Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I'm Baaack!!!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Welcome to the Clan, Annie
Thought for the day
I'm just feeling very blessed. We had such a great time with our family all here yesterday. My mom even joined us for a few hours. The grandkids were so excited to see each other...they hadn't been together since August...that they really had fun. Of course they were a little impatient to open presents after eating, but when they had to wait a little longer they ran off happily playing and laughing. They are such a fun age and it even seems magical to watch it all with them. We have to stay like children and keep that wonder, innocence, and joy in the midst of waiting, expecting, delays, enjoying the moment for what it is, and playing and laughing together. I'm at a loss for how to put into words just what I'm feeling, but I know I don't want to lose it, so I hope this becomes clearer in the coming days.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Special Time
Thought for the day
Went to church this morning to see the Christmas program. It was very well done and we were glad it included a chance for the congregation to sing carols as part of the program. There are few things more Christmas-y than a stage full of children singing and saying their parts. They did a great job, and it stirs up all kinds of memories of my girls in their programs. I'm glad they were in all those programs and have those memories, too.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas Question
Thought for the day
It's not so much a "thought" but a question. What is your most favorite little piece of Christmas? Whether an ornament, some decoration, a tradition, a song, a food, a memory, a piece of the Christmas story... I'm going to have to think about my answer to this, too. Think it over and post your "favorite".
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thundersleet and Thank You
Thought for the day
It's so important to be thankful for specific things and to specifically THANK GOD for them. Don't just "be thankful"...tell Him thank You!! We can coast along taking so many things for granted...things we actually do appreciate...but do we say thank you to the One responsible? Imagine for a few minutes what your life would be like without these blessings...safe travel, good health, warm homes, any and all good relationships, jobs to go to, parents, childen, grandchildren...on and on. We think these things are our right, but there are people everywhere around us who don't have some of these blessings...they are a privelege, not a right. SAY THANK YOU!!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Busy Time
Thought for the day
I'm tired and need to go to bed. I've been getting up a little earlier which has really improved the quality of my day, but I've got to balance by starting to go to bed earlier, too!! So off I go..sleep well!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Perfect Snow
It was one of those perfect snows. It fell all day, heavier at times, lighter at others. The wind was blowing some, but still it fell mostly in an even layer about 3 inches deep. It was done by dark, but then the Christmas lights were on shining on and through the fresh layer of white. I know Jon gets tired of moving snow, and I'm no help to him. But I can't imagine living somewhere where you never see this...it is beautiful. The best part is it was COLD so there's no ice underneath. I hear the snowblower running, and I know it's cold outside, but thanks, Jon, for taking care of it so I can just enjoy it!! I came home from work to an empty house for a couple of hours, put on some music, lit a candle and just enjoyed the pretty scene through my windows from my warm house. Thanks, God, for that too!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
We got some really good news today...Greg's dr appt included a repeat of a test that measures the nerve response in each arm on the specific injured nerve. The last time he had some reading in the left arm and zero in the right. Today they were both equal showing a little delay. He still has pain and more kinds of healing to do, but this was incredibly good news surprising even the doctor. He was released to go back to work and his company wants him to return next week!! That means he'll be staying in NC for now, but is all very good news for them in the big picture. Thank You, Jesus, for answering prayer
Thought for the day
God is faithful. God is faithful. God is faithful. Sometimes we have to wait, and wait, and wait, but He is faithful, He is faithful, He is faithful. Keep praying, keep praying, keep praying...no matter whether you are seeing any progress or not. And did I mention that He is faithful?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Loving and Serving
Thought for the day
There is no substitute for finding ways to serve and support one another when it comes to relationships. Love is a choice and is demonstrated, not by words, but by actions. We tend to see only whether we are being loved and served rather than to find more ways to do the loving and serving. It isn't possible to love in this way in our own strength, but only by first receiving what God offers to us. The world cannot understand or love in this way...not possible. But we who are His can live a life of love as we receive what we need from Him instead of expecting it from others.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Some Pre-Christmas PIctures
Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas Program

Kelli shared this picture on her blog today, too. I think it is everyone's favorite of my parents. Bria was 2 days old and we took my parents to see them the day they came home. He was beginning to forget more and repeat himself alot, but as you can see, he could laugh really well. Some Alzheimer's patients become harsh and mean; we were blessed that he didn't do that. He had some difficult times if he had to go to the hospital and would get afraid, but in his usual environment he enjoyed joking around almost as long as he could communicate. We had a special treat tonight...we got to go to Tre's first school program Christmas concert. It was very nice and he did a great job. We got to see him afterwards for a little while and we walked out to the parking lot together. It was getting icy underfoot, and if you know me well you know I don't do well walking on ice. I had hold of both boys' hands and soon Tre said something about holding his hand and I answered, "I'm holding your hand". We repeated the conversation then he finally said, "No, you're hurting my hand." Poor little guy...I didn't realize I was squeezing his hand to hold me up!!
