday) and plan to work some tomorrow, too.
Jon starts his new job in Muscatine on Monday and it is a wonderful opportunity for their whole family. Kelli and girls are coming here tonight before heading home in the morning. Thank You, Jesus, for this move!! We are so grateful that they will be so much closer!
Thought for the day
There is much to be learned by watching the lives around us. Some display courage, faith, and a growing walk with the Lord. Others seem to demonstrate what happens when faith is a set of doctrines believed more than a relationship deepened over time. This life carries its challenges, and we must let them stretch us and grow us. If we do not, we will not finish well...guaranteed. We must already have our life and walk firmly established on the bedrock of trust and intimacy with God when older age comes because our hearts and minds will revert to their most ingrained habits. If depending on God has been our pattern, we have good ground to work from. However, if we have only ascribed to a doctrinal set of truths, we will not have a living faith that can sustain us and carry us to a good finish. Let the unimportant things fall away and focus on that which will last.
Jon starts his new job in Muscatine on Monday and it is a wonderful opportunity for their whole family. Kelli and girls are coming here tonight before heading home in the morning. Thank You, Jesus, for this move!! We are so grateful that they will be so much closer!
Thought for the day
There is much to be learned by watching the lives around us. Some display courage, faith, and a growing walk with the Lord. Others seem to demonstrate what happens when faith is a set of doctrines believed more than a relationship deepened over time. This life carries its challenges, and we must let them stretch us and grow us. If we do not, we will not finish well...guaranteed. We must already have our life and walk firmly established on the bedrock of trust and intimacy with God when older age comes because our hearts and minds will revert to their most ingrained habits. If depending on God has been our pattern, we have good ground to work from. However, if we have only ascribed to a doctrinal set of truths, we will not have a living faith that can sustain us and carry us to a good finish. Let the unimportant things fall away and focus on that which will last.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
What are you thankful for???? We have much to celebrate this year. We have our new grandson, Oz, Jon's new job in Muscatine which will bring Kelli's family back to Iowa very soon, a started building project, health, provision, and lots of growing pains this year. It seems to have been a year of learning about having NO control over things that we may desperately want to control. We've been challenged with hard questions about God's sovereignty in the face of tragedy. We've stood beside the suffering knowing that only God can truly comfort. We've learned that we have limitations we had not acknowledged previously. And in all these things we have found God faithful. He is sovereign. He does reign. He does comfort and come alongside us in our need. For all these things and many more thank You, God, for this past year with all its challenges and blessings!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and take a little time to really thank the Lord for some very specific things!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and take a little time to really thank the Lord for some very specific things!!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thanksgiving Preparations
Now my back is tired. We slept in a little bit today, then went to Hy-Vee for breakfast and ran a couple of errands. Found boxes of Christmas cards at Bomgaar's 25 for $1.99--YAY! We came back home and I cleaned the oven, did laundry, cleaned house, mixed up dinner rolls, went to see my mom, then baked the rolls. I still need to give Logan a bath this weekend if Jon doesn't get to it. I was hoping to make cinnamon rolls this weekend, too, but we'll see. I sure hope I can pull off the full meal with desserts and all the rest. I feel a little overwhelmed by it all right now. I think I may have a stress fracture in my left foot. It's bothered me a long time, but seem worse now than it has been. Rats. Okay, so this doesn't seem very inspiring....moving on.
Thought for the day
"We seem to consider that divine love is hard and self-seeking and distant, concerned about its own glory, and indifferent to the fate of others...But divine love is tender and self-sacrificing and devoted, and glad to bear and forbear and suffer, and eager to lavish its best of gifts and blessings upon the objects of its love...The slightest barrier between your soul and Christ may cause you to dwindle and fade as a plant in a cellar or under a bushel. Keep the sky clear. Open wide every avenue of your being to receive the blessed influences your divine husbandman may bring to bear upon you. Bask in the sunshine of His love. Drink of the waters of His goodness. Keep your face upturned to Him as the flower do to the sun. Look, and your soul shall live and grow."
"He is able to turn any soil into the soil of grace the moment we put our growing into His hands. He does not need to transplant us into a different field, but right where we are, with just the circumstances that surround us, He makes His sun to shine and His dew to fall upon us and transforms the very things that were before our greatest hindrances into the chiefest and most blessed means of growth. I care not what the circumstances may be, His wonder-working power can accomplish this; and we must trust Him with it all."
From "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" by Hannah Whitall Smith
Okay, so I accept with joy all that I face in this moment....better now! :)
Thought for the day
"We seem to consider that divine love is hard and self-seeking and distant, concerned about its own glory, and indifferent to the fate of others...But divine love is tender and self-sacrificing and devoted, and glad to bear and forbear and suffer, and eager to lavish its best of gifts and blessings upon the objects of its love...The slightest barrier between your soul and Christ may cause you to dwindle and fade as a plant in a cellar or under a bushel. Keep the sky clear. Open wide every avenue of your being to receive the blessed influences your divine husbandman may bring to bear upon you. Bask in the sunshine of His love. Drink of the waters of His goodness. Keep your face upturned to Him as the flower do to the sun. Look, and your soul shall live and grow."
"He is able to turn any soil into the soil of grace the moment we put our growing into His hands. He does not need to transplant us into a different field, but right where we are, with just the circumstances that surround us, He makes His sun to shine and His dew to fall upon us and transforms the very things that were before our greatest hindrances into the chiefest and most blessed means of growth. I care not what the circumstances may be, His wonder-working power can accomplish this; and we must trust Him with it all."
From "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" by Hannah Whitall Smith
Okay, so I accept with joy all that I face in this moment....better now! :)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Catch Up News
Wow, where have I been? These last weeks (or months?) have been crazy. I got to spend a week at Megan and Greg's when Greg went back to work. I helped around the house and ran a couple of errands, and GREATLY enjoyed my time there! I think the last time I spent Monday thru Friday daytime with just Megan was probably the spring before she started kindergarten. That was a crazy thought! So glad we still get along! Oz is such a good little baby, and Greg and Megan are doing a GREAT job!
Our garage has walls and a roof with a partial tie in to our old roof. Still no entryway and I can't tell you how tired I am of parking at the church and hauling everything back and forth. I think I'm done with my morning swims until I have dry ground out back and maybe a garage I can get to. I'm thinking it could be a while....
I other completely AWESOME news, Kelli, Jon, and the girls are MOVING BACK TO IOWA!!!! We are SO excited! They'll be living in Muscatine where Jon will be working as head of the trust department at Central State Bank. He's worked very hard to get to this point, and we're very happy for him. Of course, we may be even happier for us!!! So looking forward to being able to see them any weekend we want...and with Megan and Greg in the middle the possibilities are multiplied!
Well it was early when I started, but it's late now...going to bed!!
Our garage has walls and a roof with a partial tie in to our old roof. Still no entryway and I can't tell you how tired I am of parking at the church and hauling everything back and forth. I think I'm done with my morning swims until I have dry ground out back and maybe a garage I can get to. I'm thinking it could be a while....
I other completely AWESOME news, Kelli, Jon, and the girls are MOVING BACK TO IOWA!!!! We are SO excited! They'll be living in Muscatine where Jon will be working as head of the trust department at Central State Bank. He's worked very hard to get to this point, and we're very happy for him. Of course, we may be even happier for us!!! So looking forward to being able to see them any weekend we want...and with Megan and Greg in the middle the possibilities are multiplied!
Well it was early when I started, but it's late now...going to bed!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Oskar Henry Culver
HE'S HERE!!!! His name is Oskar Henry Culver, or Oz. His parents are Greg and Megan Culver, and he was born on Saturday October 23, 2010 at 6:48 p.m. He was 7 lbs 10 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. He has lots of dark hair, beautiful skin, and, so far, dark blue eyes. We've all been excitedly waiting his arrival. It was time and, apparently, he thought so, too. His timing was perfect. Jon, Kelli, and the girls were here from Thursday till Sunday morning. Jon and Kelli went to eastern Iowa overnight and had supper with Greg and Megan on Friday evening. Oskar must have heard aunt Kelli saying they had to leave Sunday morning and he made sure to arrive in time to see them all. They, along with Tabbi and her boys were all at the hospital just before he arrived. Jon and I and Alex and Corriene were there all afternoon waiting patiently...sort of. Within a couple of hours of entering the world he had met all his grandparents, two aunts, and four cousins! Very cool, indeed!!!! They went home from the hospital on Monday, and Greg is home from work this week. Next week I will go and help her since Greg will be going back to work.
Jon is off work this week and next so he's catching up around here...getting our new computer running the way we want, grinding dies, odds and ends, but NO CRADLE WORK since it is complete and occupied by a sweet little man.
We're just so glad Oskar and Megan are healthy and well. God has been so gracious...again...
Thought for the day
Guess what I started reading again today..."The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" Can't help it, it's a wonderful book. On fb today one of my friends had a quote by Hannah Whitall Smith..."It is of vital importance for us to understand that the Bible is a statement, not of theories, but of actual facts. Things are not true because they are in the Bible, but they are in the Bible only because they are true." One of my favorites!
Jon is off work this week and next so he's catching up around here...getting our new computer running the way we want, grinding dies, odds and ends, but NO CRADLE WORK since it is complete and occupied by a sweet little man.
We're just so glad Oskar and Megan are healthy and well. God has been so gracious...again...
Thought for the day
Guess what I started reading again today..."The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" Can't help it, it's a wonderful book. On fb today one of my friends had a quote by Hannah Whitall Smith..."It is of vital importance for us to understand that the Bible is a statement, not of theories, but of actual facts. Things are not true because they are in the Bible, but they are in the Bible only because they are true." One of my favorites!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I'm making progress on my cat in the hat cross-stitch for Soybean. I'm about half done with the tie then all I have left is the hat (which is really tall).
Thought for the day
I've been thinking a lot lately about joy. It has seemed elusive lately. I think that's due, in part, to all the tough news we've had this summer. What is it that brings joy? What is joy, really? I believe joy is different from happiness. Happiness may be more the result of circumstances while joy comes from a deeper place. Joy can abide and survive in spite of circumstances, but it may require some action on our part. I heard (or read) that in order to have joy we may have to rejoice. Being thankful, renewing the mind in the truth, and offering a sacrifice of praise are actions that we have to choose. So we need to actively rejoice in the face of our troubles. It is not only the right path to follow, it is a powerful weapon against the enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. He is completely overthrown and left powerless when we rejoice and trust the Lord.
Thought for the day
I've been thinking a lot lately about joy. It has seemed elusive lately. I think that's due, in part, to all the tough news we've had this summer. What is it that brings joy? What is joy, really? I believe joy is different from happiness. Happiness may be more the result of circumstances while joy comes from a deeper place. Joy can abide and survive in spite of circumstances, but it may require some action on our part. I heard (or read) that in order to have joy we may have to rejoice. Being thankful, renewing the mind in the truth, and offering a sacrifice of praise are actions that we have to choose. So we need to actively rejoice in the face of our troubles. It is not only the right path to follow, it is a powerful weapon against the enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. He is completely overthrown and left powerless when we rejoice and trust the Lord.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Perry the Peacock
I miss my garage. And my driveway. And access to my vehicle. It's only been a few days and I'm whining, I know. It will be great...eventually. By the time we get it done, I will REALLY appreciate it...almost as much as Jon!
Tabbi and I took the boys to the zoo on Sunday. The weather was completely perfect. It wasn't very crowded. We saw some of the animals we didn't see when we went last time. It was a great day. It think it seemed especially good just because I needed it. There have been so many sad and hard things this summer that it was time for fun. The most memorable moment may have been Tru's outburst while chasing a peacock..."Curse you, Perry the peacock!!!" Hysterical!!
Thought for the day
"When you attempt to live by your own religious plans and projects, you are cut off from Christ, you fall out of grace. Meanwhile we expectantly wait for a satisfying relationship with the Spirit. For in Christ, neither our most conscientious religion nor disregard of religion amounts to anything. What matters is something far more interior: faith expressed in love." Galatians 5:4-6 The Message
And I love this list of the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. In NASB it reads "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness. faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." In The Message it reads..."He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard--things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely."
Tabbi and I took the boys to the zoo on Sunday. The weather was completely perfect. It wasn't very crowded. We saw some of the animals we didn't see when we went last time. It was a great day. It think it seemed especially good just because I needed it. There have been so many sad and hard things this summer that it was time for fun. The most memorable moment may have been Tru's outburst while chasing a peacock..."Curse you, Perry the peacock!!!" Hysterical!!
