Sunday, March 8, 2009

Drier Times

The week starts again. When I got up this morning at 6:00 it was pouring rain, and I was sure it would be freezing temperature...but it was about 34 degrees and never did freeze. After church we came home and I took a nice long nap. Later I tackled a big pile of mending and ran myself out of 3 colors of thread before I quit. Then some laundry and picking up.
We're getting excited to head out next weekend to see Kelli's family...pray the weather stays good so we can go!!

Thought for the day

I'm pretty much at a loss. I promised some inspiration with these posts, but I haven't been delivering lately. Please be patient...maybe now is a good time to talk about the dry know, the times when there isn't much inspiration or revelation. Just the daily plugging along doing what you know to do and hoping God is at work in the midst of it all. God honors our days of "carrying on" and knows our hearts. He loves us, cares about us, and will walk us through. It doesn't mean that we aren't walking with Him, it's just a quiet time. If you are in that place keep walking, keep talking to Him, and know that He is holding on to you.


Kelli said...

Blizzard tomorrow but it looks good for the weekend!

Luann said...
