Friday, December 4, 2009

Falling Behind

It's been a busy week with a busy weekend ahead. I've been working some longer hours getting out statements and catching up on corn records. The late harvest has really put me back in getting ready for Christmas. I went to my ladies' group Wednesday night. Last night we went to Tre's and Tru's school Christmas eventful one...more details later. Tonight we went to a retirement party for one of Jon's coworkers. Tomorrow I go to Tre's basketball game, and tomorrow night we go to my Christmas party. Sometime I have to get my tree up and the rest of my decorations. I need to work on cards and letters, too. Plus, I have shopping to finish...eek!! How are all of you doing?

I'm determined to be more "aware" of Christ this Christmas, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed that I'm already behind. I need a great strategy! Any suggestions? I'm also thinking I need to get up earlier in the morning...I'm losing ground on my quiet time with getting everything else done. It would help if I could go to bed earlier, but that would require eating supper earlier which would mean I need to get off work sooner, and so it goes. I feel a little out of control...I sure hope God is in control! I guess that's my thought for the day!

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