Monday, December 27, 2010

It's a Wonderful Life

The classic movie is a Christmas favorite, and after this Christmas I have an idea how George Bailey must have felt. I received four wonderful photo books from the kids and a grandma sweatshirt that make me feel like my life has counted by contributing to some pretty awesome people...namely the best husband, three beautiful daughters, three great sons-in-law, and five amazing grandkids. What could possibly be better than to be a part of their lives? I have been truly blessed.
Now it's back to the daily grind, which is fine. We will have more family time this next weekend over New Years...looking forward to it!!

Thought for the day

"The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation." Psalm 33:11 NASB "Watch this: God's eye is on those who respect Him, the ones who are looking for His love." Psalm 33:18 The Message
God has plans for me and for my family, and those plans stand from generation to generation. I'm counting on it. And in the meantime I want to walk with Him, honor and respect Him, and look everywhere for evidences of His love. His eye is on me, and the plans and counsel of His heart stand forever. I plan to focus on the people God has already put in my life, do my best there and watch Him keep His word.


Kelli said...

thanks so much for letting us crash extra days with u guys!

Luann said...

very fun for US