Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Long Day
Thought for the day
Sleep....everything will look better tomorrow.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thought of the day
We sometimes get confused about what faith really is...we tend to see it as a force outside of ourselves that we have either been blessed with or must live without. Faith is actually much, much simpler than that. It's just a matter of believing that what God says is true. It does not depend on our feelings or observations but on the trustworthiness of God Himself. We say we believe the Bible, do we? Do we believe that He is working ALL things together for our good if we are His? Do we believe that He keeps our tears in a bottle? Do we believe that we are raised up with and seated with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus? I don't know about you, but my desk doesn't feel much like heavenly seating. Do we believe that we are His workmanship? Do we believe that God has made the same provision for us to live in Him today as He has made for the payment of our sins? He tells us to renew our minds in the truth, and the biggest part of that is simply to believe that what He says is true when it looks different than what we see in the mirror. His truth supercedes our "reality".
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Keep Praying

Friday, September 26, 2008
What is Your Real Age?

The picture on the left is Emmy with Wrigley, on the right is Bria with Wrigley. I took a Real Age test online and found out that my dog makes me younger (thanks, Logan). The picture below is Bailey (Wrigley's big sister) and our dog Logan (the one on your right). Now I'm no expert, but it seems to me that this Real Age claim is working better for Emmy and Bria than for me. Maybe it's just because their dog is young and mine is old...right?

I hope you all have a great weekend ahead and enjoy these last warm weekends to the fullest. I love fall...our backyard has a full layer of leaves now. Jon does a great job keeping up with that stuff...he's not a raker, but has a great mower that powders those leaves to nothing...much easier than raking. Of course it's easy for me either way because he takes care of it. Thanks, honey!!
Thought for the day
I'm glad that God doesn't see us as less valuable as we get older. His Word says "The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green, to declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him." Psalm 92:12-15
Let's not give up in going on with God and letting Him keep us fresh, thinking, open, and living on the edge of a real vital relationship with Him. When we do that our "real age" will be measured not in years, but in things like wisdom, faith, power, caring, joy, and laughter. Let many other things take their place well down the ladder of concerns and priorities, but let us keep HIM and knowing HIM our primary aim in the midst of every other issue that crosses our path. Whether we face challenges at work, at school, at home, at church, in our health, in our finances, or in our country let's quiet our hearts to hear His voice and to find the way to know Him better in that very circumstance.
Hi, Bria!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Giving Back
So who's ready for the weekend besides me? I get to do something fun on Saturday, but I'll wait to talk about that till then. For now I'm just looking forward to it. Tonight I have to tape CSI while we watch ER. Wow, keeping up with the new season is a challenge!!
Tonight I'm really thankful. I heard from my daughter today about an extended relative from the other family who is very ill. Young man in his thirties (I think) who is now unemployed, uninsured, living far from family, and needing a liver transplant that he probably won't get and will die without. We all face challenges every day that can seem overwhelming, but I tell you what--we're all doing just fine. To listen to the news one would think we're on the brink of disaster...we're not. We keep going to work, be thankful for our jobs, our homes, our families, our health, and the blessings we experience every day.
Thought for the day
Lord, You give us so much that we take for granted. We've come to believe that our luxuries are actually our needs, and we've been spoiled in many ways. Help us to not hold so tightly and to be willing to share out of all that You have blessed us with--whether it's our time, our belongings, our love, our support, our forgiveness, our patience, our encouragement, a kind word, a soft answer, a human touch, a tight hug. You've poured out Your life and blood for us, help us do some portion of that for others.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Grandmas Beware