Thought for the day
We have a way of hanging on to whatever is closest when we feel we may fall...even if it's a 6 year old. That's another good reason to make sure that the one we are staying closest to is God in the ordinary, routine days of our lives so that when there is an occasion when we may get tripped up and we reach out, it's Him we are hanging on to. The world offers many substitutes, even good things, that we can use for support and a helping hand, but even if we take advantage of some of these things we must keep them in perspective and remember that every issue or challenge is ultimately a spiritual matter at some level and our truest help and answer is Christ.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas Decorating
Thought for the day
It definitely does feel more like Christmas now that the decorating is done. Now to think about cards, wrapping, and so on. After finishing the decorating I realized that tomorrow it will be 4 years since my dad went home for good. Because of Alzheimer's we lost him gradually and in so many ways it really was only his body that was left by December 8, but it was a relief to see him go and know that he would be whole again, more whole than he had ever been. I knew that he would be laughing again and that someday we would laugh together again. Love you, Dad!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Home Again, Home Again
Thought for the day
The speaker today on the richest man talked about a gentleman he came to know and how loved he was because of how he treated people. Even though he worked at a job most of us would not want to do, he treated the people he met there with such grace and sincere appreciation that the ripple affect of his life has reached across continents. What a legacy to leave...it gives us much to consider in this season of hurry and stress...to decide to be happy ourselves and give that away to the most random people that cross our paths is to live as we are called to live. During an interview with today's speaker this humble man quoted Francis of Assisi "Preach the Gospel at all times, and, if necessary, use words."
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Conviction or Condemnation?
Thought for the day
I'm really slow with getting started on Christmas decorations...makes me feel a little overwhemed to think about trying to get that done with the schedule out ahead. So I'll do what I can without feeling guilty. Amazing what sort of little things can stir up feelings of guilt. We insist that our relationship to God is based on faith, but the smallest things cause us to feel guilty. That is not legitimate guilt...it is a false accusation from the enemy. I've been taught that the way to tell the difference between false guilt from the enemy and true conviction from God is that accusation from the enemy leads us down into hopelessness, despair, and condemnation while conviction from God trying to make a true change in our lives leads us upward into hope, and answers, peace, and a way out in Him. Scripture supports that comparison and I 've found that test to be very helpful. More than that, there is a sense of rightness, peace, and cleansing about the voice of God when He makes a point about something that He wants to change. Also, let Him make the issues and don't go on a "witch hunt" in your own heart. He will do the work He needs to do...you can trust Him.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thought for the day
Are you done Christmas shopping? Not me. I don't have a lot left, but some. I always feel a little disappointed in the gifts I give. Once in a while I feel like I get just the right thing, but even then I wish I could give more...not necessarily in quantity, but certainly quality...I want to give those I love the blessings that really make a difference--health, time, safety, provision, purpose, fulfillment, love, the things that really matter. Of course I can't buy them any of these things. What I can do is pray all of these things for them, and I do. I hope they know that when they open their "gift" there is so much more that I want and pray for them. What a blessing to know that God answers prayers and wants to bless us.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Stuffed With Stuffing
Thought for the day
It's challenging to stay focused this time of year. I really enjoy all the holiday festivities, but I need to make a very deliberate effort to keep on a spiritual even keel to avoid the after-Christmas crash. What are your strategies for holiday mental and spiritual health?
Friday, November 28, 2008
Weekend Plans
Thought for the day
Why am I not sleeping yet?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thought for the day
Today I am really thankful for God's faithfulness to my family. Even when there uncertainties and questions He stands true and faithful to each one of us. His love does not waver or change; He does not have 'bad days"; we do not "tick Him off"; He is full of light and love; He sings over us; He will never leave us or forsake us. In the midst of being thankful for Jon, children, grandchildren, home, health, work, provision, and so many other blessings, it's so good to know that with the passing of time He remains true and faithful to me AND TO YOU!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Getting Ready?
Thought for the day
Let's not forget to give real thanks...REAL THANKS!! It's easy to get caught up in the preparations and fun...that's great...enjoy. But take enough time to genuinely thank Jesus for all the blessings in your life, and trust me they are many. If you're not reading this till next week DO IT NOW!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Megan's Here!
