Wow, organized cupboards really are a thing of beauty, aren't they? I know you all have a deep appreciation for my special brand of "illness". We are sure enjoying having some down time with Megan--and, yes, we miss Greg. Very soon the house WILL be sold and they will both be in Iowa full time---we can't wait. Another beautiful day...will squeeze in a walk later...and maybe a nap. I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday and recharging both your physical and spiritual batteries. Me, I'm still enjoying looking in my cupboards and I also reframed a stack of photos and have new grandkid displays to show off. Thanks, everybody!!!
Thought for the day
It's okay to control the things we can control...like cupboards, but how do we cope with the things we can't control? The economic news, foreign affairs issues, empolyment concerns, health crises can invade and make us feel like we are out of control. And it's true...there are many things we can't control. But how do we address what we can control? I like to arrange my kitchen, but I don't think it's a control thing...I don't think... I do love the verses that encourage us to bring EVERYTHING that concerns us to God in prayer and to BELIEVE that He is on our side for our welfare. I don't believe that there is anything that we can't bring to Him and invite Him into. So when we pray let's trust that He hears and acts. Let's not just rehearse our worries before Him as if we are informing Him of what He apparently doesn't know. He knows, but He waits for us to invite Him into it really believing that He intends to be actively involved and work all things for good.
Philippians 4:6-7 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
Ok. . . I'm a little scared now. . . . :)
:) Oh, please, come into my parlor...okay, just kidding. I know it's weird, but...I it makes me feel like I did something worthwhile.
Hey, at least I took the Metamucil out of the cupboard before I took the picture!!
Oh my Word, I hope you NEVER look in my cupboards! I guess we each have our own little disease....you are welcome you yours...I dont want it!
Good job Luann...
Last night was wonderful. We missed you!
We saw Dallas this morning and he filled us in a little...sounds like it was wonderful. I'm anxious to hear your take on it all. Hope you have a great week ahead.
Larry is out of town from Wed thru Mon of next week...maybe we could do a supper together one night ? a girly thing...
Maybe...let's stay in touch..I'm pretty sure that Thursday won't work
oky dokey!
you always make me laugh
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