Thought for the day
"When you attempt to live by your own religious plans and projects, you are cut off from Christ, you fall out of grace. Meanwhile we expectantly wait for a satisfying relationship with the Spirit. For in Christ, neither our most conscientious religion nor disregard of religion amounts to anything. What matters is something far more interior: faith expressed in love." Galatians 5:4-6 The Message
And I love this list of the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. In NASB it reads "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness. faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." In The Message it reads..."He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard--things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely."
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
"Chuck" came back last night, and tonight I got to see the new "NCIS" and "Parenthood". Such fun!! Really have to get to bed earlier, though. Skipped swimming this morning...just could NOT get up.
Thought for the day
Thinking a lot about hope these last few days. As humans we have a great need for hope. We NEED to believe that the good is coming. And, truth is, we have legitimate cause to have hope. We belong to the creator and sustainer of the universe, and He loves us with a love that is so much greater than any we can imagine. He is on our side. How's that for hope???
Thought for the day
Thinking a lot about hope these last few days. As humans we have a great need for hope. We NEED to believe that the good is coming. And, truth is, we have legitimate cause to have hope. We belong to the creator and sustainer of the universe, and He loves us with a love that is so much greater than any we can imagine. He is on our side. How's that for hope???
Monday, September 20, 2010
Full Week
Okay, three funerals in one week is a little over the top. We did have the chance to be with Jon's family who we hadn't seen in a long time, and that was wonderful. We also got a chance to celebrate some lives that have been lived in the light of God's grace, and it was good.
In better news, our builder is planning on starting demo work on our concrete tomorrow. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate.
Wishing you all a great week...I'm going to try to stay in touch better...
In better news, our builder is planning on starting demo work on our concrete tomorrow. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate.
Wishing you all a great week...I'm going to try to stay in touch better...
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Need to be Thankful
We are planning on traveling to Jennifer's funeral next week. My feelings are a mixture of sadness and excitement. It will be so good to see everyone, but such a sad time. Tabbi is planning on riding with us...almost like old times. I'm sure we'll need to be aware of all the possible pit stops along the way :)
Thought for the day
We have so many friends who are going through such hard things right now...Dan's family, Marcus and Crissy, Erika, and all the Lukes. All we can do for them is pray. It reminds me that I have SO MUCH to be thankful for. And so do you. There is a quote in one of my devotionals that I like..."If your cup is sweet, drink it with grace." Don't look for trouble; don't worry about what if; don't flaunt your blessings. Receive what the Lord gives you thankfully, humbly, and with a hand that holds all things loosely. All we have is His; it is simply put into our hands for a little while to be used for His glory. It is His to do with as He sees best. Lord, have Your way, do Your will, and rule and reign in all things.
Thought for the day
We have so many friends who are going through such hard things right now...Dan's family, Marcus and Crissy, Erika, and all the Lukes. All we can do for them is pray. It reminds me that I have SO MUCH to be thankful for. And so do you. There is a quote in one of my devotionals that I like..."If your cup is sweet, drink it with grace." Don't look for trouble; don't worry about what if; don't flaunt your blessings. Receive what the Lord gives you thankfully, humbly, and with a hand that holds all things loosely. All we have is His; it is simply put into our hands for a little while to be used for His glory. It is His to do with as He sees best. Lord, have Your way, do Your will, and rule and reign in all things.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
It seems I was just starting to get to know her. I knew Jennifer when she was a child, but never got to spend much time with her. She became a woman, a wife, and a mother while I was busy with my own family. Thanks to facebook, I was getting the opportunity to connect with her in little ways again...a note, some pictures, fun news about the family. I wish I'd made a greater effort. She was a bright, energetic woman with a wonderful smile. And though our lives were not intersecting much at all, I will miss knowing that she is there raising her twin girls and enjoying her life. She will be missed by so many... We will offer comfort and a listening ear to her family, but that won't fill the emptiness. Only Jesus. Lord, hold them close and make Yourself known to them in ways that touch them deeply and profoundly. Hold us all...that You may receive the glory in every situation.
Monday, August 30, 2010
We are really going to build a garage! Jon is pretty darn excited! I'll keep you up on the progress with pictures. I hope we don't get too overwhelmed! :) More to come.....
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Basement Bathroom
Those of you who know...know that our basement bathroom was in need of some TLC. A major pipe leak proved to be the agent of change. The old floor and cabinet were torn out to do repair and never to return! These are some pictures of what we ended up with.
The floor is actually a much better color in person...grays, blues, and tans. Anyway, Jon's been working very hard and did an awesome job. Thanks, honey!!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
My Last Shower
My last shower was Saturday. Don't worry, I will still smell great. It was the last time there was a shower for one of my daughters...Megan's baby shower. Lots of people were out of town, but we had a really nice group of ladies and Megan, Greg, and Soybean got many wonderful gifts. Showers are really a great idea...such a nice way to help people get started with the new chapter of life. They also make us smell better :)
Thought for the day
There are so many things in life that make no sense to us. I was talking with Joanne Monday evening...Scott's death is one of those things. And yet...but God... We talked a long time about God. Her faith is an inspiration and so brutally honest and uncompromising. In Christian circles today so much is explained away by the view that we live in a fallen world and there are consequences. This view says the very best we can hope for is that somehow God will bring good out of the senselessness. But brutally honest faith says more. It stands in the midst of its pain and tears wanting with all its heart to undo what has happened and says, "My God is in control. Nothing happens outside of His control. No matter what has come my way, my God who loves me has allowed it. He saw it coming and did not stop it. It passed through Him before it touched me, therefore, it will be for my good." Courageous faith does not deny the pain or grief, but refuses to credit God with anything less than complete control of the situation.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Big Weekend Coming
Big weekend ahead! All the Holthe's, some Melby's, and one Culver (with extras) are coming for Megan's baby shower on Saturday. Greg will be home recovering, Trever working, and Jon and Jon will go visit Ron in the hospital. But we girls and children will be partying! Short but sweet...will be quiet again on Sunday.
Monday, August 2, 2010
July 2010
July was a VERY busy month. I haven't posted since early in the month and now it's August. These are some pictures of some of the things that kept us busy last month. Not pictured is a major repair job in our basement that is still in the process of getting finished off. Jon is working on the walls while we wait for the new vanity, cupboard, and floor. I will post pics when we are done.
August is looking just as busy, but I'll try to keep up better! Hopefully, you haven't given up on me and will still check in!!
Bless you all!!!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Watching "Independence Day"
Yes, I'm watching "Independence Day" again. I can't help it, some movies just have to be watched when they are on. Can you really afford to miss the inspirational speech by the president before the fighters all take off?
Poor Jon has been in the basement for about 7 hours breaking up cement in our bathroom floor so the plumber can lay new pipe hopefully tomorrow. He's just now at 9:00 located a jackhammer, so hopefully the rest will go faster. It will be nice to have my kitchen plumbing back! Just sorry it has taken so much hard work for Jon.
There was a little improvement in an update on Marcus Upton today...the pressure had dropped a little. I hope that's good news. We'll keep praying for a full recovery. Just feel so bad for them all. We really do need each other, don't we???
Thought for the day
Today, I'm really glad that I'm the wife and not the husband!
Poor Jon has been in the basement for about 7 hours breaking up cement in our bathroom floor so the plumber can lay new pipe hopefully tomorrow. He's just now at 9:00 located a jackhammer, so hopefully the rest will go faster. It will be nice to have my kitchen plumbing back! Just sorry it has taken so much hard work for Jon.
There was a little improvement in an update on Marcus Upton today...the pressure had dropped a little. I hope that's good news. We'll keep praying for a full recovery. Just feel so bad for them all. We really do need each other, don't we???
Thought for the day
Today, I'm really glad that I'm the wife and not the husband!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Wild Summer
It seems like our summer has become kind of a whirlwind. We don't travel much, but in June we went to both Grand Forks and Keyport. It has been a little crazy with trying to finish up the decision process on whether we are building a garage now or not. We're waiting for our last bid to be completed...the estimate looked a little more promising. We still don't know if we're moving ahead with that project or not.
Next Saturday we will be helping Greg and Megan with some moving, and the following Saturday we will be helping move my mom into her new "apartment". In addition, there will be a reunion and Megan's first baby shower still in July. Jon may still be helping with Trever with a his roofing job at some point, and needs to get more work done on a cradle.
On Sunday Tabbi and I took Tre and Tru to the zoo for a few hours. We had a good time, and Tre still wants to be a zoo-keeper when he grows up.
Thought for the day
I'm still reading the E.M. Bounds book on prayer, and it really is an encouragement to pray and keep praying. A quote...
"A ministry may be a very thoughtful ministry without prayer, the preacher may secure fame and popularity without prayer, the whole machinery of the preacher's life and work may be run without the oil of prayer or with scarcely enough to grease one cog; but no ministry can be a spiritual one, securing holiness in the preacher and in his people without prayer being made an evident and controlling force."
Next Saturday we will be helping Greg and Megan with some moving, and the following Saturday we will be helping move my mom into her new "apartment". In addition, there will be a reunion and Megan's first baby shower still in July. Jon may still be helping with Trever with a his roofing job at some point, and needs to get more work done on a cradle.
On Sunday Tabbi and I took Tre and Tru to the zoo for a few hours. We had a good time, and Tre still wants to be a zoo-keeper when he grows up.
Thought for the day
I'm still reading the E.M. Bounds book on prayer, and it really is an encouragement to pray and keep praying. A quote...
"A ministry may be a very thoughtful ministry without prayer, the preacher may secure fame and popularity without prayer, the whole machinery of the preacher's life and work may be run without the oil of prayer or with scarcely enough to grease one cog; but no ministry can be a spiritual one, securing holiness in the preacher and in his people without prayer being made an evident and controlling force."
Saturday, July 3, 2010
4th of July
Tomorrow is the 4th of July!! It doesn't seem it should be here already because our last couple of weeks have been a blur. Our summer has had a lot of travel already, which is unusual for us. One trip to Grand Forks, one trip to Keyport, and multiple baseball games. All that behind us now, I think things will slow down a bit. It's been hard for Jon to even keep the grass mowed with so much running around. We still have a wedding, an anniversary, and a shower coming up soon...then in August a MOST IMPORTANT baby shower!!!!
We had an unpleasant surprise after coming home from NJ. We had a little water seepage in the basement again, and today we discovered that we have a fairly major plumbing issue down there that will require a pro. Yuck. Hopefully, by next weekend everything will be put back in working order. The good news is that only our kitchen sink and dishwasher are out of commission...I can handle that! We're eating on plastic now!!
Tomorrow Greg and Megan will be coming in the morning and staying until Monday morning. Tabbi and the boys will be over part of the day, as well. Trever has been working hard this week trying to reroof their house, so we're praying the rain will stay away and let him keep going!! Jon is on call this week, so who knows how busy he may be! So far, it's been completely quiet, but that can change.
I need to get back to work...more cleaning and some food items to get ready. Wishing you all a safe and fun 4th of July!!!!!!
Thought for the day
There are no answers for some things this side of heaven. That doesn't stop us from asking the questions, however. How, why, why not???? When the only explanation we can see puts God in an uncaring light, we can be sure that we don't see the whole picture. But knowing that doesn't take away the pain and uncertainty. How do we grapple with the big question that no one wants to ask...the question of how can we go on trusting God when the unthinkable has happened? How do we not be afraid of Him? I don't have the answer, and I'm thinking that the only ones that actually can answer are the ones who've faced, experienced, and walked through a great tragedy. I am humbled in the presence of that kind of suffering and courage. God's grace on each of you.
We had an unpleasant surprise after coming home from NJ. We had a little water seepage in the basement again, and today we discovered that we have a fairly major plumbing issue down there that will require a pro. Yuck. Hopefully, by next weekend everything will be put back in working order. The good news is that only our kitchen sink and dishwasher are out of commission...I can handle that! We're eating on plastic now!!
Tomorrow Greg and Megan will be coming in the morning and staying until Monday morning. Tabbi and the boys will be over part of the day, as well. Trever has been working hard this week trying to reroof their house, so we're praying the rain will stay away and let him keep going!! Jon is on call this week, so who knows how busy he may be! So far, it's been completely quiet, but that can change.
I need to get back to work...more cleaning and some food items to get ready. Wishing you all a safe and fun 4th of July!!!!!!
