It's been one (maybe serveral) of those days. I must just be ready for the weekend. What would make me really happy is to spend tomorrow puttering around in my kitchen--you know, rearranging and organizing. It's not the usual recreational activity, I know, but it works for me. We have a wedding to attend in the evening out of town so we'll see what actually happens throughout the day. More gorgeous weather is on tap for the weekend, so maybe I can get some outdoor things done, too. There's always curling up with a good book or writing, too. The possibilities are there....When I do get a free chunk of time I always want to get the best out of it, but many times I have the nagging feeling that I let it go to waste.
Thought for the day
Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to do it all? We need to learn to let free time be free and to realize it as a gift from God and ENJOY it. It's okay to enjoy it without feeling that we should have done it different. I always know the time was well-spent if I was with kids and grandkids, but otherwise I question it. Part of the problem is that it's not very often that I get that kind of day without "a job" to be done. I hope I can learn to use my time in a way that brings a smile to God, others, and me.
Thought for the day
Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to do it all? We need to learn to let free time be free and to realize it as a gift from God and ENJOY it. It's okay to enjoy it without feeling that we should have done it different. I always know the time was well-spent if I was with kids and grandkids, but otherwise I question it. Part of the problem is that it's not very often that I get that kind of day without "a job" to be done. I hope I can learn to use my time in a way that brings a smile to God, others, and me.
I think I have the "enjoying my free time" down pretty good! I can dwell in my free time and enjoy myself, but I cant take a nap (unless its Sunday afternoon)...my mind goes to all the things I "should" or could do instead and I cant rest.
We enjoyed some tonight by going to the Walnut/Exira football game. We won! It was fun (popcorn and pop) and a nice walk together.
I sure hope you get some free time to soak in your orgainizing! That sounds like torture to me! I went thru all my summer and winter clothes today....what a job!
Yeah, clothes aren't much fun to sort...especially when it's because they don't fit anymore! Glad you won the game...haven't heard the Harlan score yet. Any other plans for the weekend? Hope it's a great one for you!!
yay . . my fun downtime this weekend is going to be spent painting the window frames. . . crazy enough, I do enjoy it!
I hope it goes fast for you. Is it warm there? High of about 80 today...it's been a beautiful week.
I think I forgot to tell you that Chris and Misty had their baby maybe last week...Chloe...all doing well.
Yay for Chris and Misti. It's cool here - 54 right now with a high of 69. one window done. . . .3 more to paint frames on plus the living room windows and then some work on scraping and priming the main inside windows in the computer room
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