Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Conviction or Condemnation?

Megan was back about 7:00 tonight and we went to China Pan...Pan called Megan "Tabbi's sister" before we made introductions and said they are both very pretty and they look like their dad. Megan wondered if I would have to explain to Tabbi why we can't go back to China Pan (because Pan said Jon was good-looking). That probably makes no sense when you read it, but it was pretty funny at the time. I have to figure out what to wear at the REC deal on Thursday and Friday...dressing up for me is when I wear my good jeans, best sweatshirt, and better tennis shoes. So this is a challenge for me. The good news is the wives don't have to attend all the meetings that the guys do...I don't think I could stay awake through annual meeting, nuclear energy, and so on.

Thought for the day

I'm really slow with getting started on Christmas decorations...makes me feel a little overwhemed to think about trying to get that done with the schedule out ahead. So I'll do what I can without feeling guilty. Amazing what sort of little things can stir up feelings of guilt. We insist that our relationship to God is based on faith, but the smallest things cause us to feel guilty. That is not legitimate guilt...it is a false accusation from the enemy. I've been taught that the way to tell the difference between false guilt from the enemy and true conviction from God is that accusation from the enemy leads us down into hopelessness, despair, and condemnation while conviction from God trying to make a true change in our lives leads us upward into hope, and answers, peace, and a way out in Him. Scripture supports that comparison and I 've found that test to be very helpful. More than that, there is a sense of rightness, peace, and cleansing about the voice of God when He makes a point about something that He wants to change. Also, let Him make the issues and don't go on a "witch hunt" in your own heart. He will do the work He needs to do...you can trust Him.


Kathy said...

I know what you mean about not wanting to decorate...I wasnt even going to do a tree this year, but the kids sounded so dissappointed when I told them. So...I did downscale a little, but once Larry brought all those boxes of "stuff" down from the attic, I enjoyed the decoration and now...it looks lovely! I did decide not to do lights outside this year...the tree in the window will have to be enough!

Jeff is good...Lauren is good except we are still waiting for the final court date. I called the attorney again today and will have to follow up with him on Friday. He just isnt getting anything done. All we need is a 15 minute time slot with the judge to get this over with.I just dont know why it has had to take this long. So frustrating...Im just praying that it will all be final before the end of the year. It would be nice to celebrate the New Year with all that in the past.

Anonymous said...

Trever will be so disappointed to hear you went to see Khon (sp?) and Pan without him. And I don't care if she hits on Dad in front of you, mom, we're still going back. Especially if she said I'm pretty! I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay!!! I mean HAPPY!!!!

Luann said...

You should feel pretty, oh so pretty, and joyous. How funny. We didn't see Kahn (sp?), just Pan and a different guy in the kitchen. She was so funny. She knew immediately that Megan was your sister...you're both so pretty. We'll have to get Kelli there now too...who knew we could hit the jackpot 3 times!! Of course, it's because your dad is so good-looking!!!

Luann said...

Hi Kathy!! I'm sure I'll get excited about decorating once I get started, just having trouble finding the time slot that doesn't start at 8:00 p.m. Jon's thinking fewer outside lights this year...we'll see how that goes for him. Doesn't help now that it's cold.

Kelli said...

Just wait. .. they haven't seen me yet!

Luann said...

That's right, Kelli, and when they do they'll know we are 3 for 3!!