Things are getting a little more normal paced at work just in time for a holiday followed by month end...then I'll be behind again for a little while. That's okay, it happens every month. I am looking forward to having Thursday off even though we won't "have Thanksgiving" till Sunday. I do work Friday unlike some lucky people I know!!
Thought for the day
We really have SO MUCH to be thankful for it's really hard to put it together in our heads just how blessed we are---especially compared to other parts of the world and culture. And on top of that we have Jesus (in any part of the world and culture), but we have such an abundance of freedom and resources. How can we share with the neighbor, the poor, the orphan, the widow, the immigrant (legal or otherwise), the lonely, the sick, the rejected, then the world some part of what we are blessed with? It seems staggering to even consider in big terms, but can we each find one way to share some part of what we have?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
It's Emmy's Birthday!!!

I borrowed a couple of pictures from Kelli's blog to celebrate Emmy's 5th birthday. This is her very special Sponge Bob pineapple house birthday cake. Her mom is far more creative than I was...candy decorations and "Happy ___th Birthday _____" on top. Good job, Kelli. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EMMY!!!!
Yesterday I caught up on most of the things I wanted to do then our good friends from Walnut came up and we went out for Mexican for supper with beetlebomb afterwards. It was really fun. Today after church we made a quick run to the mall for a couple of errands and a little more Christmas shopping.
Thought for the day
The Bible itself is always our best source for instruction and inspiration. Other resources may be helpful...very helpful, and there are many I would recommend...but we always need to come back to God's Word and let Him feed us fresh manna for today's strength and supply.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Just Do It!
Thought for the day
Just do it!! If I wait for inspiration to do the things I need to do they will never be done. While I'm a huge believer in carving out some time that's just mine, some days I just need to give myself a good kick in the pants and get moving. That's today.
"And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap it we do not grow weary." Galatians 6:9
Thursday, November 20, 2008
No News Can Be Good News
Thought for the day
Talked to my sister tonight and she asked if there was any news in my family. I said no....and we agreed that no news can be a very good thing. Even though there are things we are waiting on and impatient for, we are healthy, working, happy and that is all good even when it's not news!! Have a great (even if uneventful) day!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Renewing the Mind
Thought for the day
It is a constant effort, no I should say it requires diligent attention on our part to keep our minds renewed in the truth. Satan has the most subtle ways of creeping into our thoughts and accusing or discouraging us. It feels like our own thoughts, and even some of it can be true, but he will take what is true and lead us to draw a conclusion that is false. One of the ways we can test our thoughts is to see if they square with Scripture and with God's redeeming heart. Yes, we may be able to find Scripture to back up any line of thought, but does the thought also line up with God's heart and purpose in redeeming any part of our lives? Does the line of thought lead us up and out to hope or down into desperation? He purposes to set right and redeem everything we put into His hand. We need to help each other (thanks, Jon) hear and remember the truth, and we need to ask each other for help when we feel the subtle pull of the downward spiral.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer
Did a little reading tonight again in E.M. Bounds on prayer. It is so simple and so powerful. God has designed prayer so that we can ask for specific things, both spiritual and material, and receive the specific thing that we have asked. He does not adhere to the teaching we hear so much that prayer is for our benefit and changes us and is an exercise in something for our own development. We are to ask specifically and receive specifically. Both very encouraging and convicting as I wonder how much of my prayer is faith-filled and effective and how much is merely form and habit and without expecting God to answer. Great reading...I recommend it.
Thought for the day
Ephesians chapter 6 says much about prayer. Paul calls us to intensity, watchfulness, standing firm, perseverance, praying again and again, then praying more. Is that the way you and I seek God for what we need? Do we get hold of Him and refuse to let go or give up, or do we say the dutiful, obligatory words without really expecting to see what we are asking for? Lord, teach us to pray.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Guarding the Mind
Today we were back at work. Jon is still grinding dyes right now after getting a late start at it tonight. I'm trying to get some odds and ends done around here and even did a little reading. Not feeling very productive, I guess. I'm think I'm going to have to start being more selective about what I watch on TV. Many of the shows we've come to like are "cop" shows, mostly because we like the investigative ins and outs...NCIS, the CSI's, Criminal Minds, Cold Case, Without a Trace, Numbers... Some of that is fine, but too much can be too much. In the process of "crime solving" too many times they show the crime over and over, and the people do such horrible things to each other. Sometimes even the news is tough to listen to. I may need to pick and choose more. They used to run "Everybody Loves Raymond" over the supper hour every weeknight...I think I miss that daily dose of laughter.
