Saturday, March 28, 2009

Updates and Making Changes

It's Saturday---yay!! I'm cleaning house this morning and this afternoon and evening we'll go to a wedding out of town. Tomorrow will probably be a quiet day home because Jon is on call. Megan and Greg are probably on the road heading home--HOORAY!!!
Tru is having a "friends" birthday party this afternoon which I'm sure will be great fun...park, playground, cake, doesn't get much better for a 5 year old!
Jon and Kelli are still staying dry and we're very grateful for that! Sadly, Emmy has another ear infection. :( :( EMMY, GET WELL SOON!!!!

Thought for the day

Jon and I have been talking together a lot about our words...seems God has put the same issue on both our hearts convicting us of the same thing. I think it will be much easier to make changes with both of us being aware of the need. When you share a fault with the only person you live with it's far too easy to stay in the rut and not even be aware of the problem. We've talked about the "joking around" that isn't really joking but rather a barb, insult, or criticism...insisting on making a point or having our way...attitudes of cynicism or scorn... So the rest of you feel free to keep us accountable as well!! But please be kind!

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