Thought for the day
There are no answers for some things this side of heaven. That doesn't stop us from asking the questions, however. How, why, why not???? When the only explanation we can see puts God in an uncaring light, we can be sure that we don't see the whole picture. But knowing that doesn't take away the pain and uncertainty. How do we grapple with the big question that no one wants to ask...the question of how can we go on trusting God when the unthinkable has happened? How do we not be afraid of Him? I don't have the answer, and I'm thinking that the only ones that actually can answer are the ones who've faced, experienced, and walked through a great tragedy. I am humbled in the presence of that kind of suffering and courage. God's grace on each of you.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Plans Are Made
Plans are made! We'll be leaving for NJ on Thursday morning and returning Monday night, and the Greve's are going with. I'll let you know more when I know more. We are looking forward to getting there and giving hugs...long overdue.
In the meantime, we have haircuts, a ball game, a vet appointment, mowing, laundry, packing...etc., etc., etc. Maybe we can sleep on the plane :)
Thought for the day
I'm so grateful that God is faithful. I'm glad He isn't moved by my moods, my questions, or my doubts. He loves us and is devoted to us. He doesn't hold us responsible to explain what we can never understand. Somehow, we need to simply trust Him...and keep trusting Him.
In the meantime, we have haircuts, a ball game, a vet appointment, mowing, laundry, packing...etc., etc., etc. Maybe we can sleep on the plane :)
Thought for the day
I'm so grateful that God is faithful. I'm glad He isn't moved by my moods, my questions, or my doubts. He loves us and is devoted to us. He doesn't hold us responsible to explain what we can never understand. Somehow, we need to simply trust Him...and keep trusting Him.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Happy Father's Day tomorrow to all you dads out there...especially my husband and Jon, Trever, and Greg (in process). It's a good day to appreciate all that you do and are!
It's been a week of sadness and helplessness as we watch friends suffer and are too far away to really be there for them. We hope to go soon, but our presence certainly can never put anything right. We pray, we cry, we hurt, but we cannot fix. Lord, hold them very close.
Sadness makes me stupid. I begin to forget who God is and how much He loves us. I fail to perceive the blessings and beauty around me. I stop praying well. I can't seem to comprehend what I read. So if all I can do is put my head down and cry, then let me cry in Your arms and raise me up again to see Your face.
It's been a week of sadness and helplessness as we watch friends suffer and are too far away to really be there for them. We hope to go soon, but our presence certainly can never put anything right. We pray, we cry, we hurt, but we cannot fix. Lord, hold them very close.
Sadness makes me stupid. I begin to forget who God is and how much He loves us. I fail to perceive the blessings and beauty around me. I stop praying well. I can't seem to comprehend what I read. So if all I can do is put my head down and cry, then let me cry in Your arms and raise me up again to see Your face.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
POOP. There it is. - Vibrant Nation
Okay...I stole this from an email from Joy....but it's very funny! Somehow I can relate!
POOP. There it is. - Vibrant Nation
POOP. There it is. - Vibrant Nation
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Logan's breathing has sounded funny for about a week now...really bad on Sunday. I got her into the vet today, and she has bronchitis. We're not big on spending big bucks on old dogs, but this should be treatable with a little time, some meds, and some tlc. She's going to a kennel over the weekend where they will take good care of her. That will probably be better for her than playing hard with Bailey all weekend!
It's been a pretty good day otherwise...I hope it was for you, too!
Thought for the day
From my journal today...
"...Let Me move through (your life) like a mighty wind blowing away the dust and residue of old habits, fears, worries, and death. Let me settle, live, dwell, and abide in all those places replacing the old life with Myself. You will find these areas clean, fresh, and full of light. Do not allow the wisdom of man, pride, or the lies of the enemy to gain any foothold of darkness. Live before Me simply, as a child, receiving My gifts and trusting My love..."
It's been a pretty good day otherwise...I hope it was for you, too!
Thought for the day
From my journal today...
"...Let Me move through (your life) like a mighty wind blowing away the dust and residue of old habits, fears, worries, and death. Let me settle, live, dwell, and abide in all those places replacing the old life with Myself. You will find these areas clean, fresh, and full of light. Do not allow the wisdom of man, pride, or the lies of the enemy to gain any foothold of darkness. Live before Me simply, as a child, receiving My gifts and trusting My love..."
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Fun Times
It was a fun weekend. Friday night we went to Tre's baseball game and saw him do really well...even was part of a double play! Then on Saturday afternoon Greg and Megan came over. We went to Tony's BBQ Bistro in Walnut for supper then they went to her 10th class reunion. Man, we're old. On Sunday Tabbi and the boys came as well and we all went to church then had a big brunch. The rest of the day we played, got motorcycle rides, watched movies, and took care of Logan. I don't think our dog feels good. I think I need to get her to the vet this week.
This week we have some things to get done around here and get ready to travel. We're looking forward to our time at the Holthe's!!! See you soon, guys!!
This week we have some things to get done around here and get ready to travel. We're looking forward to our time at the Holthe's!!! See you soon, guys!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Good Discussion
This week seems to be going fast...that's probably good! We had great storms move through the area last night...lots of thunder and a good rain with only a little wind. In other places it was crazier. Jon was out on call till after 1 A.M.
We had a really good discussion tonight at my ladies's group. We talked about how easily we get sucked into thinking about negative things. We worry about the people that don't like us. We imagine and perceive insults, wrongs, and motives. None of these things are any of our business. Another person's thought process, motives, and temperament are issues between him or her and God. Our part is to live before Him, obey Him, love others, forgive wrongs, and rejoice. If this or that person has complaints against us, it may be simply not our problem. We may or may not need to understand their motivation; but we do need to forgive any offense in order to live freely before God.
We had a really good discussion tonight at my ladies's group. We talked about how easily we get sucked into thinking about negative things. We worry about the people that don't like us. We imagine and perceive insults, wrongs, and motives. None of these things are any of our business. Another person's thought process, motives, and temperament are issues between him or her and God. Our part is to live before Him, obey Him, love others, forgive wrongs, and rejoice. If this or that person has complaints against us, it may be simply not our problem. We may or may not need to understand their motivation; but we do need to forgive any offense in order to live freely before God.
Monday, May 31, 2010
36th Anniversary
Jon and I got married 36 years ago today. That sounds like a really long time. It's weird, because in some ways I feel no different, yet in other ways very different. We started dating when I was 14, so most of the time it seems like we've never not been together. I thought we were all grown up when we got married, but now when I look at pictures we look SO young. And when I see people that age I can hardly believe they're old enough to drive! We've had our ups and downs, our betters and worsers, richers and poorers (though the gap between was pretty small :)), and a little sickness and mostly health. We're not done with those roads yet, but we have a pretty good track record so far!
If you are among our friends, thanks for being part of the journey. If you are our family, we love you SO MUCH!!! Blessings on all of you!!
If you are among our friends, thanks for being part of the journey. If you are our family, we love you SO MUCH!!! Blessings on all of you!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Habit of Praying
I'm reading "The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer". It's eight books together in one volume. It's a great encouragement to pray and to keep praying. This a quote I read yesterday.
"The habit of praying is a good habit, and should be early and strongly formed; but to pray by habit merely is to destroy the life of prayer and allow it to degenerate into a hollow and sham-producing form. Habit may form the bank for the river of prayer, but there must be a strong, deep, pure current, crystal and life-giving, flowing between these two banks."
I really like that. Prayer must stay fresh and living rather than becoming form and rote. Better to pray "poorly" than not pray at all. Prayer is an occupation that is definitely on the job training. We learn by doing, and the more we do, the more we learn. Always be open to learning and growing in prayer. The Bible is full of amazing promises about prayer, and we must begin to believe that God is telling the truth. As we begin to trust God's promises we grow in confidence and pray larger and deeper. Don't be afraid to launch into deeper waters and pray for greater things. Don't worry about the "what ifs", just press on to know Him better. He will be faithful to lead you on.
"The habit of praying is a good habit, and should be early and strongly formed; but to pray by habit merely is to destroy the life of prayer and allow it to degenerate into a hollow and sham-producing form. Habit may form the bank for the river of prayer, but there must be a strong, deep, pure current, crystal and life-giving, flowing between these two banks."
I really like that. Prayer must stay fresh and living rather than becoming form and rote. Better to pray "poorly" than not pray at all. Prayer is an occupation that is definitely on the job training. We learn by doing, and the more we do, the more we learn. Always be open to learning and growing in prayer. The Bible is full of amazing promises about prayer, and we must begin to believe that God is telling the truth. As we begin to trust God's promises we grow in confidence and pray larger and deeper. Don't be afraid to launch into deeper waters and pray for greater things. Don't worry about the "what ifs", just press on to know Him better. He will be faithful to lead you on.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Warm Week
It's supposed to be in the 80's every day this week. Better than the 90's! Tonight there was a potluck for Roger and Jodie Manning. Sunday will be his last day here then he goes to a church in Council Bluffs.
Not much exciting happening here this week. We did get the second part of the first bid on the addition today. One more step....
I may go over to Tre's first baseball game on Friday even if Jon can't find someone to cover calls for him. Otherwise we don't ave any real plans for the weekend since Jon is on call.
We're still tinkering with plans to go north...nothing definite yet.
Not much exciting happening here this week. We did get the second part of the first bid on the addition today. One more step....
I may go over to Tre's first baseball game on Friday even if Jon can't find someone to cover calls for him. Otherwise we don't ave any real plans for the weekend since Jon is on call.
We're still tinkering with plans to go north...nothing definite yet.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Good Weekend
We had a fun weekend. We kept Tre and Tru overnight Friday night and spent some time with Tabbi here on Saturday then went to Brandon's graduation party Saturday night. Today we went to church and I cleaned house and did laundry while Jon finished a wiring job. Then we went to Elizabeth's then Rob's graduation parties. It's been very warm and VERY windy all weekend, but the wind has died down a little bit tonight.
Tomorrow we start another work week and will get a second bid from the first contractor and, hopefully, one from the second in a day or two. The BIG news for tomorrow is season finales of both "Chuck" and "24"! I can't wait. Both are two hours at the same time, so we will be doing some taping and staying up late! The plan is to tape "Chuck" so don't give away anything before we can watch it!
We're trying to make some plans to get to North Dakota...stuff is in the works...we shall see. :)
Hope you all have a wonderful week, and God bless you all!
Tomorrow we start another work week and will get a second bid from the first contractor and, hopefully, one from the second in a day or two. The BIG news for tomorrow is season finales of both "Chuck" and "24"! I can't wait. Both are two hours at the same time, so we will be doing some taping and staying up late! The plan is to tape "Chuck" so don't give away anything before we can watch it!
We're trying to make some plans to get to North Dakota...stuff is in the works...we shall see. :)
Hope you all have a wonderful week, and God bless you all!
Monday, May 17, 2010
He Is Faithful
God trains us to trust Him, to trust His character and His word whether circumstances are agreeable or not. Listen and see if you hear His voice:
"The promises that are given in My word are not coupons to be cashed in at your next shopping trip to the throne of My grace. They are, however, glimpses into My heart and My great love for you. The relationship I desire with you is full of life, vitality, and communication. I want you to bring your needs to Me because you love and trust Me. I want you to count on My promises because you have found Me trustworthy, not because you are looking for a way to manipulate Me.
Faith is not a matter of superstition or holding the upper hand; it is a relationship of trust between friends. In this case only one friend has proved to be completely unfailing; that one would be Me. The other friend, which would be you, is incapable of honoring the trust placed in him. What I have provided is the substitution of My faithfulness for yours. My payment at Calvary pays your debt and provides for the completion of our covenant. My faithfulness replaces your unfaithfulness.
My love and care can be counted on because I can not be anything less than faithful. Nothing touches your life apart from Me. Therefore, all that you encounter will work for your good and My glory as you trust Me. Will you trust Me in spite of the seeming difficulties that may argue against My goodness? This life is a shadow, and you can trust Me to carry you safely both through and beyond it. I love you and will never let you go."
"The promises that are given in My word are not coupons to be cashed in at your next shopping trip to the throne of My grace. They are, however, glimpses into My heart and My great love for you. The relationship I desire with you is full of life, vitality, and communication. I want you to bring your needs to Me because you love and trust Me. I want you to count on My promises because you have found Me trustworthy, not because you are looking for a way to manipulate Me.
Faith is not a matter of superstition or holding the upper hand; it is a relationship of trust between friends. In this case only one friend has proved to be completely unfailing; that one would be Me. The other friend, which would be you, is incapable of honoring the trust placed in him. What I have provided is the substitution of My faithfulness for yours. My payment at Calvary pays your debt and provides for the completion of our covenant. My faithfulness replaces your unfaithfulness.
My love and care can be counted on because I can not be anything less than faithful. Nothing touches your life apart from Me. Therefore, all that you encounter will work for your good and My glory as you trust Me. Will you trust Me in spite of the seeming difficulties that may argue against My goodness? This life is a shadow, and you can trust Me to carry you safely both through and beyond it. I love you and will never let you go."