Thought for the day
How much are we influenced by the random, haphazard, "innocent" things that cross our paths and enter our minds? How do we set up a guard over our hearts and minds without becoming paranoid, flaky, superstitious, unable to function in a world that bombards us with constant media of one form or another? Yes, I can turn off the TV...and that would be a good start. But there are deliberate choices to make. "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, ...right, ...pure, ...lovely, ...of good repute, ...excellence, ...praise." Philippians 4:8 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Recovery Time
Tomorrow he should be able to relax most of the day so he's ready to start again on Monday. What are all of you doing this weekend? I hope you are able to reflect, worship, and be thankful even though Thanksgiving is a ways away yet.
Thought for the day
How are you doing with the approaching holidays? I'm excited that we will all be able to be together for a little while, but I can't get into the preparations too much yet. I have done only a VERY little bit of shopping and we'll be keeping it pretty simple this year. Like we keep trying to remember...it's not our birthdays, it's Jesus's birthday and He doesn't need too much that we can buy in a store.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 He will walk us through this hectic time and keep our focus clear as we acknowlege and trust Him in every way.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Heee's Baaaaack!!
Thought for the day
It's good to keep the ones you love close. Jesus agrees..."I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you." The verse on my flip calendar at work today was Isaiah 30:15, a favorite of mine, "For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, 'In repentance and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength.'" This is so good for me to remember when I am restless, fretful, or trying to find a way to work things out in my own strength. Some versions use the phrase "returning to Him" instead of "repentance." That holds true with repentance meaning a change of direction. I need to turn from my unrest and my fretful efforts to Him and rest there.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Favorite Pet
Kelli and I were talking about dogs tonight...makes me ask...who was your favorite pet of all time and why? Let's hear all about it. I must say that while Logan is an ideal dog for us at this point in time, my favorite pet was Nicki, a little black mutt with a great big heart. She was our first dog after we got married, and we got her while I was pregnant with Kelli. I think the bond you form with a pet at that point in life is stronger than the kind you form with a pet after you have children...it's like it is your child. After you have children the pet is more just a pet. That's good too, but not the same. I had a collie mix growing up that was my best friend...followed me everywhere, walked me to the bus when it was icy...great dog...but it was the family dog, Nicki seemed more like mine. So what's your pet story?
Thought for the day
We all need to be loved, and we all need someone or something to love. A pet fills a gap in many lives especially at different stages. For kids the pet can be a best friend; for a young couple or empty nesters the pet is almost like a child; for a daycare provider the pet can be a great relief valve. God gives us a great gift in animals...not that a pet is for everyone, but they can be a great example of unconditional acceptance (you know, when they're not chewing the furniture, making a mess, jumping, licking, or shedding all over). SO, WHO NEEDS A PUPPY FOR CHRISTMAS???
Kathy's Humann Touch
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Psalm 119:165
I got a couple of pix on my phone today from Tabbi of a couple of the new puppies with their eyes open---beautiful puppies. I will share pix when I get some on my computer. Don't forget to share the opportunity for someone to get a new Christmas puppy!!
Thought for the day
A verse I read the other day..."Those who love Thy law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble." Psalm 119:165
I'm fading fast so I'm going to bed. You'll have to get your own inspiration from the verse :)
See ya!! Sleep well!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A Trip to the City
Jon called earlier and was driving along seeing mule deer, sheep, and more deer in groups of fifties and hundreds. Progress is really slow but more help arrived today which will speed things up a lot, at least I hope so!!
Thought for the day
It is good to get out of my usual surroundings and see something different for a day. It amazes me when I even just go to the city and see so many different people. I saw a woman pull into a handicapped parking place and get out of her car. She looked older than me, and when her passenger got out of the car I saw why she had a handicapped permit. I assume it was her daughter...a grown woman who was obviously very handicapped. I always see at least one someone that helps me remember how blessed I am. I was sitting in the van trying to keep 2 little impatient boys occupied while their very capable mom was in the store and was "coming right back". What a blessing to just be healthy and able to navigate, to have children who grew into adults, and have healthy, energetic, normal grandchildren. Thank You again, Jesus!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Staying at Peace
We're getting rain tonight and it may be freezing later...hopefully not for long. I don't mind snow so much, but I really don't like ice unless I get to stay in the house till it melts. That doesn't usually happen.
I need to find a good project to work on this week...I love some down time, but too much time alone sometimes doesn't sit well with my mental health. Yes, I can get crazier...who knew?
Thought for the day
It is not always the big things in life that get under our skin and steal our peace. Sometimes it's the daily struggle, the ordinary irritation, even concern for someone else's well-being. It can be so subtle...just hanging around under the surface and then rearing its ugly head when all is quiet. Sounds like me some days. Lord, I need Your peace...again.
