Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad

It was a nice weekend! Tre and Tru stayed overnight at our house Friday night and were here until we took them back to Logan about 3:00 Saturday afternoon. They were coughing and sniffling, so we needed to keep a little quiet. We spent the rest of Saturday in the city. We looked at SUVs, went to Ruby Tuesday for supper, then looked at phones at the Verizon store. I'm due for an upgrade, and I'm going to get an LG enV Touch.

Today we went to church then spent the rest of the day on a variety of things. I did laundry and a lot of editing changes on my book. I even cooked real food for supper which I don't usually do on Sunday night. I still need to run the vacuum (at least). It's beautifully cool with a great sky today. I love it!

Today is my dad's birthday. He would have been 89...and, yes, I still miss him. I'm sure glad he's having a great time and I'll see him again!! Thank You, Jesus!!!


Kelli said...

Sounds like you guys had a good weekend!

Luann said...

We did!