Sunday, March 28, 2010

Good Sunday...Good Sermon

What a beautiful day today....I don't know what the temperature was, but it was AWESOME!!! Yesterday I baked cinnamon rolls and dinner rolls for next weekend. Today we went to ANC in Omaha for church and out to lunch with Jim and Kathy. We did a little shopping then went to see Dan Nelson at Jennie Ed. Pray for him when you think of him...he needs his body to start working right again.

Thought for the day

We heard a great sermon was about what Palm Sunday was like for Jesus. If you read Matthew 19-21, His day was filled with misunderstanding, rejection, arguing, demands, testing, shouting, stealing, and resentment. As a sidenote people cheered Him and paid down palm branches, but He know that a few days later they would call for His death. The point being that when you have one of THOSE face a difficult situation, relationship, or injustice...He understands. Three points:
1. Jesus understands your struggles, trials, and conflictive areas of your life.
2. His patience, forbearance, and kindness towards you never stop.
3. That same Jesus lives within every believer...everyone who has surrendered to Him.

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