Child, let Me repeat to your heart: Rejoice in Me always; again I will say, rejoice! Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let Me know your requests. And My peace, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Me. Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. Let your heart be at rest; I will take care of all of your burdens.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Jon Heads Out

Friday, November 7, 2008
Psalm 37
Thought for the day
This is one of my favorite passages....
"Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him and He will do it. And He will bring fourth your righteousness as the light, and your judgment as the noonday. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him;...do not fret, it leads only to evildoing....those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land....The steps of a man are established by the Lord; and He delights in his way. When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; becasue the Lord is the One who holds his hand. I have been young, and now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, or his descendants begging bread. All day long he is gracious and lends; and his descendants are a blessing."
That is Psalm 37...parts of it.
I think sometimes we think that we can't bring our mess to God because we see it as our own fault. And that may be true. You know what? You can bring it to God anyway. There is no criteria or standard we must meet before we can bring our mess or problems to Him. He knows already and still stands ready to support, hear, forgive, and deliver. To commit our way to Him is to put our case entirely into His hands...with all our mistakes and misjudgments out in the open...and let Him come into it, take our hands, and walk through it with us. I'm counting on His word being true, how about you?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Routine or Change?

I believe there are still puppies available for Christmas...don't forget to keep your eyes and ears open for anyone who may be interested. Nothing better than a puppy for Christmas!!!
Thought for the day
How about the rest of you? Do you prefer routine or changing things up? I think I like change but probably only if I can choose the changes. Go to see the kids and grandkids...let's go!!! Spend time with a friend I haven't seen in a while...you bet!!! But changing my comfort level, reaching out to someone not so "respected", giving more of my time, getting older, having more aches and pains, undergoing any kind of pain, loss, or hardship...not so much. That's why it's so important to train ourselves in living a life of thanksgiving and trust. It doesn't come naturally...it is something we need to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. And we have the whole of God's power, presence, and help on our side...launch into it and step out of the boat and BE THANKFUL for whatever crosses your mind.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
It's Over--Yay!!!
Thought for the day
Let's trust our Lord for ALL the things that weigh on our hearts. Even where we see things differently, let's trust that God is sorting it all out. He has His way and His time and His plan for the ages. He also has His way, His time, and His plan for each of our lives right down to the very smallest detail.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Home Again
Thanks, Jon and Kelli, for a great weekend. Thanks, Bria and Emmy, for all the fun and hugs. We love you all!!
Thought for the day
It was a beautiful fall day for a long drive and a great time to appreciate God's creation. But I must admit I was distracted. I did take some time to read and reread some sections of one of my favorite books "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life". It is a really corny title, I know, but it is one of the most helpful books I know for keeping focused on trusting Christ with everything...our past, our present, our future, our mistakes, our failures, our acheivements, our successes, our homes, our jobs, our finances, our health, our families, our communities, our churches, our whole world. Trust and surrender...surrender and trust. Part of trust is to really BELIEVE that intends to bless us and help us and see us through what we are facing...and HE WILL. Anyway, READ THE BOOK!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Getting Ready to Go
I probably won't be posting till maybe Tuesday again, so all of you stay safe, stay well, and we love you all!!! Don't forget to change your clocks Saturday night!!
Thought for the day
Sorry, but it's 11:30 and we have a long drive tomorrow night so I better go to bed....
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Perfect Walk
Never miss an opportunity to partake of that kind of beauty and pleasure...then store it up and don't let yourself forget it on those "other kinds" of days.
Thought for the day
God gives us so many great gifts even as we just listen, see, smell, and feel the everyday marvels of His creation. DON'T MISS His grace...He won't force you to notice, but the privilege and opportunity surround us at almost every turn. TAKE THE MOMENT to notice Him, worship Him, thank Him. Seriously it takes ONE MOMENT---DON'T MISS IT!!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Staying Focused
Hope you're all having a good week. Pray for Kelli...her cold (?) is getting worse and she plans to go to dr tomorrow. Megan is working a lot this week and is still trying to get the weekend off to go with us to see Kelli's. Jon is working evenings but fortunately has been getting home in pretty good time. We're getting plenty of corn in this week so the days are very busy.
We're looking forward to going to Kelli and Jon's for the weekend. I keep collecting stuff that I need to take with...hopefully it all fits!! Maybe I'll have to ride on top of the van! BRRRR! We plan to run over to Tabbi's Friday night to see the boys in their Halloween costumes and the girls will show us theirs Saturday. Next week I should have some pix to share---yay!!!!
