This picture is Emmy and I at the splash park in August...what fun! The other is Jon with Bria, Tre, and Tru at our house in May. The kids are so much fun.
I was reading this morning in 2 Corinthians, chapter 5. It starts out talking about our earthly tent being torn down and the eternal house that God is preparing for us. I think the tearing down is a gradual process that I'm feeling some days more than others. But we walk by faith, not by sight, so we can walk in confidence that we have a future that is way beyond what we can imagine here and now. We make it our ambition in the meantime to be pleasing to Him. Because He died for us, as us, we are identified with Him now...we are new creatures in Christ, and the old has passed away.
Thought for the day
As we get older, we begin to realize that the time is coming that we will be weaker, slower, have more aches and pains, or face significant health issues. It's not a fun thought that the potential for "getting better" has mostly passed. While that may be true in the physical realm, we don't EVER have to settle for that mentality in the inner realities. Many of the things we attribure to "old age" don't have to be real for us. We don't have to become crabby, fretful, frightened, harsh, bitter, critical, needy, or demanding. As we walk with God year after year the opposite should be true. We have the opportunity to become women of power, prayer, intercession, faith, healing, wisdom, testimony, patience, kindness, love, and joy to name a few. That is what Christ provides if we are willing to let go of our own little pet agendas and expectations and let God take us on His adventure and surrender the process to Him trusting Him to do it all well.
Definitely better. . . not older!
If you're referring to me, thanks! If you mean yourself, I fully agree! Love you!!!
I'm not gonna lie. You're getting older. But also better. I like you.
Thanks, Tabbi, I love you too. Glad you are so honest and all--I can handle older if it's also better.
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