Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pray for the Week Ahead!

Today we were home all day...well, I was. Jon went over to the shop for the afternoon. He's still working on trying to put in a remote start on the Suzuki. He has a ton of hours in wishes he had hired it done. I cleaned, baked, and listened to lots of great music. It's getting close. I'm done shopping but still have some wrapping to do.

Mom had a stomach virus and ended up in the hospital for dehydration. She was MUCH better after a 24 hour stay and is home again doing okay.

The weather looks dicey for the week ahead. Pray for clear roads and weather!!! Pray, too, that Emmy gets much better and no one else gets sick!! My stomach is off tonight...don't need that!!


Kelli said...

hope you guys are feeling better today!

Luann said...

We are better...still home. Back to work tomorrow.