Thought for the day
In busy days like these it can be hard to stay focused and remember how to keep renewing our minds in the truth. When we are rushed and pressed it is more crucial than ever that we think correctly. If we don't, we fall prey to the world and to the enemy.
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." Philippians 4:4, 6-8
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Birthday and Puppies
It's been crazy windy here today---really crazy. Some more good news...Trever and Tabbi's dog Sadie had her first litter of pups today (or during the night)...nine healthy yellow labs. They will keep one, the only female. That's right, 8 males, 1 female...pretty unusual. Congratulations, Sadie!! Sounds like she's a really good mom. Pups will be ready for Christmas...anybody want a puppy? What a great gift for a child or grandchild!!!!!
Thought for the day
We need to be very careful to choose what we think. There is a lot of panic and fear out there, and we have to understand that we in a war...not against other people, other politics, Wall Street, or enemies we can see. Satan is warring against our peace. We have a God that is bigger than any government, any economy, and any enemy. He has His own reasons for what He does, but He NEVER forgets His own child. Get to know Him and how much He loves you. Trust Him with all that you can't sort through, and when the enemy attacks your peace do not argue or reason...tell the one terrorizing you that your life belongs to Jesus and he should take it up with HIM. Let others stand with you...this is not meant to be a solo battle. Always renew your mind in the truth and learn what He is teaching you.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Time for a Birthday
I'm so thankful for Jon's birthday. He's the one who's supposed to get the presents, but truth is he is the one who is a gift to me and to the rest of our family. He always gives and puts others first. He keeps his head on straight and his priorities in line and he loves us all very much. So on Jon's birthday tomorrow thank You, God, for the great gift of Jon in our lives.
Thought for the day
Sometimes we forget how precious the people close to us really are and how much of a gift they are. I hope God always helps me remember how much I need these gifts in my life no matter how it sometimes looks and feels. I never intend to let my selfishness or pride get in the way of appreciating others...and I regret the times it happens. Lord, keep showing me how to live in a way that puts others first in every way.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Clearance Sales and Balance
Then we come home and had leftovers for supper---YEAH!!!! Tomorrow I need to bake a birthday cake and we're low on cookies. Tabbi's will be over some time on Sunday for Jon's birthday, and I'm sure that two little boys won't understand a birthday without birthday cake!! At least that's my excuse to bake. And I need to clean, too. Megan works tomorrow and gets Greg on Sunday. Jon and Kelli have his parents there this weekend so everyone is busy and blessed!!
Thought for the day
Sometimes it's hard for me to balance busy and not busy. How about you? When I'm busy I think what I'd like to be doing if I wasn't busy. When I'm not busy I can have a really good day or spiral downward feeling lonely or useless. It's definitely true for me that I need times of both being busy and having down time. I many times have no control over whether I am busy or not, but I need to really learn that whichever I am at the time is God's choice for me and exactly what I need right then. I need to then relax and ENJOY what He has given. Let's thank Him and praise Him either way and take that day, or even those years, of our lives and LIVE THEM to the fullest?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I feel like going to bed...didn't sleep well last night...but now ER is coming on. I know, tv junkie...
It looks like it's going to work to go see Kelli's family in a week and a half. We'll take Greg and Megan with us...looking forward to it very much!!! Emmy's planning a combination birthday party for her and Jon and a halloween party. Always something exciting!!
Thought for the day
I really am tired, and I don't think I can put a cohesive thought together. But I'm okay with needing to not do this right now. God's okay with it. I hope you're all okay with it, too. If something comes to me yet I'll get back on and add it!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
"It came with the frame"
"This is Walter. NOoOoO!!!"
"I love this street."
"I have your dog."
"Bummer. Rain delay."
"Art, your wife's home and your house is on fire." "My wife's home?!?!"
"About a nine on the tension scale, Rube."
"My brother, the doctor."
"No, no you can't leave now it's the best part...I called the pizza dude!!"
"You cut your hair. I like it."
"Do I look like an idiot Mr. Petersen? Do you take me for an imbecile?"
"Nobody knocks off and old man in my neighborhood and gets away with it."
"Ricky, get this lamo outta your yard!"
"The kid next door's a meatball."
"I was 18 months in the bush, and I could snap your neck in a beartbeat."
"There's these people, and they're in my parents house and they're eating all their food."
"That Ricky sure knows how to throw a party."
"And that poor old man claims he has a ransom note that says you kidnapped his dog."
"Can you blame them? They live next to people who break into their house and burn it down while they're gone for the day!"
"I've been blown up. Take me to the hospital."
"We've got the pizza dude coming."
"Citizen's arrest!! Citizen's arrest!!"
