Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Perfect Snow

It was one of those perfect snows. It fell all day, heavier at times, lighter at others. The wind was blowing some, but still it fell mostly in an even layer about 3 inches deep. It was done by dark, but then the Christmas lights were on shining on and through the fresh layer of white. I know Jon gets tired of moving snow, and I'm no help to him. But I can't imagine living somewhere where you never see this...it is beautiful. The best part is it was COLD so there's no ice underneath. I hear the snowblower running, and I know it's cold outside, but thanks, Jon, for taking care of it so I can just enjoy it!! I came home from work to an empty house for a couple of hours, put on some music, lit a candle and just enjoyed the pretty scene through my windows from my warm house. Thanks, God, for that too!!!
Thought for the day
Maybe it's just me, but it seems the great need of our day is a little block of peace and quiet somewhere, sometime in our day. Whether it's a drive, a walk, a few minutes before everyone else is up or after everyone else is asleep...I know I MUST have that place of refuge. Even if it's brief I feel restored, back in touch with God, refocused and at peace again. Maybe it's the snow "talking" but it does my heart good. I hope you find a little piece to steal away for yourself...even if it's just long enough to enjoy looking at the snow.


Kathy said...

I agree...only our pot luck for the quilt guild was cancelled due to weather...oh well...It is so lovely and serene...

Kelli said...

Gotta love the snow! And Go DAD! Promise not to work too hard while we are there for Christmas! I could even help you scoop snow if need be. . . I inherited your ummmm "passion" for snow scooping (just ask my hubby!)