Sunday, August 2, 2009

Louis Giglio

It's back to hot outside...not horrible, but not like yesterday. We went to church this morning and had friends here for lunch and part of the afternoon. We watched one of the Louis Giglio DVDs that we have with them and watched another after they went home. They are really excellent and we are quite willing to share if any of you want to see them!
Here's wishing you all a safe and excellent week...LOOKING FORWARD to heading north next Friday! Look out Holthe's...we're coming!

Thought for the day

One of the messages we heard today was about when life hurts. It's very powerful and makes the point that when suffering enters our life we are given a megaphone and what is inside us comes out amplified whether we want it to or not. If we've built our life on the goal of our own happiness what will come out is despair, but if we've set God's greatness and glory as our highest priority what will come out is a testimony to God's goodness in the midst of the suffering. Suffering of some kind will come, so be prepared ahead of time and set your heart on Him so that when the megaphone lands in front of you, you give Him glory.


Kelli said...

THe videos sound cool .... sorry I had to cut the phone call short. Trying to get girls in the tub and still go to the store and get milk quick. We can't wait for you all to come up Friday! It's going to be a blast to have everyone here for the weekend! Don't know what the weather will be like yet - 70s all week here and maybe low 80s for the weekend it looks like. Be sure to pack a sweatshirt though! Today we were at 68 all day until about 30 minutes ago when the sun came out and warmed up a bit. :)

Luann said...

We'll come prepared for cool and hot...can't'll be great!