This is a public service announcement--don't let this happen to you. All grandmas should be on the alert. This is what can happen when your 6 year old grandson wants to take pictures with your camera and then tells you to turn around. This ugly incident was followed by lots of giggling and tickling. Thanks, Tre!!! There is also a picture of the culprit included, so if you see this boy with camera in hand DO NOT TURN AROUND!!!!
America's Got Talent finals were tonight. I really have enjoyed these finalists, but tonight one performance blew all the others out of the water. I'm betting on Nuttin' But Stringz for the title next week.
Thought for the day
I'm thinking about the way we live this Christian life. The fact that we refer to it as the "Christian life" shows that we are looking at it wrong. It's not a separate entity from the rest of our life, but it is at the root of every part of our life. I'm still working at finding the words to describe what I'm finding to be true. We try to do what a good Christian would do thinking that we are doing our duty. We keep hitting a wall and finding ourselves unable to keep up the show. We are sincere but taking the backward approach. Our good "works" are not the MEANS to becoming a godly person, they are the RESULT of already being what God says we are. God has redeemed us and declared us righteous. We are vessels of Himself. We died in Him and rose to a new life as a new creature. None of this "feels" true, but He asks us to believe that truth is what He says, not what we feel. We must begin to count on the reality of His truth and let His truth RESULT in a changed life. This is a process, takes time, but it is a life lived moment by moment in fellowship with Him and letting Him make the changes in His time and in His way. He is more pleased by our dependence and fellowship than by good works cranked out by our flesh trying to do better.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Season Premiere Week
Thought for the day
Seems like I eventually manage to work myself back to the old grind of performing for God. Here I am feeling like I'm not "doing well" because I'm not keeping up with my good intentions (i.e. walking). It's hard to find a balance between following through with a plan and performing for points on the goodness scale. We already flunked that test...just read the Ten Commandments. If we are honest with ourselves we've broken every one at least in thought--each one of us has done that. But Christ took our sins on Himself and paid the price...death. In accepting what He has done for me and trusting that instead of trying to "be good enough" myself, I am received into His life and eternity. Even knowing that, after salvation, we turn and try to pay back what He has done for us. CAN'T BE DONE!!! STOP IT!!! He means for us to walk with Him in fellowship and joy and just let Him live through us. We're the ones who make it complicated.
Monday, September 22, 2008
You're Not Getting Older, You're Getting Better

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Saturday Time

Thought for the day
Life is such a gift, and time is so precious; it's good that time does not have the final word. We feel as though we are controlled and dominated by time, and it is the master of all our decisions and considerations. Yet, it seems we have the time to do the things we really want to do...even if they are not the most worthy endeavors on our list. That's okay, but sometimes the things I choose make me wonder how serious I am about the things I say really matter to me. You know, things like prayer, lovings others, learning and growing in God, and of course rearranging those kitchen cupboards. Which reminds me.......gotta go...lots of cupboards calling.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Free Time

Thought for the day
Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to do it all? We need to learn to let free time be free and to realize it as a gift from God and ENJOY it. It's okay to enjoy it without feeling that we should have done it different. I always know the time was well-spent if I was with kids and grandkids, but otherwise I question it. Part of the problem is that it's not very often that I get that kind of day without "a job" to be done. I hope I can learn to use my time in a way that brings a smile to God, others, and me.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Some Weather
Thought for the day
When I realize how many times a day I murmur or complain (at least in my heart) it makes me see how ungrateful I am. And worse, it's usually a "little" thing that I let stick in my craw...something that's not even important in the long run. Lord, help me keep my focus on Your goodness and grace.
Child, I know your heart...that you want to please Me, and that is the heart I see. Rest in My love and let Me fill your heart, and you will find that our fellowship will sweeten and soften all that comes into your life. If you will allow Me to rule in your heart, gratitude will be the outflow that will characterize your walk. This outflow will make you a blessing to the world around you and to My own heart. Start now.
America's Got Talent
Thought for the day
We really do put talent on a pedestal in this culture. It's almost insane when you think about what we're willing to pay entertainers and sports figures so that we can be entertained. That's maybe not so bad, but it spills over into what we expect from real people, from each other. Our idea of what's normal or expected can be skewed by watching life played out according to a script complete with special effects, camera angles, air-brushing, makeup, and musical score. Have you ever noticed while watching a movie or tv the character's eyesight can actually zoom in on the precise detail he needs to see? Pretty cool---my eyes don't do that. No wonder that we grow impatient with real people who have real limitations and appearances. We can't tolerate a problem that goes on for years instead of being resolved in 2 hours. The people we deal and live with don't follow the script; we expect even ourselves to look and perform like the personalities we watch--who needs that kind of pressure? Let's think about what is realistic for us and for those around us and begin to see ourselves and them the way Jesus sees us all--precious and valuable and appreciate what God has created and loves.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Do I Really Want to be in Charge?
Thought for the day
Lord, I want to see life from Your perspective. I want to be satisfied with seeing only as far as I can see and knowing only what I can know. It's okay that I don't know all the answers and that I don't understand some of the things You do. It's okay because I choose to trust You. I choose to trust Your heart and intention toward me and to believe that You have a future and a hope in store through all the "uncertainties" that are not uncertain to You.
"'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.'" Jeremiah 29:11
Monday, September 15, 2008
Grain Inspection
Thought for the day
There are many different things that we may do well but no one seems to appreciate. I'm sure the fact that we notice the lack of appreciation means that we are too self-focused already, and there we are wanting others to notice us as much as we do. It seems that no matter what we do or where we go, there WE are getting in the way of our own walk with the Lord. We don't usually need Satan or the world to trip us up; we do a fine job on our own just watching ourselves so closely that we lose sight of Him. The truth is that God sees it all. He sees the small detail of a job well done, a kind word spoken, a thoughtfulness to a stranger that cannot be repaid or thanked, an extra hug for the child not ready to go out the door that morning, a smile in answer to a scowl or snarl, a patient word in the face of unfairness. Yes, He sees our shortcomings; but if we belong to Him there is no condemnation and He is drawing us into the light of His fellowship. He sees and knows it all, and He is for us not against us. Our sins are covered by His own blood, and He values us more than we can fathom. He appreciates everything about us and stands in our defense against the accusations of the world, the devil, and even our own self-loathing. We are to be on His side and love what He loves---us. When we don't feel appreciated by others we can know that the creator and redeemer of the universe is smiling on us and rejoicing over us. Bask in that love.
Romans 8:1-2; Romans 8:31-39
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Race Nights
Thought for the day
I said I will always miss my dad, and that is so true. But knowing that actually makes me more happy than sad. I was blessed to have a dad that I really miss. We have lost people that we don't miss and I know the difference. It is a huge blessing to have people in our lives of such a quality that we miss them when they're gone. Hold on tightly to the people you love, laugh whenever you can, and make some memories.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
P.S. Final score Iowa 17, ISU 5. My sons-in-law really know how to pick winners. Right, girls?
Thought for the day
You know, I'm not much in thinking mode today. I am really just enjoying being home and working around here. It's good to know that God is with us even when we're "just doing the normal stuff" and we don't have to be what we would think of as spiritual to know His fellowship and presence. "Lo, I am with you ALWAYS..."
Friday, September 12, 2008
Iowa vs Iowa State