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Bria had an awesome recital and you can see it on Kelli's blog. She's doing SO WELL!!! Yesterday we went to look at some houses with Greg and Megan. They have a couple of great options to pick from, and they are SO ready to get back to a house instead of an apartment. We went to Joe's graduation yesterday afternoon and will go to Luke's later today. It's that time of year again...
Check out Bria's recital...she's doing so great!
Check out Bria's recital...she's doing so great!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
No Regrets
Regrets are so useless. We start today. It makes no difference whether our circumstances are the result of obedience or of disobedience. We wake up this morning and start fresh right where we are. Our past is behind us and dictates nothing-no part-of this day or the next. We can obey today in any circumstance and be completely in God's will one day at a time. Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about repentance. Repentance is absolutely necessary. We must call sin sin and turn our backs on it. We must agree with what God says is true about us and our thoughts and actions. What I'm talking about is, having already forsaken sin, continuing to beat ourselves up and filling our days with regrets, if onlys, and what ifs. When we have repented we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus...powerful stuff. "Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Forsake then forget the past sin, then start fresh every day. His mercies are new every morning.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Hodge Podge
It was warmer today and WINDY again. My windchimes are really getting a work out! I sure do like just makes me happy to hear them!!! I'm not sure what to read next, but I'm still soaking up the goody from the last one I read. I hope I haven't bored you silly with the quotes. On Sunday we went to see Greg and Megan and were so excited to see her cute little bump. :) She is feeling good and in about 3 weeks we should know if they're having a boy or girl!! YAY!!! So glad they'll be sharing that information!
So what's new with you???????????
Thought for the day
"I hear men praying everywhere for more faith, but when I listen to them carefully, and get at the real heart of their prayer, very often it is not more faith at all that they are wanting, but a change from faith to sight. Faith says not, 'I see that it is good for me so God must have sent it,' but, 'God sent it, and so it must be good for me.' Faith, walking in the dark with God, only prays Him to clasp its hand more closely." Phillips Brooks
So what's new with you???????????
Thought for the day
"I hear men praying everywhere for more faith, but when I listen to them carefully, and get at the real heart of their prayer, very often it is not more faith at all that they are wanting, but a change from faith to sight. Faith says not, 'I see that it is good for me so God must have sent it,' but, 'God sent it, and so it must be good for me.' Faith, walking in the dark with God, only prays Him to clasp its hand more closely." Phillips Brooks
Saturday, May 1, 2010
WWII Book!
It's a beautiful weekend here! Around 70 degrees, sunny, pretty sky, a little windy. Very nice. Yesterday I got a special shipment from FedEx. The book Kelli made with the pictures my dad took in WWII while in England and France arrived! It is great, and my mom was really happy to get her copy. THANKS, KELLI!!!!!
Today Tabbi and the boys came over for a while because she couldn't wait to get her copy of the book :) Tomorrow we're going to see Greg and Megan (and take her book to her :)). I suppose I should clean the house sometime....:) maybe.....:)
Thanks again, Kelli for all your work!!
Today Tabbi and the boys came over for a while because she couldn't wait to get her copy of the book :) Tomorrow we're going to see Greg and Megan (and take her book to her :)). I suppose I should clean the house sometime....:) maybe.....:)
Thanks again, Kelli for all your work!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
What Are You Looking At?
I finished reading "The God of All Comfort" today. It was a very worthwhile read, and I will be rereading it now and then for many years. Another section:
"I feel as if I could not repeat this evident truism too often, for somehow people seem to lay aside their common sense when they come to the subject of religion, and seem to expect to see things upon which they have deliberately kept their backs turned. They cry out, 'O Lord, reveal Thyself'; but instead of looking at Him they look at themselves, and keep their gaze steadily fixed on their own inward feelings, and then wonder at the 'mysterious dealings' of God in hiding His face from their fervent prayers. But how can they see what they do not look at?
It is never God who hides His face from us, but it is always we who hide our face from Him, by 'turning to Him the back and not the face.' The prophet reproaches the children of Israel with this, and adds that they 'set up their abominations in the house which is called by God's name.' When Christians spend their time examining their own condition, raking up all their sins, and bemoaning their shortcomings, what is this but to set up the pedestal in their hearts, and to make it the center of their whole religious life, and of all their care and efforts. They gaze at this great, big, miserable self until it fills their whole horizon, and they 'turn their back' on the Lord, until He is lost sight of altogether.
We are never anywhere commanded to behold our emotions, nor our experiences, nor even our sins, but we are commanded to turn our backs upon all these, and to behold the Lamb of God who taketh away our sins."
"I feel as if I could not repeat this evident truism too often, for somehow people seem to lay aside their common sense when they come to the subject of religion, and seem to expect to see things upon which they have deliberately kept their backs turned. They cry out, 'O Lord, reveal Thyself'; but instead of looking at Him they look at themselves, and keep their gaze steadily fixed on their own inward feelings, and then wonder at the 'mysterious dealings' of God in hiding His face from their fervent prayers. But how can they see what they do not look at?
It is never God who hides His face from us, but it is always we who hide our face from Him, by 'turning to Him the back and not the face.' The prophet reproaches the children of Israel with this, and adds that they 'set up their abominations in the house which is called by God's name.' When Christians spend their time examining their own condition, raking up all their sins, and bemoaning their shortcomings, what is this but to set up the pedestal in their hearts, and to make it the center of their whole religious life, and of all their care and efforts. They gaze at this great, big, miserable self until it fills their whole horizon, and they 'turn their back' on the Lord, until He is lost sight of altogether.
We are never anywhere commanded to behold our emotions, nor our experiences, nor even our sins, but we are commanded to turn our backs upon all these, and to behold the Lamb of God who taketh away our sins."
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
More Hannah Whitall Smith
More quotes from "The God of All Comfort"
"If God is our Father, the only thing we can do with doubts, and fears, and anxious thoughts is to cast them behind our backs forever, and have nothing more to do with them ever again. We can do this. We can pledge against doubting. And if once we see that our doubts are an actual sin against God, and imply a question of His trustworthiness, we will be eager to do it. We may have cherished our doubts heretofore because perhaps we have thought they were a part of our religion, and a becoming attitude of soul in one so unworthy; but if we now see that God is in very truth our Father, we will reject every doubt with horror, as being a libel on our Father's love and our Father's care."
"The Bible tells us that Christ is our peace, and consequently, whether I feel as if I had peace or not, peace is really mine in Christ, and I must take possession of it by faith. Faith is simply to believe and assert the thing that God says. If He says there is peace, faith asserts that there is, and enters into the enjoyment of it. If He has proclaimed peace in the Bible, I must proclaim it in my own heart, let the seemings be what they may."
"'Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.' The steps here are very plain, and they are only two. First, give up all anxiety; and second, hand over your cares to God; and then stand steadfastly here; peace must come. It simply must, for there is no room for anything else."
"If God is our Father, the only thing we can do with doubts, and fears, and anxious thoughts is to cast them behind our backs forever, and have nothing more to do with them ever again. We can do this. We can pledge against doubting. And if once we see that our doubts are an actual sin against God, and imply a question of His trustworthiness, we will be eager to do it. We may have cherished our doubts heretofore because perhaps we have thought they were a part of our religion, and a becoming attitude of soul in one so unworthy; but if we now see that God is in very truth our Father, we will reject every doubt with horror, as being a libel on our Father's love and our Father's care."
"The Bible tells us that Christ is our peace, and consequently, whether I feel as if I had peace or not, peace is really mine in Christ, and I must take possession of it by faith. Faith is simply to believe and assert the thing that God says. If He says there is peace, faith asserts that there is, and enters into the enjoyment of it. If He has proclaimed peace in the Bible, I must proclaim it in my own heart, let the seemings be what they may."
"'Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.' The steps here are very plain, and they are only two. First, give up all anxiety; and second, hand over your cares to God; and then stand steadfastly here; peace must come. It simply must, for there is no room for anything else."
Monday, April 26, 2010
Moving Soybean!
It's a happy day!!! Megan called to say she is feeling the baby move!!! We are SO EXCITED for them...she was completely amazed and pumped!! THANK YOU, JESUS!!!!!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Jon is on call this week, but has been call-free all weekend. We had no big plans, and that worked out well. Saturday I did some cleaning, baked cookies, did a little laundry. Today Tabbi and the boys came over for church and groceries, and I finished cleaning this afternoon. Jon spent a couple of hours working on the cradle today, too. I'm shot and need to get ready for bed...just don't feel right tonight. Hopefully will sleep better that last night....'Night all!!!!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The God of All Comfort
I have a new book. "The God of All Comfort" by Hannah Whitall Smith. As you know, she is one of my favorite authors, and this book meets all expectations.
"It is of vital importance for us to understand that the Bible is a statement, not of theories, but of actual facts; and that things are not true because they are in the Bible, but they are only in the Bible because they are true."
"But is this all His name implies, simply 'I am'? I am what?--we ask. What does this 'I am' include? I believe it includes everything the human heart longs for and needs. This unfinished name of God seems to me like a blank check signed by a rich friend given to us to be filled in with whatever sum we may desire. The whole Bible tells us what it means.
Every attribute of God, every revelation of His character, every proof of His undying love, every declaration of His watchful care, every assertion of His purposes of tender mercy, every manifestation of His loving kindness---all are the filling out of this unfinished 'I am.'
'I am,' He says, 'all that my people need; I am their strength; I am their wisdom; I am their righteousness; I am their peace; I am their salvation; I am their life; I am their all in all.
I am rest for the weary; I am peace for the storm-tossed; I am strength for the strengthless; I am wisdom for the foolish; I am righteousness for the sinful; I am all that the neediest soul on earth can want; I am exceeding abundantly, beyond all you can ask or think, of blessing, and help, and care."
See why I like it?????
"It is of vital importance for us to understand that the Bible is a statement, not of theories, but of actual facts; and that things are not true because they are in the Bible, but they are only in the Bible because they are true."
"But is this all His name implies, simply 'I am'? I am what?--we ask. What does this 'I am' include? I believe it includes everything the human heart longs for and needs. This unfinished name of God seems to me like a blank check signed by a rich friend given to us to be filled in with whatever sum we may desire. The whole Bible tells us what it means.
Every attribute of God, every revelation of His character, every proof of His undying love, every declaration of His watchful care, every assertion of His purposes of tender mercy, every manifestation of His loving kindness---all are the filling out of this unfinished 'I am.'
'I am,' He says, 'all that my people need; I am their strength; I am their wisdom; I am their righteousness; I am their peace; I am their salvation; I am their life; I am their all in all.
I am rest for the weary; I am peace for the storm-tossed; I am strength for the strengthless; I am wisdom for the foolish; I am righteousness for the sinful; I am all that the neediest soul on earth can want; I am exceeding abundantly, beyond all you can ask or think, of blessing, and help, and care."
See why I like it?????
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Driver's Seat
"Anyone who intends to come with Me has to let Me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow Me and I'll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, My way, to saving yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for?" Mark 8:34-35 The Message
I like to read different translations from time to time, and I've been reading The Message a lot lately. It helps me get a fresh perspective on how to apply what God says to my everyday life. Embrace suffering. Don't help yourself; sacrifice yourself. Let Him lead. Let Him drive. Follow Him and learn from Him. Remember that your true self is the precious gem that God holds and forms in His hand, working all things for your ultimate good in bringing your heart close to His own.
I like to read different translations from time to time, and I've been reading The Message a lot lately. It helps me get a fresh perspective on how to apply what God says to my everyday life. Embrace suffering. Don't help yourself; sacrifice yourself. Let Him lead. Let Him drive. Follow Him and learn from Him. Remember that your true self is the precious gem that God holds and forms in His hand, working all things for your ultimate good in bringing your heart close to His own.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
New Foreman
It's been a quiet weekend. Breakfast at Hy-Vee on Saturday, then ran some errands and worked around home while Jon was working at the farm. Today we went to church , then Jon went to change oil in the bike while I cleaned windows. We went for a motorcycle ride late in the afternoon, then frozen pizza for supper. It's all about simple when I've been cleaning windows :)
In other good news...Jon officially returns to full duty and becomes foreman of his own crew at work this week!!! He has Monday off and will be hard at it on Tuesday! He may also be working five 10-hour days instead of four. Some of the guys have been doing 12-hour days...could get a little crazy!
He's talking to a contractor tomorrow to start getting ideas about how and whether to build our garage. Pray that God will give us wisdom and bring things to a clear decision for us.
