Sunday, February 8, 2009

Catch Up Day

I needed a day to catch up around here. After getting home from church I did laundry, laundry, and then some laundry. I caught up on some bookwork then entered all but probably my last two pieces on my Blurb project. Jon spent a good amount of time working on a new project on his motorcycle, then did some sanding on the cradle. I didn't get a nap, but that's okay...I survived without it! Some other good news...Megan is done at her second job and can havea more normal life. Next weekend she is taking a long weekend to go see overdue visit.

Thought for the day

It seems the challenges just keep coming...another bump in the road physically. Not a big deal, but it seems like such a waste of time to deal with this stuff and go to the doctor. Lord, help me to stay focused on You and not distracted by these things while I go about my day and work. There are better things to do with my me to do them.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I need a ketchup day too. Not a big fan of mustard though. I guess it all depends on what you're going to use the ketchup for. If you're Tre, it's anything from chicken nuggets - hamburgers - spaghetti noodles. Me - not so much. Anyway, hope your ketchup day was great mom.

Luann said...

That is hysterical because after I posted that and looked at the title I thought I should have spelled it "ketchup"