Sunday, March 29, 2009

Back in Iowa!!

It's 2:00 and I just talked to Megan...she and Greg just crossed into Iowa!! They will be at his parents in about an hour and stay the night there. Thanks again, Jesus, for another safe trip! They had some rain along the way and just a few flurries...otherwise clear sailing!
In other good news, the Red River crest projection has been lowered for Grand Forks. That's good news for now, but there is still a lot of snow and water to get rid of!
We've had a quiet day home. I did some cleaning and laundry and got caught up on some other odds and ends. I put a roast in the crock pot for supper and I'm baking an angel food cake to go with the strawberries I got at the store.
It's pretty nice out today, but cold is forecasted for the rest of the week. We went to a very nice wedding in Des Moines yesterday and had a great time. The pastor knew both the bride and groom really well, and the ceremony was very nice and personal. The important thing is everybody said "I do"!

Thought for the day

We saw a friend at the store today who we haven't seen in a long time, and the conversation made me realize how blessed I am. In the last year and a half she's had 2 major health issues and is facing an upcoming surgery as well. Two of her three children have moved far is estranged from her completely right now. She and her husband have split up. Yet she chooses to see God's hand and is waiting for "all the pieces to finish coming together". Lord, help us each to believe in the midst of any circumstance that You are at work and will bring us through to a good end.


Kathy said...

LuAnn...I made an Angel food cake on Saturday! Yum! Did you go to HYVEE??? I got two boxes there on Friday...Love angel food cake...!!!So glad your kids made it to Iowa ok...looks like more bad weather is coming. Larry is still stuck in Denver for another hour...I dropped him at the airport at 7:30 this morning!

Luann said...

He hit the bad weather, huh? Well, you'd rather have on the ground waiting than in the air and in trouble! How long will Jeff be here?