Hope you all have a great week! Stay in touch!
In other good news...Jon officially returns to full duty and becomes foreman of his own crew at work this week!!! He has Monday off and will be hard at it on Tuesday! He may also be working five 10-hour days instead of four. Some of the guys have been doing 12-hour days...could get a little crazy!
He's talking to a contractor tomorrow to start getting ideas about how and whether to build our garage. Pray that God will give us wisdom and bring things to a clear decision for us.
Hope you all have a great week! Stay in touch!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Streams in the Desert...April 15
From Streams in the Desert...April 15
"I trust in Thy word" Psalm 119:42
Just in proportion in which we believe that God will do just what He has said, is our faith strong or weak. Faith has nothing to do with feelings, or with impressions, with improbabilities, or with outward appearances. If we desire to couple them with faith, then we are no longer resting on the Word of God because faith needs nothing of the kind. Faith rests on the naked Word of God. When we take Him at His Word the heart is at peace.
God delights to exercise faith, first for blessing in our own souls, then for blessing in the church at large, and also for those without. But this exercise we shrink from instead of welcoming. When trials come, we should say: "My Heavenly Father puts this cup of trial into my hands, that I may have something sweet afterwards." Trials are the food of faith. Oh, let us leave ourselves in the hands of our Heavenly Father! It is the joy of His heart to do good to all His children.
But trials and difficulties are not the only means by which faith is exercised and thereby increased. There is the reading of the Scriptures, that we may by them acquaint ourselves with God as He has revealed Himself in His Word.
Are you able to say, from the acquaintance you have made with God, that He is a lovely Being? If not, let me affectionately entreat you to ask God to bring you to this, that you may admire His gentleness and kindness, that you may be able to say how good He is, and what a delight it is to the heart of God to do good to His children.
Now the nearer we come to this in our inmost souls, the more ready we are to leave ourselves in His hands, satisfied with all His dealings with us. And when trial comes, we shall say: "I will wait and see what good God will do to me by it, assured He will do it." Thus we shall bear an honorable testimony before the world, and thus we shall strengthen the hands of others.
George Mueller (The guy who fed hundreds of orphans by taking his needs to only God day by day)
"I trust in Thy word" Psalm 119:42
Just in proportion in which we believe that God will do just what He has said, is our faith strong or weak. Faith has nothing to do with feelings, or with impressions, with improbabilities, or with outward appearances. If we desire to couple them with faith, then we are no longer resting on the Word of God because faith needs nothing of the kind. Faith rests on the naked Word of God. When we take Him at His Word the heart is at peace.
God delights to exercise faith, first for blessing in our own souls, then for blessing in the church at large, and also for those without. But this exercise we shrink from instead of welcoming. When trials come, we should say: "My Heavenly Father puts this cup of trial into my hands, that I may have something sweet afterwards." Trials are the food of faith. Oh, let us leave ourselves in the hands of our Heavenly Father! It is the joy of His heart to do good to all His children.
But trials and difficulties are not the only means by which faith is exercised and thereby increased. There is the reading of the Scriptures, that we may by them acquaint ourselves with God as He has revealed Himself in His Word.
Are you able to say, from the acquaintance you have made with God, that He is a lovely Being? If not, let me affectionately entreat you to ask God to bring you to this, that you may admire His gentleness and kindness, that you may be able to say how good He is, and what a delight it is to the heart of God to do good to His children.
Now the nearer we come to this in our inmost souls, the more ready we are to leave ourselves in His hands, satisfied with all His dealings with us. And when trial comes, we shall say: "I will wait and see what good God will do to me by it, assured He will do it." Thus we shall bear an honorable testimony before the world, and thus we shall strengthen the hands of others.
George Mueller (The guy who fed hundreds of orphans by taking his needs to only God day by day)
Psalm 103
I'm reading Psalm 103 this morning in the Message...a few highlights....
He forgives your sins--every one.
He heals your diseases--every one.
He redeems you from hell--saves your life!
He crowns you with love and mercy--a paradise crown.
He wraps you in goodness--beauty eternal.
He renews your youth--you're always young in His presence.
God makes everything come out right; He puts victims back on their feet.
God is sheer mercy and grace; not easily angered, He's rich in love.
He doesn't endlessly nag and scold, nor hold grudges forever.
He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.
As high as heaven is over the earth, so strong is His love to those who fear Him.
And as far as sunrise is from sunset, He has separated us from our sins.
As parents feel for their children, God feels for those who fear Him.
He knows us inside and out, keeps in mind that we're made of mud.
God's love, though, is ever and always, eternally present to all who fear Him, making everything
right for them and their children as they follow His covenant ways and remember to do whatever He said.
So what do you think? Can we trust Him? Can we ask for His help when we've messed up? He is always and ever seeking our hearts. If we've made a mess of something we have a choice to make. We can try hard to clean it up ourselves knowing that we were responsible, or we can come to Him still taking responsibility (that's called confession), changing direction (that's called repentance), and ask for His help and provision (that's called trust). We must know who God is see that we can trust Him with EVERYTHING. ALL His promises and provision are available to us, but He generally waits until we ASK...right out loud. Yes, He could sweep in and fix the whatever. But He wants our hearts. So He waits. Waits to be asked...not just a one-time "please", but a persistent knock on the door that will not give up trusting in Him to answer. Waits until we bring our heart to Him in confession and repentance, trusting Him to love and care for us. He will let us wallow in our own mess until we bring it to Him. Take all of it to Him and keep taking it to Him. As you get to know Him better and better you will trust Him more and more. It is pride to set our faces and determine to fix things is faith to know that we can't do anything apart from Him and ask Him to step in. His process may look different than we expect, but He CAN be trusted. And in knowing and trusting Him we can walk in peace, even as we continue to ask and pray. Ask, seek, knock; and continue to ask, seek, knock. You have the assurance of a God who loves you and cannot lie that you will receive.
He forgives your sins--every one.
He heals your diseases--every one.
He redeems you from hell--saves your life!
He crowns you with love and mercy--a paradise crown.
He wraps you in goodness--beauty eternal.
He renews your youth--you're always young in His presence.
God makes everything come out right; He puts victims back on their feet.
God is sheer mercy and grace; not easily angered, He's rich in love.
He doesn't endlessly nag and scold, nor hold grudges forever.
He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.
As high as heaven is over the earth, so strong is His love to those who fear Him.
And as far as sunrise is from sunset, He has separated us from our sins.
As parents feel for their children, God feels for those who fear Him.
He knows us inside and out, keeps in mind that we're made of mud.
God's love, though, is ever and always, eternally present to all who fear Him, making everything
right for them and their children as they follow His covenant ways and remember to do whatever He said.
So what do you think? Can we trust Him? Can we ask for His help when we've messed up? He is always and ever seeking our hearts. If we've made a mess of something we have a choice to make. We can try hard to clean it up ourselves knowing that we were responsible, or we can come to Him still taking responsibility (that's called confession), changing direction (that's called repentance), and ask for His help and provision (that's called trust). We must know who God is see that we can trust Him with EVERYTHING. ALL His promises and provision are available to us, but He generally waits until we ASK...right out loud. Yes, He could sweep in and fix the whatever. But He wants our hearts. So He waits. Waits to be asked...not just a one-time "please", but a persistent knock on the door that will not give up trusting in Him to answer. Waits until we bring our heart to Him in confession and repentance, trusting Him to love and care for us. He will let us wallow in our own mess until we bring it to Him. Take all of it to Him and keep taking it to Him. As you get to know Him better and better you will trust Him more and more. It is pride to set our faces and determine to fix things is faith to know that we can't do anything apart from Him and ask Him to step in. His process may look different than we expect, but He CAN be trusted. And in knowing and trusting Him we can walk in peace, even as we continue to ask and pray. Ask, seek, knock; and continue to ask, seek, knock. You have the assurance of a God who loves you and cannot lie that you will receive.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Easter Pix

I'm enjoying seeing the pictures from my mom that Kelli is scanning. We looked through a lot of them here that weekend, and I was really intrigued by the pictures that my dad took while stationed in France during WWII. It was pretty amazing to realize that he was THERE and took the pictures himself...made the Eiffel Tower look much more impressive...even in black and white.
Thought for the day
"Temptation often comes upon a man with its strongest power when he is nearest to God...If a man has much of the Spirit of God, he will have great conflicts with the tempter. God permits temptation because it does for us what the storms do for the oaks--it roots us; and what the fire does for the paintings on the porcelain--it makes them permanent...You never know that you have a grip on Christ, or that He has a grip on you, as well as when the devil is using all his force to attract you from Him; then you feel the pull of Christ's right hand." From Streams in the Desert...April 12.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Wind Chimes and Birthdays
Speaking of is Kelli's birthday!!!!! It was great to celebrate with you, honey!!
We had a very nice weekend with kids coming and going. The cousins had a great time playing together, coloring eggs, celebrating Tre's and Kelli's birthdays, going to church, hunting for eggs, and eating. Wow, no wonder I'm tired! I don't know how they keep going and going, or how their moms begin to keep up with all the demands of keeping up with them and working as well! It makes me realize how old I am!! It sure is fun to be a part of the craziness, though! Thanks to all of you for sharing your lives with us!!!!!
Tomorrow Jon goes back to four 10-hour days each week. In fact, some days may be closer to 12 hours. That means we'll be getting up at 5:00 so he can be at work at 6:00. He's already in bed, and I'm hoping to be there in about a half hour.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Prayer Answers and Requests
Thanks for praying for Dan (last post)...he has shown some progress...still waiting for more news. The little girl with ITP has a more stabilized blood count, though still too low. Keep praying for these two and I'd like to add Bill to that list. He has a blood clot in his leg and we don't know if he's received any treatment for it since care must be channeled through the department of corrections. He spent a 15 hour day including hours on a bus in shackles just to get the ultrasound then was returned to his cell instead of a hospital room with no meds or treatment of any kind given. I understand there are rules, but blood clots need IMMEDIATE and aggressive treatment and monitoring.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Good Sunday...Good Sermon
What a beautiful day today....I don't know what the temperature was, but it was AWESOME!!! Yesterday I baked cinnamon rolls and dinner rolls for next weekend. Today we went to ANC in Omaha for church and out to lunch with Jim and Kathy. We did a little shopping then went to see Dan Nelson at Jennie Ed. Pray for him when you think of him...he needs his body to start working right again.
Thought for the day
We heard a great sermon was about what Palm Sunday was like for Jesus. If you read Matthew 19-21, His day was filled with misunderstanding, rejection, arguing, demands, testing, shouting, stealing, and resentment. As a sidenote people cheered Him and paid down palm branches, but He know that a few days later they would call for His death. The point being that when you have one of THOSE face a difficult situation, relationship, or injustice...He understands. Three points:
1. Jesus understands your struggles, trials, and conflictive areas of your life.
2. His patience, forbearance, and kindness towards you never stop.
3. That same Jesus lives within every believer...everyone who has surrendered to Him.
Thought for the day
We heard a great sermon was about what Palm Sunday was like for Jesus. If you read Matthew 19-21, His day was filled with misunderstanding, rejection, arguing, demands, testing, shouting, stealing, and resentment. As a sidenote people cheered Him and paid down palm branches, but He know that a few days later they would call for His death. The point being that when you have one of THOSE face a difficult situation, relationship, or injustice...He understands. Three points:
1. Jesus understands your struggles, trials, and conflictive areas of your life.
2. His patience, forbearance, and kindness towards you never stop.
3. That same Jesus lives within every believer...everyone who has surrendered to Him.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tru Turned 6!!!
Last night we went to Blair Pizza Hut for Tru's 6th birthday! One highlight of his night was getting a Turbo Snake...such a funny little guy...he's wanted this tool for cleaning out drains for months now. He screamed and jumped up and down like it was the greatest thing in the world! I can hardly believe that our youngest grandchild could be 6 already!! Good thing we're adding to the roster soon!!
Today after work we raked up the rest of the sticks from the storms this winter. It's supposed to rain tonight through tomorrow night. We have no other plans, but are considering a trip to Omaha on Sunday. Maybe church, maybe shopping, we'll see... My foot is doing a little better the last couple of days. I'm still not sure if I'm doing the right thing with these inserts, but time will tell. I'll have to see how it affects my knees over a longer period of time.
What are your plans for the weekend? I will need to clean and get a few things ready for next weekend when everyone will be home for Easter...YAY!! We'll also celebrate Kelli and Tru's birthdays. I won't reveal how old Kelli will be, but I'm 20 years older, and I'm 13 1/2. You do the math :)
Hope you all have a great weekend! Keep in touch!!