"I want you to keep an eye on the neighborhood for me."
Jon made it home in time to see the house blow up...even he laughed after a miserable day in the rain and mud. If you need a good laugh you've gotta watch "'Burbs".
Thought for the day
I don't know...sometimes you just need to find a way to laugh....no matter what else is going on...gotta find a way to laugh. Sometimes that means finding something really lame and silly, doesn't matter, as long as you can laugh. It's really a life skill that you have to learn if it doesn't come naturally. You have to be able to not take yourself too seriously and FIND A WAY TO LAUGH.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
20th Century Perks
I think real often about how glad I am to be born in this country in the last half of the 20th century...running water, electricity, paper products, toilet paper...great stuff. Adding cell phones and digital cameras makes it a great time to be alive.
Thought for the day
It's okay to appreciate the luxuries we enjoy, but when we realize that these things have only been around a few years and only for a small part of the world population, we begin to see what is essential and Who really matters. It's the basics of life---food, shelter, clothing---that are essential and not in the forms that we usually enjoy. And it is the eternal God that holds the foundations of the world and our lives in His hands. It is He Whom we must trust to keep the course and balance of our lives. We are here for a while then somewhere else for eternity...let's not forget the part of that equation that is most important.
Monday, October 20, 2008
It's Monday Again
Time out...Jon's on his way home, have to get supper. Okay he's eating. Jon's birthday present arrived today---now we have to learn to run a new camera. Yippee!! This time he got one I can drop from 6.5' Smart man.
Thought for the day
Not bad for a Monday...maybe because I slept in and went to work late. I should try that every Monday??!! It would be quite a luxury to be able to just put off everything for 2 hours when we want. We have to face the music and dive in and do the thing before us. He is always with us to live through us, to provide all we need for all that we face, to offer Himself to us and to those around us. He never lets us face the day alone, and He is never surprised by what comes our way. We need to trust Him more and to receive all things as from His hand. That is the only way we can give thanks in everything...is to know that everything that touches us has come through His hand of love.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Call to Prayer
I really enjoy these nice days even when I spend them inside---it's just very pretty out there. There is supposed to be more rain in a couple of days which will slow down harvest again, so we'll see what happens.
Thought for the day
I have been encouraged these last couple of days reading some past records of what God has told me. I am convinced again, as evey other time, that my purpose is to pray. I'm also reading "The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer" off and on, and it is such a great encouragement to pray and never give up praying. He says over and over that God has set it up that we are to pray...pray about everything, and He intends that we receive what we pray for. So simple...yet so incredible. It is, of course, based on a relationship with Him where He is Lord and we are seeking Him first. When our heart is truly His we can begin to have confidence that He is directing and purifying our prayers. The fact that we come to Him in prayer to start with means we are acting in His will, for it is His will that we pray. Please be encouraged to bring EVERYTHING that touches your life and heart to Him in prayer, no matter how big or how small. Pray over and over and trust that He sees all and has your best in mind as He answers.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
October Saturday
Thought for the day
It was good today to have some quiet time at home. A chance to pray, refocus, listen, be still, get a sense of balance in the middle of so much stuff in the world. Thank You, God, for being so faithful to hold me still and remind me that You are eternal and in control no matter how it may seem.
"I will say to the Lord, 'My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!' For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper, and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark...You will not be afraid...a thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not approach you...For you have made the Lord, my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place. No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent...Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name. He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him, and honor him,. With long life I will satisfy him, and let him behold My salvation."
Friday, October 17, 2008
Keep Praying
I love fall, but these last few damp days have been more challenging. It makes my joints hurt more, so I'm looking forward to some sunny days again. The weekend is supposed to be better---don't mean to complain, but I won't mind feeling it less in my joints.
Kelli is really sick with respiratory crud--pray for her please. Keep praying for Greg and Megan's house to sell, too, please. They are spending the weekend in Winfield, so I'm sure they'll be well fed and cared for. I would like to work on a computer project this weekend, too...we'll see if that happens.
Thought for the day
I'm always surprised how little it takes to distract me from prayer. I've believed for a long time now that if God has a "calling" for me, it is prayer. I believe He calls me to prayer for my own blessing as well as for intercession. There are so many needs to pray for, yet I'm constantly pulled from that quiet focus into the busy and transitory things of the day. Still my truest longing is for that fellowship and sense of destiny that are a part of real prayer. I'll have to keep trusting Him to bring me into the fullness of all that He has put in my heart because He's the one who has to do it. Like every other part of our walk it is His work, not mine.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Vacation Book
Sorry, don't know why my Far Side doesn't come up every day...frustrating!!
