Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sorting Through the Stuff

Jon spent the day working at Brad's so I thought I would have time to read, write, and get some stuff ready for garage sale. But it took almost all day to get the garage sale stuff sorted through. I have some pieces that you could call "vintage" (or old, if you like). Tabbi will bring lots of boy clothes and the like...more updates as I have them! FYI the garage sale will be next Saturday, June 13...don't miss it!! Unless, of course, you live 500 miles away...then you are excused :)

Thought for the day

It's good to sometimes "sort through" our stuff...not just our house stuff, but our inside stuff. Take a fresh look at our attitude, our free time, our recreation, the way we relate to others, our habits, our indulgences, our ability to forgive and love others. Maybe it's time to let the word of God and the Holy Spirit clean house and and sort out the stuff we don't need anymore. Take the will be worth it.


Kathy said...

Yep, Ive been doing lots of sorting too...emotionally, spiritually and physically. After months of talk, we have decided to put the house up for sale again. Larry's travels and me being so far from the kids is hard for me, so he had the great idea of finding a small apartment for us while the house is on the market. Right now we are spending Fridays and part of Saturday in Walnut and most of the other time here in O. We have been to ANC two weeks in a row now and it feels so good to back at a church we love. Maybe we could do a late supper one Friday night soon? Not over fathers day tho, I will bereally busy then...

Luann said...

I'm just really surprised. I know you'll love it there and thrive at ANC and near so many people you know. Where is your apartment? Our next couple of weekends are booked up...maybe after that.

Kathy said...

Ok...some time soon hopefully..

Yes it all surprised me too! We tend to do things kind of quickly. Not really but it seems quick bcause we dont tell anyone what we are doing until we are doing it..God is good .