Today after work we raked up the rest of the sticks from the storms this winter. It's supposed to rain tonight through tomorrow night. We have no other plans, but are considering a trip to Omaha on Sunday. Maybe church, maybe shopping, we'll see... My foot is doing a little better the last couple of days. I'm still not sure if I'm doing the right thing with these inserts, but time will tell. I'll have to see how it affects my knees over a longer period of time.
What are your plans for the weekend? I will need to clean and get a few things ready for next weekend when everyone will be home for Easter...YAY!! We'll also celebrate Kelli and Tru's birthdays. I won't reveal how old Kelli will be, but I'm 20 years older, and I'm 13 1/2. You do the math :)
Hope you all have a great weekend! Keep in touch!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Busy Week
It's turning into a busy week. We were unexpectedly invited out to supper Monday night, then again invited to a supper on Tuesday night celebrating a wonderful friend's first year of sobriety. She is amazing. Tomorrow night we go to celebrate Tru turning 6!! That doesn't seem possible! At work this week I had a grain inspection which went very well (YAY!!!)
Tonight I went to pray for a 3 year old girl who has ITP. Her platelet count is far too low and so far treatments have only brought it up temporarily. Please pray for Lauren and her family.
Tonight I went to pray for a 3 year old girl who has ITP. Her platelet count is far too low and so far treatments have only brought it up temporarily. Please pray for Lauren and her family.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Need Some Relief
Tabbi, Tre, and Tru came for church this morning. When we came home she went for groceries while the boys played on the computer. Since then I haven't accomplished much...picked up the kitchen, went to the store, and maybe some more laundry.
Nothing extra happening this week...wait, Jon goes back to the dr this week. Otherwise, I think...wait, Tru has a birthday on Thursday!! He'll turn 6! I guess it's a big week, after all!
I'm trying some other inserts in my plantar fascitis has been hurting a lot, so I'm hoping for some relief. I don't know what else to try. I appreciate your prayers for some relief.
Thought for the day
Speaking of relief...where do we turn for relief? Apparently I turn to new insoles, ice, and whatever else I can get my hands on. It is different somehow to pray for yourself. It shouldn't be. We belong to Christ and we are told to pray for our needs as well as the needs of others. There is also the need to trust Christ in whatever He is doing in our lives. We need to submit, accept, and be thankful in ALL things, always trusting His choices and timing. So we ask, and keep asking. We ask others to pray, as well. And in the meantime, we thankfully trust Christ day by day that all He is doing is right and best.
Nothing extra happening this week...wait, Jon goes back to the dr this week. Otherwise, I think...wait, Tru has a birthday on Thursday!! He'll turn 6! I guess it's a big week, after all!
I'm trying some other inserts in my plantar fascitis has been hurting a lot, so I'm hoping for some relief. I don't know what else to try. I appreciate your prayers for some relief.
Thought for the day
Speaking of relief...where do we turn for relief? Apparently I turn to new insoles, ice, and whatever else I can get my hands on. It is different somehow to pray for yourself. It shouldn't be. We belong to Christ and we are told to pray for our needs as well as the needs of others. There is also the need to trust Christ in whatever He is doing in our lives. We need to submit, accept, and be thankful in ALL things, always trusting His choices and timing. So we ask, and keep asking. We ask others to pray, as well. And in the meantime, we thankfully trust Christ day by day that all He is doing is right and best.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Middle of the Weekend
I don't know about you, but I was really ready for a weekend! We were home last night, went to breakfast this morning, and Jon was working the rest of the morning while I worked here. This afternoon we went next door for James and Anna's (Nelson) wedding...very nice. Tabbi and the boys might be coming over for church tomorrow, but no other plans. I'm thinking a nap might feel good at some point!
We're kicking around some remodeling ideas that would give us a 2 car attached garage...not sure just how to go about it, but we've got some ideas. We may be talking to some people to get cost ideas soon.
We're kicking around some remodeling ideas that would give us a 2 car attached garage...not sure just how to go about it, but we've got some ideas. We may be talking to some people to get cost ideas soon.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Popcorn and TV tonight...less popcorn, more TV :). Jon has one more day off work then it's back to light duty. I switched from zyrtec to claritin last night and that seems to have been a good thing. I don't know if it will actually work better, but at least I'm not completely wiped out all morning the next day. Not much new going on here...warmer temps this week, but still mostly cloudy. The next two days will be much warmer then a chance of rain or snow again on the weekend. Please pray for safe travel for Megan and Greg over these next few days. They could really use a short break...just praying they don't overdo. Once a mom, always a mom :)
I watched an fb entry by a friend with pix from the home birth of her child. The pix were by a professional photographer and the slide show included music. It really was well done. While I'm not a fan of home births, it went very well and I'm very happy for them. If you know who I'm talking about you can check it out.
Came across a verse in my reading today that I memorized years ago...
"When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul." Psalm 94:19. I always liked that one...maybe because anxious thoughts are very sneaky and have a way of piling up. I haven't been feeling that way, but I always did like that verse.
Thought for the day
God's consolations...He loves us so much. All that stuff that we think about...He knows it all. All the craziness in our lives and the things that seem out of control...He holds it all in His hands. No need to stress or fret...He's the source, provider, shelter, protector, and forgiver of all.
I watched an fb entry by a friend with pix from the home birth of her child. The pix were by a professional photographer and the slide show included music. It really was well done. While I'm not a fan of home births, it went very well and I'm very happy for them. If you know who I'm talking about you can check it out.
Came across a verse in my reading today that I memorized years ago...
"When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul." Psalm 94:19. I always liked that one...maybe because anxious thoughts are very sneaky and have a way of piling up. I haven't been feeling that way, but I always did like that verse.
Thought for the day
God's consolations...He loves us so much. All that stuff that we think about...He knows it all. All the craziness in our lives and the things that seem out of control...He holds it all in His hands. No need to stress or fret...He's the source, provider, shelter, protector, and forgiver of all.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Relaxed Weekend
Friday night we went to a carnival at the school in Logan with Tre and Tru. It was very loud, but we had a good time. Saturday Jon was busy elsewhere while I cleaned, did laundry, and baked cookies. Saturday evening while Tre and Trever went to a turkey banquet Tabbi and Tru came here overnight. We all went to church this morning and after getting her groceries they went home. While Tabbi was at the store Tru asked me to drive him around town so he could draw things. It was awesome...he drew pictures of a map at Pioneer Park, a statue uptown, the theater sign, a flag, a bulldozer, a man walking, a tractor, and Pizza Hut. He was pretty pleased with himself.
We actually had sunshine a good share of the afternoon today, and while it was still chilly it sure did seem nice out. Jon will be off work for another three days then go back on light duty. He's doing really well with his hand. I may actually have to work all five days this week....eeek!
Emmy, you get all better...I love you!!
We're still just enjoying the good news from Megan and Greg and praying for a safe healthy pregnancy, mom, and baby!!! Our whole family is very excited!
I hope you all remembered to spring ahead. I had forgotten last night till Tabbi said something...whew, that was close! Thanks, Tabbi!
Thought for the day
If you have a Message Bible read Romans chapter's amazing! "Take your everyday, ordinary life---your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking-around life---and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him....Living then, as every one of you does, in pure grace, it's important that you not misinterpret yourselves as people who are bringing this goodness to God. No. God brings it all to you,. The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what He does for us, not by what we are and what we do for Him."
We actually had sunshine a good share of the afternoon today, and while it was still chilly it sure did seem nice out. Jon will be off work for another three days then go back on light duty. He's doing really well with his hand. I may actually have to work all five days this week....eeek!
Emmy, you get all better...I love you!!
We're still just enjoying the good news from Megan and Greg and praying for a safe healthy pregnancy, mom, and baby!!! Our whole family is very excited!
I hope you all remembered to spring ahead. I had forgotten last night till Tabbi said something...whew, that was close! Thanks, Tabbi!
Thought for the day
If you have a Message Bible read Romans chapter's amazing! "Take your everyday, ordinary life---your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking-around life---and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him....Living then, as every one of you does, in pure grace, it's important that you not misinterpret yourselves as people who are bringing this goodness to God. No. God brings it all to you,. The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what He does for us, not by what we are and what we do for Him."
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Carpal Tunnel Surgery
We are home. Jon had carpal tunnel surgery this morning. It's pretty amazing, really. We left home about 6:45, drove an hour, had surgery and recovery time, and drove an hour home and were back in town by 11:15. WOW!!! He is resting and seems to be doing fine. There will be ice for a few days and pain pills for at least 24 hours along with elevation and light use of his fingers. No lifting over 2 pounds till he goes back on the 25th. He honestly feels like he already has improved sensation in his fingertips which had become quite numb...that's good news!!!
Thanks to all of you for your continued prayers for a full recovery. It's been a long 6 months for a man that has never been one to "take it easy". He's really hoping to be able to function at 100% again soon. I'm doing some catching up here this afternoon and keeping track of "ice on" and "ice off".
Thanks again!!!!
Thanks to all of you for your continued prayers for a full recovery. It's been a long 6 months for a man that has never been one to "take it easy". He's really hoping to be able to function at 100% again soon. I'm doing some catching up here this afternoon and keeping track of "ice on" and "ice off".
Thanks again!!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Greg's Birthday!
We had a wonderful weekend in Grand Forks with Jon, Kelli, Bria, and Emmy! We did some shopping, played some games, watched some movies, and did some painting. Some of us even squeezed in some naps! We went to watch the girls skate, but it didn't last long because the ice wasn't very good due to warmer temps.
Tomorrow Jon will have carpal tunnel surgery on his right wrist that he broke in his fall in September. We're praying that this will relieve the nerve pain and numbness that has been getting worse instead of better. He was able to clear quite a bit of the down branches in the yard today...the snow is almost gone...quite a change!
Today is Greg's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GREG!!! The last one before the big 3-0!
Thought for the day
It's always essential that we trust God. Carpal tunnel surgery isn't always successful, but we're trusting Christ for a good outcome. There is always some apprehension with any surgery, but we're trusting Christ. Greg and Megan are traveling soon...we're trusting Christ for a safe trip. We have growing grandchildren...we're trusting Christ to watch over them and make them who He wants them to be. Trust isn't trust if it isn't applied to our day to day circumstances. What are you facing? Trust Christ.
Tomorrow Jon will have carpal tunnel surgery on his right wrist that he broke in his fall in September. We're praying that this will relieve the nerve pain and numbness that has been getting worse instead of better. He was able to clear quite a bit of the down branches in the yard today...the snow is almost gone...quite a change!
Today is Greg's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GREG!!! The last one before the big 3-0!
Thought for the day
It's always essential that we trust God. Carpal tunnel surgery isn't always successful, but we're trusting Christ for a good outcome. There is always some apprehension with any surgery, but we're trusting Christ. Greg and Megan are traveling soon...we're trusting Christ for a safe trip. We have growing grandchildren...we're trusting Christ to watch over them and make them who He wants them to be. Trust isn't trust if it isn't applied to our day to day circumstances. What are you facing? Trust Christ.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Better, I Hope
I think I'm starting to get a little better. I'll know more tomorrow :) I know I'm getting excited to travel to Grand Forks this weekend! It's time to spoil and enjoy! We're anxious to see the girls show us their new ice skating skills among other things. Jon is feeling better today for sure. He will hopefully continue to improve.
We are greatly enjoying the sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures this week. I'm pretty sure spring will come after all. We also got to see "Chuck" again last night after two weeks off...YAY!!!!
Thought for the day
It really is simple...
"It's the word of faith that welcomes God to go to work and set things right for us. This is the core of our preaching. Say the welcoming word to God---'Jesus is my Master'---embracing, body and soul, God's work of doing in us what He did in raising Jesus from the dead. That's it. You're not 'doing' anything; you're simply calling out to God, trusting Him to do it for you. That's salvation. With your whole being you embrace God setting things right, and then you say it, right out loud: 'God has set everything right between Him and me!'" Romans 10:9-10 The Message
We are greatly enjoying the sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures this week. I'm pretty sure spring will come after all. We also got to see "Chuck" again last night after two weeks off...YAY!!!!
Thought for the day
It really is simple...