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thought for the day
Somehow God knows and cares. "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Iron on Iron
Thought for the day
"Iron sharpens iron, so one man (or woman) sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
"No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening--it is painful! But afterward there will be a quiet harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. Mark out a straight path for your feet. Then those who follow you, though they are weak and lame, will not stumble and fall but will become strong. Try to live in peace with everyone, and seek to live a clean and holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord. Look after each other so that none of you will miss out on the special favor of God. Watch out that no bitter root of unbelief rises up among you, for whenever it springs up, many are corrupted by its poison." Hebrews 12:11-15
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
When I'm at home and in my element my perspective on things is positive. But I find that when I'm put under pressure I can quickly lose sight of all that seemed so clear at a better time. Is it just me, or do you do the same? How can we keep hold of the TRUTH in the midst of the daily stuff that requires most of our time and attention?
Thought for the day
One of my favorite books is "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" by Hannah Whitall Smith. It is a must read. The context is about laying our burdens on the Lord. "When I speak of burdens, I mean everything that troubles us, whether spiritual or temporal. I mean, first of all, ourselves. The greatest burden we have to carry in life is self; the most difficult thing we have to manage is self. Our own daily living, our frames and feelings, our special weaknesses and temptations, our peculiar temperaments, our inward affairs of every kind--these are the things that perplex and worry us more than anything else and that bring us most frequently into bondage and darkness. In laying off your burdens, therefore, the first one you must get rid of is yourself. You must hand yourself, with your temptations, your temperament, your frames and feelings, and all your inward and outward experiences, over into the care and keeping of your God and leave it all there.
He made you and, therefore, He understands you and knows how to manage you; you must trust Him to do it."
I guess that puts things in perspective.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Being Thankful
Thought for the day
Sometimes it seems, Lord, that no matter how much You have blessed me all I can see are the things that "should be" different. One day it may be my work, another day it may be my church, another day it may be the way I look or feel, many days it's just "me". Then once in a while comes a day when it's all of the above. You have given me so much, and I KNOW that. That's why it makes me feel so guilty when all these other things crowd out the joy that comes from knowing You.
You have forgotten, my child, the source of your life. Your life is not made up of your work, your church, your appearance, your feelings, or even your list of regrets. When you look back you are wasting your time. When you look too far forward you lose sight of Me. I am right here, right now. I am in the middle of what seems to you to be a mess. I am walking you through the days that feel endless in their repetition and fruitless in their results.
Every piece of the texture of your life has a purpose. I am accomplishing what I desire as you surrender and trust. Sometimes, surrender feels to you like "settling" for what is instead of reaching for what may be. You are not called to surrender to circumstances; you are called to surrender to Me. It's true that I may not change your circumstances, but if you can place them on My shoulders you will find yourself walking through them with Me beside you. I know about living a life of obscurity and not feeling "successful". It's true that while on earth I generated a lot of interest, but much of it was directed at killing Me and all of it misinterpreted and misunderstood Me. Yet there was a reason for it all. There is a reason for all of what you don't understand as well. You may be setting a silent example for another struggler or experiencing a hurt or misunderstanding that will enable you to help someone else.
Perhaps the only "purpose" for some issues is to bring you to the end of your own strength and make you depend on Me. I long for your heart, and I seek it even through the midst of pain and hurt. When you feel strong and confident you may seem happy, but your happiness may be based on what is fleeting. As you learn to let your roots grow deeply into Me, you will find a reservoir of joy that no circumstance can overcome. Do not be discouraged but lift your head, for you are coming closer to that kind of intimacy with Me. This is what I have longed for.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
New Member

