Sunday, December 13, 2009


It's been a busy weekend. On Saturday Tabbi and the boys were here for a few hours. After they went home I did some wrapping. This morning we went to church and since then I've been baking buns and peanut blossoms. Actually, the "buns" are still just dough in the bowl, but it's time to make them into buns and bake!

I hope you have had a great weekend! I got to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" last night while wrapping...YAY!!! Well, time to get back to work!

Thought for the day

By the way, God does still give gifts of healing, word of knowledge, tongues, and prophecy no matter what a preacher says from the pulpit! He still speaks and works through people filled with His Holy Spirit. Read your Bible and believe what it says instead of listening to any person that tries to construe it into something it's not!!!


Kelli said...


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention how much fun you had with Tabbi and the boys... ???? :-) tm

Luann said...

That's a given, "tm"! Always a good time!