"It's the word of faith that welcomes God to go to work and set things right for us. This is the core of our preaching. Say the welcoming word to God---'Jesus is my Master'---embracing, body and soul, God's work of doing in us what He did in raising Jesus from the dead. That's it. You're not 'doing' anything; you're simply calling out to God, trusting Him to do it for you. That's salvation. With your whole being you embrace God setting things right, and then you say it, right out loud: 'God has set everything right between Him and me!'" Romans 10:9-10 The Message
Sunday, February 28, 2010
It's my unbirthday today! I'm now 13 1/2. Last night we celebrated three birthdays...Trever's, mine, and Greg's. We went out to eat at China Pan then came back here for cake and ice cream. Today we had a pastoral candidate preach at church. The congregation voted for him, so now we wait to hear his answer. Just praying for God's best for him and for us. The other highlight of the day has been NON-STOP blowing of my nose with many sneezes thrown in for good measure. Jon has the crud, too, so we're both fairly miserable. It's not as bad as the sore throat, though!!!
Jon has the week off and will be doing some work at the parsonage as well as fulfilling some other plans he's made. I'm back to work tomorrow probably...with my own Puffs. I hope all of you have a great week and we'll be in touch!!
Jon has the week off and will be doing some work at the parsonage as well as fulfilling some other plans he's made. I'm back to work tomorrow probably...with my own Puffs. I hope all of you have a great week and we'll be in touch!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
More From "Streams in the Desert"
Second post today...wanted to share the devotional for today, February 24, in "Streams in the Desert".
"You may be very discontented with yourself. You are no genius, have no brilliant gifts, and are inconspicuous for any special faculty. Mediocrity is the law of your existence. Your days are remarkable for nothing but sameness and insipidity. Yet you may live a great life.
John did no miracle, but Jesus said that among those born of women there had not appeared a greater than he.
John's main business was to bear witness to the Light, and this may be yours and mine. John was content to be only a voice, if men would think of Christ.
Be willing to be only a voice, heard but not seen; a mirror whose surface is lost to view, because it reflects the dazzling glory of the sun; a breeze that springs up just before daylight, and says, 'The dawn! The dawn!' and then dies away.
Do the commonest and smallest things as beneath His eye. If you must live with uncongenial people, set to the conquest by love. If you have made a great mistake in your life, do not let it becloud all of it; but, locking the secret in your breast, compel it to yield strength and sweetness.
We are doing more good than we know, sowing seed, starting streamlets, giving men true thoughts of Christ, to which they will refer one day as the first things that started them thinking of Him; and, of my part, I shall be satisfied if no great mausoleum is raised over my grave, but that simple souls shall gather there when I am gone and say,
'He was a good man; he wrought no miracles, but he spake words about Christ, which led me to know Him for myself.'" George Matheson
"You may be very discontented with yourself. You are no genius, have no brilliant gifts, and are inconspicuous for any special faculty. Mediocrity is the law of your existence. Your days are remarkable for nothing but sameness and insipidity. Yet you may live a great life.
John did no miracle, but Jesus said that among those born of women there had not appeared a greater than he.
John's main business was to bear witness to the Light, and this may be yours and mine. John was content to be only a voice, if men would think of Christ.
Be willing to be only a voice, heard but not seen; a mirror whose surface is lost to view, because it reflects the dazzling glory of the sun; a breeze that springs up just before daylight, and says, 'The dawn! The dawn!' and then dies away.
Do the commonest and smallest things as beneath His eye. If you must live with uncongenial people, set to the conquest by love. If you have made a great mistake in your life, do not let it becloud all of it; but, locking the secret in your breast, compel it to yield strength and sweetness.
We are doing more good than we know, sowing seed, starting streamlets, giving men true thoughts of Christ, to which they will refer one day as the first things that started them thinking of Him; and, of my part, I shall be satisfied if no great mausoleum is raised over my grave, but that simple souls shall gather there when I am gone and say,
'He was a good man; he wrought no miracles, but he spake words about Christ, which led me to know Him for myself.'" George Matheson
The Crud
It's my turn. Sore throat, fever, and a day at home today. At least Jon won't catch it from me!!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
No Second Causes
As you probably know, one of my favorite authors in Hannah Whitall Smith. I just finished reading "The Unselfishness of God", and I love this quote:
"Every fear, every perplexity, every anxiety, find an all-satisfying answer in God--He Himself, what He is in nature and character. His ways, or His plans, or even His promises, we may misinterpret or misunderstand, but goodness of character we cannot mistake, and it is the character of God that is our resting-place....
It was not that life was to have no more trials, for this wise and loving will might see that trials were a necessary gift of love. Neither was it essential that we should be able to see the Divine hand in every trial, since my common sense told me that He must still be there, for a God who is omnipresent could not help being present somewhere, even in a trial, and being in it, He would of course be there to help and bless.
We are not wise enough to judge as to things, whether they are really in their essence joys or sorrows, but the Lord knows; and, because He loves us with an unselfish and limitless love, He cannot fail to make the apparently hard, or cruel, or even wicked thing, work together for our best good. I say 'cannot fail' simply because it is an unthinkable thing to suppose that such a God as ours could do otherwise.
It is no matter who starts our trial, whether man, or devil, or even our own foolish selves, if God permits it to reach us, He has by this permission made the trial His own, and will turn it for us into a chariot of love which will carry our souls to a place of blessing that we could not have reached in any other way. I saw that to the Christian who hides in the fortress of God's will, there can be no 'second causes', for nothing can penetrate into that fortress unless the Divine Keeper of the fortress shall give it permission; and this permission, when given, means that He adopts it as being for our best good."
"Every fear, every perplexity, every anxiety, find an all-satisfying answer in God--He Himself, what He is in nature and character. His ways, or His plans, or even His promises, we may misinterpret or misunderstand, but goodness of character we cannot mistake, and it is the character of God that is our resting-place....
It was not that life was to have no more trials, for this wise and loving will might see that trials were a necessary gift of love. Neither was it essential that we should be able to see the Divine hand in every trial, since my common sense told me that He must still be there, for a God who is omnipresent could not help being present somewhere, even in a trial, and being in it, He would of course be there to help and bless.
We are not wise enough to judge as to things, whether they are really in their essence joys or sorrows, but the Lord knows; and, because He loves us with an unselfish and limitless love, He cannot fail to make the apparently hard, or cruel, or even wicked thing, work together for our best good. I say 'cannot fail' simply because it is an unthinkable thing to suppose that such a God as ours could do otherwise.
It is no matter who starts our trial, whether man, or devil, or even our own foolish selves, if God permits it to reach us, He has by this permission made the trial His own, and will turn it for us into a chariot of love which will carry our souls to a place of blessing that we could not have reached in any other way. I saw that to the Christian who hides in the fortress of God's will, there can be no 'second causes', for nothing can penetrate into that fortress unless the Divine Keeper of the fortress shall give it permission; and this permission, when given, means that He adopts it as being for our best good."
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Hump Day
Hump day!! I'm glad there are only 2 work days left this week. Yesterday I only worked a half day after going to a funeral in the morning. We've caught 5 mice within 6 feet of my desk in the last couple of weeks. UUGGHHH!!!! Glad they are caught...wish they didn't exist!!!!
I came home from meeting with my Wednesday night group and Jon was called out on an outage about the same time. He had a rough day and is ready to BE DONE!!! We're still waiting for some kind of news about getting the ball rolling for his carpal tunnel surgery. I think he'll be relieved just to have it scheduled. Next week he'll be in Des Moines Monday till Friday...I hope the break will be good for him and for his hand!
Thought for the day
"We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that He has already thrown open His door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand--out in the wide open spaces of God's grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise." Romans 5:2 The Message
I came home from meeting with my Wednesday night group and Jon was called out on an outage about the same time. He had a rough day and is ready to BE DONE!!! We're still waiting for some kind of news about getting the ball rolling for his carpal tunnel surgery. I think he'll be relieved just to have it scheduled. Next week he'll be in Des Moines Monday till Friday...I hope the break will be good for him and for his hand!
Thought for the day
"We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that He has already thrown open His door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand--out in the wide open spaces of God's grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise." Romans 5:2 The Message
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Sunday Potpourri
We had a good Sunday. Pastor Murdoch was here to preach and really connected with all of the congregation...more so than I've ever seen any time he's been here before. He preached on the four kinds of faith...head faith (knowledge only), dead faith (no fruit in the life), devil's faith (fully knowing the truth but not committing to it), and saving faith (full commitment). Good stuff. Afterwards we went to Dallas and Lois's for lunch and visit with Doc. Great food and conversation. Did some cleaning after we got home and back to watching the Olympics IN HD!!! WOOHOO!!!!
Hope you enjoy the new elements on my blog. The search bar at the top will let you put in a word and find its every occurrence on my blog. There is a calendar, a piano to play, penguins that you can lead around with your mouse (fun to spin), some nature sounds that you can listen to, and an aquarium, though it's not working at the moment. It may have to go bye-bye.
Jon learned last week that he needs carpal tunnel surgery as a result of his broken wrist. Hopefully, we can make some progress this week with getting that scheduled and figured out.
We've had our daily snow the last couple of days again, and actually saw some sunshine today. More snow coming tomorrow, but shouldn't cause any problems. Jon's on call this week and, thankfully, hadn't been called out all weekend. He's been pretty happy about that. He's actually starting to get caught up on rest a little bit...he's staying awake past 8:00 most evenings!
Time to do my foot, back, knee, and shoulder exercises. Hopefully I can remember them all :) Hope all of you have a great week. REMEMBER, the truest thing about you is YOU ARE LOVED BY GOD!!!! AND NOTHING IN THE WORLD WILL EVERY CHANGE THAT!!!!
Hope you enjoy the new elements on my blog. The search bar at the top will let you put in a word and find its every occurrence on my blog. There is a calendar, a piano to play, penguins that you can lead around with your mouse (fun to spin), some nature sounds that you can listen to, and an aquarium, though it's not working at the moment. It may have to go bye-bye.
Jon learned last week that he needs carpal tunnel surgery as a result of his broken wrist. Hopefully, we can make some progress this week with getting that scheduled and figured out.
We've had our daily snow the last couple of days again, and actually saw some sunshine today. More snow coming tomorrow, but shouldn't cause any problems. Jon's on call this week and, thankfully, hadn't been called out all weekend. He's been pretty happy about that. He's actually starting to get caught up on rest a little bit...he's staying awake past 8:00 most evenings!
Time to do my foot, back, knee, and shoulder exercises. Hopefully I can remember them all :) Hope all of you have a great week. REMEMBER, the truest thing about you is YOU ARE LOVED BY GOD!!!! AND NOTHING IN THE WORLD WILL EVERY CHANGE THAT!!!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Olympics Are Back!!!
The Olympics are back!!! I love watching the Olympics, and I think the winter games are my favorite. It's so sad that the luger died today...21, wow. I don't understand what people put themselves in order to compete. I like to watch, but I don't get what it takes inside a person to do that. It's amazing to me what they can do even when they're injured. And, of course, there are all the stories. They pull on my heartstrings and pretty soon my eyes are watering. I'm such a sap!!! Oh well, I'm in for two weeks of sappy. The really awesome news is we learned just this week that we can get our major network channels in hi def on some upper channels and the picture is COMPLETELY AWESOME!!! Way better than paying another $26/month ($41/month with DVR) to get the HD tier from our cable company. We don't care if we don't have all channels in HD since we aren't watching sports on cable channels. Still won't have DVR, but this will work great for us! YAY!!!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Doctors Again
For healthy people it sure seems we are going to the doctor a lot. Me last week, Jon twice this week, me again tomorrow...One of these days we'll get it all figured out. Any big plans for the weekend? We have some potential plans with Jon on call to keep it interesting.
Tomorrow is Trever's birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TREVER!!! And Sunday is Valentine's Day...anything going on for that? We will be seeing pastor Murdoch on Sunday...he'll be up here to preach and we'll be at Dallas and Lois's for dinner with them and him.
Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll be checking in later!!!
Tomorrow is Trever's birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TREVER!!! And Sunday is Valentine's Day...anything going on for that? We will be seeing pastor Murdoch on Sunday...he'll be up here to preach and we'll be at Dallas and Lois's for dinner with them and him.
Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll be checking in later!!!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
From "Streams in the Desert"
This is the February 7 devotional in "Streams in the Desert"
"Why art thou cast down, O my soul" (Psalm 43:5).
Is there ever any ground to be cast down? There are two reasons, but only two. If we are as yet unconverted, we have ground to be cast down; or if we have been converted and live in sin, then we are rightly cast down.
But except for these two things there is no ground to be cast down, for all else may be brought before God in prayer with supplication and thanksgiving. And regarding all our necessities, all our difficulties, all our trials, we may exercise faith in the power of God, and in the love of God.
"Hope thou in God," Oh, remember this: There is never a time when we may not hope in God. Whatever our necessities, however great our difficulties, and though to all appearance help is impossible, yet our business is to hope in God, and it will be found that it is not in vain. In the Lord's own time help will come.
