The picture on the left is Emmy with Wrigley, on the right is Bria with Wrigley. I took a Real Age test online and found out that my dog makes me younger (thanks, Logan). The picture below is Bailey (Wrigley's big sister) and our dog Logan (the one on your right). Now I'm no expert, but it seems to me that this Real Age claim is working better for Emmy and Bria than for me. Maybe it's just because their dog is young and mine is old...right?

I hope you all have a great weekend ahead and enjoy these last warm weekends to the fullest. I love fall...our backyard has a full layer of leaves now. Jon does a great job keeping up with that stuff...he's not a raker, but has a great mower that powders those leaves to nothing...much easier than raking. Of course it's easy for me either way because he takes care of it. Thanks, honey!!
Thought for the day
I'm glad that God doesn't see us as less valuable as we get older. His Word says "The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green, to declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him." Psalm 92:12-15
Let's not give up in going on with God and letting Him keep us fresh, thinking, open, and living on the edge of a real vital relationship with Him. When we do that our "real age" will be measured not in years, but in things like wisdom, faith, power, caring, joy, and laughter. Let many other things take their place well down the ladder of concerns and priorities, but let us keep HIM and knowing HIM our primary aim in the midst of every other issue that crosses our path. Whether we face challenges at work, at school, at home, at church, in our health, in our finances, or in our country let's quiet our hearts to hear His voice and to find the way to know Him better in that very circumstance.
Hi, Bria!!
These little girls are soooooo cute! THe puppies are cute too! Thanks for sharing!
I forgot, that Logan is pretty cute too! I love her! :)
Thanks for posting cute girls and dogs on your site! :) I'll have to find that quiz you were talking about. . . see how old I am. . . I should be much younger with 2 dogs in the house, right?
Thanks, Kathy, I gave Logan your love!! Kelli, you are probably still teenager with 2 dogs and all the little kids in your house! You should be able to find the quiz--it's called Real Age
Thanks for using me.
Ok. . . i didn't like that quiz! It says I'm 38!!!!!
Bria, you're welcome. Kelli, NO WAY!!! You need to take that again and make really sure your numbers are right or else lie...what do they know?
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