Thought for the day
Wow, I don't think I have a "thought". I hope God still loves me even if I'm not feeling too "deep" or thoughtful. I mean, I'm just enjoying my evening, doing laundry, made a good supper, watching Jon sleep in his chair, playing on my computer, changing some decorations for fall, called Greg and Megan to wish them a happy 4th anniversary, just hanging out. What do you think, does He still love me? Hey, maybe I do have a pretty good thought after all.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Talented Kids
I hope you are all blessed with people you love....make sure you hug them tight.
Thought for the day
It's amazing to me that God delights in us JUST AS MUCH as I delight in my husband, kids, and grandkids. It's easier to think of His love as lofty, holy, more "above". It is those things, but He also DELIGHTS in us...that sounds much warmer, more personal, and just more enjoyable to me. Kelli, I bet even He laughs when the milk comes out the nose!! :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Value of Life
Tomorrow on the Today Show a 7th generation Wallenda (the Flying Wallendas) is walking 235' on a tightrope then riding a bike back across it for a world record---I can't remember how high, I'm thinking over 200'??? Why??? I don't think I'll ever understand that kind of thing...29 years old, married, 3 kids and they'll all be there watching. Oh, did I mention NO NET???? That's right, no net. I don't get it. I know it takes all kinds, but really? I think we can all get along just fine without this "contribution". Well, I hope he lives through it. Me...I'm just tickled that I had a clear mammogram...don't need to walk a tightrope, thanks anyway.
Tabbi, I tried Far Side again...we'll see if it changes!!
Thought for the day
How valuable is life to you? I'm sure most of you would be on the side of pro-life, but I'm wondering about the value of a daily life lived with a sense of purpose, destiny, hope, and respect...both for ourselves and for others. How do we help a checkout clerk at the store feel that what she or he is doing is important and appreciated? Or how about the attendant at the gas station? I'm not just talking about positive reinforcement, but helping someone see themselves the way God sees them. Living in that way really means walking with God in a way that brings us into the light and lets His light reveal to us what He sees in others. It requires a sacrifice of assumptions, biases, judgments, patience, preconceived notions, and self-righteous smugness. Do you, do I, value life enough to take a second look?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Hooray for Leftovers
Thought for the day
Leftovers are great in the fridge, but they are useless in our heart. God gives us a great lesson in manna. The Israelites were supposed to gather the manna every morning, but for one day only. It is the same in our life with God. We can't come to Him and receive a store that will last us for a month, a week, or a couple of days. Ideally we are receiving from Him moment by moment, but there is an obvious pattern given of coming to Him daily for what we need. We need to understand that while His supply for us is inexhaustable, it is given fresh from His hand not stored up from last month's weekend retreat. We gain much from special times of dedication, attention, and focus but they cannot sustain us day to day...and we lose much by expecting that result. What God wants most is relationship, and He has designed us with the need for fresh "manna" daily or moment by moment as needed. It amazes me how I can be coasting along thinking everything is fine when I realize how long it's been since I came to Him and received fresh from His heart.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Blank Park Zoo

Friday, October 10, 2008
Choosing What We Think
Tomorrow I need to go to Des Moines to take some stuff to Megan so Tabbi and the boys are going to go with me. After meeting up with Megan she will have to go to work at noon, and the rest of us will head to Blank Park Zoo for the afternoon. I've been there once before with Kelli's family...Megan went with us that time. That day Bria got to ride on a camel with her mom. Do you remember, Bria?
I didn't even go for a walk tonight with a zoo trip tomorrow...my foot and knees will catch up then. Hope to have some pix to post. Thought I had a picture of Bria on a camel, but I can't locate it on my computer. If I do I'll post it to share...What are you all doing to enjoy these great days of fall while they last.
Thought for the day
Choosing what we think is a CRUCIAL part of living life as the people we are meant to be. 2 Corinthians 10 says that our warfare is on a spiritual level, not on a human reasoning level. It refers to the weapons arrayed against us as speculations and lofty things, not flesh and blood, not people we may disagree with. More often the weapon pointed our way is far more subtle...the impatience with the neighbor who has different signs in their yard, the irritation with people who "can't drive" or "don't get it" or "are too slow", an attitude of fear, pride, or rebellion in the smallest detail. This is why verse 5 instructs us to take "every thought captive to the obedience of Christ". It takes just a moment to let the thought register and recognize whether it is obedience to Christ or not. It is a process and it takes time to develop this response, but it's probably easier than we think. We need to see this, not as an effort or legal duty, but as an outflow of His own heart---He knows what obedience is, therefore we can know.