Friday, September 5, 2008
Thought for the day
Back to TGIF--I completely relate to celebrating the arrival of the weekend, but I can't seriously say "thank God it's Friday" without realizing that we must also include TGIS, TGIM, TGIT, TGIW, TGIT, and TGIS. Duh!! Every day is a gift from God and an opportunity to walk with Him, fellowship with Him, and know the miracle of His love and provision AGAIN. We have got to get over this idea that only what feels good to us is good by definition. The truth is that God does all things well, and an element of our faith is to choose to receive all things from His hand as His gift and with thanksgiving.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Fall is Coming
Thought for the day
Through Christ, God brings us into fellowship with Himself to be partners in what He is doing. Some of what He purposes to do is described in Isaiah 61---bring good news to the afflicted, bind up the broken-hearted, proclaim liberty to captives, and freedom to prisoners, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, to grant them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness, instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. As result they (we) will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. More about trees another time.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Are We Tired Yet?
Thought for the day
Lord, life can be so relentless some days, and I feel l'm spinning my wheels. I want You to have Your way and live through me, yet so much time can go by before I have a chance to step back and consciously lay the moment before You.
I know your life, child, and the pace of your days. I do not only enter your life when you "have time" to deliberately acknowledge Me. I AM your life and am always present with you, and you can depend on Me, trusting that I am at work in your heart and circumstances even in the midst of your busyness. Give Me your day, your work, your heart, and all the messiness of stress and uncertainties. I am big enough to handle all of it and weave it all into the tapestry of your life. I waste nothing that is placed in My hands.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Back to the Grind
It's 20 degrees cooler today, and it feels wonderful outside this evening. I'm hoping all of you enjoy your shortened week and the approach of fall.
Thought for the day
You know how in Iowa we can get an ocassional stretch of cloudy days and not see the sun for a while? After about one day you hear people complain and say they wish the sun would shine. It always reminds me of the reality of God's presence. We may not see the sun for days on end, but has it stopped shining? Of course not, but our view is obstructed by the clouds. In the same way, God has promised to always be with us, to never leave or forsake us. When we do not see or sense His presence and we look for Him and see nothing, is He any less with us? We can count on Him because of His promise even when we see and feel nothing. Whether the "clouds" blocking our view are circumstances, illness, exhaustion, apathy, conflict, or even sin, we can count on His word to be true---He loves us and is with us. Let's count on Him and surrender it all to Him.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Labor Day!!
We had kids on the road over the weekend who all made it home safely--always very grateful for safe travel...I just never take it for granted. Tomorrow we go back to our jobs and routine intending to be grateful for both the jobs and the welcome break of this long weekend.
My husband and a friend of his did some work over this last year helping with a new house project about 40 miles away. The family has a very sick little boy who is just turning 9 years old and could no longer live in the older farm house they were in. A gentleman in the community coordinated volunteers and got materials to build the family a new house. They are moved in now with the old house torn down and greatly enjoying their new home which helps this little boy's health issues. Saturday night we went to a supper they were having for the people who had helped them. There were well over a hundred people there during the time that we were with others coming and going. I got to meet this little boy for the first time, and believe me, if you have children who are even reasonably healthy and functioning, you have SO much to be thankful for. He's a tough and great little guy who has faced more these last few years than most of us will see in a lifetime. Never forget how blessed you are.
Thought for today:
God has given us each so much to be thankful for; look beyond the challenge you face to realize the blessing it means. Going back to work tomorrow means I have a job; cleaning windows means I have a house; being tired at the end of the day means there are people and things in my life worth expending myself for; piles of laundry mean I have clothes to wear; missing someone means they are (or were) a blessing to me.