Oh, the hundreds, yea, the thousands of times that I have found it thus within the past seventy years and four months!
When it seemed impossible that help could come, help did come; for God has His own resources. He is not confined. In ten thousand different ways, and at ten thousand different times God may help us.
Our business is to spread our cases before the Lord, in child-like simplicity to pour out all our heart before God, saying,
"I do not deserve that Thou shouldst hear me and answer my requests, but for the sake of my precious Lord Jesus; for His sake answer my prayer, and give me grace quietly to wait till it please Thee to answer my prayer. For I believe Thou wilt do it in Thine own time and way."
"For I shall yet praise Him." More prayer, more exercise of faith, more patient waiting, and the result will be blessing, abundant blessing. Thus I have found it many hundreds of times, and therefore I continually say to myself, "Hope thou in God."
George Mueller
"Why art thou cast down, O my soul" (Psalm 43:5).
Is there ever any ground to be cast down? There are two reasons, but only two. If we are as yet unconverted, we have ground to be cast down; or if we have been converted and live in sin, then we are rightly cast down.
But except for these two things there is no ground to be cast down, for all else may be brought before God in prayer with supplication and thanksgiving. And regarding all our necessities, all our difficulties, all our trials, we may exercise faith in the power of God, and in the love of God.
"Hope thou in God," Oh, remember this: There is never a time when we may not hope in God. Whatever our necessities, however great our difficulties, and though to all appearance help is impossible, yet our business is to hope in God, and it will be found that it is not in vain. In the Lord's own time help will come.
Oh, the hundreds, yea, the thousands of times that I have found it thus within the past seventy years and four months!
When it seemed impossible that help could come, help did come; for God has His own resources. He is not confined. In ten thousand different ways, and at ten thousand different times God may help us.
Our business is to spread our cases before the Lord, in child-like simplicity to pour out all our heart before God, saying,
"I do not deserve that Thou shouldst hear me and answer my requests, but for the sake of my precious Lord Jesus; for His sake answer my prayer, and give me grace quietly to wait till it please Thee to answer my prayer. For I believe Thou wilt do it in Thine own time and way."
"For I shall yet praise Him." More prayer, more exercise of faith, more patient waiting, and the result will be blessing, abundant blessing. Thus I have found it many hundreds of times, and therefore I continually say to myself, "Hope thou in God."
George Mueller
Super Bowl Sunday
Today is a big celebration day! It's Jon (Holthe's) birthday and the Super Bowl! So nice of the NFL to throw a party for him! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JON!!
My Jon was out on call till about noon today. We both got a nap this afternoon, and I baked cookies while doing laundry. Our Super Bowl party was quite the extravaganza...I had TWO Diet Cokes and put peanut butter on my celery sticks!! Quite the splurge! It's been a fun game to watch no matter who you're rooting for. I don't like a blowout when the two best teams play each other. Hopefully Jon won't have any more calls tonight...he's tired and fighting a headache.
Pray for our church...they will probably have a pastor candidating yet this month. We really need God's man in this place.
Thought for the day
I must confess that I've not been praying enough for the pastoral search at church. As the months go by it's easy to forget that the process is going on to stop praying about it. Now that we are getting close I pray again that God will give us the right person for His purposes here. These are good people who need a man that can teach them, lead them, and love them. It's been a long dry spell.
My Jon was out on call till about noon today. We both got a nap this afternoon, and I baked cookies while doing laundry. Our Super Bowl party was quite the extravaganza...I had TWO Diet Cokes and put peanut butter on my celery sticks!! Quite the splurge! It's been a fun game to watch no matter who you're rooting for. I don't like a blowout when the two best teams play each other. Hopefully Jon won't have any more calls tonight...he's tired and fighting a headache.
Pray for our church...they will probably have a pastor candidating yet this month. We really need God's man in this place.
Thought for the day
I must confess that I've not been praying enough for the pastoral search at church. As the months go by it's easy to forget that the process is going on to stop praying about it. Now that we are getting close I pray again that God will give us the right person for His purposes here. These are good people who need a man that can teach them, lead them, and love them. It's been a long dry spell.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
In Process
I hope your week is going well. Do you have weekend plans? We're planning on going out to eat with friends Friday night and planning on going to Tre's game on Saturday. Then, of course, there's the snow that Jon will get to move after it all falls...another 4 to 5 inches they're saying. I've been trying to get together our stuff for our tax appointment and shuffling the stuff from 2009 to 2010. It's not that big a deal, but I always drag my feet when it's time to do that job. After waiting like 7 weeks we finally have all of the Christmas gift we ordered from Cabelas for Tabbi and Trever. We also have two extras of the 3 pieces we ordered...and maybe more on the way. What a mess...I won't be jumping up and down to order online from Cabelas again!!!
Thought for the day
I'm still hammering out the application of the books "Humility" and "Absolute Surrender"...some days better than others :) God is doing a good job of showing me what kind of ugly is still inside me and how helpless I am against it. That's a good thing to know and a good place to be. God can't be ALL until I'm NOTHING. The process continues.....
Thought for the day
I'm still hammering out the application of the books "Humility" and "Absolute Surrender"...some days better than others :) God is doing a good job of showing me what kind of ugly is still inside me and how helpless I am against it. That's a good thing to know and a good place to be. God can't be ALL until I'm NOTHING. The process continues.....
Sunday, January 31, 2010
To Des Moines and Back Again
Yesterday I went with Tabbi to watch Tre's basketball game then came home to finish cleaning. Last night we went out to eat with Connie and Larry and my mom for her 91st birthday. It was a wild party!!!! Then today we went to Des Moines to visit Megan and Greg (a week late for Megan's birthday). We ate at Ruby Tuesday and went to Jordan Creek for a while. It was a very nice day!
Tomorrow it's back to work and supposedly some more snow! Surprise, surprise!!!!!! It's about time...we actually saw bare spots in the fields today while driving. I think we saw a dozen groups of deer driving home today with any number from 4 to 40 in a group. I know that's the most deer I've ever seen on any drive. All of them were well away from the road until we were a half mile south of Harlan and one almost came onto the road in front of us. But we made it safe and sound!
Thought for the day
Now I'm reading "Absolute Surrender" by Andrew Murray...a very good follow to "Humility". Believe me, God has been doing a work and while it hasn't all "felt good" it has been liberating. He is setting me free from me! I've not arrived, but I am greatly encouraged and completely confident that He will complete what He has started. God's ways are best. Don't be afraid to lay yourself down and let Him have His complete way in your life. Do it because it's His way, but I promise you it is also the only path to peace and joy in any measure!
Tomorrow it's back to work and supposedly some more snow! Surprise, surprise!!!!!! It's about time...we actually saw bare spots in the fields today while driving. I think we saw a dozen groups of deer driving home today with any number from 4 to 40 in a group. I know that's the most deer I've ever seen on any drive. All of them were well away from the road until we were a half mile south of Harlan and one almost came onto the road in front of us. But we made it safe and sound!
Thought for the day
Now I'm reading "Absolute Surrender" by Andrew Murray...a very good follow to "Humility". Believe me, God has been doing a work and while it hasn't all "felt good" it has been liberating. He is setting me free from me! I've not arrived, but I am greatly encouraged and completely confident that He will complete what He has started. God's ways are best. Don't be afraid to lay yourself down and let Him have His complete way in your life. Do it because it's His way, but I promise you it is also the only path to peace and joy in any measure!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Back to Normal
Life returns to normal. Jon is home in the evenings again after working a full week of at least 16 hour days during and after the ice storm. He falls asleep really fast in his recliner, but he needs to catch up on some sleep. Even better news, we've gone 48 hours without a trip to the ER!!!
I hope you have weathered the weather well. Today we had sunshine with our cold temps, and that was nice, too. We plan on visiting Greg and Megan on Sunday to celebrate her birthday a little late. I hope Jon's rested up by then. We are also going out to eat for Mom's birthday this weekend and hopefully can get her in and out okay. It's quite a challenge to navigate with her when conditions are less than perfect.
There was a comment today on my Blurb listing for my book from a man in New Zealand! Weird. You know the internet is all over the world, but it still surprised me. We're watching "Superman Returns" tonight. Didn't realize we'd never seen this one...pretty fun.
I hope all of you have a great weekend! Stay well and safe!!!
I hope you have weathered the weather well. Today we had sunshine with our cold temps, and that was nice, too. We plan on visiting Greg and Megan on Sunday to celebrate her birthday a little late. I hope Jon's rested up by then. We are also going out to eat for Mom's birthday this weekend and hopefully can get her in and out okay. It's quite a challenge to navigate with her when conditions are less than perfect.
There was a comment today on my Blurb listing for my book from a man in New Zealand! Weird. You know the internet is all over the world, but it still surprised me. We're watching "Superman Returns" tonight. Didn't realize we'd never seen this one...pretty fun.
I hope all of you have a great weekend! Stay well and safe!!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Horizontal Snow
Today was a day of horizontal snow. It is just CRAZY windy outside, and even though it's not snowing much we are in a blizzard warning till midnight. I talked to Jon a while ago, and he had been up on a pole...the first one he's climbed in maybe six months. He said it hard to even hang on it was so windy. The best part of the story is he said the worst part of it was he couldn't get his belt on...had to ask the other guy to help him. Pretty sure the belt didn't shrink, but you never know!! :) Truly, though, today's conditions have been the worst they've worked in for this storm.
"Chuck" and "24" tonight...YAY!!!! I hope all of you are staying warm and safe...tomorrow will be a little better!
"Chuck" and "24" tonight...YAY!!!! I hope all of you are staying warm and safe...tomorrow will be a little better!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Pride or Humility
Did I tell you a while back that I was reading about pride in a devotional? The writer suggested spending one month in concentrated prayer asking God to expose and remove every kind, form, and degree of pride from your heart whether from evil spirits or your own corrupt nature. Then ask God to awaken in you the deepest depth and truth of that humility which can make you capable of His life and Spirit. Serious stuff and you better mean it. The revelation of pride is painful and humbling...but that's the point. Humility is the root of repentance and salvation just as pride is the root of sin. It is so subtle and deceptive that we can be born again, living for Christ, and still be full of pride. When that is the case our victories are few and fleeting, and we feel a chasm in our soul...a gulf between what we believe with all our hearts and what we live in reality. The clincher is that humility must be our position, not only with God, but with every human relationship and encounter we have, as well. We MUST be the servant of ALL. That's hard stuff in ourselves...not easy to hear, and impossible to perform. Therefore, we are helpless, which is the only condition in which God can finally become our ALL.
Are we brave enough to believe that God means what He says? He tells us to lose our lives (our pride and glory) in order to save them. When we put ourselves in His hands and trust Him, seeking His glory over any given to us by man, He will keep His word and every promise He has made.
Are we brave enough to believe that God means what He says? He tells us to lose our lives (our pride and glory) in order to save them. When we put ourselves in His hands and trust Him, seeking His glory over any given to us by man, He will keep His word and every promise He has made.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
More Quotes
I have a few more quotes to share from Andrew Murray.
1. "It is easy to think we humble ourselves before God; but humility towards men will be the only sufficient proof that our humility before God is real; that humility has taken up its abode in us, and become our very nature; that we actually, like Christ, have made ourselves of no reputation."
2. "The lesson is one of deep import: the only humility that is really ours is not that which we try to show before God in prayer, but that which we carry with us, and carry out, in our ordinary conduct. The insignificances of daily life are the importances and the tests of eternity, because they prove what really is the spirit that possesses us. It is in our most unguarded moments that we really show and see what we are."
3. "Let us look upon every brother who tries or vexes us, as God's means of grace, God's instrument for our purification, for our exercise of the humility Jesus our Life breathes within us."
Are we really interested in living the life that God has provided for us and will supply in us? Do we actually want to settle for less?
1. "It is easy to think we humble ourselves before God; but humility towards men will be the only sufficient proof that our humility before God is real; that humility has taken up its abode in us, and become our very nature; that we actually, like Christ, have made ourselves of no reputation."
2. "The lesson is one of deep import: the only humility that is really ours is not that which we try to show before God in prayer, but that which we carry with us, and carry out, in our ordinary conduct. The insignificances of daily life are the importances and the tests of eternity, because they prove what really is the spirit that possesses us. It is in our most unguarded moments that we really show and see what we are."
3. "Let us look upon every brother who tries or vexes us, as God's means of grace, God's instrument for our purification, for our exercise of the humility Jesus our Life breathes within us."
Are we really interested in living the life that God has provided for us and will supply in us? Do we actually want to settle for less?
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