Sunday, December 12, 2010


Okay, I'm here again. This weekend was supposed to be really busy. We were going to go to Tre's basketball game on Saturday morning and to my work Christmas party that evening. We were also planning to drive to Muscatine on Sunday. With only two weeks till Christmas I REALLY had a lot to get done. A blizzard all day Saturday and high winds through the night till Sunday morning cancelled all those plans, so I put up the tree, wrote and addressed the Christmas letters, made pretzels, made peanut blossoms, and put up a few other decorations. I went to see my mom for a short visit today, but that was my only venture outside except for breakfast on Saturday morning before the snow started. So I've been able to listen to some Christmas music, watch "It's a Wonderful Life", and generally get ready. Not so many decorations this year since I'm not sure whether construction will begin to invade before the day comes.

Bruce got almost all the shingles on Friday before the storm and wrapped all the north side with was a very good thing. All our doors are in the garage now and I got to peak at them today...can't wait to see it all come together!

Still praying for the sale of Jon and Kelli's house and the purchase of a new one. We know that God has the best plan, but He also tells us to ask, so ASK WE DO!!!! Emmy had a rough couple of weeks at school, but is thankfully doing much better. We keep praying for her, as well. Megan had a bout of infection, but is doing well now, too.

So many things going many things to pray for...Thank You, Jesus, that You hold all things in Your hand. We trust You.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

can't wait to come down and see you guys!