Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Moving On

Hi everybody!! Thanks for all your feedback these last couple of days, and I'm sure we'll all work our way through this culture and be on the other side of it someday. Hopefully we can help someone else along the way...each other, our families, and maybe a few others, too. Jon is working later again tonight and having more trouble with his leg. He's finally talking about seeing the dr again. One of the toughest things is standing on cement too long, and last night he was doing that for about 5 hours straight, so he's paying for it today.
Greg and Megan had more good news more hurdle to overcome and the house should be sold. Don't stop praying till it's a done deal!!!

Thought for the day

I hope that we will age well. I know that we will face physical changes and challenges, but I hope that we will be strong in heart and in spirit, able to laugh, love, and stay vitally involved rather than consumed with our own needs. It scares me sometimes to see how some people age and then to begin to understand how they got that way when I reach a new chapter that's not so cool. I'm sure this makes no sense to you "youngins", but we'll need your help and an occasional kick in the pants to do this well!!

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